War Time Computing and Communication:
High Stakes Research in Computing, and Communication
We're going to start at the dawn of electronic computing. I mean computing started, you know, early with abacuses and humans but, we're going to start with the moment that electronic computing, in particular because it was the moment when computing and communication were sort of co-born at the same time. And communication before the Internet became normal. Then early Internet research and then the Internet itself that was academia and then of course for went out into the real world. And then the web, which really took all this connectivity and made it easy to use for everybody. It's really what our view now of this network is, very much through the web. |
It is about Bletchley Park and there are many heroes at Bletchley Park. Of course this was a top-secret code breaking effort by the British government during World War II. World War II, I mean, if you think about it in history, perhaps there is no time in history quite like World War II. If you go back to, well what kind of technologies we were using in 1910 and 1920, to the technologies we were using in 1940, it's an amazing difference, you know, jet airplanes, radio, radar, so many things were invented and made usable and made production quality during that period of time. |
a key technology was building codes and code-making machines. A good example of this was the Enigma made by Germany, which is we'll talk about these in the last part, the very last part of the class, in the security part of the class, how these codes and ciphers work. But they scramble material in a way that's generally unintelligible. And, of course, the really bright folks at Bletchley Park, Alan Turing, one of many really bright people at Bletchley Park used, you know, mathematics to, to say, you know, these codes may be more, more crackable than we think. There was folks from Poland who also informed the, them, to say, look, let's show what we did to crack it. Right before Poland was involved, they were working heavily on the mathematics of cracking. And so then they built these machines. |
And so, in this video that I'm about to show you, it's really, what I tried to do is, I tried to contrast the two machines. And one is an extremely fast mechanical computer, with relays and switches and things that spin and gears that move back and forth. That's a very physical computer that's that's looking for patterns. So the BOMBE was a powerful mechanical computer. The Colossus was a powerful electronic computer. |
Alan Turing and Bletchley Park


Computing with Phone lines:
Post-War Computing and Communication

Using the Michigan Terminal System
视频以展示Michigan终端系统的使用作为开头,Michigan终端系统是密歇根大学计算中心的一个大型计算系统,使用的是IBM 36067型,视频全长半小时左右,几乎全在介绍Michigan终端系统的使用方法及技巧,词汇的难度十分不友好,光是翻译看懂就花了好几个小时.......@#¥%
Internet History, Technology, and Security(week1)——History: Dawn of Electronic Computing的更多相关文章
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Internet History, Technology, and Security(week3)——History: The Web Makes it Easy to Use
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Internet History, Technology, and Security(week8)——Security: Encrypting and Signing
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Internet History, Technology, and Security(week7)——Technology: Application Protocols
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Internet History, Technology, and Security(week5)——Technology: Internets and Packets
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Internet History, Technology, and Security(week6)——Technology: Transport Control Protocol(TCP)
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Internet History, Technology, and Security(week9)——Web Security
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Internet History,Technology and Security
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