
时间:2022-03-26 19:35:30

Say I use return render_template('index.html', users=users). Is it possible to get the filename inside a template without explicit sending of it inside the view?

假设我使用return render_template('index.html',users = users)。是否可以在模板中获取文件名而无需在视图中显式发送?

2 个解决方案



Although undocumented, {{ self._TemplateReference__context.name }} will give the template name. And there are a number of interresting attributes that you can use after self._TemplateReference__context.


You could, for example, add this to your topmost base template:


        <meta name="template" content="{{ self._TemplateReference__context.name }}">

So that looking at a page source will help you quickly find the relevant template file. If you don't want to expose this kind of information, make it conditional to testing environment.




If all you need is the basename, you can use {{ self }} which will return a repr string containing the basename of the template, e.g., <TemplateReference 'view.html'>. You could parse this with a filter, e.g., {{ self | quoted }}

如果您只需要基本名称,则可以使用{{self}},它将返回包含模板基本名称的repr字符串,例如 。您可以使用过滤器对其进行解析,例如{{self |引用}} 'view.html'>

def quoted(s):
    l = re.findall('\'([^\']*)\'', str(s))
    if l:
        return l[0]
    return None

If you need the full path, e.g., '/full/path/to/view.html' you may want to subclass Template.




Although undocumented, {{ self._TemplateReference__context.name }} will give the template name. And there are a number of interresting attributes that you can use after self._TemplateReference__context.


You could, for example, add this to your topmost base template:


        <meta name="template" content="{{ self._TemplateReference__context.name }}">

So that looking at a page source will help you quickly find the relevant template file. If you don't want to expose this kind of information, make it conditional to testing environment.




If all you need is the basename, you can use {{ self }} which will return a repr string containing the basename of the template, e.g., <TemplateReference 'view.html'>. You could parse this with a filter, e.g., {{ self | quoted }}

如果您只需要基本名称,则可以使用{{self}},它将返回包含模板基本名称的repr字符串,例如 。您可以使用过滤器对其进行解析,例如{{self |引用}} 'view.html'>

def quoted(s):
    l = re.findall('\'([^\']*)\'', str(s))
    if l:
        return l[0]
    return None

If you need the full path, e.g., '/full/path/to/view.html' you may want to subclass Template.
