
时间:2023-01-13 23:07:12

What is the best practice where should I put SQL queries in Rails?


  • Should I create the methods in models for example: find_all_public_items where I'm using the find methods with all the conditions, and then using them in controllers. Like that I have all the queries in one place but I miss the flexibility that every query should be exactly suited for the need.


  • Should I just use the find/find_by_sql in controllers - like this I'm not creating thousands of methods but i'm loosing control on how the controllers are sucking data from database.

    我应该只在控制器中使用find / find_by_sql - 这样我就不会创建数以千计的方法,但是我无法控制控制器如何从数据库中提取数据。

2 个解决方案


You should put them in your models. You might want to investigate named scopes too.



Put everything model-related in the model. Period.



You should put them in your models. You might want to investigate named scopes too.



Put everything model-related in the model. Period.
