- using System;
- namespace DonLiang
- {
- class Sample
- {
- 值类型测试函数#region 值类型测试函数
- public static void foo(int x)
- {
- x = 10;
- }
- //*
- public static void foo(ref int x)
- {
- x = 10;
- }
- //*/
- /**//*
- public static void foo(out int x)
- {
- x = 10;
- }
- //*/
- #endregion
- 辅助引用类型#region 辅助引用类型
- public class Point
- {
- private int m_x;
- private int m_y;
- public Point()
- {
- m_x = 0;
- m_y = 0;
- }
- public Point(int x, int y)
- {
- m_x = x;
- m_y = y;
- }
- public void Change(int x, int y)
- {
- m_x = x;
- m_y = y;
- }
- public override string ToString()
- {
- return string.Format("The Point is ({0},{1})", m_x.ToString(), m_y.ToString());
- }
- }
- #endregion
- 引用类型测试函数#region 引用类型测试函数
- public static void foo(Point p)
- {
- p.Change(10, 10);
- }
- public static void foo(ref Point p)
- {
- p.Change(100, 100);
- }
- public static void other(Point p)
- {
- Point tmp = new Point(13, 16);
- p = tmp;
- }
- public static void other(ref Point p)
- {
- Point tmp = new Point(138, 168);
- p = tmp;
- }
- #endregion
- Main#region Main
- static void Main(string[] args)
- {
- int n = 5;
- //call the foo(int x) method and check what happened.
- Console.WriteLine("before call foo(int x) the n = " + n.ToString());
- foo(n);
- Console.WriteLine("after call foo(int x) the n = " + n.ToString());
- Console.WriteLine("--------------------------------------------------------------");
- //call the foo(ref int x) method and check what happened.
- Console.WriteLine("before call foo(ref int x) the n = " + n.ToString());
- foo(ref n);
- //foo(out n);
- Console.WriteLine("after call foo(ref int x) the n = " + n.ToString());
- Console.WriteLine("--------------------------------------------------------------");
- Point p = new Point(5, 5);
- Point q = p;
- //call the foo(Point p) method and check what happened.
- Console.WriteLine("before call foo(Point p) the p = " + p.ToString());
- foo(p);
- Console.WriteLine("after call foo(Point p) the p = " + p.ToString());
- Console.WriteLine("q = " + q.ToString());
- Console.WriteLine("--------------------------------------------------------------");
- //call the foo(ref Point p) method and check what happened.
- Console.WriteLine("before call foo(ref Point p) the n = " + p.ToString());
- foo(ref p);
- Console.WriteLine("after call foo(ref Point p) the n = " + p.ToString());
- Console.WriteLine("q = " + q.ToString());
- Console.WriteLine("--------------------------------------------------------------");
- //call the other(Point p) method and check what happened.
- Console.WriteLine("before call other(Point p) the n = " + p.ToString());
- other(p);
- Console.WriteLine("after call other(Point p) the n = " + p.ToString());
- Console.WriteLine("q = " + q.ToString());
- Console.WriteLine("--------------------------------------------------------------");
- //call the other(ref Point p) method and check what happened.
- Console.WriteLine("before call other(ref Point p) the n = " + p.ToString());
- other(ref p);
- Console.WriteLine("after call other(ref Point p) the n = " + p.ToString());
- Console.WriteLine("q = " + q.ToString());
- Console.ReadLine();
- }
- #endregion
- }
- }
(3)按值传递引用类型 和 按引用传递引用类型
顺便提一下,代码中,有一段注释掉的代码,使用out关键字的。当你尝试将其两者一起写着,然后,编译,C#编译器是会提示错误的(error CS0663: 'foo' cannot define overloaded methods that differ only on ref and out)。其原因是,C#编译器,对ref和out生成的IL代码,是相同的;而在CLR层面,是没有ref和out的区别的。C#中,ref和out的区别,主要是,谁负责初始化这个参数使之能用——ref形式是函数外初始化,而out是函数内初始化。