如何将没有接口的泛型类型传递给Of T函数

时间:2021-08-09 15:01:16

I have a following code which works fine


MsgBox(AddSomething(Of String)("Hello", "World"))

Public Function AddSomething(Of T)(ByVal FirstValue As T, ByVal SecondValue As T) As String
    Return FirstValue.ToString + SecondValue.ToString
End Function

Now we are redesigning the application to work with parameters of different types which will be provided through XML


    <Add Param1="Somedata" Param2="SomeData" MyType="String"/>
    <Add Param1="Somedata" Param2="SomeData" MyType="MyBusinessObject"/>

If I try to provide the following it gives error as Of accepts only type


    ''''Get DetailsFromXml --- MyType,Param1,Param2
    MsgBox(AddSomething(Of Type.GetType(MyType))(Param1,Param2))

How to solve this issue.



The above example is given to make the question simple. Actual issue is as follows I am using SCSF of P&P. Following is per view code which has to be written for each view


Private Sub tsStudentTableMenuClick()
    Dim _StudentTableListView As StudentListView
    _StudentTableListView = ShowViewInWorkspace(Of StudentListView)("StudentTable List", WorkspaceNames.RightWorkspace)
End Sub

Now I want to show the views dynamically.


 Public Sub ShowModalView(ByVal ViewName As String)
        Dim _MasterListView As >>>EmployeeListView<<<<
        _MasterListView = ShowViewInWorkspace(Of >>>EmployeeListView<<<)("Employee List", WorkspaceNames.RightWorkspace)
    End Sub

So the part shown using the arrows above has to be somehow dynamically provided.


3 个解决方案


The point of generics is to provide extra information at compile-time. You've only got that information at execution-time.


As you're using VB, you may be able to get away with turning Option Strict off to achieve late binding. I don't know whether you can turn it off for just a small piece of code - that would be the ideal, really.

当您使用VB时,您可以通过关闭Option Strict来实现延迟绑定。我不知道你是否可以只为一小段代码关闭它 - 这将是理想的,真的。

Otherwise, and if you really can't get the information at compile-time, you'll need to call it with reflection - fetch the generic "blueprint" of the method, call MethodInfo.MakeGenericMethod and then invoke it.

否则,如果你真的无法在编译时获取信息,你需要用反射调用它 - 获取方法的通用“蓝图”,调用MethodInfo.MakeGenericMethod然后调用它。

I assume that the real method is somewhat more complicated? After all, you can call ToString() on anything...


(It's possible that with .NET 4.0 you'll have more options. You could certainly use dynamic in C# 4.0, and I believe that VB10 will provide the same sort of functionality.)

(有可能在.NET 4.0中你会有更多的选择。你当然可以在C#4.0中使用动态,我相信VB10将提供相同的功能。)


In .Net generics, you must be able to resolve to a specific type at compile time, so that it can generate appropriate code. Any time you're using reflection, you're resolving the type at run time.


In this case, you're always just calling the .ToString() method. If that's really all your code does, you could just change the parameter type to Object rather than use a generic method. If it's a little more complicated, you could also try requiring your parameters to implement some common interface that you will define.



If all you are doing is ToString, then making the parameters object instead would solve the problem in the simplest way. Otherwise you are going to have to bind the type at run-time, which in C# looks like:


System.Reflection.MethodInfo mi = GetType().GetMethod("AddSomething");
mi = mi.MakeGenericMethod(Type.GetType(MyType));
object result = mi.Invoke(this, new object[] { Param1, Param2 });

Because it involves reflection it won't be fast though... but I assume that's not a problem in this context.



The point of generics is to provide extra information at compile-time. You've only got that information at execution-time.


As you're using VB, you may be able to get away with turning Option Strict off to achieve late binding. I don't know whether you can turn it off for just a small piece of code - that would be the ideal, really.

当您使用VB时,您可以通过关闭Option Strict来实现延迟绑定。我不知道你是否可以只为一小段代码关闭它 - 这将是理想的,真的。

Otherwise, and if you really can't get the information at compile-time, you'll need to call it with reflection - fetch the generic "blueprint" of the method, call MethodInfo.MakeGenericMethod and then invoke it.

否则,如果你真的无法在编译时获取信息,你需要用反射调用它 - 获取方法的通用“蓝图”,调用MethodInfo.MakeGenericMethod然后调用它。

I assume that the real method is somewhat more complicated? After all, you can call ToString() on anything...


(It's possible that with .NET 4.0 you'll have more options. You could certainly use dynamic in C# 4.0, and I believe that VB10 will provide the same sort of functionality.)

(有可能在.NET 4.0中你会有更多的选择。你当然可以在C#4.0中使用动态,我相信VB10将提供相同的功能。)


In .Net generics, you must be able to resolve to a specific type at compile time, so that it can generate appropriate code. Any time you're using reflection, you're resolving the type at run time.


In this case, you're always just calling the .ToString() method. If that's really all your code does, you could just change the parameter type to Object rather than use a generic method. If it's a little more complicated, you could also try requiring your parameters to implement some common interface that you will define.



If all you are doing is ToString, then making the parameters object instead would solve the problem in the simplest way. Otherwise you are going to have to bind the type at run-time, which in C# looks like:


System.Reflection.MethodInfo mi = GetType().GetMethod("AddSomething");
mi = mi.MakeGenericMethod(Type.GetType(MyType));
object result = mi.Invoke(this, new object[] { Param1, Param2 });

Because it involves reflection it won't be fast though... but I assume that's not a problem in this context.
