对于待发送的类,要用socket来发送,则必须实现Serializable接口。实现这个接口后就将发送的对象串行化了,再使用对象输入输出流(ObjectOutputStream, ObjectInputStream)就可实现发送与接收。这个过程有点像通信里边的调制过程,在接收端server再将串行化的对象恢复成之前的类,就像解调过程。比如我们定义一个packets这个类,来发送一些信息。
import java.io.Serializable; public class Packets implements Serializable{ public int id;
public String value;
public int ballot_pid;
public int ballot_num;
public int position; public Packets(int id, String value, int ballot_pid, int ballot_num, int position){
this.id= id;
this.value= value;
this.ballot_pid= ballot_pid;
this.ballot_num= ballot_num;
this.position= position; }
在发送的时候,我们定义一个client类。每次我们想发送packets,都先用packets的构造函数新建一个包,比如Packets pack= new Packets(......); 然后再用client里的send方法来将包发送出去,即client.send(pack)就可。
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
import java.net.Socket;
import java.net.UnknownHostException; public class Client{
private int port= 2013;
private String host= ""; public Client(String host, int port){
this.host= host;
this.port= port;
} public void send(Packets packets) throws UnknownHostException, IOException{
Socket socket= new Socket(host, port); ObjectOutputStream os= new ObjectOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream());
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
import java.net.ServerSocket;
import java.net.Socket; public class Server extends Thread{
private int port= 2013;
private int sequence= 1; /*flag used to stop this thread*/
private boolean stop= false; /*pass addresses of clients from outside*/
public Server(int port){
this.port= port;
} public void run(){
Socket socket= null;
ServerSocket serverSocket= new ServerSocket(port);
socket= serverSocket.accept();
catch(Exception e){
} super.run();
} private void handleSocket(Socket socket) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException{
ObjectInputStream ois= new ObjectInputStream(socket.getInputStream());
Packets packets= (Packets)ois.readObject(); /*handle packets start*/
/*if broadcast, use 'Blog.broadcast(Packets packets)'*/
System.out.println("id : "+ packets.id);
System.out.println("val: "+ packets.value);
System.out.println("pid: "+ packets.ballot_pid);
System.out.println("num: "+ packets.ballot_num);
System.out.println("pos: "+ packets.position);
/*handle packets end*/ socket.close();
} /*function used to fail this server*/
public void fail(){
this.stop= true;
} /*function used to restart this server*/
public void unfail(){
this.stop= false;
} }