Google分析 - 分析数据与核心平台数据之间的差异

时间:2021-01-29 19:18:17

We use Google analytics with Google Tag manager for our ecommerce platform based to track the conversion, etc., In the thank you page, its used to track the order value and the revenues.


Consistently we see a difference of about 15 to 20 % difference between GA data and the data from the core platform.


Tried to find a pattern among the missed orders but couldn´t ascertain one easily. The GA recorded orders include devices like Desktop, tablet and mobile and we see different browsers too.

试图在错过的订单中找到一个模式,但不能轻易确定一个。 GA记录的订单包括台式机,平板电脑和手机等设备,我们也看到了不同的浏览器。

Need inputs to analyze this better.


Note: Thank you page is loaded by a redirect from the payment gateway system


1 个解决方案



15-20% difference is not good at all. Google says you should expect better than 95% accuracy, and to keep at it if you're not getting those numbers.


Note: The more "techy" crowd that your website has, the more folks you'll run into "Do not track" or with Ad-Blocking tech in their browser. Normally, you'd want to try to baseline that difference using device category filters to see if the gap is bigger for desktop (most phones/tablets don't use ad-blocking).


First, question. If the user lands on the thankyou page, and hits the refresh button, does it send another "conversion" to GA? IF so, you want to make sure that you build in logic that prevents duplicate conversions to be sent if the user was not making duplicate purchases. A browser refresh is not a purchase, don't record it as such.


Second, if the page takes forever to load, or you have users that have bad internet, then that could increase the difference. They might be closing the browser or exiting site before GA client has a chance to send the final conversion to the server. So how is the performance of your thankyou page?


Are you sure you're looking at the correct business data? I've been told GA numbers are off by the business before and it turned out they messed up their own query in the transaction system (and they had been doing so for years!). It is a long shot, but if you feel super confident about your GA measurement setup, then run it by the folks giving you the transaction numbers.


Finally, if you can't get the difference down then move to the Measurement Protocol server-side implementation of GA. You simply need to record the IP address of the user and their GA client id, and then construct an HTTPS GET request using the Measurement Protocol fields for a valid hit. Server side measurement is the most accurate way to do this, but requires code updates in the ecommerce platform itself.

最后,如果你无法得到差异,那么转到GA的测量协议服务器端实现。您只需记录用户的IP地址及其GA客户端ID,然后使用Measurement Protocol字段构建HTTPS GET请求以获得有效命中。服务器端测量是最准确的方法,但需要在电子商务平台本身进行代码更新。



15-20% difference is not good at all. Google says you should expect better than 95% accuracy, and to keep at it if you're not getting those numbers.


Note: The more "techy" crowd that your website has, the more folks you'll run into "Do not track" or with Ad-Blocking tech in their browser. Normally, you'd want to try to baseline that difference using device category filters to see if the gap is bigger for desktop (most phones/tablets don't use ad-blocking).


First, question. If the user lands on the thankyou page, and hits the refresh button, does it send another "conversion" to GA? IF so, you want to make sure that you build in logic that prevents duplicate conversions to be sent if the user was not making duplicate purchases. A browser refresh is not a purchase, don't record it as such.


Second, if the page takes forever to load, or you have users that have bad internet, then that could increase the difference. They might be closing the browser or exiting site before GA client has a chance to send the final conversion to the server. So how is the performance of your thankyou page?


Are you sure you're looking at the correct business data? I've been told GA numbers are off by the business before and it turned out they messed up their own query in the transaction system (and they had been doing so for years!). It is a long shot, but if you feel super confident about your GA measurement setup, then run it by the folks giving you the transaction numbers.


Finally, if you can't get the difference down then move to the Measurement Protocol server-side implementation of GA. You simply need to record the IP address of the user and their GA client id, and then construct an HTTPS GET request using the Measurement Protocol fields for a valid hit. Server side measurement is the most accurate way to do this, but requires code updates in the ecommerce platform itself.

最后,如果你无法得到差异,那么转到GA的测量协议服务器端实现。您只需记录用户的IP地址及其GA客户端ID,然后使用Measurement Protocol字段构建HTTPS GET请求以获得有效命中。服务器端测量是最准确的方法,但需要在电子商务平台本身进行代码更新。