
1. 绑定功能
1 # 绑定功能 2 class App(Frame): 3 def __init__(self,master): 4 Frame.__init__(self) 5 master.bind(\'<Up>\',self.Up) 6 master.bind(\'<Left>\',self.Left) 7 master.bind(\'<Right>\',self.Right) 8 master.bind(\'<Down>\',self.Down) 9 10 master.bind(\'<space>\',self.Space) 11 master.bind(\'<Control-Shift-Key-F12>\',self.Play) 12 master.bind(\'<Key-P>\',self.Pause) 13 master.bind(\'<Key-S>\',self.StartByS) 14 15 # rgb颜色值 16 self.backg="#%02x%02x%02x" % (120,150,30) #大背景 17 self.frontg="#%02x%02x%02x" % (40,120,150) #下一个形状颜色 18 self.nextg="#%02x%02x%02x" % (150,100,100) #小背景 19 self.flashg="#%02x%02x%02x" % (210,130,100) #炸的颜色 20 21 self.LineDisplay=Label(master,text=\'Lines: \',bg=\'black\',fg=\'red\') 22 self.Line=Label(master,text=\'0\',bg=\'black\',fg=\'red\') 23 self.ScoreDisplay=Label(master,text=\'Score: \',bg=\'black\',fg=\'red\') 24 self.Score=Label(master,text=\'0\',bg=\'black\',fg=\'red\') 25 self.SpendTimeDisplay=Label(master,text=\'Time: \',bg=\'black\',fg=\'red\') 26 self.SpendTime=Label(master,text=\'0.0\',bg=\'black\',fg=\'red\') 27 28 self.LineDisplay.grid(row=HEIGHT-2,column=WIDTH,columnspan=2) 29 self.Line.grid(row=HEIGHT-2,column=WIDTH+2,columnspan=3) 30 self.ScoreDisplay.grid(row=HEIGHT-1,column=WIDTH,columnspan=2) 31 self.Score.grid(row=HEIGHT-1,column=WIDTH+2,columnspan=3) 32 self.SpendTimeDisplay.grid(row=HEIGHT-4,column=WIDTH,columnspan=2) 33 self.SpendTime.grid(row=HEIGHT-4,column=WIDTH+2,columnspan=3) 34 35 self.TotalTime=0.0 36 self.TotalLine=0 37 self.TotalScore=0 38 39 #游戏结束 40 self.isgameover=FALSE 41 #暂停 42 self.isPause=FALSE 43 #开始 44 self.isStart=FALSE 45 self.NextList=[] #整个小背景 46 self.NextRowList=[] #一行小背景 47 48 self.px=0 49 self.py=0 #记录方块参考点 50 51 #渲染小背景 52 r=0;c=0 53 for k in range(4*4): 54 LN=Label(master,text=\' \',bg=str(self.nextg),fg=\'white\',relief=FLAT,bd=3) 55 LN.grid(row=r,column=WIDTH+c,sticky=N+E+S+W) 56 self.NextRowList.append(LN) 57 c=c+1 58 if c>=4: 59 r=r+1;c=0 60 self.NextList.append(self.NextRowList) 61 self.NextRowList=[] 62 63 #渲染大背景 64 self.BlockList=[] 65 self.BlockRowList=[] 66 self.LabelList=[] 67 self.LabelRowList=[] 68 row=0;col=0 69 for i in range(HEIGHT*WIDTH): 70 L=Label(master,text=\' \',bg=str(self.backg),fg=\'white\',relief=FLAT,bd=4) 71 L.grid(row=row,column=col,sticky=N+E+S+W) 72 L.row=row;L.col=col;L.isactive=PASSIVE 73 self.BlockRowList.append(0); #大背景每个格子初始化为0值 74 self.LabelRowList.append(L) 75 col=col+1 76 if col>=WIDTH: 77 row=row+1;col=0 78 self.BlockList.append(self.BlockRowList) 79 self.LabelList.append(self.LabelRowList) 80 self.BlockRowList=[] 81 self.LabelRowList=[] 82 83 #file 84 fw=open(\'text.txt\',\'a\') 85 fw.close() 86 hasHead=FALSE 87 f=open(\'text.txt\',\'r\') 88 if f.read(5)==\'score\': 89 hasHead=TRUE 90 f.close() 91 self.file=open(\'text.txt\',\'a\') 92 if hasHead==FALSE: 93 self.file.write(\'score line time scorePtime linePtime scorePline date/n\') 94 self.file.flush() 95 96 self.time=1000 97 self.OnTimer()
2. 实现俄罗斯方块的翻转
1 # 俄罗斯方块的翻转 2 def Up(self,event): 3 BL=self.BlockList #格子的值 4 LL=self.LabelList #格子Label 5 6 Moveable=TRUE #是否可旋转 7 8 #代码编写开始 9 nowStyle = style[self.xnow][(self.ynow)] 10 newStyle = style[self.xnow][(self.ynow+1)%4] #算出下一俄罗斯方块 11 self.ynow = (self.ynow+1)%4 #此行代码非常重要,否则响应UP时,只能变第一次 12 13 print("nowStyle:"+str(nowStyle)+"=====>>newStyle:"+str(newStyle)) 14 15 #根据现有形状中每个label的坐标计算出旋转后目标坐标(x,y) 16 SourceList=[];DestList=[] 17 18 for i in range(4): 19 SourceList.append([ nowStyle[i][0]+self.px, nowStyle[i][1]+self.py]) 20 x = newStyle[i][0]+self.px 21 y = newStyle[i][1]+self.py 22 DestList.append([x, y]) 23 24 if x<0 or x>=HEIGHT or y<0 or y>=WIDTH : #or BL[x][y]==1 or LL[x][y].isactive==PASSIVE 25 Moveable=FALSE 26 27 if Moveable==TRUE: 28 for i in range(len(SourceList)): 29 self.Empty(SourceList[i][0],SourceList[i][1]) 30 for i in range(len(DestList)): 31 self.Fill(DestList[i][0],DestList[i][1]) 32 33 def Left(self,event): 34 BL=self.BlockList;LL=self.LabelList 35 Moveable=TRUE 36 for i in range(HEIGHT): 37 for j in range(WIDTH): 38 if LL[i][j].isactive==ACTIVE and j-1<0:Moveable=FALSE 39 if LL[i][j].isactive==ACTIVE and j-1>=0 and BL[i][j-1]==1 and LL[i][j-1].isactive==PASSIVE:Moveable=FALSE 40 if Moveable==TRUE: 41 self.py-=1 42 for i in range(HEIGHT): 43 for j in range(WIDTH): 44 if j-1>=0 and LL[i][j].isactive==ACTIVE and BL[i][j-1]==0: 45 self.Fill(i,j-1);self.Empty(i,j) 46 47 def Right(self,event): 48 BL=self.BlockList;LL=self.LabelList 49 Moveable=TRUE 50 for i in range(HEIGHT): 51 for j in range(WIDTH): 52 if LL[i][j].isactive==ACTIVE and j+1>=WIDTH:Moveable=FALSE 53 if LL[i][j].isactive==ACTIVE and j+1<WIDTH and BL[i][j+1]==1 and LL[i][j+1].isactive==PASSIVE:Moveable=FALSE 54 if Moveable==TRUE: 55 self.py+=1 56 for i in range(HEIGHT-1,-1,-1): 57 for j in range(WIDTH-1,-1,-1): 58 if j+1<WIDTH and LL[i][j].isactive==ACTIVE and BL[i][j+1]==0: 59 self.Fill(i,j+1);self.Empty(i,j) 60 61 def Down(self,event): 62 BL=self.BlockList;LL=self.LabelList 63 Moveable=TRUE 64 for i in range(HEIGHT): 65 for j in range(WIDTH): 66 if LL[i][j].isactive==ACTIVE and i+1>=HEIGHT:Moveable=FALSE 67 if LL[i][j].isactive==ACTIVE and i+1<HEIGHT and BL[i+1][j]==1 and LL[i+1][j].isactive==PASSIVE:Moveable=FALSE 68 if Moveable==TRUE and self.isStart : 69 self.px+=1 70 for i in range(HEIGHT-1,-1,-1): 71 for j in range(WIDTH-1,-1,-1): 72 if i+1<HEIGHT and LL[i][j].isactive==ACTIVE and BL[i+1][j]==0: 73 self.Fill(i+1,j);self.Empty(i,j); 74 if Moveable==FALSE: 75 for i in range(HEIGHT): 76 for j in range(WIDTH): 77 LL[i][j].isactive=PASSIVE 78 self.JudgeLineFill() 79 self.Start() 80 if self.isgameover==TRUE:showinfo(\'T_T\',\'The game is over!\');self.Distroy();return FALSE 81 for i in range(4): 82 for j in range(4): 83 self.NextEmpty(i,j) 84 self.Rnd() 85 return Moveable 86 87 def Space(self,event): 88 while 1: 89 if self.Down(0)==FALSE:break
3. 项目完整代码
1 #_*_ coding:utf-8 _*_ 2 from tkinter import * 3 import random 4 import time 5 import tkinter.messagebox 6 7 8 #俄罗斯方块界面的高度 9 HEIGHT = 20 10 11 #俄罗斯方块界面的宽度 12 WIDTH = 10 13 14 ACTIVE = 1 15 PASSIVE = 0 16 TRUE = 1 17 FALSE = 0 18 19 style = [ 20 [[(0,0),(0,1),(1,1),(2,1)],[(1,0),(1,1),(1,2),(0,2)],[(0,1),(1,1),(2,1),(2,2)],[(1,0),(2,0),(1,1),(1,2)]],#j 21 [[(1,0),(1,1),(1,2),(2,1)],[(1,0),(0,1),(1,1),(2,1)],[(1,0),(1,1),(1,2),(0,1)],[(0,1),(1,1),(2,1),(1,2)]],#T 22 [[(0,1),(1,1),(2,1),(2,0)],[(0,0),(1,0),(1,1),(1,2)],[(0,1),(1,1),(2,1),(0,2)],[(1,0),(1,1),(1,2),(2,2)]],#反L 23 [[(0,0),(0,1),(1,1),(1,2)],[(2,1),(1,1),(1,2),(0,2)],[(0,0),(0,1),(1,1),(1,2)],[(2,1),(1,1),(1,2),(0,2)]],#Z 24 [[(1,0),(1,1),(0,1),(0,2)],[(0,1),(1,1),(1,2),(2,2)],[(1,0),(1,1),(0,1),(0,2)],[(0,1),(1,1),(1,2),(2,2)]],#反Z 25 [[(0,0),(0,1),(1,1),(1,0)],[(0,0),(0,1),(1,1),(1,0)],[(0,0),(0,1),(1,1),(1,0)],[(0,0),(0,1),(1,1),(1,0)]],#田 26 [[(1,0),(1,1),(1,2),(1,3)],[(0,1),(1,1),(2,1),(3,1)],[(1,0),(1,1),(1,2),(1,3)],[(0,1),(1,1),(2,1),(3,1)]]#长条 27 ] 28 29 root=Tk(); 30 root.title(\'俄罗斯方块\') 31 32 class App(Frame): 33 def __init__(self,master): 34 Frame.__init__(self) 35 master.bind(\'<Up>\',self.Up) 36 master.bind(\'<Left>\',self.Left) 37 master.bind(\'<Right>\',self.Right) 38 master.bind(\'<Down>\',self.Down) 39 40 master.bind(\'<space>\',self.Space) 41 master.bind(\'<Control-Shift-Key-F12>\',self.Play) 42 master.bind(\'<Key-P>\',self.Pause) 43 master.bind(\'<Key-S>\',self.StartByS) 44 45 # rgb颜色值 46 self.backg="#%02x%02x%02x" % (120,150,30) #大背景 47 self.frontg="#%02x%02x%02x" % (40,120,150) #下一个形状颜色 48 self.nextg="#%02x%02x%02x" % (150,100,100) #小背景 49 self.flashg="#%02x%02x%02x" % (210,130,100) #炸的颜色 50 51 self.LineDisplay=Label(master,text=\'Lines: \',bg=\'black\',fg=\'red\') 52 self.Line=Label(master,text=\'0\',bg=\'black\',fg=\'red\') 53 self.ScoreDisplay=Label(master,text=\'Score: \',bg=\'black\',fg=\'red\') 54 self.Score=Label(master,text=\'0\',bg=\'black\',fg=\'red\') 55 self.SpendTimeDisplay=Label(master,text=\'Time: \',bg=\'black\',fg=\'red\') 56 self.SpendTime=Label(master,text=\'0.0\',bg=\'black\',fg=\'red\') 57 58 self.LineDisplay.grid(row=HEIGHT-2,column=WIDTH,columnspan=2) 59 self.Line.grid(row=HEIGHT-2,column=WIDTH+2,columnspan=3) 60 self.ScoreDisplay.grid(row=HEIGHT-1,column=WIDTH,columnspan=2) 61 self.Score.grid(row=HEIGHT-1,column=WIDTH+2,columnspan=3) 62 self.SpendTimeDisplay.grid(row=HEIGHT-4,column=WIDTH,columnspan=2) 63 self.SpendTime.grid(row=HEIGHT-4,column=WIDTH+2,columnspan=3) 64 65 self.TotalTime=0.0 66 self.TotalLine=0 67 self.TotalScore=0 68 69 #游戏结束 70 self.isgameover=FALSE 71 #暂停 72 self.isPause=FALSE 73 #开始 74 self.isStart=FALSE 75 self.NextList=[] #整个小背景 76 self.NextRowList=[] #一行小背景 77 78 self.px=0 79 self.py=0 #记录方块参考点 80 81 #渲染小背景 82 r=0;c=0 83 for k in range(4*4): 84 LN=Label(master,text=\' \',bg=str(self.nextg),fg=\'white\',relief=FLAT,bd=3) 85 LN.grid(row=r,column=WIDTH+c,sticky=N+E+S+W) 86 self.NextRowList.append(LN) 87 c=c+1 88 if c>=4: 89 r=r+1;c=0 90 self.NextList.append(self.NextRowList) 91 self.NextRowList=[] 92 93 #渲染大背景 94 self.BlockList=[] 95 self.BlockRowList=[] 96 self.LabelList=[] 97 self.LabelRowList=[] 98 row=0;col=0 99 for i in range(HEIGHT*WIDTH): 100 L=Label(master,text=\' \',bg=str(self.backg),fg=\'white\',relief=FLAT,bd=4) 101 L.grid(row=row,column=col,sticky=N+E+S+W) 102 L.row=row;L.col=col;L.isactive=PASSIVE 103 self.BlockRowList.append(0); #大背景每个格子初始化为0值 104 self.LabelRowList.append(L) 105 col=col+1 106 if col>=WIDTH: 107 row=row+1;col=0 108 self.BlockList.append(self.BlockRowList) 109 self.LabelList.append(self.LabelRowList) 110 self.BlockRowList=[] 111 self.LabelRowList=[] 112 113 #file 114 fw=open(\'text.txt\',\'a\') 115 fw.close() 116 hasHead=FALSE 117 f=open(\'text.txt\',\'r\') 118 if f.read(5)==\'score\': 119 hasHead=TRUE 120 f.close() 121 self.file=open(\'text.txt\',\'a\') 122 if hasHead==FALSE: 123 self.file.write(\'score line time scorePtime linePtime scorePline date/n\') 124 self.file.flush() 125 126 self.time=1000 127 self.OnTimer() 128 129 def __del__(self): 130 #self.file.close() 131 pass 132 133 def Pause(self,event): 134 self.isPause=1-self.isPause 135 136 def Up(self,event): 137 BL=self.BlockList #格子的值 138 LL=self.LabelList #格子Label 139 140 Moveable=TRUE #是否可旋转 141 142 #代码编写开始 143 nowStyle = style[self.xnow][(self.ynow)] 144 newStyle = style[self.xnow][(self.ynow+1)%4] #算出下一俄罗斯方块 145 self.ynow = (self.ynow+1)%4 #此行代码非常重要,否则响应UP时,只能变第一次 146 147 print("nowStyle:"+str(nowStyle)+"=====>>newStyle:"+str(newStyle)) 148 149 #根据现有形状中每个label的坐标计算出旋转后目标坐标(x,y) 150 SourceList=[];DestList=[] 151 152 for i in range(4): 153 SourceList.append([ nowStyle[i][0]+self.px, nowStyle[i][1]+self.py]) 154 x = newStyle[i][0]+self.px 155 y = newStyle[i][1]+self.py 156 DestList.append([x, y]) 157 158 if x<0 or x>=HEIGHT or y<0 or y>=WIDTH : #or BL[x][y]==1 or LL[x][y].isactive==PASSIVE 159 Moveable=FALSE 160 161 if Moveable==TRUE: 162 for i in range(len(SourceList)): 163 self.Empty(SourceList[i][0],SourceList[i][1]) 164 for i in range(len(DestList)): 165 self.Fill(DestList[i][0],DestList[i][1]) 166 167 def Left(self,event): 168 BL=self.BlockList;LL=self.LabelList 169 Moveable=TRUE 170 for i in range(HEIGHT): 171 for j in range(WIDTH): 172 if LL[i][j].isactive==ACTIVE and j-1<0:Moveable=FALSE 173 if LL[i][j].isactive==ACTIVE and j-1>=0 and BL[i][j-1]==1 and LL[i][j-1].isactive==PASSIVE:Moveable=FALSE 174 if Moveable==TRUE: 175 self.py-=1 176 for i in range(HEIGHT): 177 for j in range(WIDTH): 178 if j-1>=0 and LL[i][j].isactive==ACTIVE and BL[i][j-1]==0: 179 self.Fill(i,j-1);self.Empty(i,j) 180 181 def Right(self,event): 182 BL=self.BlockList;LL=self.LabelList 183 Moveable=TRUE 184 for i in range(HEIGHT): 185 for j in range(WIDTH): 186 if LL[i][j].isactive==ACTIVE and j+1>=WIDTH:Moveable=FALSE 187 if LL[i][j].isactive==ACTIVE and j+1<WIDTH and BL[i][j+1]==1 and LL[i][j+1].isactive==PASSIVE:Moveable=FALSE 188 if Moveable==TRUE: 189 self.py+=1 190 for i in range(HEIGHT-1,-1,-1): 191 for j in range(WIDTH-1,-1,-1): 192 if j+1<WIDTH and LL[i][j].isactive==ACTIVE and BL[i][j+1]==0: 193 self.Fill(i,j+1);self.Empty(i,j) 194 195 def Down(self,event): 196 BL=self.BlockList;LL=self.LabelList 197 Moveable=TRUE 198 for i in range(HEIGHT): 199 for j in range(WIDTH): 200 if LL[i][j].isactive==ACTIVE and i+1>=HEIGHT:Moveable=FALSE 201 if LL[i][j].isactive==ACTIVE and i+1<HEIGHT and BL[i+1][j]==1 and LL[i+1][j].isactive==PASSIVE:Moveable=FALSE 202 if Moveable==TRUE and self.isStart : 203 self.px+=1 204 for i in range(HEIGHT-1,-1,-1): 205 for j in range(WIDTH-1,-1,-1): 206 if i+1<HEIGHT and LL[i][j].isactive==ACTIVE and BL[i+1][j]==0: 207 self.Fill(i+1,j);self.Empty(i,j); 208 if Moveable==FALSE: 209 for i in range(HEIGHT): 210 for j in range(WIDTH): 211 LL[i][j].isactive=PASSIVE 212 self.JudgeLineFill() 213 self.Start() 214 if self.isgameover==TRUE:showinfo(\'T_T\',\'The game is over!\');self.Distroy();return FALSE 215 for i in range(4): 216 for j in range(4): 217 self.NextEmpty(i,j) 218 self.Rnd() 219 return Moveable 220 221 def Space(self,event): 222 while 1: 223 if self.Down(0)==FALSE:break 224 225 def OnTimer(self): 226 if self.isStart==TRUE and self.isPause==FALSE: 227 self.TotalTime = self.TotalTime + float(self.time)/1000 228 self.SpendTime.config(text=str(self.TotalTime)) 229 230 if self.isPause==FALSE: 231 self.Down(0) 232 if self.TotalScore>=1000:self.time=900 233 if self.TotalScore>=2000:self.time=750 234 if self.TotalScore>=3000:self.time=600 235 if self.TotalScore>=4000:self.time=400 236 self.after(self.time,self.OnTimer) #随着分数增大,俄罗斯方块下降速度加快 237 238 def JudgeLineFill(self): 239 BL=self.BlockList;LL=self.LabelList 240 count=0;LineList=[] 241 for i in range(WIDTH):LineList.append(1) 242 #display flash 243 for i in range(HEIGHT): 244 if BL[i]==LineList: 245 count=count+1 246 for k in range(WIDTH): 247 LL[i][k].config(bg=str(self.flashg)) 248 LL[i][k].update() 249 if count!=0:self.after(100) 250 #delete block 251 for i in range(HEIGHT): 252 if BL[i]==LineList: 253 #count=count+1 254 for j in range(i,0,-1): 255 for k in range(WIDTH): 256 BL[j][k]=BL[j-1][k] 257 LL[j][k][\'relief\']=LL[j-1][k].cget(\'relief\') 258 LL[j][k][\'bg\']=LL[j-1][k].cget(\'bg\') 259 for l in range(WIDTH): 260 BL[0][l]=0 261 LL[0][l].config(relief=FLAT,bg=str(self.backg)) 262 self.TotalLine=self.TotalLine+count 263 if count==1:self.TotalScore=self.TotalScore+1*WIDTH 264 if count==2:self.TotalScore=self.TotalScore+3*WIDTH 265 if count==3:self.TotalScore=self.TotalScore+6*WIDTH 266 if count==4:self.TotalScore=self.TotalScore+10*WIDTH 267 self.Line.config(text=str(self.TotalLine)) 268 self.Score.config(text=str(self.TotalScore)) 269 270 def Fill(self,i,j): 271 if j<0:return 272 if self.BlockList[i][j]==1:self.isgameover=TRUE 273 self.BlockList[i][j]=1 274 self.LabelList[i][j].isactive=ACTIVE 275 self.LabelList[i][j].config(relief=RAISED,bg=str(self.frontg)) 276 277 def Empty(self,i,j): 278 self.BlockList[i][j]=0 279 self.LabelList[i][j].isactive=PASSIVE 280 self.LabelList[i][j].config(relief=FLAT,bg=str(self.backg)) 281 282 def Play(self,event): 283 showinfo(\'Made in China\',\'^_^\') 284 285 def NextFill(self,i,j): 286 self.NextList[i][j].config(relief=RAISED,bg=str(self.frontg)) 287 288 def NextEmpty(self,i,j): 289 self.NextList[i][j].config(relief=FLAT,bg=str(self.nextg)) 290 291 def Distroy(self): 292 #save 293 if self.TotalScore!=0: 294 #cehkongfu 295 savestr=\'%-9u%-8u%-8.2f%-14.2f%-13.2f%-14.2f%s/n\' % ( 296 self.TotalScore,self.TotalLine,self.TotalTime 297 ,self.TotalScore/self.TotalTime 298 ,self.TotalLine/self.TotalTime 299 ,float(self.TotalScore)/self.TotalLine 300 ,time.strftime(\'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\',time.localtime())) 301 self.file.seek(0,2) 302 self.file.write(savestr) 303 self.file.flush() 304 305 for i in range(HEIGHT): 306 for j in range(WIDTH): 307 self.Empty(i,j) 308 self.TotalLine=0;self.TotalScore=0;self.TotalTime=0.0 309 self.Line.config(text=str(self.TotalLine)) 310 self.Score.config(text=str(self.TotalScore)) 311 self.SpendTime.config(text=str(self.TotalTime)) 312 self.isgameover=FALSE 313 self.isStart=FALSE 314 self.time=1000 315 for i in range(4): 316 for j in range(4): 317 self.NextEmpty(i,j) 318 319 #游戏开始方块 320 def Start(self): 321 nextStyle = style[self.x][self.y] #下一形状 322 self.xnow = self.x 323 self.ynow = self.y #记录大背景中的方块 324 self.py = random.randint(0,6) 325 print("给py赋任意值:"+str(self.py)) 326 self.px = 0 327 for ii in range(4): 328 self.Fill(int(nextStyle[ii][0]),int(nextStyle[ii][1])+self.py) 329 self.isStart=TRUE #游戏开始 330 331 #预处理方块 332 def Rnd(self): 333 self.x=random.randint(0,6) 334 self.y=random.randint(0,3) 335 nextStyle = style[self.x][self.y] #下一形状 336 for ii in range(4): 337 self.NextFill(int(nextStyle[ii][0]),int(nextStyle[ii][1])) 338 339 #游戏开始给出一次任意形状的方块 340 def RndFirst(self): 341 self.x=random.randint(0,6) #选择第一个方块style 342 self.y=random.randint(0,3) 343 344 def Show(self): 345 self.file.seek(0) 346 strHeadLine=self.file.readline() 347 dictLine={} 348 strTotalLine=\'\' 349 for OneLine in self.file.readlines(): 350 temp=int(OneLine[:5]) 351 dictLine[temp]=OneLine 352 353 list=sorted(dictLine.items(),key=lambda d:d[0]) 354 ii=0 355 for onerecord in reversed(list): 356 ii=ii+1 357 if ii<11: 358 strTotalLine+=onerecord[1] 359 showinfo(\'Ranking\', strHeadLine+strTotalLine) 360 361 def StartByS(self,event): 362 self.RndFirst() 363 self.Start() 364 self.Rnd() 365 366 def Start(): 367 app.RndFirst() 368 app.Start() 369 app.Rnd() 370 371 def End(): 372 app.Distroy() 373 374 def Set(): 375 print("设置功能待完善...") 376 377 def Show(): 378 app.Show() 379 380 #主菜单 381 mainmenu=Menu(root) 382 root[\'menu\']=mainmenu 383 384 #二级菜单:game 385 gamemenu=Menu(mainmenu) 386 mainmenu.add_cascade(label=\'游戏\',menu=gamemenu) 387 gamemenu.add_command(label=\'开始\',command=Start) 388 gamemenu.add_command(label=\'结束\',command=End) 389 gamemenu.add_separator() 390 gamemenu.add_command(label=\'退出\',command=root.quit) 391 392 #二级菜单:set 393 setmenu=Menu(mainmenu) 394 mainmenu.add_cascade(label=\'设置\',menu=setmenu) 395 setmenu.add_command(label=\'设置\',command=Set) 396 397 #二级菜单:show 398 showmenu=Menu(mainmenu) 399 mainmenu.add_cascade(label=\'展示\',menu=showmenu) 400 showmenu.add_command(label=\'展示\',command=Show) 401 402 #绑定功能 403 404 app=App(root) 405 #程序入口 406 root.mainloop()
1. 项目源码
1 import random 2 import pygame 3 import sys 4 from pygame.locals import * 5 6 Snakespeed = 9 7 Window_Width = 800 8 Window_Height = 500 9 Cell_Size = 20 # Width and height of the cells 10 # Ensuring that the cells fit perfectly in the window. eg if cell size was 11 # 10 and window width or window height were 15 only 1.5 cells would 12 # fit. 13 assert Window_Width % Cell_Size == 0, "Window width must be a multiple of cell size." 14 # Ensuring that only whole integer number of cells fit perfectly in the window. 15 assert Window_Height % Cell_Size == 0, "Window height must be a multiple of cell size." 16 Cell_W = int(Window_Width / Cell_Size) # Cell Width 17 Cell_H = int(Window_Height / Cell_Size) # Cell Height 18 19 White = (255, 255, 255) 20 Black = (0, 0, 0) 21 Red = (255, 0, 0) # Defining element colors for the program. 22 Green = (0, 255, 0) 23 DARKGreen = (0, 155, 0) 24 DARKGRAY = (40, 40, 40) 25 YELLOW = (255, 255, 0) 26 Red_DARK = (150, 0, 0) 27 BLUE = (0, 0, 255) 28 BLUE_DARK = (0, 0, 150) 29 30 BGCOLOR = Black # Background color 31 32 UP = \'up\' 33 DOWN = \'down\' # Defining keyboard keys. 34 LEFT = \'left\' 35 RIGHT = \'right\' 36 37 HEAD = 0 # Syntactic sugar: index of the snake\'s head 38 39 40 def main(): 41 global SnakespeedCLOCK, DISPLAYSURF, BASICFONT 42 43 pygame.init() 44 SnakespeedCLOCK = pygame.time.Clock() 45 DISPLAYSURF = pygame.display.set_mode((Window_Width, Window_Height)) 46 BASICFONT = pygame.font.Font(\'freesansbold.ttf\', 18) 47 pygame.display.set_caption(\'Snake\') 48 49 showStartScreen() 50 while True: 51 runGame() 52 showGameOverScreen() 53 54 55 def runGame(): 56 # Set a random start point. 57 startx = random.randint(5, Cell_W - 6) 58 starty = random.randint(5, Cell_H - 6) 59 wormCoords = [{\'x\': startx, \'y\': starty}, 60 {\'x\': startx - 1, \'y\': starty}, 61 {\'x\': startx - 2, \'y\': starty}] 62 direction = RIGHT 63 64 # Start the apple in a random place. 65 apple = getRandomLocation() 66 67 while True: # main game loop 68 for event in pygame.event.get(): # event handling loop 69 if event.type == QUIT: 70 terminate() 71 elif event.type == KEYDOWN: 72 if (event.key == K_LEFT) and direction != RIGHT: 73 direction = LEFT 74 elif (event.key == K_RIGHT) and direction != LEFT: 75 direction = RIGHT 76 elif (event.key == K_UP) and direction != DOWN: 77 direction = UP 78 elif (event.key == K_DOWN) and direction != UP: 79 direction = DOWN 80 elif event.key == K_ESCAPE: 81 terminate() 82 83 # check if the Snake has hit itself or the edge 84 if wormCoords[HEAD][\'x\'] == -1 or wormCoords[HEAD][\'x\'] == Cell_W or wormCoords[HEAD][\'y\'] == -1 or \ 85 wormCoords[HEAD][\'y\'] == Cell_H: 86 return # game over 87 for wormBody in wormCoords[1:]: 88 if wormBody[\'x\'] == wormCoords[HEAD][\'x\'] and wormBody[\'y\'] == wormCoords[HEAD][\'y\']: 89 return # game over 90 91 # check if Snake has eaten an apply 92 if wormCoords[HEAD][\'x\'] == apple[\'x\'] and wormCoords[HEAD][\'y\'] == apple[\'y\']: 93 # don\'t remove worm\'s tail segment 94 apple = getRandomLocation() # set a new apple somewhere 95 else: 96 del wormCoords[-1] # remove worm\'s tail segment 97 98 # move the worm by adding a segment in the direction it is moving 99 if direction == UP: 100 newHead = {\'x\': wormCoords[HEAD][\'x\'], 101 \'y\': wormCoords[HEAD][\'y\'] - 1} 102 elif direction == DOWN: 103 newHead = {\'x\': wormCoords[HEAD][\'x\'], 104 \'y\': wormCoords[HEAD][\'y\'] + 1} 105 elif direction == LEFT: 106 newHead = {\'x\': wormCoords[HEAD][ 107 \'x\'] - 1, \'y\': wormCoords[HEAD][\'y\']} 108 elif direction == RIGHT: 109 newHead = {\'x\': wormCoords[HEAD][ 110 \'x\'] + 1, \'y\': wormCoords[HEAD][\'y\']} 111 wormCoords.insert(0, newHead) 112 DISPLAYSURF.fill(BGCOLOR) 113 drawGrid() 114 drawWorm(wormCoords) 115 drawApple(apple) 116 drawScore(len(wormCoords) - 3) 117 pygame.display.update() 118 SnakespeedCLOCK.tick(Snakespeed) 119 120 121 def drawPressKeyMsg(): 122 pressKeySurf = BASICFONT.render(\'Press a key to play.\', True, White) 123 pressKeyRect = pressKeySurf.get_rect() 124 pressKeyRect.topleft = (Window_Width - 200, Window_Height - 30) 125 DISPLAYSURF.blit(pressKeySurf, pressKeyRect) 126 127 128 def checkForKeyPress(): 129 if len(pygame.event.get(QUIT)) > 0: 130 terminate() 131 keyUpEvents = pygame.event.get(KEYUP) 132 if len(keyUpEvents) == 0: 133 return None 134 if keyUpEvents[0].key == K_ESCAPE: 135 terminate() 136 return keyUpEvents[0].key 137 138 139 def showStartScreen(): 140 titleFont = pygame.font.Font(\'freesansbold.ttf\', 100) 141 titleSurf1 = titleFont.render(\'Snake!\', True, White, DARKGreen) 142 degrees1 = 0 143 degrees2 = 0 144 while True: 145 DISPLAYSURF.fill(BGCOLOR) 146 rotatedSurf1 = pygame.transform.rotate(titleSurf1, degrees1) 147 rotatedRect1 = rotatedSurf1.get_rect() 148 rotatedRect1.center = (Window_Width / 2, Window_Height / 2) 149 DISPLAYSURF.blit(rotatedSurf1, rotatedRect1) 150 151 drawPressKeyMsg() 152 153 if checkForKeyPress(): 154 pygame.event.get() # clear event queue 155 return 156 pygame.display.update() 157 SnakespeedCLOCK.tick(Snakespeed) 158 degrees1 += 3 # rotate by 3 degrees each frame 159 degrees2 += 7 # rotate by 7 degrees each frame 160 161 162 def terminate(): 163 pygame.quit() 164 sys.exit() 165 166 167 def getRandomLocation(): 168 return {\'x\': random.randint(0, Cell_W - 1), \'y\': random.randint(0, Cell_H - 1)} 169 170 171 def showGameOverScreen(): 172 gameOverFont = pygame.font.Font(\'freesansbold.ttf\', 100) 173 gameSurf = gameOverFont.render(\'Game\', True, White) 174 overSurf = gameOverFont.render(\'Over\', True, White) 175 gameRect = gameSurf.get_rect() 176 overRect = overSurf.get_rect() 177 gameRect.midtop = (Window_Width / 2, 10) 178 overRect.midtop = (Window_Width / 2, gameRect.height + 10 + 25) 179 180 DISPLAYSURF.blit(gameSurf, gameRect) 181 DISPLAYSURF.blit(overSurf, overRect) 182 drawPressKeyMsg() 183 pygame.display.update() 184 pygame.time.wait(500) 185 checkForKeyPress() # clear out any key presses in the event queue 186 187 while True: 188 if checkForKeyPress(): 189 pygame.event.get() # clear event queue 190 return 191 192 193 def drawScore(score): 194 scoreSurf = BASICFONT.render(\'Score: %s\' % (score), True, White) 195 scoreRect = scoreSurf.get_rect() 196 scoreRect.topleft = (Window_Width - 120, 10) 197 DISPLAYSURF.blit(scoreSurf, scoreRect) 198 199 200 def drawWorm(wormCoords): 201 for coord in wormCoords: 202 x = coord[\'x\'] * Cell_Size 203 y = coord[\'y\'] * Cell_Size 204 wormSegmentRect = pygame.Rect(x, y, Cell_Size, Cell_Size) 205 pygame.draw.rect(DISPLAYSURF, DARKGreen, wormSegmentRect) 206 wormInnerSegmentRect = pygame.Rect( 207 x + 4, y + 4, Cell_Size - 8, Cell_Size - 8) 208 pygame.draw.rect(DISPLAYSURF, Green, wormInnerSegmentRect) 209 210 211 def drawApple(coord): 212 x = coord[\'x\'] * Cell_Size 213 214 215 y = coord[\'y\'] * Cell_Size 216 appleRect = pygame.Rect(x, y, Cell_Size, Cell_Size) 217 pygame.draw.rect(DISPLAYSURF, Red, appleRect) 218 219 220 def drawGrid(): 221 for x in range(0, Window_Width, Cell_Size): # draw vertical lines 222 pygame.draw.line(DISPLAYSURF, DARKGRAY, (x, 0), (x, Window_Height)) 223 for y in range(0, Window_Height, Cell_Size): # draw horizontal lines 224 pygame.draw.line(DISPLAYSURF, DARKGRAY, (0, y), (Window_Width, y)) 225 226 227 if __name__ == \'__main__\': 228 try: 229 main() 230 except SystemExit: 231 pass
1 from tkinter import * 2 class YouLikeMe: 3 def __init__(self): 4 window=Tk() 5 label=Label(window,text=\'你是不是喜欢我?\') 6 self.btyes=Button(window,text=\'不是\',height=1,width=6) 7 self.btno=Button(window,text=\'是的\',height=1,width=6) 8 label.place(x=60,y=70) 9 self.btyes.place(x=40,y=130) 10 self.btno.place(x=120,y=130) 11 self.btyes.bind(\'<Enter>\',self.event1)#将按钮与鼠标事件绑定,<Enter>是指鼠标光标进入按钮区域 12 self.btno.bind(\'<Enter>\',self.event2) 13 window.mainloop() 14 def event1(self,event):#切换按钮文字 15 self.btyes[\'text\']=\'是的\' 16 self.btno[\'text\']=\'不是\' 17 def event2(self,event): 18 self.btyes[\'text\']=\'不是\' 19 self.btno[\'text\']=\'是的\' 20 21 YouLikeMe() 22 window=Tk() 23 label=Label(window,text=\'关闭窗口也改变不了你喜欢我的事实\') 24 label.place(x=2,y=80) 25 button=Button(window,text=\'确定\',command=window.destroy) 26 button.place(x=80,y=150) 27 window.mainloop()
1 import turtle 2 import time 3 turtle.speed(5) #画笔移动的速度 4 5 6 7 # 设置初始位置 8 9 turtle.penup() #提起画笔,移动画笔但并不会绘制图形 10 turtle.left(90) #逆时针转动画笔90度 11 turtle.fd(200) 12 turtle.pendown() #放下画笔,移动画笔即开始绘制 13 turtle.right(90) 14 #设置画笔的大小 15 turtle.pensize(2) 16 17 # 花蕊 18 19 turtle.fillcolor("red") #填充颜色 20 turtle.begin_fill() #开始填充 21 turtle.circle(10,180) 22 turtle.circle(25,110) 23 turtle.left(50) 24 turtle.circle(60,45) 25 turtle.circle(20,170) 26 turtle.right(24) 27 turtle.fd(30) 28 turtle.left(10) 29 turtle.circle(30,110) 30 turtle.fd(20) 31 turtle.left(40) 32 turtle.circle(90,70) 33 turtle.circle(30,150) 34 turtle.right(30) 35 turtle.fd(15) 36 turtle.circle(80,90) 37 turtle.left(15) 38 turtle.fd(45) 39 turtle.right(165) 40 turtle.fd(20) 41 turtle.left(155) 42 turtle.circle(150,80) 43 turtle.left(50) 44 turtle.circle(150,90) 45 turtle.end_fill() #结束填充 46 47 # 花瓣1 48 49 turtle.left(150) 50 turtle.circle(-90,70) 51 turtle.left(20) 52 turtle.circle(75,105) 53 turtle.setheading(60) 54 turtle.circle(80,98) 55 turtle.circle(-90,40) 56 57 58 59 # 花瓣2 60 turtle.left(180) 61 turtle.circle(90,40) 62 turtle.circle(-80,98) 63 turtle.setheading(-83) 64 65 # 叶子1 66 turtle.fd(30) 67 turtle.left(90) 68 turtle.fd(25) 69 turtle.left(45) 70 turtle.fillcolor("green") 71 turtle.begin_fill() 72 turtle.circle(-80,90) 73 turtle.right(90) 74 turtle.circle(-80,90) 75 turtle.end_fill() 76 77 78 79 turtle.right(135) 80 turtle.fd(60) 81 turtle.left(180) 82 turtle.fd(85) 83 turtle.left(90) 84 turtle.fd(80) 85 86 87 # 叶子2 88 turtle.right(90) 89 turtle.right(45) 90 turtle.fillcolor("green") 91 turtle.begin_fill() 92 turtle.circle(80,90) 93 turtle.left(90) 94 turtle.circle(80,90) 95 turtle.end_fill() 96 97 98 turtle.left(135) 99 turtle.fd(60) 100 turtle.left(180) 101 turtle.fd(60) 102 turtle.right(90) 103 turtle.circle(200,50) #画一个圆 200 是半径,50 是弧度 104 105 #不让自动退出,放在程序的最后一行 106 #不然画画结束后会自动退出 107 turtle.done()
1 import turtle 2 q = turtle.Pen() 3 turtle.bgcolor("black") 4 sides = 7 5 colors =["red","orange","yellow","green","cyan","blue","blue","purple"] 6 for x in range(360): 7 q.pencolor(colors[x%sides]) 8 q.forward(x*3/sides+x) 9 q.left(360/sides+1) 10 q.width(x*sides/200)
1 # -*- coding:utf-8 –*- 2 # 用turtlr画时钟 3 # 以自定义shape的方式实现 4 import turtle as t 5 import datetime as d 6 def skip(step): # 抬笔,跳到一个地方 7 t.penup() 8 t.forward(step) 9 t.pendown() 10 def drawClock(radius): # 画表盘 11 t.speed(0) 12 t.mode("logo") # 以Logo坐标、角度方式 13 t.hideturtle() 14 t.pensize(7) 15 t.home() # 回到圆点 16 for j in range(60): 17 skip(radius) 18 if (j % 5 == 0): 19 t.forward(20) 20 skip(-radius - 20) 21 else: 22 t.dot(5) 23 skip(-radius) 24 t.right(6) 25 def makePoint(pointName, len): # 钟的指针,时针、分针、秒针 26 t.penup() 27 t.home() 28 t.begin_poly() 29 t.back(0.1 * len) 30 t.forward(len * 1.1) 31 t.end_poly() 32 poly = t.get_poly() 33 t.register_shape(pointName, poly) # 注册为一个shape 34 def drawPoint(): # 画指针 35 global hourPoint, minPoint, secPoint, fontWriter 36 makePoint("hourPoint", 100) 37 makePoint("minPoint", 120) 38 makePoint("secPoint", 140) 39 hourPoint = t.Pen() # 每个指针是一只新turtle 40 hourPoint.shape("hourPoint") 41 hourPoint.shapesize(1, 1, 6) 42 minPoint = t.Pen() 43 minPoint.shape("minPoint") 44 minPoint.shapesize(1, 1, 4) 45 secPoint = t.Pen() 46 secPoint.shape("secPoint") 47 secPoint.pencolor(\'red\') 48 fontWriter = t.Pen() 49 fontWriter.pencolor(\'gray\') 50 fontWriter.hideturtle() 51 def getWeekName(weekday): 52 weekName = [\'星期一\', \'星期二\', \'星期三\', \'星期四\', \'星期五\', \'星期六\', \'星期日\'] 53 return weekName[weekday] 54 def getDate(year, month, day): 55 return "%s-%s-%s" % (year, month, day) 56 def realTime(): 57 curr = d.datetime.now() 58 curr_year = curr.year 59 curr_month = curr.month 60 curr_day = curr.day 61 curr_hour = curr.hour 62 curr_minute = curr.minute 63 curr_second = curr.second 64 curr_weekday = curr.weekday() 65 t.tracer(False) 66 secPoint.setheading(360 / 60 * curr_second) 67 minPoint.setheading(360 / 60 * curr_minute) 68 hourPoint.setheading(360 / 12 * curr_hour + 30 / 60 * curr_minute) 69 fontWriter.clear() 70 fontWriter.home() 71 fontWriter.penup() 72 fontWriter.forward(80) 73 # 用turtle写文字 74 fontWriter.write(getWeekName(curr_weekday), align="center", font=("Courier", 14, "bold")) 75 fontWriter.forward(-160) 76 fontWriter.write(getDate(curr_year, curr_month, curr_day), align="center", font=("Courier", 14, "bold")) 77 t.tracer(True) 78 print(curr_second) 79 t.ontimer(realTime, 100) # 每隔100毫秒调用一次realTime() 80 def main(): 81 t.tracer(False) 82 drawClock(160) 83 drawPoint() 84 realTime() 85 t.tracer(True) 86 t.mainloop() 87 if __name__ == \'__main__\': 88 main()
1 # coding: utf-8 2 3 import turtle as t 4 5 t.screensize(400, 300) 6 t.pensize(4) # 设置画笔的大小 7 t.colormode(255) # 设置GBK颜色范围为0-255 8 t.color((255, 155, 192), "pink") # 设置画笔颜色和填充颜色(pink) 9 t.setup(840, 500) # 设置主窗口的大小为840*500 10 t.speed(10) # 设置画笔速度为10 11 # 鼻子 12 t.pu() # 提笔 13 t.goto(-100, 100) # 画笔前往坐标(-100,100) 14 t.pd() # 下笔 15 t.seth(-30) # 笔的角度为-30° 16 t.begin_fill() # 外形填充的开始标志 17 a = 0.4 18 for i in range(120): 19 if 0 <= i < 30 or 60 <= i < 90: 20 a = a + 0.08 21 t.lt(3) # 向左转3度 22 t.fd(a) # 向前走a的步长 23 else: 24 a = a - 0.08 25 t.lt(3) 26 t.fd(a) 27 t.end_fill() # 依据轮廓填充 28 t.pu() # 提笔 29 t.seth(90) # 笔的角度为90度 30 t.fd(25) # 向前移动25 31 t.seth(0) # 转换画笔的角度为0 32 t.fd(10) 33 t.pd() 34 t.pencolor(255, 155, 192) # 设置画笔颜色 35 t.seth(10) 36 t.begin_fill() 37 t.circle(5) # 画一个半径为5的圆 38 t.color(160, 82, 45) # 设置画笔和填充颜色 39 t.end_fill() 40 t.pu() 41 t.seth(0) 42 t.fd(20) 43 t.pd() 44 t.pencolor(255, 155, 192) 45 t.seth(10) 46 t.begin_fill() 47 t.circle(5) 48 t.color(160, 82, 45) 49 t.end_fill() 50 # 头 51 t.color((255, 155, 192), "pink") 52 t.pu() 53 t.seth(90) 54 t.fd(41) 55 t.seth(0) 56 t.fd(0) 57 t.pd() 58 t.begin_fill() 59 t.seth(180) 60 t.circle(300, -30) # 顺时针画一个半径为300,圆心角为30°的园 61 t.circle(100, -60) 62 t.circle(80, -100) 63 t.circle(150, -20) 64 t.circle(60, -95) 65 t.seth(161) 66 t.circle(-300, 15) 67 t.pu() 68 t.goto(-100, 100) 69 t.pd() 70 t.seth(-30) 71 a = 0.4 72 for i in range(60): 73 if 0 <= i < 30 or 60 <= i < 90: 74 a = a + 0.08 75 t.lt(3) # 向左转3度 76 t.fd(a) # 向前走a的步长 77 else: 78 a = a - 0.08 79 t.lt(3) 80 t.fd(a) 81 t.end_fill() 82 # 耳朵 83 t.color((255, 155, 192), "pink") 84 t.pu() 85 t.seth(90) 86 t.fd(-7) 87 t.seth(0) 88 t.fd(70) 89 t.pd() 90 t.begin_fill() 91 t.seth(100) 92 t.circle(-50, 50) 93 t.circle(-10, 120) 94 t.circle(-50, 54) 95 t.end_fill() 96 t.pu() 97 t.seth(90) 98 t.fd(-12) 99 t.seth(0) 100 t.fd(30) 101 t.pd() 102 t.begin_fill() 103 t.seth(100) 104 t.circle(-50, 50) 105 t.circle(-10, 120) 106 t.circle(-50, 56) 107 t.end_fill() 108 # 眼睛 109 t.color((255, 155, 192), "white") 110 t.pu() 111 t.seth(90) 112 t.fd(-20) 113 t.seth(0) 114 t.fd(-95) 115 t.pd() 116 t.begin_fill() 117 t.circle(15) 118 t.end_fill() 119 t.color("black") 120 t.pu() 121 t.seth(90) 122 t.fd(12) 123 t.seth(0) 124 t.fd(-3) 125 t.pd() 126 t.begin_fill() 127 t.circle(3) 128 t.end_fill() 129 t.color((255, 155, 192), "white") 130 t.pu() 131 t.seth(90) 132 t.fd(-25) 133 t.seth(0) 134 t.fd(40) 135 t.pd() 136 t.begin_fill() 137 t.circle(15) 138 t.end_fill() 139 t.color("black") 140 t.pu() 141 t.seth(90) 142 t.fd(12) 143 t.seth(0) 144 t.fd(-3) 145 t.pd() 146 t.begin_fill() 147 t.circle(3) 148 t.end_fill() 149 # 腮 150 t.color((255, 155, 192)) 151 t.pu() 152 t.seth(90) 153 t.fd(-95) 154 t.seth(0) 155 t.fd(65) 156 t.pd() 157 t.begin_fill() 158 t.circle(30) 159 t.end_fill() 160 # 嘴 161 t.color(239, 69, 19) 162 t.pu() 163 t.seth(90) 164 t.fd(15) 165 t.seth(0) 166 t.fd(-100) 167 t.pd() 168 t.seth(-80) 169 t.circle(30, 40) 170 t.circle(40, 80) 171 # 身体 172 t.color("red", (255, 99, 71)) 173 t.pu() 174 t.seth(90) 175 t.fd(-20) 176 t.seth(0) 177 t.fd(-78) 178 t.pd() 179 t.begin_fill() 180 t.seth(-130) 181 t.circle(100, 10) 182 t.circle(300, 30) 183 t.seth(0) 184 t.fd(230) 185 t.seth(90) 186 t.circle(300, 30) 187 t.circle(100, 3) 188 t.color((255, 155, 192), (255, 100, 100)) 189 t.seth(-135) 190 t.circle(-80, 63) 191 t.circle(-150, 24) 192 t.end_fill() 193 # 手 194 t.color((255, 155, 192)) 195 t.pu() 196 t.seth(90) 197 t.fd(-40) 198 t.seth(0) 199 t.fd(-27) 200 t.pd() 201 t.seth(-160) 202 t.circle(300, 15) 203 t.pu() 204 t.seth(90) 205 t.fd(15) 206 t.seth(0) 207 t.fd(0) 208 t.pd() 209 t.seth(-10) 210 t.circle(-20, 90) 211 t.pu() 212 t.seth(90) 213 t.fd(30) 214 t.seth(0) 215 t.fd(237) 216 t.pd() 217 t.seth(-20) 218 t.circle(-300, 15) 219 t.pu() 220 t.seth(90) 221 t.fd(20) 222 t.seth(0) 223 t.fd(0) 224 t.pd() 225 t.seth(-170) 226 t.circle(20, 90) 227 # 脚 228 t.pensize(10) 229 t.color((240, 128, 128)) 230 t.pu() 231 t.seth(90) 232 t.fd(-75) 233 t.seth(0) 234 t.fd(-180) 235 t.pd() 236 t.seth(-90) 237 t.fd(40) 238 t.seth(-180) 239 t.color("black") 240 t.pensize(15) 241 t.fd(20) 242 t.pensize(10) 243 t.color((240, 128, 128)) 244 t.pu() 245 t.seth(90) 246 t.fd(40) 247 t.seth(0) 248 t.fd(90) 249 t.pd() 250 t.seth(-90) 251 t.fd(40) 252 t.seth(-180) 253 t.color("black") 254 t.pensize(15) 255 t.fd(20) 256 # 尾巴 257 t.pensize(4) 258 t.color((255, 155, 192)) 259 t.pu() 260 t.seth(90) 261 t.fd(70) 262 t.seth(0) 263 t.fd(95) 264 t.pd() 265 t.seth(0) 266 t.circle(70, 20) 267 t.circle(10, 330) 268 t.circle(70, 30) 269 t.done()
1 from tkinter import * #_all_ = [a,b] 2 from tkinter import messagebox 3 from PIL import ImageTk 4 def closeWindow(): 5 messagebox.showinfo(title="警告",message = "不许关闭,好好回答") 6 return 7 8 #点击喜欢触发的方法 9 def Love(): 10 #Toplevel独立的*窗口,和父级标题一样 11 love = Toplevel(window) 12 love.geometry("360x200+540+360") 13 love.title("好巧,我也是") 14 label = Label(love,text="巧了,我也喜欢你",font =("微软雅黑",20)) 15 label.pack() 16 label1 = Label(love,text="认识一下,加个微信呗",font =("微软雅黑",20)) 17 label1.pack() 18 entry = Entry(love,font = ("微软雅黑",15)) 19 entry.pack() 20 btn = Button(love,text = "确定",width = 10 , height = 1,command = close_all) 21 btn.pack() 22 love.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW",closelove) 23 24 def closelove(): 25 return 26 27 #关闭所有的窗口 注意,如果父级窗口关了,下面的所有窗口均会关闭 28 def close_all(): 29 #destory 销毁 30 window.destroy() 31 #关闭不喜欢框的X时 32 def closenolove(): 33 messagebox.showinfo("再考虑一下","再考虑一下呗") 34 return 35 disLove() 36 37 #点击不喜欢触发的事件 38 def disLove(): 39 no_love = Toplevel(window) 40 no_love.geometry("300x90+540+360") 41 no_love.title("再考虑考虑") 42 label = Label(no_love,text = "再考虑考虑呗!",font = ("微软雅黑",25)) 43 label.pack() 44 btn = Button(no_love,text = "好的",width = 10 , height = 1,command = no_love.destroy) 45 btn.pack() 46 no_love.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW",closenolove) 47 48 49 50 # 创建窗口 51 window =Tk() #类的实例化,创建窗口,window仅仅是个变量 52 53 # 窗口标题 54 window.title("你喜欢我吗?") 55 56 # 窗口的大小 运用小写的x来连接 57 window.geometry("380x400") 58 59 #窗口位置(距离屏幕左上角) 运用+来连接 60 window.geometry("+500+240") # geometry意为几何 61 #上述可以写成window.geometry("380x200+500+245"),其中+是用来连接的 62 63 #用户关闭窗口触发的事件 64 window.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW",closeWindow) 65 66 # 标签控件,一般第一个参数均是父级窗口 ,这里传参为window fg设置颜色 67 label = Label(window, text = "Hey,小姐姐", font = ("微软雅黑",15), fg="black") 68 69 # 定位 grid(网格式) pack(包的方式) place(用的最少的一种,根据位置) 70 label.grid(row=0,column =0) #默认值为 0 0 71 72 label_1 = Label(window,text = "喜欢我吗?",font = ("微软雅黑",25)) 73 label_1.grid(row=1,column = 1,sticky = E) #sticky为对齐方式 N上S下W左E右 74 75 # 显示图片 76 photo = ImageTk.PhotoImage(file=\'Rose.jpg\') 77 imageLable = Label(window,image = photo) 78 #column 组件所跨越的列数 79 imageLable.grid(row=2,columnspan =2) #跨列操作 80 81 82 # ques_image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(file=\'./Image/cache/{}\'.format(image_name.group())) 83 84 85 86 #按钮控件 点击触发command事件 87 btn = Button(window,text="喜欢",width = 15,height=1,command = Love) 88 btn.grid(row = 3,column = 0,sticky = W) 89 90 btn1 =Button(window,text="不喜欢",command = disLove) 91 btn1 .grid(row = 3,column = 1,sticky = E) 92 #显示窗口 消息循环 93 window .mainloop()
1 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- 2 3 #导入系统文件库 4 import pygame 5 import random 6 from pygame.locals import * 7 from random import randint 8 9 10 #定义一些窗体参数及加载字体文件 11 SCREEN_WIDTH = 900 # 窗体宽度 12 SCREEN_HEIGHT = 600 # 窗体宽度 13 LOW_SPEED = 4 # 字体移动最低速度 14 HIGH_SPEED = 10 # 字体移动最快速度 15 FONT_COLOR = (00,150,00) # 字体颜色 16 FONT_SIZE = 5 # 字体尺寸 17 FONT_NOM = 20 # 显示字体数量 从0开始 18 FONT_NAME = "calibrii.ttf" # 注意字体的文件名必须与真实文件完全相同(注意ttf的大小写),且文件名不能是中文 19 FREQUENCE = 10 # 时间频度 20 times = 0 # 初始化时间 21 22 23 # 定义随机参数 24 def randomspeed() : 25 return randint(LOW_SPEED,HIGH_SPEED) 26 def randomposition() : 27 return randint(0,SCREEN_WIDTH),randint(0,SCREEN_HEIGHT) 28 def randomoname() : 29 return randint(0,100000) 30 def randomvalue() : 31 return randint(0,100) # this is your own display number range 32 33 34 #class of sprite 35 class Word(pygame.sprite.Sprite) : 36 def __init__(self,bornposition) : 37 pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) 38 self.value = randomvalue() 39 self.font = pygame.font.Font(None,FONT_SIZE) 40 self.image = self.font.render(str(self.value),True,FONT_COLOR) 41 self.speed = randomspeed() 42 self.rect = self.image.get_rect() 43 self.rect.topleft = bornposition 44 45 def update(self) : 46 self.rect = self.rect.move(0,self.speed) 47 if self.rect.top > SCREEN_HEIGHT : 48 self.kill() 49 50 51 #init the available modules 52 pygame.init() 53 screen = pygame.display.set_mode((SCREEN_WIDTH,SCREEN_HEIGHT)) 54 pygame.display.set_caption("ViatorSun CodeRain") 55 clock = pygame.time.Clock() 56 group = pygame.sprite.Group() 57 group_count = int(SCREEN_WIDTH / FONT_NOM) 58 59 60 #mainloop 61 while True : 62 time = clock.tick(FREQUENCE) 63 for event in pygame.event.get() : 64 if event.type == QUIT : 65 pygame.quit() 66 exit() 67 68 screen.fill((0,0,0)) 69 for i in range(0,group_count) : 70 group.add(Word((i * FONT_NOM,-FONT_NOM))) 71 72 group.update() 73 group.draw(screen) 74 pygame.display.update() 75
1 # 英雄子弹类 2 class HeroBullet(Bullet): 3 def __init__(self, screen, x, y): 4 super().__init__(screen, x, y) 5 6 def move(self): 7 self.y -= settings.bullet_hero_v 8 # 判断子弹是否出界 9 if self.y <= -20: 10 return True 11 12 13 # 敌机子弹类 14 class EnemyBullet(Bullet): 15 def __init__(self, screen, x, y): 16 super().__init__(screen, x, y) 17 18 def move(self): 19 self.y += settings.bullet_enemy_v 20 # 判断子弹是否出界 21 if self.y >= settings.screen_height: 22 return True 23 24 25 # 飞机基类 26 class Plane: 27 def __init__(self, screen, style, geo): 28 self.screen = screen 29 self.image = pygame.image.load(style) 30 self.bullet_list = [] 31 self.x = geo[0] 32 self.y = geo[1] 33 self.is_dead = False 34 self.finished = False 35 self.bomb_seq = [\'4\',\'4\',\'3\',\'3\',\'2\',\'2\',\'1\',\'1\'] 36 37 def __del__(self): 38 pass 39 40 def display(self): 41 for b in self.bullet_list: 42 b.display() 43 # 回收子弹 44 if b.move(): self.bullet_list.remove(b) 45 46 # 爆炸效果 47 if self.is_dead: 48 death_x = self.x 49 death_y = self.y 50 death_w = self.image.get_width() 51 death_h = self.image.get_height() 52 try: 53 bomb_image = \'./images/bomb\'+self.bomb_seq.pop()+\'.png\' 54 self.image = pygame.image.load(bomb_image) 55 except: 56 self.image = pygame.image.load(\'./images/bomb4.png\') 57 self.finished = True 58 finally: 59 x = death_x + (death_w - self.image.get_width())/2 60 y = death_y + (death_h - self.image.get_height())/2 61 self.screen.blit(self.image, (x, y)) 62 63 else: 64 # 重新绘制飞机 65 self.screen.blit(self.image, (self.x, self.y)) 66 67 def fire(self): 68 self.bullet_list.append(Bullet(self.screen, self.x, self.y)) 69 print(len(self.bullet_list)) 70 71 def over(self): 72 #print("Oops: plane over ...") 73 #del self 74 return self.finished 75 76 77 # 英雄飞机 78 class HeroPlane(Plane): 79 def __init__(self, screen): 80 # 英雄机初始位置 81 geo = (200, 600) 82 super().__init__(screen, settings.hero_style, geo) 83 84 self.step = settings.move_step 85 # 英雄机移动范围 86 self.limit_left = -(self.image.get_width()/2)+10 87 self.limit_right = settings.screen_width-self.image.get_width()/2-10 88 self.limit_top = 5 89 self.limit_bottom = settings.screen_height-self.image.get_height() 90 91 def fire(self): 92 self.bullet_list.append(HeroBullet(self.screen, self.x+53, self.y)) 93 94 def move_left(self): 95 if self.x <= self.limit_left: 96 pass 97 else: 98 self.x -= self.step 99 100 def move_right(self): 101 if self.x >= self.limit_right: 102 pass 103 else: 104 self.x += self.step 105 106 def move_up(self): 107 if self.y <= self.limit_top: 108 pass 109 else: 110 self.y -= self.step 111 112 def move_down(self): 113 if self.y >= self.limit_bottom: 114 pass 115 else: 116 self.y += self.step
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