
时间:2021-08-13 05:35:46

I've been given a short amount of time (~80 hours to start with) to replace an existing Access database with a full-blown SQL + Web system, and I'm enumerating my options. I would like to use ASP.NET MVC, but I'm unsure of how to use it effectively with my short timetable.

我有很短的时间(开始大约80个小时)用一个成熟的SQL + Web系统替换现有的访问数据库,我正在列举我的选项。我想用ASP。NET MVC,但是我不确定如何在我的短时间表中有效地使用它。

For the database backend I'll be using Linq to SQL as it's a product I already know and can get something working with it quickly.

对于数据库后端,我将使用Linq to SQL,因为它是我已经知道的产品,并且可以快速使用它。

Does anyone have any experience with using ASP.NET MVC in this way and can share some insight?

有人有使用ASP的经验吗?NET MVC就是这样的,可以分享一些见解吗?

Edit: The reason I've been interested in ASP.NET MVC is because I know (100% confirmed) that there will be more work to do after this first round, and I'd like my maintenance work to be as easy as possible. In my experience Webforms applications tend to break down over repeated maintenance, despite discipline.

编辑:我对ASP感兴趣的原因。NET MVC是因为我知道(100%确认)在第一轮之后会有更多的工作要做,我希望我的维护工作尽可能的简单。根据我的经验,web表单应用程序往往在重复维护的情况下崩溃,尽管有规则。

Maybe there's a middle ground? How difficult would it to be for me to, say, build the app with Webforms, then migrate it to MVC later when I have more time budgeted to the project?


Edit 2: Further background: the Access application I'm replacing is used in some capacity by everyone in the building, and since it was upgraded from Access 98 to 2003 it's been crashing daily, causing hours of lost productivity as people have to re-enter data since the last backup. This is the reason for the short amount of time - this is a critical business function, and they can't afford to keep re-entering data on a daily basis.

编辑2:进一步的背景:我正在替换的访问应用程序被大楼里的每个人都以某种身份使用,而且自从它从Access 98升级到2003年以来,它每天都在崩溃,造成了数小时的生产率损失,因为自从上次备份以来,人们不得不重新输入数据。这就是为什么时间这么短的原因——这是一个关键的业务功能,而且他们无法承受每天重复输入数据。

10 个解决方案



There really are no good answers.


I'd be very surprised if you could recreate a non-trivial business application in a new format (web) in any 'short' amount of time (unless you measure 'short' to be 6 months).


ASP.NET MVC provides (hands down) the most convention available with any beginning web project.

ASP。NET MVC提供(手向下)任何开始的web项目都可以使用的大多数约定。

ASP.NET lets you drag-and-drop to get things working, but it breaks maintenance horribly for non-trivial applications.


If it were me, I'd do three things:


  1. Ask my boss if he wants me to recreate an entire business application across a completely different platform.


  2. Tell him he can either have it more quickly now (ASP.NET), or more quickly later (ASP.NET MVC).


  3. Let him make the call.


Personal Addendum: I've used both ASP.NET and ASP.NET MVC for web applications. MVC is just better. Not faster, but better. It made web development 'fun' again for me.




MVC isn't really a RAD development framework.


You'll be writing much more infrastructure code than the RAD Webforms alternative of dragging a datagrid and a datasource onto a .aspx page. I love MVC but if you're under the gun go with Webforms. MVC can be faster, but only if you have infrastructure pre-built.

与将datagrid和datasource拖放到.aspx页面的RAD Webforms方法相比,您将编写更多的基础设施代码。我喜欢MVC,但如果你在枪口下,可以使用Webforms。MVC可以更快,但前提是您有预先构建的基础设施。

MVC 2 alleviates some of this by including Model based HTML helpers like Model.EditorFor() but it's not good enough yet. No quick grid code. Paging? You're rolling your own pager. Ajax? Write your own JQuery.

MVC 2通过包含基于模型的HTML helper,如Model. editorfor(),缓解了一些问题,但是还不够好。没有快速网格代码。分页?你在用你自己的寻呼机。Ajax吗?编写自己的JQuery。

Sure, there are 3rd party and open source libraries available for all this stuff but in my experience smushing them all together and making sure they play nice is also time consuming.




Simple web application + tight schedule = ASP.NET webforms.

简单的web应用程序+紧凑的时间表= ASP。净webforms。

Complex web application + tight schedule = ASP.NET MVC.

复杂的web应用程序+紧凑的时间表= ASP。净MVC。

I've found that as the complexity of a web app increases linearly the complexity of a webforms app increases exponentially. Once you start writing your own server controls (NOT user controls, as those are still relatively simple), which can be necessary for more complex UI, you need to have an intimate knowledge of the whole page lifecycle, how the viewstate works, and other obscure parts of webforms that the framework abstracts from you.


MVC, while it requires you know HTML well, does great on the tail end of complexity. No matter how complex the application is, you're still dealing with POCOs and methods in your controller. Once you get over the initial hurdles, its smooth sailing. Development difficulty increases at the same pace as website difficulty.


Personal experience: I converted a relatively complex website using custom server controls to ASP.NET MVC and cut the codebase in half. I also drastically reduced the complexity of the code as well.

个人经历:我使用自定义服务器控件将一个相对复杂的网站转换为ASP。NET MVC,将代码基切成两半。我还大大降低了代码的复杂性。

The only caveat I have is that ajax is easier to do using ASP.NET AJAX. So if you're going to develop a web app that relies heavily on ajax then webforms may just beat MVC.


Migrating from ASP.NET to MVC isn't always the easiest. You have to move from a codebehind-based application to one where your controllers are unaware of your UI. Also, MVC relies heavily on the URL to determine the intent of the user, whereas ASP.NET relies on event handlers.


Personally, if I felt an application was destined to be MVC, I wouldn't waste time developing it in ASP.NET. But then, I've had the benefit of getting past the initial learning curve. Which wasn't all that bad IMHO. I had more trouble learning all the HTML and HTML forms that ASP.NET kept me from learning.




With this deadline i think it's more convenient to use the ASP.Net Webform. After this first phase with more time/budget you can start to develop new parts of your application using the MVC since they can coexist.


Also be aware of the Ajax and grid code. In MVC they usually take longer to develop but also at least for me they appear to be more robust because you really have to know what you're doing.


This question is from 2009, would be nice if the author give some feedback of his decision.


EDIT: Take a look into http://mvcscaffolding.codeplex.com/ if you still need a RAD using asp.net MVC.

编辑:查看http://mvc搭建。codeplex.com/如果您仍然需要使用asp.net MVC的RAD。



Once you get running with MVC, it's pretty quick, but it takes a while a) to learn and b) to build up a suite of useful bits of code.


If your UI is not going to be complicated, it can be very easy to set up a quick data entry interface.


If your UI is to be really, really simple, you might like to look at ASP.net dynamic data.




You can also look the Entity Framework to bind to your database, this will create your models to be used with MVC. But Like jfar said, under short deathline pressure, go for what you know best!




ASP.Net MVC is good, but ....


If you haven't developed a system using ASP.Net MVC before, then using it on a project with a short deadline is a risk.

如果您还没有使用ASP开发系统。Net MVC之前,然后在一个很短的截止日期的项目上使用它是一种风险。

If your application is a "simple" CRUD application then I would go with Dynamic Data: http://www.asp.net/dynamicdata/ (Paddy just beat me to that one)


If your system is really big you could consider SharePoint Access Services http://blogs.msdn.com/access/archive/2009/10/21/net-developer-blogs-about-access-2010.aspx

如果您的系统非常大,您可以考虑SharePoint访问服务http://blogs.msdn.com/access/archive/2009/10/21/net开发- blogs-aboutaccess-2010.aspx。



Evolutionary Software Development


From experience I vouch for it - it's how I program, it works regardless of technology.


In short: do what your gut-feel tells you (code something), modify as you find errors/omissions, and when it works, you're done (but for the documentation).




Another option is to use Alpha Five v10 -- It recently received a thumbs up from Infoworld check out http://blog.alphasoftware.com/search/label/Press%20coverage

另一种选择是使用Alpha 5 v10——最近Infoworld给了它一个赞:http://blog.alphasoftware.com/search/label/Press%20coverage



Both frameworks contribute enough in delivering a solution, but WebForms automate some of tasks involved in UI functionality, like data paging, sorting, state persistence or custom data persistence and more, BUT... if you really sit down and say, ok what do i need to do? ... design, navigate, modelize, present and then figure out how to show layout, how to connect to data, how to bring data, how to bind them with UI, how to paginate, sort and finally edit, really put your mind down and compare techinques in each framework that accomplishes all that, you will know that MVC is more natural and team oriented. You need tools like EF Code First, a CSS framework like Bootstrap and jQuery, apply techniques like IoC, SoC, Layering etc and use for example Automapper for doing the boring stuf, but no matter how many things you will have to consider, it will always be match more easy, natural and direct than having to know all the various configuration of the numerous controls and managers that WebForms require. Except if your project is an ERP with CMS capabilities where ... you know :-) Anyway, modern skils require to adapt in today's trends and MVC is just a good host to help you use them without suprises. I ve written tons of WebForms code but i am not touching it again. So, final point is that in 2014 with all those tools and frameworks out there, MVC is not slower but rather the opposite, but requires an initial, small to me, efford to gather some resources and lock a few methodologies.

这两个框架在交付解决方案方面都做出了足够的贡献,但是WebForms自动化了一些涉及UI功能的任务,比如数据分页、排序、状态持久性或自定义数据持久性等等,但是……如果你真的坐下来说,好的,我需要做什么?…设计、导航、modelize礼物然后找出如何布局,如何连接到数据,如何将数据,如何把它们与UI,如何随意翻阅,最后编辑,真的放下你的头脑和比较施工工艺在每一个框架,完成了这一切,你就会知道,MVC是更自然和团队导向。你需要英孚代码等工具,引导和jQuery CSS框架,应用的技术,比如国际奥委会SoC,分层等使用例如Automapper做无聊stuf,但是不管有多少事情你将不得不考虑,它总是会匹配更容易,自然和直接不必知道所有的各种配置的为数众多的WebForms需要控制和管理。除非你的项目是一个具有CMS功能的ERP,其中…你知道:-)不管怎样,现代的skils需要适应当今的潮流,MVC就是一个很好的主机,它可以帮助你在不出意外的情况下使用它们。我已经写了大量的WebForms代码,但是我不会再碰它了。所以,最后一点是,在2014年,所有这些工具和框架都在那里,MVC并不是更慢,而是相反,但是需要一个初始的,小的对我来说,努力收集一些资源并锁定一些方法。



There really are no good answers.


I'd be very surprised if you could recreate a non-trivial business application in a new format (web) in any 'short' amount of time (unless you measure 'short' to be 6 months).


ASP.NET MVC provides (hands down) the most convention available with any beginning web project.

ASP。NET MVC提供(手向下)任何开始的web项目都可以使用的大多数约定。

ASP.NET lets you drag-and-drop to get things working, but it breaks maintenance horribly for non-trivial applications.


If it were me, I'd do three things:


  1. Ask my boss if he wants me to recreate an entire business application across a completely different platform.


  2. Tell him he can either have it more quickly now (ASP.NET), or more quickly later (ASP.NET MVC).


  3. Let him make the call.


Personal Addendum: I've used both ASP.NET and ASP.NET MVC for web applications. MVC is just better. Not faster, but better. It made web development 'fun' again for me.




MVC isn't really a RAD development framework.


You'll be writing much more infrastructure code than the RAD Webforms alternative of dragging a datagrid and a datasource onto a .aspx page. I love MVC but if you're under the gun go with Webforms. MVC can be faster, but only if you have infrastructure pre-built.

与将datagrid和datasource拖放到.aspx页面的RAD Webforms方法相比,您将编写更多的基础设施代码。我喜欢MVC,但如果你在枪口下,可以使用Webforms。MVC可以更快,但前提是您有预先构建的基础设施。

MVC 2 alleviates some of this by including Model based HTML helpers like Model.EditorFor() but it's not good enough yet. No quick grid code. Paging? You're rolling your own pager. Ajax? Write your own JQuery.

MVC 2通过包含基于模型的HTML helper,如Model. editorfor(),缓解了一些问题,但是还不够好。没有快速网格代码。分页?你在用你自己的寻呼机。Ajax吗?编写自己的JQuery。

Sure, there are 3rd party and open source libraries available for all this stuff but in my experience smushing them all together and making sure they play nice is also time consuming.




Simple web application + tight schedule = ASP.NET webforms.

简单的web应用程序+紧凑的时间表= ASP。净webforms。

Complex web application + tight schedule = ASP.NET MVC.

复杂的web应用程序+紧凑的时间表= ASP。净MVC。

I've found that as the complexity of a web app increases linearly the complexity of a webforms app increases exponentially. Once you start writing your own server controls (NOT user controls, as those are still relatively simple), which can be necessary for more complex UI, you need to have an intimate knowledge of the whole page lifecycle, how the viewstate works, and other obscure parts of webforms that the framework abstracts from you.


MVC, while it requires you know HTML well, does great on the tail end of complexity. No matter how complex the application is, you're still dealing with POCOs and methods in your controller. Once you get over the initial hurdles, its smooth sailing. Development difficulty increases at the same pace as website difficulty.


Personal experience: I converted a relatively complex website using custom server controls to ASP.NET MVC and cut the codebase in half. I also drastically reduced the complexity of the code as well.

个人经历:我使用自定义服务器控件将一个相对复杂的网站转换为ASP。NET MVC,将代码基切成两半。我还大大降低了代码的复杂性。

The only caveat I have is that ajax is easier to do using ASP.NET AJAX. So if you're going to develop a web app that relies heavily on ajax then webforms may just beat MVC.


Migrating from ASP.NET to MVC isn't always the easiest. You have to move from a codebehind-based application to one where your controllers are unaware of your UI. Also, MVC relies heavily on the URL to determine the intent of the user, whereas ASP.NET relies on event handlers.


Personally, if I felt an application was destined to be MVC, I wouldn't waste time developing it in ASP.NET. But then, I've had the benefit of getting past the initial learning curve. Which wasn't all that bad IMHO. I had more trouble learning all the HTML and HTML forms that ASP.NET kept me from learning.




With this deadline i think it's more convenient to use the ASP.Net Webform. After this first phase with more time/budget you can start to develop new parts of your application using the MVC since they can coexist.


Also be aware of the Ajax and grid code. In MVC they usually take longer to develop but also at least for me they appear to be more robust because you really have to know what you're doing.


This question is from 2009, would be nice if the author give some feedback of his decision.


EDIT: Take a look into http://mvcscaffolding.codeplex.com/ if you still need a RAD using asp.net MVC.

编辑:查看http://mvc搭建。codeplex.com/如果您仍然需要使用asp.net MVC的RAD。



Once you get running with MVC, it's pretty quick, but it takes a while a) to learn and b) to build up a suite of useful bits of code.


If your UI is not going to be complicated, it can be very easy to set up a quick data entry interface.


If your UI is to be really, really simple, you might like to look at ASP.net dynamic data.




You can also look the Entity Framework to bind to your database, this will create your models to be used with MVC. But Like jfar said, under short deathline pressure, go for what you know best!




ASP.Net MVC is good, but ....


If you haven't developed a system using ASP.Net MVC before, then using it on a project with a short deadline is a risk.

如果您还没有使用ASP开发系统。Net MVC之前,然后在一个很短的截止日期的项目上使用它是一种风险。

If your application is a "simple" CRUD application then I would go with Dynamic Data: http://www.asp.net/dynamicdata/ (Paddy just beat me to that one)


If your system is really big you could consider SharePoint Access Services http://blogs.msdn.com/access/archive/2009/10/21/net-developer-blogs-about-access-2010.aspx

如果您的系统非常大,您可以考虑SharePoint访问服务http://blogs.msdn.com/access/archive/2009/10/21/net开发- blogs-aboutaccess-2010.aspx。



Evolutionary Software Development


From experience I vouch for it - it's how I program, it works regardless of technology.


In short: do what your gut-feel tells you (code something), modify as you find errors/omissions, and when it works, you're done (but for the documentation).




Another option is to use Alpha Five v10 -- It recently received a thumbs up from Infoworld check out http://blog.alphasoftware.com/search/label/Press%20coverage

另一种选择是使用Alpha 5 v10——最近Infoworld给了它一个赞:http://blog.alphasoftware.com/search/label/Press%20coverage



Both frameworks contribute enough in delivering a solution, but WebForms automate some of tasks involved in UI functionality, like data paging, sorting, state persistence or custom data persistence and more, BUT... if you really sit down and say, ok what do i need to do? ... design, navigate, modelize, present and then figure out how to show layout, how to connect to data, how to bring data, how to bind them with UI, how to paginate, sort and finally edit, really put your mind down and compare techinques in each framework that accomplishes all that, you will know that MVC is more natural and team oriented. You need tools like EF Code First, a CSS framework like Bootstrap and jQuery, apply techniques like IoC, SoC, Layering etc and use for example Automapper for doing the boring stuf, but no matter how many things you will have to consider, it will always be match more easy, natural and direct than having to know all the various configuration of the numerous controls and managers that WebForms require. Except if your project is an ERP with CMS capabilities where ... you know :-) Anyway, modern skils require to adapt in today's trends and MVC is just a good host to help you use them without suprises. I ve written tons of WebForms code but i am not touching it again. So, final point is that in 2014 with all those tools and frameworks out there, MVC is not slower but rather the opposite, but requires an initial, small to me, efford to gather some resources and lock a few methodologies.

这两个框架在交付解决方案方面都做出了足够的贡献,但是WebForms自动化了一些涉及UI功能的任务,比如数据分页、排序、状态持久性或自定义数据持久性等等,但是……如果你真的坐下来说,好的,我需要做什么?…设计、导航、modelize礼物然后找出如何布局,如何连接到数据,如何将数据,如何把它们与UI,如何随意翻阅,最后编辑,真的放下你的头脑和比较施工工艺在每一个框架,完成了这一切,你就会知道,MVC是更自然和团队导向。你需要英孚代码等工具,引导和jQuery CSS框架,应用的技术,比如国际奥委会SoC,分层等使用例如Automapper做无聊stuf,但是不管有多少事情你将不得不考虑,它总是会匹配更容易,自然和直接不必知道所有的各种配置的为数众多的WebForms需要控制和管理。除非你的项目是一个具有CMS功能的ERP,其中…你知道:-)不管怎样,现代的skils需要适应当今的潮流,MVC就是一个很好的主机,它可以帮助你在不出意外的情况下使用它们。我已经写了大量的WebForms代码,但是我不会再碰它了。所以,最后一点是,在2014年,所有这些工具和框架都在那里,MVC并不是更慢,而是相反,但是需要一个初始的,小的对我来说,努力收集一些资源并锁定一些方法。