
时间:2022-01-23 19:21:28

Are user stories (typically used in agile development or test driven development) the same thing as events in Edward Yourdon's structured analysis methodology?

用户故事(通常用于敏捷开发或测试驱动开发)与Edward Yourdon的结构化分析方法中的事件相同吗?

3 个解决方案


Events and user stories are related but not identical. A Yourdon event is any stimulus to the system that requires the system to respond, so, for example, a tick from an external clock could be an event. That might require a response, eg, by incrementing a counter, but it wouldn't necessarily lead to a result with direct business value to the customer, so wouldn't be a valid user story or use case.

事件和用户故事相关但不相同。 Yourdon事件是对系统的任何刺激,需要系统响应,因此,例如,来自外部时钟的勾选可能是一个事件。这可能需要响应,例如,通过递增计数器,但它不一定会导致对客户具有直接业务价值的结果,因此不会是有效的用户故事或用例。


A user story is a pattern for briefly describing a business, technical or other type of need. For example:


As a risk analyst I would like to add references to the application page so that we can store the references with the application, where the verifications team can then use them to help improve our risk rate in our underwriting.


Then in your user story you would decompose the story describing what tasks will be needed to complete the "would like" with a "done" check point being the "so that".


Mike Cohn has a good article on User Stories and the advantage of them http://www.mountaingoatsoftware.com/articles/27-advantages-of-user-stories-for-requirements

Mike Cohn有一篇关于用户故事及其优势的好文章http://www.mountaingoatsoftware.com/articles/27-advantages-of-user-stories-for-requirements

As far as Edward Yourdon's structured analysis methodology, I have to admit I'm not extremely familiar with it so I cant answer that part of your question.

至于Edward Yourdon的结构化分析方法,我不得不承认我对它并不是非常熟悉,所以我无法回答你那部分问题。


That´s right, user stories and use cases from UML are rewrites of Yourdon´s events. They are just a reinvention of the wheel.



Events and user stories are related but not identical. A Yourdon event is any stimulus to the system that requires the system to respond, so, for example, a tick from an external clock could be an event. That might require a response, eg, by incrementing a counter, but it wouldn't necessarily lead to a result with direct business value to the customer, so wouldn't be a valid user story or use case.

事件和用户故事相关但不相同。 Yourdon事件是对系统的任何刺激,需要系统响应,因此,例如,来自外部时钟的勾选可能是一个事件。这可能需要响应,例如,通过递增计数器,但它不一定会导致对客户具有直接业务价值的结果,因此不会是有效的用户故事或用例。


A user story is a pattern for briefly describing a business, technical or other type of need. For example:


As a risk analyst I would like to add references to the application page so that we can store the references with the application, where the verifications team can then use them to help improve our risk rate in our underwriting.


Then in your user story you would decompose the story describing what tasks will be needed to complete the "would like" with a "done" check point being the "so that".


Mike Cohn has a good article on User Stories and the advantage of them http://www.mountaingoatsoftware.com/articles/27-advantages-of-user-stories-for-requirements

Mike Cohn有一篇关于用户故事及其优势的好文章http://www.mountaingoatsoftware.com/articles/27-advantages-of-user-stories-for-requirements

As far as Edward Yourdon's structured analysis methodology, I have to admit I'm not extremely familiar with it so I cant answer that part of your question.

至于Edward Yourdon的结构化分析方法,我不得不承认我对它并不是非常熟悉,所以我无法回答你那部分问题。


That´s right, user stories and use cases from UML are rewrites of Yourdon´s events. They are just a reinvention of the wheel.
