
时间:2023-01-16 12:29:14

I am new at javascript css and html. My head realy blow up while trying to do what I need. I found this code to inspire me but I could not make it to be suitable for my requirement. I created this jsfiddle. What I realy need something like linkedin menu but my my main header menu div is not fixed. I want if user scroll down my red menu stick to top and if scroll up it hides and if user reach top of scroll my red menu stick bottom of main (blue) menu. Can you guys tell me how I can manage to do that.

我是javascript css和html的新手。在尝试做我需要的时候,我的脑袋真的很爽。我发现这段代码可以激励我,但我不能让它适合我的要求。我创造了这个jsfiddle。我真的需要像菜单这样的东西,但我的主标题菜单div是不固定的。我想如果用户向下滚动我的红色菜单粘到顶部,如果向上滚动它隐藏,如果用户到达滚动顶部我的红色菜单粘在主(蓝色)菜单的底部。你们能告诉我如何才能做到这一点。

my html code is


    <div class="mainMenu"><h2>Some Menu here</h2></div>
    <div class="yapiskan">STICKY MENU</div>
    <div id="lipsum" >
       <p>Duis vel faucibus purus. Nam interdum erat at bibendum tincidunt. Integer tempor hendrerit purus, sit amet fringilla felis imperdiet tempus. Nullam a sem eget velit mattis</p>
       <img src="http://www.adobewordpress.com/ads/300x250.jpg">
       <p>Morbi varius faucibus nulla ut pharetra. Vestibulum sed sapien turpis. Sed diam felis, ullamcorper vel augue id, porta porta nibh. Mauris interdum elit ac metus fermentum, eu porttitor purus venenatis. In nec metus vitae augue mattis porta in at erat. Sus</p>

MY css code


    body{background-color:white; padding-top:10px; font:100 14px 'Open Sans'}

    #lipsum{width:690px; margin:30px auto; color:#34495e;text-align:justify}
    .mainMenu{height:40px;background-color: #5C9DD7; color:white;width:100%;}
    img{float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;}

      transition: top .5s;

2 个解决方案



Here your example modified JSFIDDLE


Add to you JS with at least jquery 1.11^:

添加到JS至少jquery 1.11 ^:

    //initialize j
    var j = 0;

    // function scroll for viewport
    $(window).on('scroll', function() {
        console.log(j + ' first - variable value j');

        //var top with your menu .yapiskan
        var top = ($('.yapiskan').offset() || { "top": NaN }).top;
        if (isNaN(top)) {
            console.log("something is wrong, no top");  
        } else if (j < top){
            //hide menu
        } else if (j > top){
            //show menu
        j = top;
        console.log(j+' last - variable value j');

Add to your CSS:


/*Add position fixed*/
.yapiskan{position:fixed;top: 40px;}



Just to point you to the right direction..


$(window).on('scroll' function() {}) will run function on window scroll


el.offset().top will get the el's position within the page


$(window).scrollTop() will get the current scroll position


now all you have to do is run if(el.offset().top ==== $(window).scrolltop()) to do what you want

现在你所要做的就是运行if(el.offset()。top ==== $(window).scrolltop())来做你想做的事情



Here your example modified JSFIDDLE


Add to you JS with at least jquery 1.11^:

添加到JS至少jquery 1.11 ^:

    //initialize j
    var j = 0;

    // function scroll for viewport
    $(window).on('scroll', function() {
        console.log(j + ' first - variable value j');

        //var top with your menu .yapiskan
        var top = ($('.yapiskan').offset() || { "top": NaN }).top;
        if (isNaN(top)) {
            console.log("something is wrong, no top");  
        } else if (j < top){
            //hide menu
        } else if (j > top){
            //show menu
        j = top;
        console.log(j+' last - variable value j');

Add to your CSS:


/*Add position fixed*/
.yapiskan{position:fixed;top: 40px;}



Just to point you to the right direction..


$(window).on('scroll' function() {}) will run function on window scroll


el.offset().top will get the el's position within the page


$(window).scrollTop() will get the current scroll position


now all you have to do is run if(el.offset().top ==== $(window).scrolltop()) to do what you want

现在你所要做的就是运行if(el.offset()。top ==== $(window).scrolltop())来做你想做的事情