Linux / OS X重命名保留时间戳

时间:2021-07-20 05:32:24

To transfer the contents of an OS X server to a NTFS compatible one, I need to sanitize all filenames, preserving the original timestamps.

要将OS X服务器的内容传输到兼容NTFS的服务器,我需要清理所有文件名,保留原始时间戳。

I already got as far as the following commands:


1- for the rename command (OS X VERSION) FIRST: brew install rename

1-用于重命名命令(OS X VERSION)FIRST:brew install rename

find "$1" -print0 | xargs -0 rename 's/[\\:*?"<>|]/-/g'

2- for the timestamp preserving:


touch -r "$1" reference.tmp; mv -- "$1" "$2"; touch -r reference.tmp -- "$2"; rm reference.tmp

Does anybody know how I could combine both into a single script..? All help kindly appreciated! :)

有谁知道如何将两者结合成一个脚本..?所有人都非常感谢! :)

1 个解决方案



The rename that is installed by brew install rename ( seems to preserve the mtime, atime, and ctime, and creation time by default.


$ touch a
$ stat -f'%m %a %c %B' a
1385979835 1385979835 1385979835 1385979835
$ rename s/a/b/ *
$ stat -f'%m %a %c %B' b
1385979835 1385979835 1385979835 1385979835

You might also use a command like this:


for f in **/*; do mv -- "$f" "${f//[\\:*?\"<>|]/-}"; done

** requires bash 4.0 or later and shopt -s globstar.

**需要bash 4.0或更高版本以及shopt -s globstar。



The rename that is installed by brew install rename ( seems to preserve the mtime, atime, and ctime, and creation time by default.


$ touch a
$ stat -f'%m %a %c %B' a
1385979835 1385979835 1385979835 1385979835
$ rename s/a/b/ *
$ stat -f'%m %a %c %B' b
1385979835 1385979835 1385979835 1385979835

You might also use a command like this:


for f in **/*; do mv -- "$f" "${f//[\\:*?\"<>|]/-}"; done

** requires bash 4.0 or later and shopt -s globstar.

**需要bash 4.0或更高版本以及shopt -s globstar。