
时间:2021-12-31 19:57:10

Object 是一个基础类,实现了属性的功能,其基本内容如下:

 namespace yii\base;

 use Yii;

  * Object is the base class that implements the *property* feature.
  * Object是一个基础类,实现了属性的功能
  * A property is defined by a getter method (e.g. `getLabel`), and/or a setter method (e.g. `setLabel`). For example,
  * the following getter and setter methods define a property named `label`:
  * 属性通过getter和setter方法定义,如下面的例子
  * ```php
  * private $_label; 定义私有的成员
  * public function getLabel()
  * {
  *     return $this->_label; 通过getter方法取得_label的值
  * }
  * public function setLabel($value)
  * {
  *     $this->_label = $value; 通过setter方法设置_label的值
  * }
  * ```
  * Property names are *case-insensitive*.
  * 属性名是不区分大小写的
  * A property can be accessed like a member variable of an object. Reading or writing a property will cause the invocation
  * of the corresponding getter or setter method. For example,
  * 属性能够像一个成员变量一样被访问,读、写将会调用对应的getter或者setter方法
  * ```php
  * // equivalent to $label = $object->getLabel();
  * $label = $object->label;
  * // equivalent to $object->setLabel('abc');
  * $object->label = 'abc';
  * ```
  * If a property has only a getter method and has no setter method, it is considered as *read-only*. In this case, trying
  * to modify the property value will cause an exception.
  * 如果一个属性只有getter方法,那么这个属性是只读的,如果试图修改这个属性的值,将会抛出异常
  * 能够调用 [[hasProperty()]], [[canGetProperty()]] and/or [[canSetProperty()]] 检查一个属性
  * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com>
  * @since 2.0
 class Object implements Configurable

      * Returns the fully qualified name of this class.
      * 获取静态方法调用的类名。返回类的名称,如果不是在类中调用则返回 FALSE。
      * @return string the fully qualified name of this class.
     public static function className()
         return get_called_class(); // get_called_class -- 后期静态绑定("Late Static Binding")类的名称
         // 就是用那个类调用的这个方法,就返回那个类,返回值中带有 namespace

      * Constructor.
      * The default implementation does two things:
      * 构造方法实现了接口Configurable,通过传入的配置初始化对象,调用init()方法
      * - Initializes the object with the given configuration `$config`.
      * - Call [[init()]].
      * If this method is overridden in a child class, it is recommended that
      * 如果构造函数在子类中重写,必须调用父类的方法,且最后一个参数为配置数组
      * - the last parameter of the constructor is a configuration array, like `$config` here.
      * - call the parent implementation at the end of the constructor.
      * @param array $config name-value pairs that will be used to initialize the object properties
     public function __construct($config = [])
         // 根据 $config 内容初始化该对象
         if (!empty($config)) {
             Yii::configure($this, $config);
         // 调用 init() 方法,继承该类的类可以重写 init 方法,用于初始化

      * Initializes the object.
      * 初始化对象
      * This method is invoked at the end of the constructor after the object is initialized with the
      * given configuration.
      * 在构造函数的末尾调用,可以重写 init 方法,用于初始化
     public function init()


      * Returns the value of an object property.
      * 返回对象的属性值
      * Do not call this method directly as it is a PHP magic method that
      * will be implicitly called when executing `$value = $object->property;`.
      * 魔术方法,实现 getter,在访问不存在的属性时调用,即成员变量设置为public时,不会被调用
      * @param string $name the property name
      * @return mixed the property value
      * @throws UnknownPropertyException if the property is not defined
      * @throws InvalidCallException if the property is write-only
      * @see __set()
     public function __get($name)
         $getter = 'get' . $name; //构造getter方法
         if (method_exists($this, $getter)) {
             // 对象存在 $getter 方法,就直接调用
             return $this->$getter();
         } elseif (method_exists($this, 'set' . $name)) {
             // 如果存在 'set' . $name 方法,就认为该属性是只写的,抛出异常
             throw new InvalidCallException('Getting write-only property: ' . get_class($this) . '::' . $name);
         } else {
             // 否则认为该属性不存在,抛出异常
             throw new UnknownPropertyException('Getting unknown property: ' . get_class($this) . '::' . $name);

      * Sets value of an object property.
      * 设置对象的属性值
      * Do not call this method directly as it is a PHP magic method that
      * will be implicitly called when executing `$object->property = $value;`.
      * 魔术方法,实现 setter,在访问不存在的属性时调用,即成员变量设置为public时,不会被调用
      * @param string $name the property name or the event name
      * @param mixed $value the property value
      * @throws UnknownPropertyException if the property is not defined
      * @throws InvalidCallException if the property is read-only
      * @see __get()
     public function __set($name, $value)
         $setter = 'set' . $name; //构造setter方法
         if (method_exists($this, $setter)) {
             // 对象存在 $setter 方法,就直接调用
         } elseif (method_exists($this, 'get' . $name)) {
             // 如果存在 'get' . $name 方法,就认为该属性是只读的,抛出异常
             throw new InvalidCallException('Setting read-only property: ' . get_class($this) . '::' . $name);
         } else {
             // 否则认为该属性不存在,,抛出异常
             throw new UnknownPropertyException('Setting unknown property: ' . get_class($this) . '::' . $name);

      * 检查属性是否被设置
      * 魔术方法,实现 isset,用isset() 判断对象不可见的属性时(protected/private/不存在的属性)被调用
      * 基于 getter 实现,有 getter 方法的属性才算存在
      * @param string $name the property name or the event name
      * @return boolean whether the named property is set (not null).
      * @see http://php.net/manual/en/function.isset.php
     public function __isset($name)
         $getter = 'get' . $name;
         if (method_exists($this, $getter)) {
             // 判断是否有getter方法,且是否有返回值,有 getter 方法且获取的值不为 null,才认为该属性存在
             return $this->$getter() !== null;
         } else {
             return false;

      * 魔术方法,实现 unset,在注销不可见的属性时(protected/private/不存在的属性)时被调用
      * 基于 setter 实现,有 setter 方法的属性才能 unset 掉
      * @param string $name 属性名
      * @throws InvalidCallException if the property is read only.
      * @see http://php.net/manual/en/function.unset.php
     public function __unset($name)
         $setter = 'set' . $name; //构造setter方法
         if (method_exists($this, $setter)) {
             // 如果setter方法存在,通过 setter 方法,将它设置为 null
         } elseif (method_exists($this, 'get' . $name)) {
              // 如果存在 'get' . $name 方法,就认为该属性是只读的,抛出异常
             throw new InvalidCallException('Unsetting read-only property: ' . get_class($this) . '::' . $name);

      * @param string $name 方法名
      * @param array $params 方法参数
      * @throws UnknownMethodException when calling unknown method 异常
      * @return mixed the method return value
     public function __call($name, $params)
         throw new UnknownMethodException('Calling unknown method: ' . get_class($this) . "::$name()");

      * 检查对象或类是否具有 $name 属性,如果 $checkVars 为 true,则不局限于是否有 getter/setter
      * @param string $name 属性名
      * @param boolean $checkVars 是否检查成员变量,默认为true
      * @return boolean 属性是否被定义
      * @see canGetProperty()
      * @see canSetProperty()
     public function hasProperty($name, $checkVars = true)
         return $this->canGetProperty($name, $checkVars) || $this->canSetProperty($name, false);

      * 检查对象或类是否能够获取 $name 属性,如果 $checkVars 为 true,则不局限于是否有 getter
      * @param string $name 属性名
      * @param boolean $checkVars 是否检查成员变量,默认为true
      * @return boolean 属性是否可读
      * @see canSetProperty()
     public function canGetProperty($name, $checkVars = true)
         // property_exists — 检查对象或类是否具有该属性
         return method_exists($this, 'get' . $name) || $checkVars && property_exists($this, $name);

      * 检查对象或类是否能够设置 $name 属性,如果 $checkVars 为 true,则不局限于是否有 setter
      * @param string $name 属性名
      * @param boolean $checkVars 是否检查成员变量,默认为true
      * @return boolean 属性是否可写
      * @see canGetProperty()
     public function canSetProperty($name, $checkVars = true)
         return method_exists($this, 'set' . $name) || $checkVars && property_exists($this, $name);

      * 调用php的 `method_exists()`函数.
      * You may override this method when you implemented the php magic method `__call()`.
      * 检查对象或类是否具有 $name 方法
      * @param string $name 方法名
      * @return boolean 方法是否被定义
     public function hasMethod($name)
         return method_exists($this, $name);



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