
时间:2022-10-20 19:22:06

All of us know the system function DATEADD function (as an example). this function has 3 parameters which the first one is so strange for me. I looked on the Google so much for finding out the parameter type of the first parameter (which is shown varchar in Object Explorer window), but found nothing!


I think it's a kind of Enum used in this function because the usage is very similar to Enum usage:


Print DATEADD(DAY,1,GETDATE()) -- What's that DAY?

My question can be answered if one of this questions be replied:


  1. How can I see system functions definition?
  2. 如何查看系统功能定义?
  3. What's that DAY in above statement and how can I write a function like DATEADD to accept such parameter?
  4. 在上面的语句中是什么日子,我如何编写像DATEADD这样的函数来接受这样的参数?
  5. If it's an enum, how can I define an enum in TSQL?
  6. 如果它是枚举,我如何在TSQL中定义枚举?

1 个解决方案



Day is a type and its values can be:


yy, yyyy: year
qq, q: quarter
mm, m: month
dy, y: day of year
dd, d: day
wk, ww: week
dw, w: weekday
hh: hour
mi, n: minute
ss or s: second
ms: millisecond
mcs: microsecond
ns: nanosecond



Day is a type and its values can be:


yy, yyyy: year
qq, q: quarter
mm, m: month
dy, y: day of year
dd, d: day
wk, ww: week
dw, w: weekday
hh: hour
mi, n: minute
ss or s: second
ms: millisecond
mcs: microsecond
ns: nanosecond