refer :
使用 vs2015 .net 4.6.1
1. nameof
public class Demo
public string name { get; set; }
string value = nameof(Demo.name); //"name"
好处 : 类似 enum 的作用, 当要批量替换属性名字时, 有智能提示, 这样就不怕漏换了.
2.null 处理
public class Demo
public string name { get; set; }
public int age { get; set; }
public void doSomeThing()
{ }
} Demo demo = null;
if (demo != null) demo.doSomeThing();
demo?.doSomeThing(); //before
string valuex = (demo != null) ? demo.name : "defaultValue";
string valuey = demo?.name ?? "defaultValue";
// for int
int? age = demo?.age;
int age = (demo?age).GetValueOrDefault();
是 null 的话后面就不会继续跑, 会直接返回 null 值,
如果是 int 也会变成 nullable 哦,看上面的例子.
3. using static
namespace Project
public class Demo
public static void method()
{ }
} using static Project.Demo; //before
好处 : 不需要写 ClassName
4. string interpolation
string value1 = "kelly";
string value2 = "penny";
string value4 = string.Format("i love {0}, i have {1}", value1, value2);
string value3 = $"i love {value1}, i hate {value2}"; //i love kelly, i hate penny
好处 : 早就好这样了, string.Format 和 "+ +" 一样乱丫, 不过还是 js 的 `` 更好
5. lambda in class method and properties
public class Demo
public string getString1(string value)
return $"i love {value}";
public string getString2(string value) => $"i love {value}"; //before
public string fullname1 {
get {
return getString1("kelly");
public string fullname => getString1("kelly"); //this feature only support get
好处 : 好看一些吧
6. default value in class properties
public class Demo1
public Demo1()
this.name = "value";
public string name { get; set; }
public class Demo2
public string name { get; set; } = "value";
好处 : 美
7. 字典
Dictionary<string, string> data1 = new Dictionary<string, string>
{ "key1" , "value" },
{ "key2" , "value" }
Dictionary<string, string> data2 = new Dictionary<string, string>
["key1"] = "value",
["key2"] = "value",
好处 : 比较贴近正常的赋值 data2["ket1"] = "value";