
时间:2021-08-05 16:23:07

I have a data file which only contains the following line:


"testA" "testB":1:"testC":2

Now when I split this line, and print the resulting list(w) I get the following:


['"testA"', '"testB":1:"testC":2']


Now when I want to access w[0], it returns "testA" just fine, but when I print w[1], it crashes and gives a list index out of range error, but still prints it out "testB":1:"testC":2

现在,当我想访问w [0]时,它返回“testA”就好了,但是当我打印w [1]时,它会崩溃并给出一个超出范围错误的列表索引,但仍会将其打印出“testB”:1 : “TESTC”:2

Any help would be much appreciated!


4 个解决方案



Your code does not crash on w[1] on the "testA" "testB":1:"testC":2 line, otherwise it would not print "testB":1:"testC":2. Note the additional [] in your output? Your file contains some more empty lines, which are split to [], and which will then produce that error even on w[0].

你的代码在“testA”“testB”上的w [1]上不会崩溃:1:“testC”:2行,否则它不会打印“testB”:1:“testC”:2。注意输出中的附加[]?您的文件包含一些空行,它们被拆分为[],然后即使在w [0]上也会产生该错误。

To fix the problem, you should check whether the line and/or the list created from that line is non-empty. (When testing the line, make sure to strip away any whitespace, such as the trailing newline character.) Your code should then look somewhat like this:

要解决此问题,您应检查从该行创建的行和/或列表是否为非空。 (在测试行时,请务必去除任何空格,例如尾部换行符。)您的代码应该看起来像这样:

with open("test.txt") as f:
    for line in f:
        if line.strip():  # strip the `\n` before checking whether line is empty
            w = line.split()
            print(w[0], w[1])



working for me without any error:


>>> a = '"testA" "testB":1:"testC":2'
>>> b = a.split(' ')
>>> b
['"testA"', '"testB":1:"testC":2']
>>> b[0]
>>> b[1]

ae you doing anything different?




I also cannot reproduce your error but want to share a tip that I use in situations where I'm reading from a file and splitting on a delimiter.


cleaned_list = [ a.strip() for a in input_line.split(' ') if a ] 

Simple and sanitizes the split list well.




The answer was that the program read the next line after the first one which it split, and that line was empty. So as soon as it tried to index the content of that (empty line) it crashed. That's why it DID print the first line, and then crashed. Thanks a lot for your help, though!




Your code does not crash on w[1] on the "testA" "testB":1:"testC":2 line, otherwise it would not print "testB":1:"testC":2. Note the additional [] in your output? Your file contains some more empty lines, which are split to [], and which will then produce that error even on w[0].

你的代码在“testA”“testB”上的w [1]上不会崩溃:1:“testC”:2行,否则它不会打印“testB”:1:“testC”:2。注意输出中的附加[]?您的文件包含一些空行,它们被拆分为[],然后即使在w [0]上也会产生该错误。

To fix the problem, you should check whether the line and/or the list created from that line is non-empty. (When testing the line, make sure to strip away any whitespace, such as the trailing newline character.) Your code should then look somewhat like this:

要解决此问题,您应检查从该行创建的行和/或列表是否为非空。 (在测试行时,请务必去除任何空格,例如尾部换行符。)您的代码应该看起来像这样:

with open("test.txt") as f:
    for line in f:
        if line.strip():  # strip the `\n` before checking whether line is empty
            w = line.split()
            print(w[0], w[1])



working for me without any error:


>>> a = '"testA" "testB":1:"testC":2'
>>> b = a.split(' ')
>>> b
['"testA"', '"testB":1:"testC":2']
>>> b[0]
>>> b[1]

ae you doing anything different?




I also cannot reproduce your error but want to share a tip that I use in situations where I'm reading from a file and splitting on a delimiter.


cleaned_list = [ a.strip() for a in input_line.split(' ') if a ] 

Simple and sanitizes the split list well.




The answer was that the program read the next line after the first one which it split, and that line was empty. So as soon as it tried to index the content of that (empty line) it crashed. That's why it DID print the first line, and then crashed. Thanks a lot for your help, though!
