Entities are one of the core concepts of DDD (Domain Driven Design). Eric Evans describe it as "An object that is not fundamentally defined by its attributes, but rather by a thread of continuity and identity". So, entities have Id's and stored in a database. An entity is generally mapped to a table for relational databases.
实体是DDD(领域驱动设计)的核心概念之一。Eric Evans把它描述为“一个没有被它的属性基本定义的对象,而是一个连续性和同一性的线程”。因此,实体拥有id并存储在数据库中。实体通常映射到关系数据库的表。
Entity Class(实体类)
In ASP.NET Boilerplate, 实体是从实体类派生的. See the sample below:
public class Person : Entity
public virtual string Name { get; set; } public virtual DateTime CreationTime { get; set; } public Person()
CreationTime = DateTime.Now;
Person class is defined as an entity. It has two properties. Also, Entity class defines an Id property. It's primary key of the Entity. So, name of primary keys of all Entities are same, it's Id.
Type of Id (primary key) can be changed. It's int (Int32) by default. If you want to define another type as Id, you should explicitly declare it as shown below:
public class Person : Entity<long>
public virtual string Name { get; set; } public virtual DateTime CreationTime { get; set; } public Person()
CreationTime = DateTime.Now;
Also, you can set it as string, Guid or something else.
Entity class overrides equality operator (==) to easily check if two entities are equal (their Id is equal). It also defines the IsTransient() method to check if it has an Id or not.
AggregateRoot Class(聚合根类)
"Aggregate is a pattern in Domain-Driven Design. A DDD aggregate is a cluster of domain objects that can be treated as a single unit. An example may be an order and its line-items, these will be separate objects, but it's useful to treat the order (together with its line items) as a single aggregate." (Martin Fowler - see full description)
“聚合是领域驱动设计中的一种模式。DDD聚合是一组域对象,可以作为单个单元处理。一个例子可能是一个订单和它的行项目,它们将是单独的对象,但是将订单(连同它的行项目)作为单个集合处理是有用的。”(Martin Fowler -参见完整描述)
While ABP does not enforce you to use aggregates, you may want to create aggregates and aggregate roots in your application. ABP defines AggregateRoot class that extends Entity to create aggregate root entities for an aggregate.
虽然ABP不强制您使用聚合,但您可能希望在应用程序中创建聚合和聚合根。 ABP定义聚合根类,为了类扩展的实体创建一个聚集根实体。
(1)Domain Events(领域事件)
AggregateRoot defines DomainEvents collection to generate domain events by the aggregate root class. These events are automatically triggered just before the current unit of work is completed. Actually, any entity can generate domain events by implementing IGeneratesDomainEvents interface, but it's common (best practice) to generate domain events in aggregate roots. That's why it's default for AggregateRoot but not for Entity class.
聚合根定义领域事件集合,通过聚合根类自动生成领域事件。这些事件是在当前工作单元完成之前自动触发的。事实上,任何实体可以通过继承 Igeneratesdomainevents接口自动生成领域的事件,但它是常见的(最佳实践),用聚合根自动生成领域事件。这就是为什么它的默认聚合根而不是实体类。
Conventional Interfaces(接口约定)
In many application, similar entity properties (and database table fields) are used like CreationTime indicates that when this entity is created. ASP.NET Boilerplate provides some useful interfaces to make this common properties explicit and expressive. Also, this provides a way of coding common code for Entities which implement these interfaces.
在许多应用中,类似的实体属性(和数据库表的字段)是用于 CreationTime表明这个实体的创建。ASP.NET的模板提供了一些有用的接口,使这个共同的属性的明确和有表达力。此外,这为实现这些接口的实体提供了一种编码公共代码的方法。
IHasCreationTime makes it possible to use a common property for 'creation time' information of an entity. ASP.NET Boilerplate automatically sets CreationTime to current time when an Entity is inserted into database which implements this interface.
public interface IHasCreationTime
DateTime CreationTime { get; set; }
Person class can be re-written as shown below by implementing IHasCreationTime interface:
人员类能被重写如下通过实现 IHasCreationTime 接口
public class Person : Entity<long>, IHasCreationTime
public virtual string Name { get; set; } public virtual DateTime CreationTime { get; set; } public Person()
CreationTime = DateTime.Now;
ICreationAudited extens IHasCreationTime by adding CreatorUserId:
ICreationAudited扩展IHasCreationTime,增加 CreatorUserId属性
public interface ICreationAudited : IHasCreationTime
long? CreatorUserId { get; set; }
ASP.NET Boilerplate automatically sets CreatorUserId to current user's id when saving a new entity. You can also implement ICreationAudited easily by deriving your entity from CreationAuditedEntity class. It has also a generic version for different type of Id properties.
ASP.NET 样板自动设置CreatorUserId作为当前用户的ID,当存储一个新的实体时。你也可以很容易的实现icreationaudited,通过CreationAuditedEntity获得你的实体类。它还有一个通用版本,用于不同类型的id属性。
There is also similar interfaces for modifications:
public interface IHasModificationTime
DateTime? LastModificationTime { get; set; }
} public interface IModificationAudited : IHasModificationTime
long? LastModifierUserId { get; set; }
ASP.NET Boilerplate also automatically sets these properties when updating an entity. You just define them for your entity.
If you want to implement all of audit properties, you can direcly implement IAudited interface:
public interface IAudited : ICreationAudited, IModificationAudited
{ }
As a shortcut, you can derive from AuditedEntity class instead of direcly implementing IAudited. AuditedEntity class has also a generic version for different type of Id properties.
Note: ASP.NET Boilerplate gets current user's Id from ABP Session.
注:ASP.NET样板从会话获取当前用户的ID ABP。
(2)Soft Delete(软删除)
Soft delete is a commonly used pattern to mark an Entity as deleted instead of actually deleting it from database. For instace, you may not want to hard delete a User from database since it has many releations to other tables.ISoftDelete interface is used for this purpose:
public interface ISoftDelete
bool IsDeleted { get; set; }
ASP.NET Boilerplate implements soft delete pattern out-of-the-box. When a soft-delete entity is being deleted, ASP.NET Boilerplate detects this, prevents deleting, sets IsDeleted as true and updates entity in the database. Also, it does not retrive (select) soft deleted entities from database, automatically filters them.
If you use soft delete, you may also want to store information when an entity is deleted and who deleted it. You can implement IDeletionAudited interface that is shown below:
public interface IDeletionAudited : ISoftDelete
long? DeleterUserId { get; set; } DateTime? DeletionTime { get; set; }
IDeletionAudited extends ISoftDelete as you noticed. ASP.NET Boilerplate automatically sets these properties when an entity is deleted.
If you want to implement all audit interfaces (creation, modification and deletion) for an entity, you can directly implement IFullAudited since it inherits all:
当你注意到 ideletionaudited扩展isoftdelete 。ASP.NET样板自动设置这些属性,当一个实体被删除。
public interface IFullAudited : IAudited, IDeletionAudited
{ }
As a shortcut, you can derive your entity from FullAuditedEntity class that implements all.
- NOTE 1: All audit interfaces and classes have a generic version for defining navigation property to your User entity (like ICreationAudited<TUser> and FullAuditedEntity<TPrimaryKey, TUser>).
NOTE 2: Also, all of them has an AggregateRoot version, like AuditedAggregateRoot.
注1:所有审计接口和类都定义导航属性用户实体的通用版本(如 ICreationAudited<TUser> and FullAuditedEntity<TPrimaryKey, TUser>)。
(3)Active/Passive Entities(激活/闲置实体)
Some entities need to be marked as Active or Passive. Then you may take action upon active/passive state of the entity. You can implement IPassivable interface that is created for this reason. It defines IsActive property.
If your entity will be active on first creation, you can set IsActive to true in the constructor.
This is different than soft delete (IsDeleted). If an entity is soft deleted, it can not be retrieved from database (ABP prevents it as default). But, for active/passive entities, it's completely up to you to control getting entities.
如果你的实体将第一次创作是激活的,你可以设置 IsActive = true在构造函数。
Entity Change Events(实体改变事件)
ASP.NET Boilerplate automatically triggers certain events when an entity is inserted, updated or deleted. Thus, you can register to these events and perform any logic you need. See Predefined Events section in event bus documentation for more information.
IEntity Interfaces(IEntity 接口)
Actually, Entity class implements IEntity interface (and Entity<TPrimaryKey> implements IEntity<TPrimaryKey>). If you do not want to derive from Entity class, you can implement these interfaces directly. There are also corresponding interfaces for other entity classes. But this is not the suggested way, unless you have a good reason to do not derive from Entity classes.
实际上,实体类实现的接口(and Entity<TPrimaryKey> implements IEntity<TPrimaryKey>)。如果不希望从实体类派生,则可以直接实现这些接口。其他实体类也有相应的接口。但这不是建议的方法,除非您有很好的理由不从实体类派生出来。
IExtendableObject Interface(IExtendableObject接口)
ASP.NET Boilerplate provides a simple interface, IExtendableObject, to easily associate arbitrary name-value data to an entity. Consider this simple entity:
public class Person : Entity, IExtendableObject
public string Name { get; set; } public string ExtensionData { get; set; } public Person(string name)
Name = name;
IExtendableObject just defines ExtensionData string property which is used to store JSON formatted name value objects. Example:
IExtendableObject 定义ExtensionData string 属性用来存储json格式的name-value objects,如:
var person = new Person("John"); person.SetData("RandomValue", RandomHelper.GetRandom(1, 1000));
person.SetData("CustomData", new MyCustomObject { Value1 = 42, Value2 = "forty-two" });
We can use any type of object as value to SetData method. When we use such the code above, ExtensionData will be like that:
Then we can use GetData to get any value:
var randomValue = person.GetData<int>("RandomValue");
var customData = person.GetData<MyCustomObject>("CustomData");
While this technique can be very useful in some cases (when you need to provide ability to dynamically add extra data to an entity), you normally should use regular properties. Such a dynamic usage is not type safe and explicit.