
时间:2021-10-20 05:26:46

This is my first question on here, because, although I have searched at least 15 different other posts for the answer to my issue, none have the answer. Please help!


QUESTION: How do I fix Error:800A0009?


DETAILS: I am creating a small program that gathers all local computers and sends them all an audio file to be played. Also, I need to know how to force send, if anyone knows. Lastly, I first run "Get Computers.bat".

细节:我正在创建一个小程序,收集所有本地计算机,并向它们发送一个要播放的音频文件。而且,如果有人知道,我还需要知道如何强制发送。最后,我第一次运行“Get Computers.bat”。

My Code:


~~~~~~VBS FILE(Remote Speak.vbs)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~根据文件(远程Speak.vbs)~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

(Obtains variable transferred which contains network name of a computer, and sends it a file to be play using SAPI)


'get ip    
Option Explicit    
Dim args, strOut   
set args = Wscript.arguments    
strOut= args(0)    
IP = strOut

'get MSG    
MSG = InputBox("Type what you want the PC to say:", "Remote Voice Send By X BiLe", "")

If MSG = "" Then WScript.quit: Else

'vbs command to send

A = "on error resume next" & VBCRLF & _    
"CreateObject(""SAPI.SpVoice"").speak " & """" & MSG & """" & VBCRLF & _    
"CreateObject(""Scripting.FileSystemObject"").DeleteFile (""C:\Voice1.vbs"")"

' Create the vbs on remote C$    
CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").OpenTextFile("\\" & ip & "\C$\Voice1.vbs",2,True).Write A

' Run the VBS through Wscript on remote machine via WMI Object Win32_Process    
B = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & IP & "\root\cimv2:Win32_Process").Create("C:\windows\system32\wscript.exe ""C:\Voice1.vbs""", null, null, intProcessID)

~~~BATCH PRIMARY (Get Computers.bat)~~~~~~~~~~~

~ ~ ~一批初级(Computers.bat)~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

(Gathers computer names and assign each one, using net view, filtering the "\" to Computer%num%. Also, :tempcall is just an error handler.)

(收集计算机名称并分配每个名称,使用net view,将“\”过滤到计算机%num%。另外,:tempcall只是一个错误处理程序。

@echo off    
set num=1    
echo @echo off > Computers.bat    
if "%1"=="loop" (    
for /f "delims=\ tokens=*" %%a in ('net view ^| findstr /r "^\\\\"') do (    
set comp=%%a    
call :number    
if exist %%f exit    
goto :eof    
cmd /v:on /q /d /c "%0 loop"    
call temp.bat    
echo You have %num%computers on your network!    
del /q temp.bat    
start Computers.bat    
if %comp% == "" (    
goto :tempcall    
) else (    
echo set Computer%num%=%comp% >> Computers.bat    
echo cscript "Remote Speak.vbs" %1 >> Computers.bat    
echo call "Remote Speak.vbs" >> Computers.bat    
echo set num=%num% > temp.bat    
echo Computer%num%: %comp%    
set /a num=%num% + 1    

BATCH SECONDARY (Computers.bat)


(The computers I made up off the top of my head, but they are generally in that format.)


@echo off    
set Computer1=040227-CYCVN1                                              
cscript "Remote Speak.vbs" //NoLogo > log.txt    
set Computer1=051448-YZVN2                                                             
cscript "Remote Speak.vbs" //NoLogo > log.txt    

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~END DETAILS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~结束细节~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

1.) Temp.bat is literally just temporary, it's deleted, as you can see, almost immediately after it's created, it simply holds the value of %num% after it breaks out of the loop, because it didn't show "You have %num%computers on your network!" correctly.


2.) Don't worry too much about the VBScript file except for the top lines:


Option Explicit

Dim args, strOut

set args = Wscript.arguments

strOut= args(0)

IP = strOut

3.) My main issue is that I am trying to find a safe way to have "Computers.bat" call the "Remote Speak.vbs" file and set it's batch variables to be the exact same names to refer to the individual computers, in VBScript variable format.


1 个解决方案



The error raises because you are not passing any argument to the vbs file, and it is not passed because when you generate computers.bat you are using %1 (the first argument to the :number subroutine) as a parameter, but in call :number there is not any parameter.

错误会增加,因为您没有将任何参数传递给vbs文件,并且它没有通过,因为当您生成计算机时。bat,您正在使用%1 (:number子例程的第一个参数)作为参数,但是在call:number中没有任何参数。

Also, the incrementing computer number is not shown in computers.bat because delayedexpansion is not active. When execution reaches a line or block (the code inside parenthesis), the parser replaces variable reads with the value in the variable and then starts to execute it. As the value of the variable changes inside the block, but there is no variable read, only the value of the variable before starting to execute, changes are not seen. You need to setlocal enabledelayedexpansion to enable it and, where needed, change %var% to !var! to indicate the parser that the variable read needs to be delayed, not replaced at initial parse time.

此外,递增的计算机编号也不显示在计算机中。蝙蝠,因为延迟反应不活跃。当执行到达行或块(括号内的代码)时,解析器将变量读取替换为变量中的值,然后开始执行。由于变量的值在块内部发生变化,但是没有读取变量,只有在开始执行之前变量的值,所以不会看到变化。您需要setlocal enabledelayedexpansion来启用它,并在需要时将%var% to !var!为了指示解析器读取的变量需要延迟,而不是在初始解析时替换。

And anyway, your code does not use it. And what is if exist %%f? And why the loop?


For your third question, the Environment property of the WshShell objects lets you read the required variables


Dim env
    Set oEnvironment = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Environment("PROCESS")
    WScript.Echo oEnvironment("Computer1")

This is a fast cleanup of your code. From your question it seems this is only the starting point. Adapt as needed.




Option Explicit    

If WScript.Arguments.Count < 1 Then 
End If

'get ip
Dim IP
    IP = WScript.Arguments.Item(0)

'get MSG    
    MSG = InputBox("Type what you want the PC to say:", "Remote Voice Send By X BiLe", "")
    If MSG = "" Then 
    End If

Dim A
    A = "on error resume next" & VBCRLF & _    
        "CreateObject(""SAPI.SpVoice"").speak " & """" & MSG & """" & VBCRLF & _    

' Create the vbs on remote C$    
    CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").OpenTextFile("\\" & IP & "\C$\Voice1.vbs",2,True).Write A

' Run the VBS through Wscript on remote machine via WMI Object Win32_Process    
Dim B
    B=GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & IP & "\root\cimv2:Win32_Process").Create("C:\windows\system32\wscript.exe ""C:\Voice1.vbs""", null, null, intProcessID)



@echo off    
    setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
    set "num=0"
    (   echo @echo off
        for /f "tokens=* delims=\" %%a in ('net view ^| findstr /r /c:"^\\\\"') do (
            set /a "num+=1"
            echo set "Computer!num!=%%a"
            echo cscript "RemoteSpeak.vbs" %%a
    ) > computers.bat

    echo You have %num% computers in your network
    pause > nul
    start Computers.bat
    exit /b 



The error raises because you are not passing any argument to the vbs file, and it is not passed because when you generate computers.bat you are using %1 (the first argument to the :number subroutine) as a parameter, but in call :number there is not any parameter.

错误会增加,因为您没有将任何参数传递给vbs文件,并且它没有通过,因为当您生成计算机时。bat,您正在使用%1 (:number子例程的第一个参数)作为参数,但是在call:number中没有任何参数。

Also, the incrementing computer number is not shown in computers.bat because delayedexpansion is not active. When execution reaches a line or block (the code inside parenthesis), the parser replaces variable reads with the value in the variable and then starts to execute it. As the value of the variable changes inside the block, but there is no variable read, only the value of the variable before starting to execute, changes are not seen. You need to setlocal enabledelayedexpansion to enable it and, where needed, change %var% to !var! to indicate the parser that the variable read needs to be delayed, not replaced at initial parse time.

此外,递增的计算机编号也不显示在计算机中。蝙蝠,因为延迟反应不活跃。当执行到达行或块(括号内的代码)时,解析器将变量读取替换为变量中的值,然后开始执行。由于变量的值在块内部发生变化,但是没有读取变量,只有在开始执行之前变量的值,所以不会看到变化。您需要setlocal enabledelayedexpansion来启用它,并在需要时将%var% to !var!为了指示解析器读取的变量需要延迟,而不是在初始解析时替换。

And anyway, your code does not use it. And what is if exist %%f? And why the loop?


For your third question, the Environment property of the WshShell objects lets you read the required variables


Dim env
    Set oEnvironment = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Environment("PROCESS")
    WScript.Echo oEnvironment("Computer1")

This is a fast cleanup of your code. From your question it seems this is only the starting point. Adapt as needed.




Option Explicit    

If WScript.Arguments.Count < 1 Then 
End If

'get ip
Dim IP
    IP = WScript.Arguments.Item(0)

'get MSG    
    MSG = InputBox("Type what you want the PC to say:", "Remote Voice Send By X BiLe", "")
    If MSG = "" Then 
    End If

Dim A
    A = "on error resume next" & VBCRLF & _    
        "CreateObject(""SAPI.SpVoice"").speak " & """" & MSG & """" & VBCRLF & _    

' Create the vbs on remote C$    
    CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").OpenTextFile("\\" & IP & "\C$\Voice1.vbs",2,True).Write A

' Run the VBS through Wscript on remote machine via WMI Object Win32_Process    
Dim B
    B=GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & IP & "\root\cimv2:Win32_Process").Create("C:\windows\system32\wscript.exe ""C:\Voice1.vbs""", null, null, intProcessID)



@echo off    
    setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
    set "num=0"
    (   echo @echo off
        for /f "tokens=* delims=\" %%a in ('net view ^| findstr /r /c:"^\\\\"') do (
            set /a "num+=1"
            echo set "Computer!num!=%%a"
            echo cscript "RemoteSpeak.vbs" %%a
    ) > computers.bat

    echo You have %num% computers in your network
    pause > nul
    start Computers.bat
    exit /b