
时间:2021-10-01 11:05:01

I just made a browser using c# as one of my first projects of programming and it works pretty good but its pretty generic. I tried adding different tools on it but it still ends up pretty bare and I'm better off using Firefox. Is there a way to add useful apps and color on your browser. I want to make it more personal and add things that make it unique not necessarily better than all the others. I did it more for practice than anything but I want to add a little flare to it. If I'm not doing it for a job I might as well go for style points.


4 个解决方案


Implement HTML5 and CSS3. All of it. That would be worth using.


Now in the short run what I'd really like, would be a browser, that combines V8 JavaScript engine, WebKit as rendering engine with flexibility of XPCOM (but without its bloat). I mean basically cross-platform Google Chrome, accepting Firefox extensions.

现在,在短期内,我真正喜欢的是一个浏览器,它结合了V8 JavaScript引擎,WebKit作为渲染引擎和XPCOM的灵活性(但没有它的膨胀)。我的意思是基本上是跨平台的谷歌浏览器,接受Firefox扩展。


I suspect you'll find most of the really useful ideas have already been implemented in the major browsers. If you think of something really neat which hasn't been done already, I think it would be a more useful contribution to the world if you'd implement it for/in the major browsers instead of in your own one.


I'm not trying to put a damper on your aim - it's just that quite a few people have already thought about browsers long and hard. It's great to do something as a route to learning, but it would be unrealistic to think you'll come up with a world-beating new idea at the same time.

我并不是想对你的目标施加阻碍 - 只是有很多人已经考虑过长而艰难的浏览器。做一些事情作为学习的途径是很棒的,但是认为你会同时想出一个世界一流的新想法是不现实的。


Kittens, unicorns (mostly pink) and a sparkling logo would do it for me.



Most browsers these days have given up competing on features and now battle it out on the speed and stability front. Safari 4 (using their SquirrelFish / Nitro JavaScript engine) is the self proclaimed "fastest browser in the world", Chrome implemented their V8 JavaScript engine and also separated processes for each tab in their browser. Firefox 3.5 apparently has increased JavaScript performance to rival Safari 4.

如今大多数浏览器都放弃了功能竞争,现在就在速度和稳定性方面展开激烈竞争。 Safari 4(使用他们的SquirrelFish / Nitro JavaScript引擎)是自称“世界上最快的浏览器”,Chrome实现了他们的V8 JavaScript引擎,并为浏览器中的每个选项卡分离了进程。 Firefox 3.5显然增加了JavaScript性能,可与Safari 4竞争。

There are umpteen Gecko and WebKit browsers out there trying to come up with the next big idea, but bar Chrome, no browser has made significant (any?) impact on the web in the past few years.



Implement HTML5 and CSS3. All of it. That would be worth using.


Now in the short run what I'd really like, would be a browser, that combines V8 JavaScript engine, WebKit as rendering engine with flexibility of XPCOM (but without its bloat). I mean basically cross-platform Google Chrome, accepting Firefox extensions.

现在,在短期内,我真正喜欢的是一个浏览器,它结合了V8 JavaScript引擎,WebKit作为渲染引擎和XPCOM的灵活性(但没有它的膨胀)。我的意思是基本上是跨平台的谷歌浏览器,接受Firefox扩展。


I suspect you'll find most of the really useful ideas have already been implemented in the major browsers. If you think of something really neat which hasn't been done already, I think it would be a more useful contribution to the world if you'd implement it for/in the major browsers instead of in your own one.


I'm not trying to put a damper on your aim - it's just that quite a few people have already thought about browsers long and hard. It's great to do something as a route to learning, but it would be unrealistic to think you'll come up with a world-beating new idea at the same time.

我并不是想对你的目标施加阻碍 - 只是有很多人已经考虑过长而艰难的浏览器。做一些事情作为学习的途径是很棒的,但是认为你会同时想出一个世界一流的新想法是不现实的。


Kittens, unicorns (mostly pink) and a sparkling logo would do it for me.



Most browsers these days have given up competing on features and now battle it out on the speed and stability front. Safari 4 (using their SquirrelFish / Nitro JavaScript engine) is the self proclaimed "fastest browser in the world", Chrome implemented their V8 JavaScript engine and also separated processes for each tab in their browser. Firefox 3.5 apparently has increased JavaScript performance to rival Safari 4.

如今大多数浏览器都放弃了功能竞争,现在就在速度和稳定性方面展开激烈竞争。 Safari 4(使用他们的SquirrelFish / Nitro JavaScript引擎)是自称“世界上最快的浏览器”,Chrome实现了他们的V8 JavaScript引擎,并为浏览器中的每个选项卡分离了进程。 Firefox 3.5显然增加了JavaScript性能,可与Safari 4竞争。

There are umpteen Gecko and WebKit browsers out there trying to come up with the next big idea, but bar Chrome, no browser has made significant (any?) impact on the web in the past few years.
