目前信用好坏 |
客户序号 |
X1 |
X2 |
X3 |
X4 |
X5 |
X6 |
X7 |
X8 |
已履行还贷责任 |
1 |
23 |
1 |
7 |
2 |
31 |
6.60 |
0.34 |
1.71 |
2 |
34 |
1 |
17 |
3 |
59 |
8.00 |
1.81 |
2.91 |
3 |
42 |
2 |
7 |
23 |
41 |
4.60 |
0.94 |
.94 |
4 |
39 |
1 |
19 |
5 |
48 |
13.10 |
1.93 |
4.36 |
5 |
35 |
1 |
9 |
1 |
34 |
5.00 |
0.40 |
1.30 |
未履行还贷责任 |
6 |
37 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
24 |
15.10 |
1.80 |
1.82 |
7 |
29 |
1 |
13 |
1 |
42 |
7.40 |
1.46 |
1.65 |
8 |
32 |
2 |
11 |
6 |
75 |
23.30 |
7.76 |
9.72 |
9 |
28 |
2 |
2 |
3 |
23 |
6.40 |
0.19 |
1.29 |
10 |
26 |
1 |
4 |
3 |
27 |
10.50 |
2.47 |
.36 |
组统计 |
group |
平均值 |
标准 偏差 |
有效个案数(成列) |
未加权 |
加权 |
1.00 |
X1 |
34.6000 |
7.23187 |
5 |
5.000 |
X2 |
1.2000 |
.44721 |
5 |
5.000 |
X3 |
11.8000 |
5.76194 |
5 |
5.000 |
X4 |
6.8000 |
9.17606 |
5 |
5.000 |
X5 |
42.6000 |
11.28273 |
5 |
5.000 |
X6 |
7.4600 |
3.43045 |
5 |
5.000 |
X7 |
1.0840 |
.75580 |
5 |
5.000 |
X8 |
2.2440 |
1.39622 |
5 |
5.000 |
2.00 |
X1 |
30.4000 |
4.27785 |
5 |
5.000 |
X2 |
1.4000 |
.54772 |
5 |
5.000 |
X3 |
6.2000 |
5.44977 |
5 |
5.000 |
X4 |
3.2000 |
1.78885 |
5 |
5.000 |
X5 |
38.2000 |
21.94767 |
5 |
5.000 |
X6 |
12.5400 |
6.90312 |
5 |
5.000 |
X7 |
2.7360 |
2.92821 |
5 |
5.000 |
X8 |
2.9680 |
3.81647 |
5 |
5.000 |
总计 |
X1 |
32.5000 |
6.02310 |
10 |
10.000 |
X2 |
1.3000 |
.48305 |
10 |
10.000 |
X3 |
9.0000 |
6.05530 |
10 |
10.000 |
X4 |
5.0000 |
6.51494 |
10 |
10.000 |
X5 |
40.4000 |
16.61459 |
10 |
10.000 |
X6 |
10.0000 |
5.79463 |
10 |
10.000 |
X7 |
1.9100 |
2.19609 |
10 |
10.000 |
X8 |
2.6060 |
2.73598 |
10 |
10.000 |
协方差矩阵 |
group |
X1 |
X2 |
X3 |
X4 |
X5 |
X6 |
X7 |
X8 |
1.00 S1 |
X1 |
52.300 |
1.850 |
11.900 |
41.900 |
33.300 |
3.080 |
2.645 |
1.269 |
X2 |
1.850 |
.200 |
-1.200 |
4.050 |
-.400 |
-.715 |
-.036 |
-.326 |
X3 |
11.900 |
-1.200 |
33.200 |
-17.800 |
52.900 |
17.040 |
4.011 |
7.541 |
X4 |
41.900 |
4.050 |
-17.800 |
84.200 |
1.900 |
-10.035 |
.231 |
-4.857 |
X5 |
33.300 |
-.400 |
52.900 |
1.900 |
127.300 |
18.755 |
7.805 |
9.687 |
X6 |
3.080 |
-.715 |
17.040 |
-10.035 |
18.755 |
11.768 |
1.974 |
4.701 |
X7 |
2.645 |
-.036 |
4.011 |
.231 |
7.805 |
1.974 |
.571 |
.876 |
X8 |
1.269 |
-.326 |
7.541 |
-4.857 |
9.687 |
4.701 |
.876 |
1.949 |
2.00 S2 |
X1 |
18.300 |
-.200 |
-4.100 |
1.900 |
11.400 |
16.255 |
2.732 |
5.144 |
X2 |
-.200 |
.300 |
.150 |
.650 |
5.400 |
1.155 |
.620 |
1.269 |
X3 |
-4.100 |
.150 |
29.700 |
.200 |
91.200 |
8.415 |
7.896 |
10.551 |
X4 |
1.900 |
.650 |
.200 |
3.200 |
25.700 |
10.640 |
4.406 |
5.723 |
X5 |
11.400 |
5.400 |
91.200 |
25.700 |
481.700 |
114.065 |
58.751 |
78.620 |
X6 |
16.255 |
1.155 |
8.415 |
10.640 |
114.065 |
47.653 |
18.599 |
23.028 |
X7 |
2.732 |
.620 |
7.896 |
4.406 |
58.751 |
18.599 |
8.574 |
10.411 |
X8 |
5.144 |
1.269 |
10.551 |
5.723 |
78.620 |
23.028 |
10.411 |
14.565 |
汇聚组内矩阵a |
X1 |
X2 |
X3 |
X4 |
X5 |
X6 |
X7 |
X8 |
协方差 |
X1 |
35.300 |
.825 |
3.900 |
21.900 |
22.350 |
9.668 |
2.688 |
3.206 |
X2 |
.825 |
.250 |
-.525 |
2.350 |
2.500 |
.220 |
.292 |
.471 |
X3 |
3.900 |
-.525 |
31.450 |
-8.800 |
72.050 |
12.728 |
5.953 |
9.046 |
X4 |
21.900 |
2.350 |
-8.800 |
43.700 |
13.800 |
.303 |
2.319 |
.433 |
X5 |
22.350 |
2.500 |
72.050 |
13.800 |
304.500 |
66.410 |
33.278 |
44.154 |
X6 |
9.668 |
.220 |
12.728 |
.303 |
66.410 |
29.711 |
10.287 |
13.864 |
X7 |
2.688 |
.292 |
5.953 |
2.319 |
33.278 |
10.287 |
4.573 |
5.644 |
X8 |
3.206 |
.471 |
9.046 |
.433 |
44.154 |
13.864 |
5.644 |
8.257 |
相关性 |
X1 |
1.000 |
.278 |
.117 |
.558 |
.216 |
.299 |
.212 |
.188 |
X2 |
.278 |
1.000 |
-.187 |
.711 |
.287 |
.081 |
.273 |
.328 |
X3 |
.117 |
-.187 |
1.000 |
-.237 |
.736 |
.416 |
.496 |
.561 |
X4 |
.558 |
.711 |
-.237 |
1.000 |
.120 |
.008 |
.164 |
.023 |
X5 |
.216 |
.287 |
.736 |
.120 |
1.000 |
.698 |
.892 |
.881 |
X6 |
.299 |
.081 |
.416 |
.008 |
.698 |
1.000 |
.883 |
.885 |
X7 |
.212 |
.273 |
.496 |
.164 |
.892 |
.883 |
1.000 |
.918 |
X8 |
.188 |
.328 |
.561 |
.023 |
.881 |
.885 |
.918 |
1.000 |
a. 协方差矩阵的*度为 8。 |
分类函数系数 |
group |
1.00 |
2.00 |
X1 |
.340 |
.184 |
X2 |
94.070 |
126.660 |
X3 |
1.033 |
1.874 |
X4 |
-4.943 |
-6.681 |
X5 |
2.969 |
3.086 |
X6 |
13.723 |
17.182 |
X7 |
-10.994 |
-7.133 |
X8 |
-37.504 |
-49.116 |
(常量) |
-118.693 |
-171.296 |
费希尔线性判别函数 |
分类结果a |
group |
预测组成员信息 |
总计 |
1.00 |
2.00 |
原始 |
计数 |
1.00 |
5 |
0 |
5 |
2.00 |
0 |
5 |
5 |
未分组个案 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
% |
1.00 |
100.0 |
.0 |
100.0 |
2.00 |
.0 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
未分组个案 |
100.0 |
.0 |
100.0 |
a. 正确地对 100.0% 个原始已分组个案进行了分类。 |


1 % 样本数据 2 training=[23,1,7,2,31,6.60,0.34,1.71 3 34,1,17,3,59,8.00,1.81,2.91 4 42,2,7,23,41,4.60,0.94,.94 5 39,1,19,5,48,13.10,1.93,4.36 6 35,1,9,1,34,5.00,0.40,1.30 7 37,1,1,3,24,15.10,1.80,1.82 8 29,1,13,1,42,7.40,1.46,1.65 9 32,2,11,6,75,23.30,7.76,9.72 10 28,2,2,3,23,6.40,0.19,1.29 11 26,1,4,3,27,10.50,2.47,.36]; 12 % 用于构造判别函数的样本数据矩阵 13 group=[1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2]\'; 14 % 参数group是与training相应的分组变量 15 sample=[53.00,1.00,9.00,18.00,50.00,11.20,2.02,3.58]; 16 % 使用线性判别法分类 17 [class2,err2]=classify(sample,training,group,\'linear\') 18 % 使用二次判别法分类 19 [class3,err3]=classify(sample,training,group,\'diagQuadratic\') 20 % 使用马氏距离判别法分类 21 [class1,err1]=classify(sample,training,group,\'mahalanobis\')
>> exp64
class2 =
err2 =
class3 =
err3 =
错误使用 classify (line 282)
The covariance matrix of each group in TRAINING must be positive definite.
1 % if any(s <= max(gsize(k),d) * eps(max(s))) 2 % error(message(\'stats:classify:BadQuadVar\')); 3 % end

1 function [outclass, err, posterior, logp, coeffs] = classify(sample, training, group, type, prior) 2 %CLASSIFY Discriminant analysis. 3 % CLASS = CLASSIFY(SAMPLE,TRAINING,GROUP) classifies each row of the data 4 % in SAMPLE into one of the groups in TRAINING. SAMPLE and TRAINING must 5 % be matrices with the same number of columns. GROUP is a grouping 6 % variable for TRAINING. Its unique values define groups, and each 7 % element defines which group the corresponding row of TRAINING belongs 8 % to. GROUP can be a categorical variable, numeric vector, a string 9 % array, or a cell array of strings. TRAINING and GROUP must have the 10 % same number of rows. CLASSIFY treats NaNs or empty strings in GROUP as 11 % missing values, and ignores the corresponding rows of TRAINING. CLASS 12 % indicates which group each row of SAMPLE has been assigned to, and is 13 % of the same type as GROUP. 14 % 15 % CLASS = CLASSIFY(SAMPLE,TRAINING,GROUP,TYPE) allows you to specify the 16 % type of discriminant function, one of \'linear\', \'quadratic\', 17 % \'diagLinear\', \'diagQuadratic\', or \'mahalanobis\'. Linear discrimination 18 % fits a multivariate normal density to each group, with a pooled 19 % estimate of covariance. Quadratic discrimination fits MVN densities 20 % with covariance estimates stratified by group. Both methods use 21 % likelihood ratios to assign observations to groups. \'diagLinear\' and 22 % \'diagQuadratic\' are similar to \'linear\' and \'quadratic\', but with 23 % diagonal covariance matrix estimates. These diagonal choices are 24 % examples of naive Bayes classifiers. Mahalanobis discrimination uses 25 % Mahalanobis distances with stratified covariance estimates. TYPE 26 % defaults to \'linear\'. 27 % 28 % CLASS = CLASSIFY(SAMPLE,TRAINING,GROUP,TYPE,PRIOR) allows you to 29 % specify prior probabilities for the groups in one of three ways. PRIOR 30 % can be a numeric vector of the same length as the number of unique 31 % values in GROUP (or the number of levels defined for GROUP, if GROUP is 32 % categorical). If GROUP is numeric or categorical, the order of PRIOR 33 % must correspond to the ordered values in GROUP, or, if GROUP contains 34 % strings, to the order of first occurrence of the values in GROUP. PRIOR 35 % can also be a 1-by-1 structure with fields \'prob\', a numeric vector, 36 % and \'group\', of the same type as GROUP, and containing unique values 37 % indicating which groups the elements of \'prob\' correspond to. As a 38 % structure, PRIOR may contain groups that do not appear in GROUP. This 39 % can be useful if TRAINING is a subset of a larger training set. 40 % CLASSIFY ignores any groups that appear in the structure but not in the 41 % GROUPS array. Finally, PRIOR can also be the string value \'empirical\', 42 % indicating that the group prior probabilities should be estimated from 43 % the group relative frequencies in TRAINING. PRIOR defaults to a 44 % numeric vector of equal probabilities, i.e., a uniform distribution. 45 % PRIOR is not used for discrimination by Mahalanobis distance, except 46 % for error rate calculation. 47 % 48 % [CLASS,ERR] = CLASSIFY(...) returns ERR, an estimate of the 49 % misclassification error rate that is based on the training data. 50 % CLASSIFY returns the apparent error rate, i.e., the percentage of 51 % observations in the TRAINING that are misclassified, weighted by the 52 % prior probabilities for the groups. 53 % 54 % [CLASS,ERR,POSTERIOR] = CLASSIFY(...) returns POSTERIOR, a matrix 55 % containing estimates of the posterior probabilities that the j\'th 56 % training group was the source of the i\'th sample observation, i.e. 57 % Pr{group j | obs i}. POSTERIOR is not computed for Mahalanobis 58 % discrimination. 59 % 60 % [CLASS,ERR,POSTERIOR,LOGP] = CLASSIFY(...) returns LOGP, a vector 61 % containing estimates of the logs of the unconditional predictive 62 % probability density of the sample observations, p(obs i) is the sum of 63 % p(obs i | group j)*Pr{group j} taken over all groups. LOGP is not 64 % computed for Mahalanobis discrimination. 65 % 66 % [CLASS,ERR,POSTERIOR,LOGP,COEF] = CLASSIFY(...) returns COEF, a 67 % structure array containing coefficients describing the boundary between 68 % the regions separating each pair of groups. Each element COEF(I,J) 69 % contains information for comparing group I to group J, defined using 70 % the following fields: 71 % \'type\' type of discriminant function, from TYPE input 72 % \'name1\' name of first group of pair (group I) 73 % \'name2\' name of second group of pair (group J) 74 % \'const\' constant term of boundary equation (K) 75 % \'linear\' coefficients of linear term of boundary equation (L) 76 % \'quadratic\' coefficient matrix of quadratic terms (Q) 77 % 78 % For the \'linear\' and \'diaglinear\' types, the \'quadratic\' field is 79 % absent, and a row x from the SAMPLE array is classified into group I 80 % rather than group J if 81 % 0 < K + x*L 82 % For the other types, x is classified into group I if 83 % 0 < K + x*L + x*Q*x\' 84 % 85 % Example: 86 % % Classify Fisher iris data using quadratic discriminant function 87 % load fisheriris 88 % x = meas(51:end,1:2); % for illustrations use 2 species, 2 columns 89 % y = species(51:end); 90 % [c,err,post,logl,str] = classify(x,x,y,\'quadratic\'); 91 % h = gscatter(x(:,1),x(:,2),y,\'rb\',\'v^\'); 92 % 93 % % Classify a grid of values 94 % [X,Y] = meshgrid(linspace(4.3,7.9), linspace(2,4.4)); 95 % X = X(:); Y = Y(:); 96 % C = classify([X Y],x,y,\'quadratic\'); 97 % hold on; gscatter(X,Y,C,\'rb\',\'.\',1,\'off\'); hold off 98 % 99 % % Draw boundary between two regions 100 % hold on 101 % K = str(1,2).const; 102 % L = str(1,2).linear; 103 % Q = str(1,2).quadratic; 104 % % Plot the curve K + [x,y]*L + [x,y]*Q*[x,y]\' = 0: 105 % f = @(x,y) K + L(1)*x + L(2)*y ... 106 % + Q(1,1)*x.^2 + (Q(1,2)+Q(2,1))*x.*y + Q(2,2)*y.^2; 107 % ezplot(f,[4 8 2 4.5]); 108 % hold off 109 % title(\'Classification of Fisher iris data\') 110 % legend(h) 111 % 112 % See also fitcdiscr, fitcnb. 113 114 % Copyright 1993-2018 The MathWorks, Inc. 115 116 117 % References: 118 % [1] Krzanowski, W.J., Principles of Multivariate Analysis, 119 % Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1988. 120 % [2] Seber, G.A.F., Multivariate Observations, Wiley, New York, 1984. 121 122 if nargin < 3 123 error(message(\'stats:classify:TooFewInputs\')); 124 end 125 126 if nargin>3 127 type = convertStringsToChars(type); 128 end 129 130 % grp2idx sorts a numeric grouping var ascending, and a string grouping 131 % var by order of first occurrence 132 [gindex,groups,glevels] = grp2idx(group); 133 nans = find(isnan(gindex)); 134 if ~isempty(nans) 135 training(nans,:) = []; 136 gindex(nans) = []; 137 end 138 ngroups = length(groups); 139 gsize = hist(gindex,1:ngroups); 140 nonemptygroups = find(gsize>0); 141 nusedgroups = length(nonemptygroups); 142 if ngroups > nusedgroups 143 warning(message(\'stats:classify:EmptyGroups\')); 144 145 end 146 147 [n,d] = size(training); 148 if size(gindex,1) ~= n 149 error(message(\'stats:classify:TrGrpSizeMismatch\')); 150 elseif isempty(sample) 151 sample = zeros(0,d,class(sample)); % accept any empty array but force correct size 152 elseif size(sample,2) ~= d 153 error(message(\'stats:classify:SampleTrColSizeMismatch\')); 154 end 155 m = size(sample,1); 156 157 if nargin < 4 || isempty(type) 158 type = \'linear\'; 159 elseif ischar(type) 160 types = {\'linear\',\'quadratic\',\'diaglinear\',\'diagquadratic\',\'mahalanobis\'}; 161 type = internal.stats.getParamVal(type,types,\'TYPE\'); 162 else 163 error(message(\'stats:classify:BadType\')); 164 end 165 166 % Default to a uniform prior 167 if nargin < 5 || isempty(prior) 168 prior = ones(1, ngroups) / nusedgroups; 169 prior(gsize==0) = 0; 170 % Estimate prior from relative group sizes 171 elseif ischar(prior) && strncmpi(prior,\'empirical\',length(prior)) 172 %~isempty(strmatch(lower(prior), \'empirical\')) 173 prior = gsize(:)\' / sum(gsize); 174 % Explicit prior 175 elseif isnumeric(prior) 176 if min(size(prior)) ~= 1 || max(size(prior)) ~= ngroups 177 error(message(\'stats:classify:GrpPriorSizeMismatch\')); 178 elseif any(prior < 0) 179 error(message(\'stats:classify:BadPrior\')); 180 end 181 %drop empty groups 182 prior(gsize==0)=0; 183 prior = prior(:)\' / sum(prior); % force a normalized row vector 184 elseif isstruct(prior) 185 [pgindex,pgroups] = grp2idx(prior.group); 186 187 ord = NaN(1,ngroups); 188 for i = 1:ngroups 189 j = find(strcmp(groups(i), pgroups(pgindex))); 190 if ~isempty(j) 191 ord(i) = j; 192 end 193 end 194 if any(isnan(ord)) 195 error(message(\'stats:classify:PriorBadGrpup\')); 196 end 197 prior = prior.prob(ord); 198 if any(prior < 0) 199 error(message(\'stats:classify:PriorBadProb\')); 200 end 201 prior(gsize==0)=0; 202 prior = prior(:)\' / sum(prior); % force a normalized row vector 203 else 204 error(message(\'stats:classify:BadPriorType\')); 205 end 206 207 % Add training data to sample for error rate estimation 208 if nargout > 1 209 sample = [sample; training]; 210 mm = m+n; 211 else 212 mm = m; 213 end 214 215 gmeans = NaN(ngroups, d); 216 for k = nonemptygroups 217 gmeans(k,:) = mean(training(gindex==k,:),1); 218 end 219 220 D = NaN(mm, ngroups); 221 isquadratic = false; 222 switch type 223 case \'linear\' 224 if n <= nusedgroups 225 error(message(\'stats:classify:NTrainingTooSmall\')); 226 end 227 % Pooled estimate of covariance. Do not do pivoting, so that A can be 228 % computed without unpermuting. Instead use SVD to find rank of R. 229 [Q,R] = qr(training - gmeans(gindex,:), 0); 230 R = R / sqrt(n - nusedgroups); % SigmaHat = R\'*R 231 s = svd(R); 232 if any(s <= max(n,d) * eps(max(s))) 233 error(message(\'stats:classify:BadLinearVar\')); 234 end 235 logDetSigma = 2*sum(log(s)); % avoid over/underflow 236 237 % MVN relative log posterior density, by group, for each sample 238 for k = nonemptygroups 239 A = bsxfun(@minus,sample, gmeans(k,:)) / R; 240 D(:,k) = log(prior(k)) - .5*(sum(A .* A, 2) + logDetSigma); 241 end 242 243 case \'diaglinear\' 244 if n <= nusedgroups 245 error(message(\'stats:classify:NTrainingTooSmall\')); 246 end 247 % Pooled estimate of variance: SigmaHat = diag(S.^2) 248 S = std(training - gmeans(gindex,:)) * sqrt((n-1)./(n-nusedgroups)); 249 250 if any(S <= n * eps(max(S))) 251 error(message(\'stats:classify:BadDiagLinearVar\')); 252 end 253 logDetSigma = 2*sum(log(S)); % avoid over/underflow 254 255 if nargout >= 5 256 R = S\'; 257 end 258 259 % MVN relative log posterior density, by group, for each sample 260 for k = nonemptygroups 261 A=bsxfun(@times, bsxfun(@minus,sample,gmeans(k,:)),1./S); 262 D(:,k) = log(prior(k)) - .5*(sum(A .* A, 2) + logDetSigma); 263 end 264 265 case {\'quadratic\' \'mahalanobis\'} 266 if any(gsize == 1) 267 error(message(\'stats:classify:BadTraining\')); 268 end 269 isquadratic = true; 270 logDetSigma = zeros(ngroups,1,class(training)); 271 if nargout >= 5 272 R = zeros(d,d,ngroups,class(training)); 273 end 274 for k = nonemptygroups 275 % Stratified estimate of covariance. Do not do pivoting, so that A 276 % can be computed without unpermuting. Instead use SVD to find rank 277 % of R. 278 [Q,Rk] = qr(bsxfun(@minus,training(gindex==k,:),gmeans(k,:)), 0); 279 Rk = Rk / sqrt(gsize(k) - 1); % SigmaHat = R\'*R 280 s = svd(Rk); 281 % if any(s <= max(gsize(k),d) * eps(max(s))) 282 % error(message(\'stats:classify:BadQuadVar\')); 283 % end 284 logDetSigma(k) = 2*sum(log(s)); % avoid over/underflow 285 286 A = bsxfun(@minus, sample, gmeans(k,:)) /Rk; 287 switch type 288 case \'quadratic\' 289 % MVN relative log posterior density, by group, for each sample 290 D(:,k) = log(prior(k)) - .5*(sum(A .* A, 2) + logDetSigma(k)); 291 case \'mahalanobis\' 292 % Negative squared Mahalanobis distance, by group, for each 293 % sample. Prior probabilities are not used 294 D(:,k) = -sum(A .* A, 2); 295 end 296 if nargout >=5 && ~isempty(Rk) 297 R(:,:,k) = inv(Rk); 298 end 299 end 300 301 case \'diagquadratic\' 302 if any(gsize == 1) 303 error(message(\'stats:classify:BadTraining\')); 304 end 305 isquadratic = true; 306 logDetSigma = zeros(ngroups,1,class(training)); 307 if nargout >= 5 308 R = zeros(d,1,ngroups,class(training)); 309 end 310 for k = nonemptygroups 311 % Stratified estimate of variance: SigmaHat = diag(S.^2) 312 S = std(training(gindex==k,:)); 313 if any(S <= gsize(k) * eps(max(S))) 314 error(message(\'stats:classify:BadDiagQuadVar\')); 315 end 316 logDetSigma(k) = 2*sum(log(S)); % avoid over/underflow 317 318 % MVN relative log posterior density, by group, for each sample 319 A=bsxfun(@times, bsxfun(@minus,sample,gmeans(k,:)),1./S); 320 D(:,k) = log(prior(k)) - .5*(sum(A .* A, 2) + logDetSigma(k)); 321 if nargout >= 5 322 R(:,:,k) = 1./S\'; 323 end 324 end 325 end 326 327 % find nearest group to each observation in sample data 328 [maxD,outclass] = max(D, [], 2); 329 330 % Compute apparent error rate: percentage of training data that 331 % are misclassified, weighted by the prior probabilities for the groups. 332 if nargout > 1 333 trclass = outclass(m+(1:n)); 334 outclass = outclass(1:m); 335 336 miss = trclass ~= gindex; 337 e = zeros(ngroups,1); 338 for k = nonemptygroups 339 e(k) = sum(miss(gindex==k)) / gsize(k); 340 end 341 err = prior*e; 342 end 343 344 if nargout > 2 345 if strcmp(type, \'mahalanobis\') 346 % Mahalanobis discrimination does not use the densities, so it\'s 347 % possible that the posterior probs could disagree with the 348 % classification. 349 posterior = []; 350 logp = []; 351 else 352 % Bayes\' rule: first compute p{x,G_j} = p{x|G_j}Pr{G_j} ... 353 % (scaled by max(p{x,G_j}) to avoid over/underflow) 354 P = exp(bsxfun(@minus,D(1:m,:),maxD(1:m))); 355 sumP = nansum(P,2); 356 % ... then Pr{G_j|x) = p(x,G_j} / sum(p(x,G_j}) ... 357 % (numer and denom are both scaled, so it cancels out) 358 posterior = bsxfun(@times,P,1./(sumP)); 359 if nargout > 3 360 % ... and unconditional p(x) = sum(p(x,G_j}). 361 % (remove the scale factor) 362 logp = log(sumP) + maxD(1:m) - .5*d*log(2*pi); 363 end 364 end 365 end 366 367 %Convert outclass back to original grouping variable type 368 outclass = glevels(outclass,:); 369 370 if nargout>=5 371 pairs = combnk(nonemptygroups,2)\'; 372 npairs = size(pairs,2); 373 K = zeros(1,npairs,class(training)); 374 L = zeros(d,npairs,class(training)); 375 if ~isquadratic 376 % Methods with equal covariances across groups 377 for j=1:npairs 378 % Compute const (K) and linear (L) coefficients for 379 % discriminating between each pair of groups 380 i1 = pairs(1,j); 381 i2 = pairs(2,j); 382 mu1 = gmeans(i1,:)\'; 383 mu2 = gmeans(i2,:)\'; 384 if ~strcmp(type,\'diaglinear\') 385 b = R \ ((R\') \ (mu1 - mu2)); 386 else 387 b = (1./R).^2 .*(mu1 -mu2); 388 end 389 L(:,j) = b; 390 K(j) = 0.5 * (mu1 + mu2)\' * b; 391 end 392 else 393 % Methods with separate covariances for each group 394 Q = zeros(d,d,npairs,class(training)); 395 for j=1:npairs 396 % As above, but compute quadratic (Q) coefficients as well 397 i1 = pairs(1,j); 398 i2 = pairs(2,j); 399 mu1 = gmeans(i1,:)\'; 400 mu2 = gmeans(i2,:)\'; 401 R1i = R(:,:,i1); % note here the R array contains inverses 402 R2i = R(:,:,i2); 403 if ~strcmp(type,\'diagquadratic\') 404 Rm1 = R1i\' * mu1; 405 Rm2 = R2i\' * mu2; 406 else 407 Rm1 = R1i .* mu1; 408 Rm2 = R2i .* mu2; 409 end 410 K(j) = 0.5 * (sum(Rm1.^2) - sum(Rm2.^2)); 411 if ~strcmp(type, \'mahalanobis\') 412 K(j) = K(j) + 0.5 * (logDetSigma(i1)-logDetSigma(i2)); 413 end 414 if ~strcmp(type,\'diagquadratic\') 415 L(:,j) = (R1i*Rm1 - R2i*Rm2); 416 Q(:,:,j) = -0.5 * (R1i*R1i\' - R2i*R2i\'); 417 else 418 L(:,j) = (R1i.*Rm1 - R2i.*Rm2); 419 Q(:,:,j) = -0.5 * diag(R1i.^2 - R2i.^2); 420 end 421 end 422 end 423 424 % For all except Mahalanobis, adjust for the priors 425 if ~strcmp(type, \'mahalanobis\') 426 K = K - log(prior(pairs(1,:))) + log(prior(pairs(2,:))); 427 end 428 429 % Return information as a structure 430 coeffs = struct(\'type\',repmat({type},ngroups,ngroups)); 431 for k=1:npairs 432 i = pairs(1,k); 433 j = pairs(2,k); 434 coeffs(i,j).name1 = glevels(i,:); 435 coeffs(i,j).name2 = glevels(j,:); 436 coeffs(i,j).const = -K(k); 437 coeffs(i,j).linear = L(:,k); 438 439 coeffs(j,i).name1 = glevels(j,:); 440 coeffs(j,i).name2 = glevels(i,:); 441 coeffs(j,i).const = K(k); 442 coeffs(j,i).linear = -L(:,k); 443 444 if isquadratic 445 coeffs(i,j).quadratic = Q(:,:,k); 446 coeffs(j,i).quadratic = -Q(:,:,k); 447 end 448 end 449 end

1 % 样本数据 2 training=[23,1,7,2,31,6.60,0.34,1.71 3 34,1,17,3,59,8.00,1.81,2.91 4 42,2,7,23,41,4.60,0.94,.94 5 39,1,19,5,48,13.10,1.93,4.36 6 35,1,9,1,34,5.00,0.40,1.30 7 37,1,1,3,24,15.10,1.80,1.82 8 29,1,13,1,42,7.40,1.46,1.65 9 32,2,11,6,75,23.30,7.76,9.72 10 28,2,2,3,23,6.40,0.19,1.29 11 26,1,4,3,27,10.50,2.47,.36]; 12 % 用于构造判别函数的样本数据矩阵 13 group=[1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2]\'; 14 % 参数group是与training相应的分组变量 15 sample=[53.00,1.00,9.00,18.00,50.00,11.20,2.02,3.58]; 16 % 使用线性判别法分类 17 [class2,err2]=classify(sample,training,group,\'linear\') 18 % 使用马氏距离判别法分类 19 [class1,err1]=classify(sample,training,group,\'mahalanobis\') 20 % 使用二次判别法分类 21 [class3,err3]=classify(sample,training,group,\'quadratic\')
>> exp64
class2 =
err2 =
警告: 秩亏,秩 = 4,tol = 1.864663e-14。
> In classify (line 286)
In exp64 (line 19)
警告: 秩亏,秩 = 4,tol = 3.243458e-14。
> In classify (line 286)
In exp64 (line 19)
class1 =
err1 =
警告: 秩亏,秩 = 4,tol = 1.864663e-14。
> In classify (line 286)
In exp64 (line 21)
警告: 秩亏,秩 = 4,tol = 3.243458e-14。
> In classify (line 286)
In exp64 (line 21)
class3 =
err3 =

1 % 马氏距离判别 2 % 输入:G1组别1,G2组别2,待分类x 3 % 输出:分类序号 4 function w=ma(G1,G2,x) 5 [n1,m1]=size(G1); 6 [n2,m2]=size(G2); 7 if m1~=m2 8 error(\'两个样本的列数应该相等!!\'); 9 end 10 [n,~]=size(x); 11 w=zeros(n,1); 12 % 协方差 13 g1=cov(G1)./(n1-1); 14 g2=cov(G2)./(n2-1); 15 % 参数估计 16 for i=1:m1 17 niu1(i)=mean(G1(:,i)); 18 end 19 for i=1:m2 20 niu2(i)=mean(G2(:,i)); 21 end 22 % 马氏距离求解 23 v1=inv(g1); 24 v2=inv(g2); 25 d1=(x-niu1)\'.*v1.*(x-niu1); 26 d2=(x-niu2)\'.*v2.*(x-niu2); 27 k=1; 28 for j=1:n 29 if det(d1)>det(d2) 30 w(k)=2; 31 k=k+1; 32 else 33 w(k)=1; 34 k=k+1; 35 end 36 end 37 end

1 G1=[23,1,7,2,31,6.60,0.34,1.71 2 34,1,17,3,59,8.00,1.81,2.91 3 42,2,7,23,41,4.60,0.94,.94 4 39,1,19,5,48,13.10,1.93,4.36 5 35,1,9,1,34,5.00,0.40,1.30]; 6 G2=[37,1,1,3,24,15.10,1.80,1.82 7 29,1,13,1,42,7.40,1.46,1.65 8 32,2,11,6,75,23.30,7.76,9.72 9 28,2,2,3,23,6.40,0.19,1.29 10 26,1,4,3,27,10.50,2.47,.36]; 11 x=[53.00,1.00,9.00,18.00,50.00,11.20,2.02,3.58]; 12 w=ma(G1,G2,x)
>> exp64
警告: 矩阵接近奇异值,或者缩放错误。结果可能不准确。RCOND = 2.592596e-20。
> In ma (line 23)
In exp64 (line 44)
警告: 矩阵接近奇异值,或者缩放错误。结果可能不准确。RCOND = 1.123714e-19。
> In ma (line 24)
In exp64 (line 44)
w =

1 % 马氏距离判别 2 % 输入:G1组别1,G2组别2,待分类x 3 % 输出:分类序号 4 function w=ma(G1,G2,x) 5 [n1,m1]=size(G1); 6 [n2,m2]=size(G2); 7 if m1~=m2 8 error(\'两个样本的列数应该相等!!\'); 9 end 10 [n,~]=size(x); 11 w=zeros(n,1); 12 % 协方差 13 g1=cov(G1)./(n1-1); 14 g2=cov(G2)./(n2-1); 15 [t1,t2]=size(g1); 16 g1=g1+eye(t1,t2)*1e-4;%修 17 g2=g2+eye(t1,t2)*1e-4;%修 18 % 参数估计 19 for i=1:m1 20 niu1(i)=mean(G1(:,i)); 21 end 22 for i=1:m2 23 niu2(i)=mean(G2(:,i)); 24 end 25 % 马氏距离求解 26 v1=inv(g1); 27 v2=inv(g2); 28 d1=(x-niu1)\'.*v1.*(x-niu1); 29 d2=(x-niu2)\'.*v2.*(x-niu2); 30 k=1; 31 for j=1:n 32 if det(d1)>det(d2) 33 w(k)=2; 34 k=k+1; 35 else 36 w(k)=1; 37 k=k+1; 38 end 39 end 40 end
>> exp64
w =

1 %例题2 2 clc,clear; 3 load(\'exp64.mat\'); 4 x=exp64; 5 X=zscore(x); 6 std=corrcoef(X); 7 [vec,val]=eig(std); 8 newval=diag(val); 9 [y,i]=sort(newval); 10 rate=y/sum(y); 11 sumrate=0; 12 newi=[]; 13 for k=length(y):-1:1 14 sumrate=sumrate+rate(k); 15 newi(length(y)+1-k)=i(k); 16 if sumrate>0.85 17 break; 18 end 19 end 20 fprintf(\'主成分法:%g \n \n\',length(newi)); 21 for i=1:1:length(newi) 22 for j=1:1:length(y) 23 aa(i,j)=sqrt(newval(newi(i)))*vec(j,newi(i)); 24 end 25 end 26 aaa=aa.*aa; 27 for i=1:1:length(newi) 28 for j=1:1:length(y) 29 zcfhz(i,j)=aa(i,j)/sqrt(sum(aaa(i,:))); 30 end 31 end 32 fprintf(\'主成分载荷:\n\'),zcfhz
zcfhz =
0.4970 0.5146 0.4809 0.5069