Creating a Simple Service PO using BAPI_PO_CREATE1(BAPI_PO_CHANGE)
March 4, 2014 | 224 Views |
For creating a PO we have BAPI’s like BAPI_PO_CREATE1 and BAPI_PO_CREATE, for amending a PO we have BAPI_PO_CHANGE.
For these BAPI’s to work the minimum required data has to be provided.
It is pretty simple to create a normal PO, but little complexity comes in while creating a Simple Services(Services) PO. In this document I would like to deal majorly with creating and amending a services PO, what are the tables that has to be filled, what data that has to be passed to these fileds, where to get this data from and how, so that the BAPI works smooth as honey.
This task has been taken up by me as I see lot of posts on the titled text unanswered or not completely answered.
How to acheive it:
The tables highlighted in the below image are the ones that carry the services information to the BAPI. The information we fill in these tables are crucial (we are taking a scenario where a services PO has to be created from a services PR).
The services line item information should be filled in the POSERVICES table and the accounting information of the service line should be filled in the table POSRVACCESSVALUES.
Filling the POSERVICES table:
Every service line will have a package number assigned to it and every package number has a sub-package number assigned to it.
It is the subpackage number that will have all the service line item information filled in it (like unit price,value,material group etc,) so filling this is very important.
ESLL is the table where all the package realted data is saved for services. It will have service line item related details.
As we are using the scenario where a PO is created from PR,for filling the the table POSERVICES we can use the ESLL entries of the PR. First get the package number of the PR line item(this information is available in EBAN table eban-packno). Pass this package number to ESLL table and get the corresponding sub-package number.
Pass this sub-package number to package number field of ESLL and get all the service line item details like unit price,value,material group etc.
Fill the above obtained data to the POSERVICES table as below.
Every service line item should have two entries in this table, 1 for package number and 2 for subpackage number
1’st entry:
poservices–pckg_no = esll–packno. “Package number
poservices–line_no = esll–introw. “Package Line number
poservices–outl_ind = esll–package. “If this is X then it is a service line( because limits also have package numbers, this will act as differentiator)
poservices-subpckg_no = esll–sub_packno. “Sub-Package number
2nd entry:
poservices–pckg_no = esll–sub_packno. “Sub-Package number
poservices–line_no = esll–introw. “Sub-Package line number
poservices–quantity = pass quantity(can use esll entry) “PO service quantity
poservices–base_uom = pass UOM(can use esll entry) “Unit of measure
poservices–price_unit = pass Unit Price(can use esll entry) “Unit Price
poservices–gr_price = pass Net Value(can use esll entry) “Net value
poservices–short_text = esll–ktext1. “Short text
poservices–matl_group = esll–matkl. “Material Group
poservices–pln_pckg = esll–sub_packno “Sub-Package number
poservices–pln_line = esll–introw. “Sub-Package line number
The above mentioned are the minimum required fields that has to be passed.
Q: Why poservices–pln_pckg and poservices–pln_line has to be passed ?
A: When a Shopping cart is created in portal a PR will be created in ECC corresponding to it. When a PO is created in ECC refering to this PR, in the Shopping cart also this PO number should be update in the related documents tab.
Only when you pass the above two fields this will happen.
Filling the POSRVACCESSVALUES table:
As mentioned above this table will have the acounting information of the service line. This table will have only one entry corresponding to the service line.
The accounting information of a service line is stored in the table ESKL with reference to sub-package number of the above service line item.
So take the above sub-package number, pass it to the package number field of the ESKL table and get the accounting details.
Fill the above obtained data to the POSRVACCESSVALUES table as below.
posrvaccessvalues–pckg_no = eskl–packno. “Sub-Package number of ESLL entry
posrvaccessvalues–line_no = eskl–introw. “Line number of eskl
posrvaccessvalues–serno_line = eskl–numkn. “Seq. Number of Acc. Assignment Specification: Service Line
posrvaccessvalues–serial_no = eskl–zekkn. “Sequential Number of Account Assignment in ESKN
posrvaccessvalues–quantity = pass quantity(can use eskl entry) “PO service quantity
This way both the services tables should be filled and passed to BAPI.
*Note: Along with these tables all the required tables as shown in the above screen shot are also to be filled for the BAPI to work. Here we only covered service realted data.
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Shashikant WadhavaneJanuary 29, 2015 at 12:49 pm
Hi Pavan ,
I am passing the pack_no from ESLL to POSERVICES structure . PO creation is successful but its giving update termination error message as it tries to insert new entry in ESLH table for same package number.
When I hardcoded package and subpackage number to 000000001 and 000000002 , PO created successfully and these packages are created and updated in ESLH/ ESLL. But when running second time… getting same termination message.
Does these packages get newly created or is it just reference of package BAPI uses ?
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Pavan Kumar Raju Sagiraju Post authorJanuary 29, 2015 at 2:35 pm
What is the scenario….yor are trying to create a simple service scenario or complex service scenario(Limits)??
A new package number will be created for PO. If you are trying to change the PO data, it is this package number you need to mention.
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Shashikant WadhavaneJanuary 30, 2015 at 5:18 am
This is simple service scenario where I need to get services details from central contract (ME33K) and use this to create work order (ME23N).
I am not populating POSRVACCESSVALUES as no entries present in ESKL for contract’s package no. ( This should not be an issue).
Main concern is , if I pass some random number to PACK_NO , system creates this package automatically. My program will be running daily , so I cant hard code anything.
Is there any way , so that package number (internal number) will be created by SAP and I don’t need to mention any value. But in this case , how to map
poservices–pckg_no to poitem-pack_no.
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Shashikant WadhavaneJuly 25, 2016 at 8:53 am
This is to provide update, When we approched SAP they suggested us few SAP notes and asked one program to run which resolves the number range problem and creates number assignment for PO service lines by itself. So to conclude, pass package and subpackage number as 000000001 and 000000002 respectively to BAPI and SAP should generate new number for package and subpackage. If its not th case, do not waste much time and raise it to SAP.
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Rene Maldonado FimbresJuly 4, 2016 at 7:38 pm
Just an addition to use it with Purchase Requuest.
On the POITEM table, fill PREQ_NO and PREQ_ITEM
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