

Have found a strange question recently, arrange in an order Chinese character order by in oracle, " crocodile's word has been ranked at the end to appear! Whether there is such a situation to know the greater part. Whether it is bug i
NLS _ SORT? ??
1 perhaps this word is many sound words. 2 says and says according to what way you want to arrange in an order.
ans wer3:
arranges in an order according to the spelling, should need to set up NLS _ SORT. Have Still in test test finish tell and then you body.
O In RACLE, arrange in an order question 1. //Arrange in an order 2 according to the stroke. select * from dept order by nlssort(name,NLS _ SORT =SCHINESE _ STROKE _ M); 3.//Press Take the radical and arrange in an order 4. select * from dept order by nlssort(name,NLS _ SORT =SCHINESE _ RADICAL _ M); 5.//Arrange in an order according to the spelling, this arranges in an order the side for systematic acquiescenc Formula 6. select * from dept order by nlssort(name,NLS _ SORT =SCHINESE _ PINYIN _ M); Can revise NLS _ SORT parameter