
时间:2022-11-25 18:03:07

Say you have 2 columns you are grouping by and getting a count:


select col1, col2, count(*) 
from yourtable
group by col1, col2

Your col2 will be unique, but you will get repeated col1's. To avoid this, you can:


select decode(lag(col1,1,0) over (order by col1),col1,' ',col1) col1, col2, cnt
(select col1, col2, count(*) cnt
 from yourtable
 group by col1, col2)

This will compare the prior value -- lag(col1,1,0) over (order by col1) -- with the current value. If it is the same, it returns a blank instead.

这将比较先前的值 - 滞后(col1,1,0)超过(按col1排序) - 与当前值。如果它相同,则返回空白。

My question

I am trying to write a SELECT as below to display data in the given format at the end of the question. Its not working,please help


SELECT DECODE (LAG (firstname, 1, 0) OVER (ORDER BY firstname),
               firstname, ' ',
              ) firstname,
       DECODE (LAG (emplid, 1, 0) OVER (ORDER BY emplid),
               emplid, ' ',
              ) emplid,
       DECODE (LAG (tplan_name, 1, 0) OVER (ORDER BY tplan_name),
               tplan_name, ' ',
              ) tplan_name,
    completed_cdt_act,             ----->This is 1 more calculated field corresponding to each TPLAN_NAME

       DECODE (LAG (t_objective_id, 1, 0) OVER (ORDER BY t_objective_id),
               t_objective_id, ' ',
              ) t_objective_id,
  FROM (SELECT test_cp.firstname, test_op.emplid,tp.tplan_name,
            fn_tp_get_cmpltd_act_cnt (tp.tplan_id,
                                ) completed_cdt_act, 
               (  fn_tp_obj_comp_req_act_cdt (test_lp.lp_person_id,
                + fn_tp_obj_comp_opt_act_cdt (test_lp.lp_person_id,
               ) completed_activities,
                tpobjact.activity_id activity_id,  -----> Again ,each objective_id we select CAN have multiple activity_ids.The remaining fields gives the activity_name,their status

       fn_tp_get_act_type (tpobjact.is_preferred,
                           tpobjact.is_required) status,
       lr.catalog_item_type activity_type, lr.delivery_method,  lr.status status1,
          FROM test_learning_plan test_lp,
               test_training_plan tp,
               test_person test_cp,
               test_org_person test_op,
               test_org test_o
               test_tp_objective test_tpo,
               test_train_obj_activity tpobjact,

       test_learning_record lr,
       test_training_objective obj,
         WHERE test_lp.lp_person_id = '1'
           AND test_cp.person_id = test_lp.lp_person_id
           AND tp.tplan_id = test_lp.lp_catalog_hist_id
           AND test_op.o_person_id = test_cp.person_id
           and test_o.org_id = test_op.O_ORG_ID
           AND test_tpo.tplan_id = tp.tplan_id
           and  lr.tp_ref_lp_id = test_lp.learning_plan_id
   AND lr.lr_catalog_history_id = tpobjact.activity_id

   AND tpobjact.t_objective_id = test_tpo.t_objective_id);

The display format is something like this.

firstname   emplid  Tplan name  completed(for TP)   Objective Name  Credits (for objective) Number of activities completed(for objective)   activity                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         name   activity completion status

U1  U1                 TP1                                       5                  
                                                                          OBJ1                     4                          3                                    C1         PASSED
                                                                                                                                                               C2       PASSED
                                                                                                                                                               C3   WAIVED
                            T1  ENROLLED
                            T2  ENROLLED
                                                                                 OBJ2   3              2        
                                                                                         S1 ENROLLED
                            S2  PASSED
                            T3  WAIVED
U1  U1  TP2                 C4  INPROGRESS
            50  OBJ11   50  30  C11 PASSED
                            C22 PASSED
                            C33 WAIVED
                            T11 ENROLLED
                            T22 ENROLLED
                OBJ22   40  20      
                            S11 ENROLLED
                            S22 PASSED

1 个解决方案


I guess the easiest way to approach this is to simplify things.


So start like this.


1) What do you want to display - i.e. what is the list of

1)你想要显示什么 - 即什么是列表

If you want a list of employees with "some stuff" against each employee, then write a script that just gets the list of employees.


2) Add a bit of complexity


If you need to know the "number of something" an employee has done, add that in. You have the option to a) Join the tables and use grouping b) performing a sub-select statement to just get the value. Your choice will depend on performance considerations.


3) Got that working? Add a bit more complexity - what's the next thing you need for each employee that you need to obtain... (i.e. iterate around to add each complex item, knowing that it works at each stage).

3)有工作吗?增加一点复杂性 - 您需要为每个员工获得的下一件事是什么......(即迭代添加每个复杂项目,知道它在每个阶段都有效)。


I guess the easiest way to approach this is to simplify things.


So start like this.


1) What do you want to display - i.e. what is the list of

1)你想要显示什么 - 即什么是列表

If you want a list of employees with "some stuff" against each employee, then write a script that just gets the list of employees.


2) Add a bit of complexity


If you need to know the "number of something" an employee has done, add that in. You have the option to a) Join the tables and use grouping b) performing a sub-select statement to just get the value. Your choice will depend on performance considerations.


3) Got that working? Add a bit more complexity - what's the next thing you need for each employee that you need to obtain... (i.e. iterate around to add each complex item, knowing that it works at each stage).

3)有工作吗?增加一点复杂性 - 您需要为每个员工获得的下一件事是什么......(即迭代添加每个复杂项目,知道它在每个阶段都有效)。