
时间:2021-10-08 11:20:02

Is there a way to change Windows environment variables using Java? I tried with the cmd function set:


Process exec = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[] {
      "cmd", "/c", "set", "HTTP_PROXY=" + PROXY_URL

if (exec.waitFor() != 0) {
    throw new IllegalStateException("Output: "
        + getText(exec.getInputStream())
        + "Error: " + getText(exec.getErrorStream()
        + "\n"
        + "Exit value: " + exec.exitValue());

This code runs fine without any error but when I later check system variables nothing has changed.


I'm trying to update HTTP_PROXY so that other software run behind an HTTP proxy can use it.


2 个解决方案


Processes are launched in an enviroment made of name-value pairs. When a program writes to an env variable, it can optionally make that write visible to child processes, but when you check the value you are likely using another process (maybe run via cmd.exe) that has no access to the environment of your Java program.

流程在由名称 - 值对组成的环境中启动。当程序写入env变量时,它可以选择使该写入对子进程可见,但是当您检查该值时,您可能正在使用另一个无法访问Java环境的进程(可能通过cmd.exe运行)程序。

I don't know if the purpose of your code is to define environment variables in a persistent manner, but if that's the case it can't be done in Java without specific OS tools and in a platform-independent way.


Environment variables default values must be stored by system tools in places where they are then read by the very same system tools from. On Linux there are files like .profile and .bashrc in the user home, while on Windows you have the registry. For example on my Windows 7 I have: my PATH default value stored in \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment - so you must find a way to write to the system registry, for example the command reg

环境变量默认值必须由系统工具存储在可以通过相同系统工具读取的位置。在Linux上,用户家中有.profile和.bashrc等文件,而在Windows上则有注册表。例如,在我的Windows 7上,我有:我的PATH默认值存储在\ HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Environment中 - 所以你必须找到一种写入系统注册表的方法,例如命令reg

The REG ADD command allows the user to add new keys and values to the Registry. To display the full range of parameters that can be used, type the following into the command line: reg add /?

REG ADD命令允许用户向注册表添加新的键和值。要显示可以使用的所有参数,请在命令行中键入以下内容:reg add /?

To add the key HKLM\Software\MyNewApp on remote computer PC2, type:

要在远程计算机PC2上添加密钥HKLM \ Software \ MyNewApp,请键入:

REG ADD \\PC2\HKLM\Software\MyNewApp

To add a registry entry to HKLM\Software\MyNewApp with a value named Data of type REG_BINARY and data of fe340ead, type:

要使用名为Data类型为REG_BINARY的数据和fe340ead数据的值向HKLM \ Software \ MyNewApp添加注册表项,请键入:

REG ADD HKLM\Software\MyNewApp /v Data /t REG_BINARY /d fe340ead

You can either write a .bat script or call reg from your Java program. You may need administrator priviledges and to restart some programs (eventually the whole machine) for the update to take effect (for example restart explorer.exe)



It's impossible to do that (at least for forever). There are good reasons for that (isolation, java tools unknowingly changing your env). Look for a hack here :



a complex explanation was given by raffaele



Processes are launched in an enviroment made of name-value pairs. When a program writes to an env variable, it can optionally make that write visible to child processes, but when you check the value you are likely using another process (maybe run via cmd.exe) that has no access to the environment of your Java program.

流程在由名称 - 值对组成的环境中启动。当程序写入env变量时,它可以选择使该写入对子进程可见,但是当您检查该值时,您可能正在使用另一个无法访问Java环境的进程(可能通过cmd.exe运行)程序。

I don't know if the purpose of your code is to define environment variables in a persistent manner, but if that's the case it can't be done in Java without specific OS tools and in a platform-independent way.


Environment variables default values must be stored by system tools in places where they are then read by the very same system tools from. On Linux there are files like .profile and .bashrc in the user home, while on Windows you have the registry. For example on my Windows 7 I have: my PATH default value stored in \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment - so you must find a way to write to the system registry, for example the command reg

环境变量默认值必须由系统工具存储在可以通过相同系统工具读取的位置。在Linux上,用户家中有.profile和.bashrc等文件,而在Windows上则有注册表。例如,在我的Windows 7上,我有:我的PATH默认值存储在\ HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Environment中 - 所以你必须找到一种写入系统注册表的方法,例如命令reg

The REG ADD command allows the user to add new keys and values to the Registry. To display the full range of parameters that can be used, type the following into the command line: reg add /?

REG ADD命令允许用户向注册表添加新的键和值。要显示可以使用的所有参数,请在命令行中键入以下内容:reg add /?

To add the key HKLM\Software\MyNewApp on remote computer PC2, type:

要在远程计算机PC2上添加密钥HKLM \ Software \ MyNewApp,请键入:

REG ADD \\PC2\HKLM\Software\MyNewApp

To add a registry entry to HKLM\Software\MyNewApp with a value named Data of type REG_BINARY and data of fe340ead, type:

要使用名为Data类型为REG_BINARY的数据和fe340ead数据的值向HKLM \ Software \ MyNewApp添加注册表项,请键入:

REG ADD HKLM\Software\MyNewApp /v Data /t REG_BINARY /d fe340ead

You can either write a .bat script or call reg from your Java program. You may need administrator priviledges and to restart some programs (eventually the whole machine) for the update to take effect (for example restart explorer.exe)



It's impossible to do that (at least for forever). There are good reasons for that (isolation, java tools unknowingly changing your env). Look for a hack here :



a complex explanation was given by raffaele
