
时间:2021-08-26 14:19:52

Recently we moved about 10 tags out of our home page source code and moved them into Google Tag Manager (GTM) to try and speed up our website. I could have sworn that the tags were not showing up in the network tab of either Firebug or Google Developer Tools in Chrome after we implemented GTM. This was "good" in the sense that it sped up our home page load time dramatically.

最近,我们从主页源代码中移出了大约10个标签,并将它们移动到Google跟踪代码管理器(GTM)中以尝试加速我们的网站。在我们实施GTM之后,我可以发誓标签没有出现在Chrome中的Firebug或Google Developer Tools的网络标签中。从某种意义上来说,这是“好的”,它可以大大加快我们的主页加载时间。

However, recently we noticed that the page is slower and we're getting dinged again by YSlow and Google Page Speed for too many http requests and dns lookups. Sure enough, the tags are showing up in the network waterfall. GTM tags are firing properly and there appears to be no errors. Has this always been the case?

然而,最近我们注意到该页面速度较慢,我们正在通过YSlow和Google Page Speed再次获取许多http请求和dns查找。果然,标签出现在网络瀑布中。 GTM标签正常启动,似乎没有错误。这一直是这样吗?

Thank you!


1 个解决方案



With GTM tags are injected into your page via javascript, so they will still show up in the networks tab and still create http requests. GTM might improve the loading speed of your site marginally (since all tags will be loaded asynchronously so loading tags will not block your page) but that is a (for the most part negligible) side effect and not the purpose of tag management.

GTM标签通过javascript注入您的页面,因此它们仍将显示在网络选项卡中,仍然可以创建http请求。 GTM可能会略微提高站点的加载速度(因为所有标签都将异步加载,因此加载标签不会阻止您的页面),但这是(大部分可忽略不计)副作用,而不是标签管理的目的。



With GTM tags are injected into your page via javascript, so they will still show up in the networks tab and still create http requests. GTM might improve the loading speed of your site marginally (since all tags will be loaded asynchronously so loading tags will not block your page) but that is a (for the most part negligible) side effect and not the purpose of tag management.

GTM标签通过javascript注入您的页面,因此它们仍将显示在网络选项卡中,仍然可以创建http请求。 GTM可能会略微提高站点的加载速度(因为所有标签都将异步加载,因此加载标签不会阻止您的页面),但这是(大部分可忽略不计)副作用,而不是标签管理的目的。