框架核心,用来处理整个系统的数据流的流动, 触发事务(判断是何种数据流,然后再调用相应的方法)。也就是负责Spider、ItemPipeline、Downloader、Scheduler中间的通讯,信号、数据传递等,所以被称为框架的核心。
用来接受引擎发过来的请求,并按照一定的方式进行整理排列,放到队列中,当引擎需要时,交还给引擎。可以想像成一个URL(抓取网页的网址或者说是链接)的优先队列, 由它来决定下一个要抓取的网址是什么, 同时去除重复的网址。
负责下载引擎发送的所有Requests请求,并将其获取到的Responses交还给Scrapy Engine(引擎),由引擎交给Spider来处理。Scrapy下载器是建立在twisted这个高效的异步模型上的。
(4) 爬虫主程序进行解析,这个时候解析函数将产生两类数据,一种是items、一种是链接(URL),其中requests按上面步骤交给调度器;items交给数据管道(数据管道实现数据的最终处理);
1. 安装
Linux:pip3 install scrapy
a. pip3 install wheel
b. 下载twisted http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#twisted
c. shift右击进入下载目录,执行 pip3 install typed_ast-1.4.0-cp36-cp36m-win32.whl
d. pip3 install pywin32
e. pip3 install scrapy
(1)创建一个新的项目 scrapy startproject ProjectName (2)生成爬虫 scrapy genspider +SpiderName+website (3)运行(crawl) # -o output scrapy crawl +SpiderName scrapy crawl SpiderName -o file.json scrapy crawl SpiderName-o file.csv (4)检查spider文件是否有语法错误 scrapy check (5)list返回项目所有spider名称 scrapy list (6)测试电脑当前爬取速度性能: scrapy bench (7)scrapy runspider scrapy runspider zufang_spider.py (8)编辑spider文件: scrapy edit <spider> 相当于打开vim模式,实际并不好用,在IDE中编辑更为合适。 (9)将网页内容下载下来,然后在终端打印当前返回的内容,相当于 request 和 urllib 方法: scrapy fetch <url> (10)将网页内容保存下来,并在浏览器中打开当前网页内容,直观呈现要爬取网页的内容: scrapy view <url> (11)进入终端。打开 scrapy 显示台,类似ipython,可以用来做测试: scrapy shell [url] (12)输出格式化内容: scrapy parse <url> [options] (13)返回系统设置信息: scrapy settings [options] 如: $ scrapy settings --get BOT_NAME scrapybot (14)显示scrapy版本: scrapy version [-v] 后面加 -v 可以显示scrapy依赖库的版本
scrapy startproject houseinfo
scrapy.cfg 项目的主配置信息。(真正爬虫相关的配置信息在settings.py文件中)
items.py 设置数据存储模板,用于结构化数据,如:Django的Model
pipelines 数据持久化处理
settings.py 配置文件
spiders 爬虫目录
cd houseinfo
scrapy genspider maitian maitian.com
1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 2 import scrapy 3 4 5 class MaitianSpider(scrapy.Spider): 6 name = \'maitian\' # 应用名称 7 allowed_domains = [\'maitian.com\'] #一般注释掉,允许爬取的域名(如果遇到非该域名的url则爬取不到数据) 8 start_urls = [\'http://maitian.com/\'] #起始爬取的url列表,该列表中存在的url,都会被parse进行请求的发送 9 10 #解析函数 11 def parse(self, response): 12 pass
1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 2 import scrapy 3 4 class MaitianSpider(scrapy.Spider): 5 name = \'maitian\' 6 start_urls = [\'http://bj.maitian.cn/zfall/PG100\'] 7 8 9 #解析函数 10 def parse(self, response): 11 12 li_list = response.xpath(\'//div[@class="list_wrap"]/ul/li\') 13 results = [] 14 for li in li_list: 15 title = li.xpath(\'./div[2]/h1/a/text()\').extract_first().strip() 16 price = li.xpath(\'./div[2]/div/ol/strong/span/text()\').extract_first().strip() 17 square = li.xpath(\'./div[2]/p[1]/span[1]/text()\').extract_first().replace(\'㎡\',\'\') # 将面积的单位去掉 18 area = li.xpath(\'./div[2]/p[2]/span/text()[2]\').extract_first().strip().split(\'\xa0\')[0] # 以空格分隔 19 adress = li.xpath(\'./div[2]/p[2]/span/text()[2]\').extract_first().strip().split(\'\xa0\')[2] 20 21 dict = { 22 "标题":title, 23 "月租金":price, 24 "面积":square, 25 "区域":area, 26 "地址":adress 27 } 28 results.append(dict) 29 30 print(title,price,square,area,adress) 31 return results
- xpath为scrapy中的解析方式
- xpath函数返回的为列表,列表中存放的数据为Selector类型数据。解析到的内容被封装在Selector对象中,需要调用extract()函数将解析的内容从Selector中取出。
- 如果可以保证xpath返回的列表中只有一个列表元素,则可以使用extract_first(), 否则必须使用extract()
title = li.xpath(\'./div[2]/h1/a/text()\').extract_first().strip()
title = li.xpath(\'./div[2]/h1/a/text()\')[0].extract().strip()
4. 设置修改settings.py配置文件相关配置:
1 #伪装请求载体身份 2 USER_AGENT = \'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/68.0.3440.106 Safari/537.36\' 3 4 #可以忽略或者不遵守robots协议 5 ROBOTSTXT_OBEY = False
5.执行爬虫程序:scrapy crawl maitain
1 import scrapy 2 3 class MaitianSpider(scrapy.Spider): 4 name = \'maitian\' 5 start_urls = [\'http://bj.maitian.cn/zfall/PG{}\'.format(page) for page in range(1,4)] #注意写法 6 7 8 #解析函数 9 def parse(self, response): 10 11 li_list = response.xpath(\'//div[@class="list_wrap"]/ul/li\') 12 results = [] 13 for li in li_list: 14 title = li.xpath(\'./div[2]/h1/a/text()\').extract_first().strip() 15 price = li.xpath(\'./div[2]/div/ol/strong/span/text()\').extract_first().strip() 16 square = li.xpath(\'./div[2]/p[1]/span[1]/text()\').extract_first().replace(\'㎡\',\'\') 17 # 也可以通过正则匹配提取出来 18 area = li.xpath(\'./div[2]/p[2]/span/text()[2]\')..re(r\'昌平|朝阳|东城|大兴|丰台|海淀|石景山|顺义|通州|西城\')[0] 19 adress = li.xpath(\'./div[2]/p[2]/span/text()[2]\').extract_first().strip().split(\'\xa0\')[2] 20 21 dict = { 22 "标题":title, 23 "月租金":price, 24 "面积":square, 25 "区域":area, 26 "地址":adress 27 } 28 results.append(dict) 29 30 return results
start_urls = [\'http://www.guokr.com/ask/hottest/?page={}\'.format(n) for n in range(1, 8)] + [ \'http://www.guokr.com/ask/highlight/?page={}\'.format(m) for m in range(1, 101)]
1 import scrapy 2 3 class MaitianSpider(scrapy.Spider): 4 name = \'maitian\' 5 6 def start_requests(self): 7 pages=[] 8 for page in range(90,100): 9 url=\'http://bj.maitian.cn/zfall/PG{}\'.format(page) 10 page=scrapy.Request(url) 11 pages.append(page) 12 return pages 13 14 #解析函数 15 def parse(self, response): 16 17 li_list = response.xpath(\'//div[@class="list_wrap"]/ul/li\') 18 19 results = [] 20 for li in li_list: 21 title = li.xpath(\'./div[2]/h1/a/text()\').extract_first().strip(), 22 price = li.xpath(\'./div[2]/div/ol/strong/span/text()\').extract_first().strip(), 23 square = li.xpath(\'./div[2]/p[1]/span[1]/text()\').extract_first().replace(\'㎡\',\'\'), 24 area = li.xpath(\'./div[2]/p[2]/span/text()[2]\').re(r\'昌平|朝阳|东城|大兴|丰台|海淀|石景山|顺义|通州|西城\')[0], 25 adress = li.xpath(\'./div[2]/p[2]/span/text()[2]\').extract_first().strip().split(\'\xa0\')[2] 26 27 dict = { 28 "标题":title, 29 "月租金":price, 30 "面积":square, 31 "区域":area, 32 "地址":adress 33 } 34 results.append(dict) 35 36 return results
- 基于终端指令的持久化存储
- 基于管道的持久化存储
1. 基于终端指令的持久化存储
- scrapy crawl 爬虫名称 -o xxx.json
- scrapy crawl 爬虫名称 -o xxx.xml
- scrapy crawl 爬虫名称 -o xxx.csv
scrapy crawl maitian -o maitian.csv
- items.py:数据结构模板文件。定义数据属性。
- pipelines.py:管道文件。接收数据(items),进行持久化操作。
① 爬虫文件爬取到数据解析后,需要将数据封装到items对象中。
② 使用yield关键字将items对象提交给pipelines管道,进行持久化操作。
③ 在管道文件中的process_item方法中接收爬虫文件提交过来的item对象,然后编写持久化存储的代码,将item对象中存储的数据进行持久化存储(在管道的process_item方法中执行io操作,进行持久化存储)
④ settings.py配置文件中开启管道
1 import scrapy 2 from houseinfo.items import HouseinfoItem # 将item导入 3 4 class MaitianSpider(scrapy.Spider): 5 name = \'maitian\' 6 start_urls = [\'http://bj.maitian.cn/zfall/PG100\'] 7 8 #解析函数 9 def parse(self, response): 10 11 li_list = response.xpath(\'//div[@class="list_wrap"]/ul/li\') 12 13 for li in li_list: 14 item = HouseinfoItem( 15 title = li.xpath(\'./div[2]/h1/a/text()\').extract_first().strip(), 16 price = li.xpath(\'./div[2]/div/ol/strong/span/text()\').extract_first().strip(), 17 square = li.xpath(\'./div[2]/p[1]/span[1]/text()\').extract_first().replace(\'㎡\',\'\'), 18 area = li.xpath(\'./div[2]/p[2]/span/text()[2]\').extract_first().strip().split(\'\xa0\')[0], 19 adress = li.xpath(\'./div[2]/p[2]/span/text()[2]\').extract_first().strip().split(\'\xa0\')[2] 20 ) 21 22 yield item # 提交给管道,然后管道定义存储方式
1 import scrapy 2 3 class HouseinfoItem(scrapy.Item): 4 title = scrapy.Field() #存储标题,里面可以存储任意类型的数据 5 price = scrapy.Field() 6 square = scrapy.Field() 7 area = scrapy.Field() 8 adress = scrapy.Field()
1 class HouseinfoPipeline(object): 2 def __init__(self): 3 self.file = None 4 5 #开始爬虫时,执行一次 6 def open_spider(self,spider): 7 self.file = open(\'maitian.csv\',\'a\',encoding=\'utf-8\') # 选用了追加模式 8 self.file.write(",".join(["标题","月租金","面积","区域","地址","\n"])) 9 print("开始爬虫") 10 11 # 因为该方法会被执行调用多次,所以文件的开启和关闭操作写在了另外两个只会各自执行一次的方法中。 12 def process_item(self, item, spider): 13 content = [item["title"], item["price"], item["square"], item["area"], item["adress"], "\n"] 14 self.file.write(",".join(content)) 15 return item 16 17 # 结束爬虫时,执行一次 18 def close_spider(self,spider): 19 self.file.close() 20 print("结束爬虫")
1 #伪装请求载体身份 2 USER_AGENT = \'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/68.0.3440.106 Safari/537.36\' 3 4 #可以忽略或者不遵守robots协议 5 ROBOTSTXT_OBEY = False 6 7 #开启管道 8 ITEM_PIPELINES = { 9 \'houseinfo.pipelines.HouseinfoPipeline\': 300, #数值300表示为优先级,值越小优先级越高 10 }
# 先提取二级页面url,再对二级页面发送请求。多级页面以此类推 def parse(self, response): next_url = response.xpath(\'//div[2]/h2/a/@href\').extract()[0] # 提取二级页面url yield scrapy.Request(url=next_url, callback=self.next_parse) # 对二级页面发送请求,注意要用yield,回调函数不带括号
答:涉及到请求传参,可以在对下一层级页面发送请求的时候,通过meta参数进行数据传递,meta字典就会传递给回调函数的response参数。下一级的解析函数通过response获取item(先通过 response.meta返回接收到的meta字典,再获得item字典)
# 通过meta参数进行Request的数据传递,meta字典就会传递给回调函数的response参数 def parse(self, response): item = Item() # 实例化item对象 Item["field1"] = response.xpath(\'expression1\').extract()[0] # 列表中只有一个元素 Item["field2"] = response.xpath(\'expression2\').extract() # 列表 next_url = response.xpath(\'expression3\').extract()[0] # 提取二级页面url # meta参数:请求传参.通过meta参数进行Request的数据传递,meta字典就会传递给回调函数的response参数 yield scrapy.Request(url=next_url, callback=self.next_parse,meta={\'item\':item}) # 对二级页面发送请求 def next_parse(self,response): # 通过response获取item. 先通过 response.meta返回接收到的meta字典,再获得item字典 item = response.meta[\'item\'] item[\'field\'] = response.xpath(\'expression\').extract_first() yield item #提交给管道
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import scrapy from houseinfo.items import HouseinfoItem # 将item导入 class MaitianSpider(scrapy.Spider): name = \'maitian\' start_urls = [\'http://bj.maitian.cn/zfall/PG1\'] #爬取多页 page = 1 url = \'http://bj.maitian.cn/zfall/PG%d\' #解析函数 def parse(self, response): li_list = response.xpath(\'//div[@class="list_wrap"]/ul/li\') for li in li_list: item = HouseinfoItem( title = li.xpath(\'./div[2]/h1/a/text()\').extract_first().strip(), price = li.xpath(\'./div[2]/div/ol/strong/span/text()\').extract_first().strip(), square = li.xpath(\'./div[2]/p[1]/span[1]/text()\').extract_first().replace(\'㎡\',\'\'), area = li.xpath(\'./div[2]/p[2]/span/text()[2]\').re(r\'昌平|朝阳|东城|大兴|丰台|海淀|石景山|顺义|通州|西城\')[0], # 也可以通过正则匹配提取出来 adress = li.xpath(\'./div[2]/p[2]/span/text()[2]\').extract_first().strip().split(\'\xa0\')[2] ) [\'http://bj.maitian.cn/zfall/PG{}\'.format(page) for page in range(1, 4)] yield item # 提交给管道,然后管道定义存储方式 if self.page < 4: self.page += 1 new_url = format(self.url%self.page) # 这里的%是拼接的意思 yield scrapy.Request(url=new_url,callback=self.parse) # 手动发起一个请求,注意一定要写yield
import scrapy class QuotesSpider(scrapy.Spider): name = \'quotes_2_3\' start_urls = [ \'http://quotes.toscrape.com\', ] allowed_domains = [ \'toscrape.com\', ] def parse(self,response): for quote in response.css(\'div.quote\'): yield{ \'quote\': quote.css(\'span.text::text\').extract_first(), \'author\': quote.css(\'small.author::text\').extract_first(), \'tags\': quote.css(\'div.tags a.tag::text\').extract(), } author_page = response.css(\'small.author+a::attr(href)\').extract_first() authro_full_url = response.urljoin(author_page) yield scrapy.Request(authro_full_url, callback=self.parse_author) # 对详情页发送请求,回调详情页的解析函数 next_page = response.css(\'li.next a::attr("href")\').extract_first() # 通过css选择器定位到下一页 if next_page is not None: next_full_url = response.urljoin(next_page) yield scrapy.Request(next_full_url, callback=self.parse) # 对下一页发送请求,回调自己的解析函数 def parse_author(self,response): yield{ \'author\': response.css(\'.author-title::text\').extract_first(), \'author_born_date\': response.css(\'.author-born-date::text\').extract_first(), \'author_born_location\': response.css(\'.author-born-location::text\').extract_first(), \'authro_description\': response.css(\'.author-born-location::text\').extract_first(),
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import scrapy from moviePro.items import MovieproItem class MovieSpider(scrapy.Spider): name = \'movie\' allowed_domains = [\'www.id97.com\'] start_urls = [\'http://www.id97.com/\'] def parse(self, response): div_list = response.xpath(\'//div[@class="col-xs-1-5 movie-item"]\') for div in div_list: item = MovieproItem() item[\'name\'] = div.xpath(\'.//h1/a/text()\').extract_first() item[\'score\'] = div.xpath(\'.//h1/em/text()\').extract_first() item[\'kind\'] = div.xpath(\'.//div[@class="otherinfo"]\').xpath(\'string(.)\').extract_first() item[\'detail_url\'] = div.xpath(\'./div/a/@href\').extract_first() #meta参数:请求传参.通过meta参数进行Request的数据传递,meta字典就会传递给回调函数的response参数 yield scrapy.Request(url=item[\'detail_url\'],callback=self.parse_detail,meta={\'item\':item}) def parse_detail(self,response): #通过response获取item. 先通过 response.meta返回接收到的meta字典,再获得item字典 item = response.meta[\'item\'] item[\'actor\'] = response.xpath(\'//div[@class="row"]//table/tr[1]/a/text()\').extract_first() item[\'time\'] = response.xpath(\'//div[@class="row"]//table/tr[7]/td[2]/text()\').extract_first() item[\'long\'] = response.xpath(\'//div[@class="row"]//table/tr[8]/td[2]/text()\').extract_first() yield item #提交item到管道
1 #!/user/bin/env python 2 3 """ 4 爬取豌豆荚网站所有分类下的全部 app 5 数据爬取包括两个部分: 6 一:数据指标 7 1 爬取首页 8 2 爬取第2页开始的 ajax 页 9 二:图标 10 使用class方法下载首页和 ajax 页 11 分页循环两种爬取思路, 12 指定页数进行for 循环,和不指定页数一直往下爬直到爬不到内容为止 13 1 for 循环 14 """ 15 16 import scrapy 17 from wandoujia.items import WandoujiaItem 18 19 import requests 20 from pyquery import PyQuery as pq 21 import re 22 import csv 23 import pandas as pd 24 import numpy as np 25 import time 26 import pymongo 27 import json 28 import os 29 from urllib.parse import urlencode 30 import random 31 import logging 32 33 logging.basicConfig(filename=\'wandoujia.log\',filemode=\'w\',level=logging.DEBUG,format=\'%(asctime)s %(message)s\',datefmt=\'%Y/%m/%d %I:%M:%S %p\') 34 # https://juejin.im/post/5aee70105188256712786b7f 35 logging.warning("warn message") 36 logging.error("error message") 37 38 39 class WandouSpider(scrapy.Spider): 40 name = \'wandou\' 41 allowed_domains = [\'www.wandoujia.com\'] 42 start_urls = [\'http://www.wandoujia.com/\'] 43 44 def __init__(self): 45 self.cate_url = \'https://www.wandoujia.com/category/app\' 46 # 首页url 47 self.url = \'https://www.wandoujia.com/category/\' 48 # ajax 请求url 49 self.ajax_url = \'https://www.wandoujia.com/wdjweb/api/category/more?\' 50 # 实例化分类标签 51 self.wandou_category = Get_category() 52 53 def start_requests(self): 54 yield scrapy.Request(self.cate_url,callback=self.get_category) 55 56 def get_category(self,response): 57 # # num = 0 58 cate_content = self.wandou_category.parse_category(response) 59 for item in cate_content: 60 child_cate = item[\'child_cate_codes\'] 61 for cate in child_cate: 62 cate_code = item[\'cate_code\'] 63 cate_name = item[\'cate_name\'] 64 child_cate_code = cate[\'child_cate_code\'] 65 child_cate_name = cate[\'child_cate_name\'] 66 67 68 # # 单类别下载 69 # cate_code = 5029 70 # child_cate_code = 837 71 # cate_name = \'通讯社交\' 72 # child_cate_name = \'收音机\' 73 74 # while循环 75 page = 1 # 设置爬取起始页数 76 print(\'*\' * 50) 77 78 # # for 循环下一页 79 # pages = [] 80 # for page in range(1,3): 81 # print(\'正在爬取:%s-%s 第 %s 页 \' % 82 # (cate_name, child_cate_name, page)) 83 logging.debug(\'正在爬取:%s-%s 第 %s 页 \' % 84 (cate_name, child_cate_name, page)) 85 86 if page == 1: 87 # 构造首页url 88 category_url = \'{}{}_{}\' .format(self.url, cate_code, child_cate_code) 89 else: 90 params = { 91 \'catId\': cate_code, # 大类别 92 \'subCatId\': child_cate_code, # 小类别 93 \'page\': page, 94 } 95 category_url = self.ajax_url + urlencode(params) 96 97 dict = {\'page\':page,\'cate_name\':cate_name,\'cate_code\':cate_code,\'child_cate_name\':child_cate_name,\'child_cate_code\':child_cate_code} 98 99 yield scrapy.Request(category_url,callback=self.parse,meta=dict) 100 101 # # for 循环方法 102 # pa = yield scrapy.Request(category_url,callback=self.parse,meta=dict) 103 # pages.append(pa) 104 # return pages 105 106 def parse(self, response): 107 if len(response.body) >= 100: # 判断该页是否爬完,数值定为100是因为无内容时长度是87 108 page = response.meta[\'page\'] 109 cate_name = response.meta[\'cate_name\'] 110 cate_code = response.meta[\'cate_code\'] 111 child_cate_name = response.meta[\'child_cate_name\'] 112 child_cate_code = response.meta[\'child_cate_code\'] 113 114 if page == 1: 115 contents = response 116 else: 117 jsonresponse = json.loads(response.body_as_unicode()) 118 contents = jsonresponse[\'data\'][\'content\'] 119 # response 是json,json内容是html,html 为文本不能直接使用.css 提取,要先转换 120 contents = scrapy.Selector(text=contents, type="html") 121 122 contents = contents.css(\'.card\') 123 for content in contents: 124 # num += 1 125 item = WandoujiaItem() 126 item[\'cate_name\'] = cate_name 127 item[\'child_cate_name\'] = child_cate_name 128 item[\'app_name\'] = self.clean_name(content.css(\'.name::text\').extract_first()) 129 item[\'install\'] = content.css(\'.install-count::text\').extract_first() 130 item[\'volume\'] = content.css(\'.meta span:last-child::text\').extract_first() 131 item[\'comment\'] = content.css(\'.comment::text\').extract_first().strip() 132 item[\'icon_url\'] = self.get_icon_url(content.css(\'.icon-wrap a img\'),page) 133 yield item 134 135 # 递归爬下一页 136 page += 1 137 params = { 138 \'catId\': cate_code, # 大类别 139 \'subCatId\': child_cate_code, # 小类别 140 \'page\': page, 141 } 142 ajax_url = self.ajax_url + urlencode(params) 143 144 dict = {\'page\':page,\'cate_name\':cate_name,\'cate_code\':cate_code,\'child_cate_name\':child_cate_name,\'child_cate_code\':child_cate_code} 145 yield scrapy.Request(ajax_url,callback=self.parse,meta=dict) 146 147 148 149 # 名称清除方法1 去除不能用于文件命名的特殊字符 150 def clean_name(self, name): 151 rule = re.compile(r"[\/\\\:\*\?\"\<\>\|]") # \'/ \ : * ? " < > |\') 152 name = re.sub(rule, \'\', name) 153 return name 154 155 def get_icon_url(self,item,page): 156 if page == 1: 157 if item.css(\'::attr("src")\').extract_first().startswith(\'https\'): 158 url = item.css(\'::attr("src")\').extract_first() 159 else: 160 url = item.css(\'::attr("data-original")\').extract_first() 161 # ajax页url提取 162 else: 163 url = item.css(\'::attr("data-original")\').extract_first() 164 165 # if url: # 不要在这里添加url存在判断,否则空url 被过滤掉 导致编号对不上 166 return url 167 168 169 # 首先获取主分类和子分类的数值代码 # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # 170 class Get_category(): 171 def parse_category(self, response): 172 category = response.css(\'.parent-cate\') 173 data = [{ 174 \'cate_name\': item.css(\'.cate-link::text\').extract_first(), 175 \'cate_code\': self.get_category_code(item), 176 \'child_cate_codes\': self.get_child_category(item), 177 } for item in category] 178 return data 179 180 # 获取所有主分类标签数值代码 181 def get_category_code(self, item): 182 cate_url = item.css(\'.cate-link::attr("href")\').extract_first() 183 184 pattern = re.compile(r\'.*/(\d+)\') # 提取主类标签代码 185 cate_code = re.search(pattern, cate_url) 186 return cate_code.group(1) 187 188 # 获取所有子分类标签数值代码 189 def get_child_category(self, item): 190 child_cate = item.css(\'.child-cate a\') 191 child_cate_url = [{ 192 \'child_cate_name\': child.css(\'::text\').extract_first(), 193 \'child_cate_code\': self.get_child_category_code(child) 194 } for child in child_cate] 195 196 return child_cate_url 197 198 # 正则提取子分类 199 def get_child_category_code(self, child): 200 child_cate_url = child.css(\'::attr("href")\').extract_first() 201 pattern = re.compile(r\'.*_(\d+)\') # 提取小类标签编号 202 child_cate_code = re.search(pattern, child_cate_url) 203 return child_cate_code.group(1) 204 205 # # 可以选择保存到txt 文件 206 # def write_category(self,category): 207 # with open(\'category.txt\',\'a\',encoding=\'utf_8_sig\',newline=\'\') as f: 208 # w = csv.writer(f) 209 # w.writerow(category.values())
def start_requests(self): for u in self.start_urls: yield scrapy.Request(url=u,callback=self.parse)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import scrapy class PostSpider(scrapy.Spider): name = \'post\' # allowed_domains = [\'www.xxx.com\'] start_urls = [\'https://fanyi.baidu.com/sug\'] def start_requests(self): data = { # post请求参数 \'kw\':\'dog\' } for url in self.start_urls: yield scrapy.FormRequest(url=url,formdata=data,callback=self.parse) # 发送post请求 def parse(self, response): print(response.text)
- 在使用scrapy crawl spiderFileName运行程序时,在终端里打印输出的就是scrapy的日志信息。
- 日志信息的种类:
ERROR : 一般错误
INFO : 一般的信息
DEBUG : 调试信息
- 设置日志信息指定输出:
LOG_LEVEL = ‘指定日志信息种类’即可。
LOG_FILE = \'log.txt\'则表示将日志信息写入到指定文件中进行存储。
BOT_NAME 默认:“scrapybot”,使用startproject命令创建项目时,其被自动赋值 CONCURRENT_ITEMS 默认为100,Item Process(即Item Pipeline)同时处理(每个response的)item时最大值 CONCURRENT_REQUEST 默认为16,scrapy downloader并发请求(concurrent requests)的最大值 LOG_ENABLED 默认为True,是否启用logging DEFAULT_REQUEST_HEADERS 默认如下:{\'Accept\': \'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8\', \'Accept-Language\': \'en\',} scrapy http request使用的默认header LOG_ENCODING 默认utt-8,logging中使用的编码 LOG_LEVEL 默认“DEBUG”,log中最低级别,可选级别有:CRITICAL,ERROR,WARNING,DEBUG USER_AGENT 默认:“Scrapy/VERSION(....)”,爬取的默认User-Agent,除非被覆盖 COOKIES_ENABLED=False,禁用cookies
import sys from scrapy.cmdline import execute if __name__ == \'__main__\': execute(["scrapy","crawl","maitian","--nolog"])
- 在spiders同级创建任意目录,如:commands
- 在其中创建 crawlall.py 文件 (此处文件名就是自定义的命令)
- 在settings.py 中添加配置 COMMANDS_MODULE = \'项目名称.目录名称\'
- 在项目目录执行命令:scrapy crawlall
1 from scrapy.commands import ScrapyCommand 2 from scrapy.utils.project import get_project_settings 3 4 class Command(ScrapyCommand): 5 6 requires_project = True 7 8 def syntax(self): 9 return \'[options]\' 10 11 def short_desc(self): 12 return \'Runs all of the spiders\' 13 14 def run(self, args, opts): 15 spider_list = self.crawler_process.spiders.list() 16 for name in spider_list: 17 self.crawler_process.crawl(name, **opts.__dict__) 18 self.crawler_process.start()