
时间:2022-04-09 21:01:05

I have created numbers of stored procedures in MySQL through remote access. And those procedures worked well.


After a few days when I connected to Database through remote access. All stored procedures were alive but while was trying to call those procedures, I realized that SQL queries inside procedures had gone. Anyone knows the reason?


1 个解决方案


If SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE (see docs) isn't showing you the procedures (with SQL queries inside) you probably have some permission problems -- you need to be the owner of the procedure or have SELECT access to the mysql.proc table.

如果SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE(请参阅docs)没有向您显示过程(内部有SQL查询),您可能会遇到一些权限问题 - 您需要成为过程的所有者或者具有对mysql.proc表的SELECT访问权限。


If SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE (see docs) isn't showing you the procedures (with SQL queries inside) you probably have some permission problems -- you need to be the owner of the procedure or have SELECT access to the mysql.proc table.

如果SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE(请参阅docs)没有向您显示过程(内部有SQL查询),您可能会遇到一些权限问题 - 您需要成为过程的所有者或者具有对mysql.proc表的SELECT访问权限。