I'm working on a search function of a flat HTML site and I've got it working but I want to add the page link to the results so people can navigate there but the page_link column won't appear next to it how can I make it appear?
if(isset($_GET['keywords'])) {
$keywords = $dbc->escape_string($_GET['keywords']);
$query = $dbc->query("
SELECT page_title
FROM contents
WHERE page_contents LIKE '%{$keywords}%'
OR page_title LIKE '%{$keywords}%'
<div class="result-count">
Found <?php echo $query->num_rows; ?> result(s).
if($query->num_rows) {
while($r = $query->fetch_object()) {
<div class="result">
echo $r->page_title, $r->page_link;
1 个解决方案
echo '<a href=' . $r->page_link . '>' . $r->page_title . '</a>;
echo '<a href=' . $r->page_link . '>' . $r->page_title . '</a>;