Local compact and exploded tile cache layer for WPF API
Use this layer with your WPF application based on the ArcGIS API for WPF.
It supports reading both exploded and compact tile caches directly from disk and display it within the WPF Map Control.
<Window x:Class="TestApp.MainWindow" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml"
Title="MainWindow" Height="400" Width="800">
<esri:Map x:Name="map1">
TileCacheFilePath="c:\ArcGISServer\arcgiscache\MyCompactCache_World\World\" />
Set the TileCachePath to the folder where the conf.cdi and conf.xml files resides within your cache folders.
Click the attachment below to download the code for the layer.
Released under Microsoft Public License (Ms-PL): http://www.opensource.org/licenses/ms-pl
必须先注册应用程序,然后才能在 marketplace 中列出该应用程序
代码附件 |
LocalTileCacheLayer.zip 下载
用途 | 代码示例 |
API | 其他 |
用途 |
使用情况 | 使用的配额 |
共享范围 | |
标签 |
WPF, cache, compact, Layer
制作者名单 |
大小 | 1 KB | |||||||||||||||||
范围 |
应用程序设置 |
选择用于访问此 web 地图的应用程序的工具和功能
路径 测量工具 底图选择器 位置追踪的间隔时间
切片 | |
可见范围 |
至 注意: 增加可见范围需要创建更多的切片。保存编辑内容后,请单击“管理切片”。 |
编辑 |
启用编辑功能并允许编辑者: 添加、更新和删除要素 仅更新要素属性 仅添加要素 |
导出数据 |
允许他人导出到 shapefile、CSV、地理数据库或 KML。 |
同步 |
启用同步(同步时离线编辑)。 |
追踪编辑内容 |
追踪要素的创建者和上次更新的用户。 编辑者只可更新和删除他们所添加的要素。 |

Hi, This was added to the recent release of the ArcGIS Runtime SDK 1.0 for WPF - see the ArcGISLocalTiledLayer class. Cheers
ExtremeProg: Since this is merely an external sample, it can't go into the WPF SDK. The sample code is right there in the description. Make sure it points to the right folder where your compact or exploded cache resides.
Could you please add functioning example code with maps to InteractiveWPFSDKSource.zip. I cannot get tiles to load. Thank You