1. Linux/macOS
pwd print working directory
hostname my computer’s network name
mkdir make directory
cd change directory
ls list directory
rmdir remove directory
pushd push directory
popd pop directory
cp copy a file or directory
mv move a file or directory
less page through a file
cat print the whole file
xargs execute arguments
find find files
grep find things inside files
man read a manual page
apropos find which manual page is appropriate
env look at your environment
echo print some arguments
export export/set a new environment variable
exit exit the shell
sudo DANGER! become super user root DANGER!
2. Windows
pwd print working directory
hostname my computer’s network name
mkdir make directory
cd change directory
ls list directory
rmdir remove directory
pushd push directory
popd pop directory
cp copy a file or directory
robocopy robust copy
mv move a file or directory
more page through a file
type print the whole file
forfiles run a command on lots of files
dir -r find files
select-string find things inside files
help read a manual page
helpctr find what manual page is appropriate
echo print some arguments
set export/set a new environment variable
exit exit the shell
runas DANGER! become super user root DANGER!