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Icon | Icon Name | mat-icon code |
access_alarm | access alarm icon | <mat-icon>access_alarm</mat-icon> |
access_alarms | access alarms icon | <mat-icon>access_alarms</mat-icon> |
access_time | access time icon | <mat-icon>access_time</mat-icon> |
add_alarm | add alarm icon | <mat-icon>add_alarm</mat-icon> |
add_to_home_screen | add to home screen icon | <mat-icon>add_to_home_screen</mat-icon> |
airplanemode_active | airplanemode active icon | <mat-icon>airplanemode_active</mat-icon> |
airplanemode_inactive | airplanemode inactive icon | <mat-icon>airplanemode_inactive</mat-icon> |
battery_alert | battery alert icon | <mat-icon>battery_alert</mat-icon> |
battery_charging_full | battery charging full icon | <mat-icon>battery_charging_full</mat-icon> |
battery_full | battery full icon | <mat-icon>battery_full</mat-icon> |
battery_std | battery std icon | <mat-icon>battery_std</mat-icon> |
battery_unknown | battery unknown icon | <mat-icon>battery_unknown</mat-icon> |
bluetooth | bluetooth icon | <mat-icon>bluetooth</mat-icon> |
bluetooth_connected | bluetooth connected icon | <mat-icon>bluetooth_connected</mat-icon> |
bluetooth_disabled | bluetooth disabled icon | <mat-icon>bluetooth_disabled</mat-icon> |
bluetooth_searching | bluetooth searching icon | <mat-icon>bluetooth_searching</mat-icon> |
brightness_auto | brightness auto icon | <mat-icon>brightness_auto</mat-icon> |
brightness_high | brightness high icon | <mat-icon>brightness_high</mat-icon> |
brightness_low | brightness low icon | <mat-icon>brightness_low</mat-icon> |
brightness_medium | brightness medium icon | <mat-icon>brightness_medium</mat-icon> |
data_usage | data usage icon | <mat-icon>data_usage</mat-icon> |
developer_mode | developer mode icon | <mat-icon>developer_mode</mat-icon> |
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dvr | dvr icon | <mat-icon>dvr</mat-icon> |
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gps_off | gps off icon | <mat-icon>gps_off</mat-icon> |
graphic_eq | graphic eq icon | <mat-icon>graphic_eq</mat-icon> |
location_disabled | location disabled icon | <mat-icon>location_disabled</mat-icon> |
location_searching | location searching icon | <mat-icon>location_searching</mat-icon> |
mobile_friendly | mobile friendly icon | <mat-icon>mobile_friendly</mat-icon> |
mobile_off | mobile off icon | <mat-icon>mobile_off</mat-icon> |
network_cell | network cell icon | <mat-icon>network_cell</mat-icon> |
network_wifi | network wifi icon | <mat-icon>network_wifi</mat-icon> |
nfc | nfc icon | <mat-icon>nfc</mat-icon> |
screen_lock_landscape | screen lock landscape icon | <mat-icon>screen_lock_landscape</mat-icon> |
screen_lock_portrait | screen lock portrait icon | <mat-icon>screen_lock_portrait</mat-icon> |
screen_lock_rotation | screen lock rotation icon | <mat-icon>screen_lock_rotation</mat-icon> |
screen_rotation | screen rotation icon | <mat-icon>screen_rotation</mat-icon> |
sd_storage | sd storage icon | <mat-icon>sd_storage</mat-icon> |
settings_system_daydream | settings system daydream icon | <mat-icon>settings_system_daydream</mat-icon> |
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signal_cellular_alt | signal cellular alt icon | <mat-icon>signal_cellular_alt</mat-icon> |
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signal_cellular_null | signal cellular null icon | <mat-icon>signal_cellular_null</mat-icon> |
signal_cellular_off | signal cellular off icon | <mat-icon>signal_cellular_off</mat-icon> |
signal_wifi_4_bar | signal wifi 4 bar icon | <mat-icon>signal_wifi_4_bar</mat-icon> |
signal_wifi_4_bar_lock | signal wifi 4 bar lock icon | <mat-icon>signal_wifi_4_bar_lock</mat-icon> |
signal_wifi_off | signal wifi off icon | <mat-icon>signal_wifi_off</mat-icon> |
storage | storage icon | <mat-icon>storage</mat-icon> |
usb | usb icon | <mat-icon>usb</mat-icon> |
wallpaper | wallpaper icon | <mat-icon>wallpaper</mat-icon> |
widgets | widgets icon | <mat-icon>widgets</mat-icon> |
wifi_lock | wifi lock icon | <mat-icon>wifi_lock</mat-icon> |
wifi_tethering | wifi tethering icon | <mat-icon>wifi_tethering</mat-icon> |