Ruby 1.9.3 - 如果CSV文件中没有标题,CSV.table如何知道?

时间:2021-10-08 11:20:08

I have been doing some testing with CSV.table. I have two small and almost identical CSV files, however one is missing the header row.


When I run CSV.table against the CSV file with the header row, everything works as expected.


When I run it against the CSV file without the header row I get:


NoMethodError: undefined method `encode' for nil:NilClass

I tried this with different types of data, with different types of headers, and get the same results.


I am curious to the magic of CSV.table. If I use CSV.parse with headers set to true, then it always makes the first row be headers no matter what. So, I have been using CSV.table to check if a CSV file being imported has a header row but I am not too comfortable with this because I don't understand if or when it will or will not work the way I'm using it.


  # Add error to log or something.

Does anyone know?


P.S. I've already read through this and the source code it provides on each method -

附:我已经阅读了它以及它为每种方法提供的源代码 -

1 个解决方案



There isn't any magic involved, and it won't work for you in general.


As you can see from the source, table literally just calls read with headers: true. But it also converts the header to symbols (header_converters: :symbol) and this is the key to why it appears to work.

正如您从源代码中看到的那样,表格实际上只是使用headers调用read:true。但它也会将标题转换为符号(header_converters :: symbol),这就是它看起来有效的关键。

You get an error without headers because you have a blank column in your first row of data (something like a,b,,d,e). The blank gets read in as nil, and since nil can't be converted to a symbol, it blows up.

没有标题会出现错误,因为第一行数据中有一个空白列(类似a,b ,, d,e)。空白被读入为零,并且由于无法将nil转换为符号,因此它会爆炸。

Try it with some data that doesn't have a blank in the first row - you'll see that table will treat that row of data as headers just like any of the other methods.

尝试使用第一行中没有空白的一些数据 - 您将看到该表将该行数据视为标题,就像任何其他方法一样。



There isn't any magic involved, and it won't work for you in general.


As you can see from the source, table literally just calls read with headers: true. But it also converts the header to symbols (header_converters: :symbol) and this is the key to why it appears to work.

正如您从源代码中看到的那样,表格实际上只是使用headers调用read:true。但它也会将标题转换为符号(header_converters :: symbol),这就是它看起来有效的关键。

You get an error without headers because you have a blank column in your first row of data (something like a,b,,d,e). The blank gets read in as nil, and since nil can't be converted to a symbol, it blows up.

没有标题会出现错误,因为第一行数据中有一个空白列(类似a,b ,, d,e)。空白被读入为零,并且由于无法将nil转换为符号,因此它会爆炸。

Try it with some data that doesn't have a blank in the first row - you'll see that table will treat that row of data as headers just like any of the other methods.

尝试使用第一行中没有空白的一些数据 - 您将看到该表将该行数据视为标题,就像任何其他方法一样。