/** * Returns the attribute labels. * 返回属性的标签 * * Attribute labels are mainly used for display purpose. For example, given an attribute * `firstName`, we can declare a label `First Name` which is more user-friendly and can * be displayed to end users. * 属性标签主要用于显示目的,例如给属性'firstName'一个‘First Name’标签,能够更友好的显示给最终用户 * * By default an attribute label is generated using [[generateAttributeLabel()]]. * This method allows you to explicitly specify attribute labels. * 默认调用[[generateAttributeLabel()]]方法生成标签 * Note, in order to inherit labels defined in the parent class, a child class needs to * merge the parent labels with child labels using functions such as `array_merge()`. * 注意,为了继承父类的标签,之类需要调用`array_merge()`合并父类的标签 * * @return array attribute labels (name => label) * @see generateAttributeLabel() */ public function attributeLabels() { return []; } /** * Returns the attribute hints. * 返回属性提示 * Attribute hints are mainly used for display purpose. For example, given an attribute * `isPublic`, we can declare a hint `Whether the post should be visible for not logged in users`, * which provides user-friendly description of the attribute meaning and can be displayed to end users. * 属性提示主要用于显示目的,例如给一个属性`isPublic`,我们能够设置一个 `是否显示给最终用户` 的提示, * Unlike label hint will not be generated, if its explicit declaration is omitted. * * Note, in order to inherit hints defined in the parent class, a child class needs to * merge the parent hints with child hints using functions such as `array_merge()`. * * @return array attribute hints (name => hint) * @since 2.0.4 */ public function attributeHints() { return []; } /** * Performs the data validation. * 执行数据验证 * * This method executes the validation rules applicable to the current [[scenario]]. * 该方法执行指定场景下的数据验证 * The following criteria are used to determine whether a rule is currently applicable: * 下面的标准来确定一个规则是否适用: * * - the rule must be associated with the attributes relevant to the current scenario; * 规则必须与当前场景相关的属性关联 * - the rules must be effective for the current scenario. * 规则必须是有效的当前场景 * * This method will call [[beforeValidate()]] and [[afterValidate()]] before and * after the actual validation, respectively. If [[beforeValidate()]] returns false, * the validation will be cancelled and [[afterValidate()]] will not be called. * 该方法会调用[[beforeValidate()]] 和[[afterValidate()]]方法 * * Errors found during the validation can be retrieved via [[getErrors()]], * [[getFirstErrors()]] and [[getFirstError()]]. * 验证的错误信息可以通过[[getErrors()]],[[getFirstErrors()]]和 [[getFirstError()]].方法获取 * * @param array $attributeNames list of attribute names that should be validated. * If this parameter is empty, it means any attribute listed in the applicable * validation rules should be validated. * @param boolean $clearErrors whether to call [[clearErrors()]] before performing validation * @return boolean whether the validation is successful without any error. * @throws InvalidParamException if the current scenario is unknown. */ public function validate($attributeNames = null, $clearErrors = true) { if ($clearErrors) { //清除所有的错误信息 $this->clearErrors(); } if (!$this->beforeValidate()) { //如果beforeValidate()返回false,则终止执行,返回false return false; } //取得所有场景及与之对应的 active 属性的列表 $scenarios = $this->scenarios(); //取得当前使用场景 $scenario = $this->getScenario(); if (!isset($scenarios[$scenario])) { //判断是否在场景列表中 throw new InvalidParamException("Unknown scenario: $scenario"); } if ($attributeNames === null) { //属性名为空,返回所有的active属性 $attributeNames = $this->activeAttributes(); } foreach ($this->getActiveValidators() as $validator) { //返回当前场景下的validator,然后遍历验证 $validator->validateAttributes($this, $attributeNames); } //调用后置方法afterValidate(); $this->afterValidate(); return !$this->hasErrors(); } /** * This method is invoked before validation starts. * 在验证方法前调用,触发`beforeValidate`事件,用于验证前的初步检查 * The default implementation raises a `beforeValidate` event. * You may override this method to do preliminary checks before validation. * Make sure the parent implementation is invoked so that the event can be raised. * @return boolean whether the validation should be executed. Defaults to true. * If false is returned, the validation will stop and the model is considered invalid. */ public function beforeValidate() { $event = new ModelEvent; $this->trigger(self::EVENT_BEFORE_VALIDATE, $event); return $event->isValid; } /** * This method is invoked after validation ends. * 在验证方法后调用,触发`afterValidate`事件,用于验证后的处理 * The default implementation raises an `afterValidate` event. * You may override this method to do postprocessing after validation. * Make sure the parent implementation is invoked so that the event can be raised. */ public function afterValidate() { $this->trigger(self::EVENT_AFTER_VALIDATE); } /** * Returns all the validators declared in [[rules()]]. * 返回在[[rules()]]中定义的所有validators * * This method differs from [[getActiveValidators()]] in that the latter * only returns the validators applicable to the current [[scenario]]. * 该方法不同于[[getActiveValidators()]] ,后者只返回当前场景下的validator * * Because this method returns an ArrayObject object, you may * manipulate it by inserting or removing validators (useful in model behaviors). * 该方法返回ArrayObject对象,可以进行添加或删除操作,例如: * For example, * * ```php * $model->validators[] = $newValidator; * ``` * * @return ArrayObject|\yii\validators\Validator[] all the validators declared in the model. */ public function getValidators() { if ($this->_validators === null) { //_validators中没有值,则调用createValidators()创建Validator $this->_validators = $this->createValidators(); } return $this->_validators; } /** * Returns the validators applicable to the current [[scenario]]. * 返回当前场景下的validator * @param string $attribute the name of the attribute whose applicable validators should be returned. * If this is null, the validators for ALL attributes in the model will be returned. * @return \yii\validators\Validator[] the validators applicable to the current [[scenario]]. */ public function getActiveValidators($attribute = null) { $validators = []; //获取当前模型的使用场景 $scenario = $this->getScenario(); foreach ($this->getValidators() as $validator) { if ($validator->isActive($scenario) && ($attribute === null || in_array($attribute, $validator->attributes, true))) { //获取当前场景下的validator $validators[] = $validator; } } return $validators; } /** * Creates validator objects based on the validation rules specified in [[rules()]]. * 通过[[rules()]]中指定的验证规则生成验证对象 * Unlike [[getValidators()]], each time this method is called, a new list of validators will be returned. * @return ArrayObject validators * @throws InvalidConfigException if any validation rule configuration is invalid */ public function createValidators() { //创建ArrayObject实例 $validators = new ArrayObject; foreach ($this->rules() as $rule) { //遍历[[rules()]] if ($rule instanceof Validator) { //如果$rule是Validator的实例,则直接写入$validators中 $validators->append($rule); } elseif (is_array($rule) && isset($rule[0], $rule[1])) { // attributes属性, validator type验证类型 //否则,调用Validator::createValidator生成Validator的实例 $validator = Validator::createValidator($rule[1], $this, (array) $rule[0], array_slice($rule, 2)); $validators->append($validator); } else { throw new InvalidConfigException('Invalid validation rule: a rule must specify both attribute names and validator type.'); } } return $validators; } /** * Returns a value indicating whether the attribute is required. * 返回是否该属性值是required * This is determined by checking if the attribute is associated with a * [[\yii\validators\RequiredValidator|required]] validation rule in the * current [[scenario]]. * * Note that when the validator has a conditional validation applied using * [[\yii\validators\RequiredValidator::$when|$when]] this method will return * `false` regardless of the `when` condition because it may be called be * before the model is loaded with data. * * @param string $attribute attribute name * @return boolean whether the attribute is required */ public function isAttributeRequired($attribute) { foreach ($this->getActiveValidators($attribute) as $validator) { if ($validator instanceof RequiredValidator && $validator->when === null) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Returns a value indicating whether the attribute is safe for massive assignments. * 返回是否该属性值是批量操作安全的 * @param string $attribute attribute name * @return boolean whether the attribute is safe for massive assignments * @see safeAttributes() */ public function isAttributeSafe($attribute) { return in_array($attribute, $this->safeAttributes(), true); } /** * Returns a value indicating whether the attribute is active in the current scenario. * 返回是否该属性值是active * @param string $attribute attribute name * @return boolean whether the attribute is active in the current scenario * @see activeAttributes() */ public function isAttributeActive($attribute) { return in_array($attribute, $this->activeAttributes(), true); } /** * Returns the text label for the specified attribute. * 返回指定属性的标签 * @param string $attribute the attribute name * @return string the attribute label * @see generateAttributeLabel() * @see attributeLabels() */ public function getAttributeLabel($attribute) { $labels = $this->attributeLabels(); return isset($labels[$attribute]) ? $labels[$attribute] : $this->generateAttributeLabel($attribute); } /** * Returns the text hint for the specified attribute. * 返回指定属性的提示信息 * @param string $attribute the attribute name * @return string the attribute hint * @see attributeHints() * @since 2.0.4 */ public function getAttributeHint($attribute) { $hints = $this->attributeHints(); return isset($hints[$attribute]) ? $hints[$attribute] : ''; } /** * Returns a value indicating whether there is any validation error. * 返回某个值是否有验证错误信息 * @param string|null $attribute attribute name. Use null to check all attributes. * @return boolean whether there is any error. */ public function hasErrors($attribute = null) { return $attribute === null ? !empty($this->_errors) : isset($this->_errors[$attribute]); } /** * Returns the errors for all attribute or a single attribute. * 返回全部或者某个属性的验证错误信息 * @param string $attribute attribute name. Use null to retrieve errors for all attributes. * @property array An array of errors for all attributes. Empty array is returned if no error. * The result is a two-dimensional array. See [[getErrors()]] for detailed description. * @return array errors for all attributes or the specified attribute. Empty array is returned if no error. * Note that when returning errors for all attributes, the result is a two-dimensional array, like the following: * 错误信息的格式为二维数组,键名为属性值,键值为错误信息 * ```php * [ * 'username' => [ * 'Username is required.', * 'Username must contain only word characters.', * ], * 'email' => [ * 'Email address is invalid.', * ] * ] * ``` * * @see getFirstErrors() * @see getFirstError() */ public function getErrors($attribute = null) { if ($attribute === null) { return $this->_errors === null ? [] : $this->_errors; } else { return isset($this->_errors[$attribute]) ? $this->_errors[$attribute] : []; } } /** * Returns the first error of every attribute in the model. * 返回当前模型下每一个属性的第一条错误信息 * @return array the first errors. The array keys are the attribute names, and the array * values are the corresponding error messages. An empty array will be returned if there is no error. * @see getErrors() * @see getFirstError() */ public function getFirstErrors() { if (empty($this->_errors)) { return []; } else { $errors = []; foreach ($this->_errors as $name => $es) { if (!empty($es)) { $errors[$name] = reset($es); } } return $errors; } } /** * Returns the first error of the specified attribute. * 返回指定属性的第一条错误信息 * @param string $attribute attribute name. * @return string the error message. Null is returned if no error. * @see getErrors() * @see getFirstErrors() */ public function getFirstError($attribute) { return isset($this->_errors[$attribute]) ? reset($this->_errors[$attribute]) : null; } /** * Adds a new error to the specified attribute. * 给指定的属性添加新的错误信息 * * @param string $attribute attribute name * @param string $error new error message */ public function addError($attribute, $error = '') { //将错误信息添加到errors数组中,键名为属性名[],键值为错误信息 $this->_errors[$attribute][] = $error; } /** * Adds a list of errors. * 添加错误信息列表 * @param array $items a list of errors. The array keys must be attribute names. * The array values should be error messages. If an attribute has multiple errors, * these errors must be given in terms of an array. * You may use the result of [[getErrors()]] as the value for this parameter. * @since 2.0.2 */ public function addErrors(array $items) { foreach ($items as $attribute => $errors) { if (is_array($errors)) { foreach ($errors as $error) { $this->addError($attribute, $error); } } else { $this->addError($attribute, $errors); } } } /** * Removes errors for all attributes or a single attribute. * 清除所有或者指定属性的错误信息 * @param string $attribute attribute name. Use null to remove errors for all attribute. */ public function clearErrors($attribute = null) { if ($attribute === null) { $this->_errors = []; } else { unset($this->_errors[$attribute]); } }