
时间:2021-09-04 19:23:56

I want to do something like the example below


ColumnAVal = Select ColumnA from TableA where....
ColumnBVal = Select ColumnB from TableA where....
Select * from TableB where ColumnC = (value from ColumnA)
Select * from TableC where ColumnD = (value from ColumnB)

I have to get the values from TableA query which has one hefty where clause. And I have to get about 20 different columns from TableA. So, above example won't be a good idea. I am trying to find a better way to save these values, that doesn't require me to use same where clause 20 times.


Basically idea is to get the 20 or so columns from the TableA and save those as variables for later use. That way I can create just one query to save the column values instead of calling it twenty times.




@QuantityAvailable =  SELECT TOP 1 WLPS_Qty_Available FROM 

TBL_Warehouse_Location_Parts_Spec, TBL_Location_Master, 
TBL_Warehouse_Master  WHERE     WLPS_Parts_Spec_ID = @PartSpecID AND    WLPS_Part_Type_ID IN ( 0, @PartTypeID ) AND WLPS_Active_Flag = 'Y' AND ( WLPS_Location_ID = @LocationID )  

I have to run the same query again and again 20 times. And I would prefer I don't have to, to save some processing.


2 个解决方案



declare @ColumnAVal varchar(20);
declare @ColumnBVal varchar(20);

select @ColumnAVal = ColumnA , @ColumnBVal = ColumnB from TableA where....

The values used are from the last row in the returned set so it only makes sense when the select returns a single row or it's suitably ordered (less good).




--I have to assume that the where clause is different in each case


Select * from TableB where ColumnC IN (Select ColumnA from TableA where....)
Select * from TableC where ColumnD IN (Select ColumnB from TableA where....)



declare @ColumnAVal varchar(20);
declare @ColumnBVal varchar(20);

select @ColumnAVal = ColumnA , @ColumnBVal = ColumnB from TableA where....

The values used are from the last row in the returned set so it only makes sense when the select returns a single row or it's suitably ordered (less good).




--I have to assume that the where clause is different in each case


Select * from TableB where ColumnC IN (Select ColumnA from TableA where....)
Select * from TableC where ColumnD IN (Select ColumnB from TableA where....)