DRIVER_MODULE_PATH = /system/lib/dhd.ko
DRIVER_MODULE_ARG = "firmware_path=/etc/wifi/40181/fw_bcm40181a2.bin nvram_path=/etc/wifi/40181/nvram.txt"
wifi驱动入口dhd_module_init(void) ... dhd_linux.c
int error = 0; DHD_TRACE(("%s: Enter\n", __FUNCTION__)); wl_android_init(); //初始化dhd_msg_level |= DHD_ERROR_VAL,给iface_name赋值为wlan do {
sema_init(&dhd_chipup_sem, 0);
dhd_bus_reg_sdio_notify(&dhd_chipup_sem);//注冊sdio driver,支持例如以下图wifi列表,sdio驱动获取wifi列表的设备后调用dummy_probe() --> up(dhd_chipup_sem)
dhd_customer_gpio_wlan_ctrl(WLAN_POWER_ON); if (down_timeout(&dhd_chipup_sem, //2000ms超时等待
msecs_to_jiffies(POWERUP_WAIT_MS)) == 0) {
chip_up = 1;
DHD_ERROR(("\nfailed to power up wifi chip, retry again (%d left) **\n\n",
} while (retry-- > 0); if (!chip_up) {
DHD_ERROR(("\nfailed to power up wifi chip, max retry reached, exits **\n\n"));
return -ENODEV;
} sema_init(&dhd_registration_sem, 0); error = dhd_bus_register();//具体分析看<三>,注冊dhd_sdio驱动,终于会调用到dhd_net_attach(); if (!error)
printf("\n%s\n", dhd_version);
else {
DHD_ERROR(("%s: sdio_register_driver failed\n", __FUNCTION__));
goto fail_1;
} /*
* Wait till MMC sdio_register_driver callback called and made driver attach.
* It's needed to make sync up exit from dhd insmod and
* Kernel MMC sdio device callback registration
if ((down_timeout(&dhd_registration_sem,//函数dhd_net_attach() --> up(&dhd_registration_sem);
msecs_to_jiffies(DHD_REGISTRATION_TIMEOUT)) != 0) ||
(dhd_registration_check != TRUE)) {
error = -ENODEV;
DHD_ERROR(("%s: sdio_register_driver timeout or error \n", __FUNCTION__));
goto fail_2;
} wl_android_post_init(); return error; fail_2:
dhd_bus_unregister(); fail_1: /* Call customer gpio to turn off power with WL_REG_ON signal */
dhd_customer_gpio_wlan_ctrl(WLAN_POWER_OFF); return error;
三:dhd_bus_register(void) ... dhd_sdio.c分析
bcmsdh_register(&dhd_sdio)会调用pci_register_driver(&bcmsdh_pci_driver)注冊一个pci类型的驱动。假设匹配到bcmsdh_pci_devid就会调用到bcmsdh_pci_probe --> drvinfo.attach --> drvinfo.attach ,终于调用到dhd_sdio->dhdsdio_probe,接下来分析dhdsdio_probe函数
四:dhdsdio_probe() ... dhd_sdio.c分析
dhdsdio_probe(uint16 venid, uint16 devid, uint16 bus_no, uint16 slot,
uint16 func, uint bustype, void *regsva, osl_t * osh, void *sdh)
int ret;
dhd_bus_t *bus; /* attach the common module */
dhd_common_init(osh); /* attempt to attach to the dongle */
if (!(dhdsdio_probe_attach(bus, osh, sdh, regsva, devid))) {
DHD_ERROR(("%s: dhdsdio_probe_attach failed\n", __FUNCTION__));
goto fail;
} /* Attach to the dhd/OS/network interface */ //创建3个线程,各自是dhd_watchdog_thread、dhd_dpc、dhd_sysioc
if (!(bus->dhd = dhd_attach(osh, bus, SDPCM_RESERVE))) {
DHD_ERROR(("%s: dhd_attach failed\n", __FUNCTION__));
goto fail;
} /* Allocate buffers */
if (!(dhdsdio_probe_malloc(bus, osh, sdh))) {
DHD_ERROR(("%s: dhdsdio_probe_malloc failed\n", __FUNCTION__));
goto fail;
} if (!(dhdsdio_probe_init(bus, osh, sdh))) {
DHD_ERROR(("%s: dhdsdio_probe_init failed\n", __FUNCTION__));
goto fail;
} if (bus->intr) {
/* Register interrupt callback, but mask it (not operational yet). */
DHD_INTR(("%s: disable SDIO interrupts (not interested yet)\n", __FUNCTION__));
if ((ret = bcmsdh_intr_reg(sdh, dhdsdio_isr, bus)) != 0) {
DHD_ERROR(("%s: FAILED: bcmsdh_intr_reg returned %d\n",
__FUNCTION__, ret));
goto fail;
DHD_INTR(("%s: registered SDIO interrupt function ok\n", __FUNCTION__));
} else {
DHD_INFO(("%s: SDIO interrupt function is NOT registered due to polling mode\n",
} DHD_INFO(("%s: completed!!\n", __FUNCTION__));
//获取wifi MAC地址
ret = dhd_custom_get_mac_address(ea_addr.octet); /* if firmware path present try to download and bring up bus */
if (dhd_download_fw_on_driverload) { //更新模组firmware、nvram,当中使用了filp_open、kernel_read、filp_close进行文件系统的操作
if ((ret = dhd_bus_start(bus->dhd)) != 0) {
DHD_ERROR(("%s: dhd_bus_start failed\n", __FUNCTION__));
goto fail;
/* Ok, have the per-port tell the stack we're open for business */
if (dhd_net_attach(bus->dhd, 0) != 0) {
DHD_ERROR(("%s: Net attach failed!!\n", __FUNCTION__));
goto fail;
} return bus; fail:
dhdsdio_release(bus, osh); return NULL;