
时间:2020-12-18 00:33:27

How do you determine whether a given pattern is "good", specifically whether it is exhaustive and non-overlapping, for ML-style programming languages?


Suppose you have patterns like:


match lst with
  x :: y :: [] -> ...
  [] -> ...



match lst with
  x :: xs -> ...
  x :: [] -> ...
  [] -> ...

A good type checker would warn that the first is not exhaustive and the second is overlapping. How would the type checker make those kinds of decisions in general, for arbitrary data types?


3 个解决方案



Here's a sketch of an algorithm. It's also the basis of Lennart Augustsson's celebrated technique for compiling pattern matching efficiently. (The paper is in that incredible FPCA proceedings (LNCS 201) with oh so many hits.) The idea is to reconstruct an exhaustive, non-redundant analysis by repeatedly splitting the most general pattern into constructor cases.

这是一个算法的草图。这也是Lennart Augustsson著名的高效编译模式匹配技术的基础。(这篇论文是在令人难以置信的FPCA进程中(lncs201),有这么多的点击。)这个想法是通过反复将最一般的模式分解成构造函数的例子来重构一个详尽的、非冗余的分析。

In general, the problem is that your program has a possibly empty bunch of ‘actual’ patterns {p1, .., pn}, and you want to know if they cover a given ‘ideal’ pattern q. To kick off, take q to be a variable x. The invariant, initially satisfied and subsequently maintained, is that each pi is σiq for some substitution σi mapping variables to patterns.

一般来说,问题是您的程序可能有一堆“实际”模式{p1, .. ..pn },你想知道他们是否覆盖给定的‘理想’模式。开始,问一个变量x。不变,随后保持最初满意,是每一个πσiq替换σi变量映射到模式。

How to proceed. If n=0, the bunch is empty, so you have a possible case q that isn't covered by a pattern. Complain that the ps are not exhaustive. If σ1 is an injective renaming of variables, then p1 catches every case that matches q, so we're warm: if n=1, we win; if n>1 then oops, there's no way p2 can ever be needed. Otherwise, we have that for some variable x, σ1x is a constructor pattern. In that case split the problem into multiple subproblems, one for each constructor cj of x's type. That is, split the original q into multiple ideal patterns qj = [x:=cj y1 .. yarity(cj)]q, and refine the patterns accordingly for each qj to maintain the invariant, dropping those that don't match.

如何进行。如果n=0,那么这一串是空的,所以你有一个可能的情况q没有被一个模式覆盖。抱怨ps不够详尽。如果σ1单射重命名变量,然后p1捕获每一个相匹配的情况下q,所以我们温暖:如果n = 1,我们赢了;如果n>1,那么,就不需要p2了。否则,对于某个变量x, 1x是一个构造函数模式。在这种情况下,将问题分解为多个子问题,每个子问题对应一个构造函数cj (x的类型)。也就是说,将原来的q分解为多个理想模式qj = [x:=cj y1 ..yarity(cj)]q,并对每个qj进行相应的优化,以保持不变,删除不匹配的。

Let's take the example with {[], x :: y :: zs} (using :: for cons). We start with

让我们以{[],x:: y:: zs}(使用::for cons)为例。我们开始

  xs covering  {[], x :: y :: zs}

and we have [xs := []] making the first pattern an instance of the ideal. So we split xs, getting


  [] covering {[]}
  x :: ys covering {x :: y :: zs}

The first of these is justified by the empty injective renaming, so is ok. The second takes [x := x, ys := y :: zs], so we're away again, splitting ys, getting.

第一个是由空的注入重命名来证明的,所以是可以的。第二步是(x:= x, y = y:: zs),所以我们又离开了,分开了,得到了。

  x :: [] covering {}
  x :: y :: zs covering {x :: y :: zs}

and we can see from the first subproblem that we're banjaxed.


The overlap case is more subtle and allows for variations, depending on whether you want to flag up any overlap, or just patterns which are completely redundant in a top-to-bottom priority order. Your basic rock'n'roll is the same. E.g., start with


  xs covering {[], ys}

with [xs := []] justifying the first of those, so split. Note that we have to refine ys with constructor cases to maintain the invariant.


  [] covering {[], []}
  x :: xs covering {y :: ys}

Clearly, the first case is strictly an overlap. On the other hand, when we notice that refining an actual program pattern is needed to maintain the invariant, we can filter out those strict refinements that become redundant and check that at least one survives (as happens in the :: case here).


So, the algorithm builds a set of ideal exhaustive overlapping patterns q in a way that's motivated by the actual program patterns p. You split the ideal patterns into constructor cases whenever the actual patterns demand more detail of a particular variable. If you're lucky, each actual pattern is covered by disjoint nonempty sets of ideal patterns and each ideal pattern is covered by just one actual pattern. The tree of case splits which yield the ideal patterns gives you the efficient jump-table driven compilation of the actual patterns.


The algorithm I've presented is clearly terminating, but if there are datatypes with no constructors, it can fail to accept that the empty set of patterns is exhaustive. This is a serious issue in dependently typed languages, where exhaustiveness of conventional patterns is undecidable: the sensible approach is to allow "refutations" as well as equations. In Agda, you can write (), pronounced "my Aunt Fanny", in any place where no constructor refinement is possible, and that absolves you from the requirement to complete the equation with a return value. Every exhaustive set of patterns can be made recognizably exhaustive by adding in enough refutations.

我给出的算法显然是终止的,但是如果有没有构造函数的数据类型,那么它就不能接受空的模式集是详尽的。这是一个严重的问题,在依赖类型的语言中,传统模式的穷尽性是不可决定的:明智的方法是允许“反驳”和方程式。在Agda中,您可以编写()、读“my Aunt Fanny”,在任何不可能进行构造函数优化的地方,这将使您免除完成具有返回值的等式的要求。每一套完整的模式都可以通过添加足够的批驳来实现。

Anyhow, that's the basic picture.




Here is some code from a non-expert. It shows what the problem looks like if you restrict your patterns to list constructors. In other words, the patterns can only be used with lists that contain lists. Here are some lists like that: [], [[]], [[];[]].


If you enable -rectypes in your OCaml interpreter, this set of lists has a single type: ('a list) as 'a.

如果您在OCaml解释器中启用-rectypes,那么这组列表有一个类型:('a list)为'a。

type reclist = ('a list) as 'a

Here's a type for representing patterns that match against the reclist type:


type p = Nil | Any | Cons of p * p

To translate an OCaml pattern into this form, first rewrite using (::). Then replace [] with Nil, _ with Any, and (::) with Cons. So the pattern [] :: _ translates to Cons (Nil, Any)

要将OCaml模式转换为这种形式,请首先使用(:):然后用Nil替换[],用Any,和(::)with Cons。所以模式[]:_转换为Cons (Nil, Any)

Here is a function that matches a pattern against a reclist:


let rec pmatch (p: p) (l: reclist) =
    match p, l with
    | Any, _ -> true
    | Nil, [] -> true
    | Cons (p', q'), h :: t -> pmatch p' h && pmatch q' t
    | _ -> false

Here's how it looks in use. Note the use of -rectypes:


$ ocaml312 -rectypes
        Objective Caml version 3.12.0

# #use "pat.ml";;
type p = Nil | Any | Cons of p * p
type reclist = 'a list as 'a
val pmatch : p -> reclist -> bool = <fun>
# pmatch (Cons(Any, Nil)) [];;
- : bool = false
# pmatch (Cons(Any, Nil)) [[]];;
- : bool = true
# pmatch (Cons(Any, Nil)) [[]; []];;
- : bool = false
# pmatch (Cons (Any, Nil)) [ [[]; []] ];;
- : bool = true

The pattern Cons (Any, Nil) should match any list of length 1, and it definitely seems to be working.

模式错误(Any, Nil)应该匹配任何长度为1的列表,而且它显然是有效的。

So then it seems fairly straightforward to write a function intersect that takes two patterns and returns a pattern that matches the intersection of what is matched by the two patterns. Since the patterns might not intersect at all, it returns None when there's no intersection and Some p otherwise.


let rec inter_exc pa pb =
    match pa, pb with
    | Nil, Nil -> Nil
    | Cons (a, b), Cons (c, d) -> Cons (inter_exc a c, inter_exc b d)
    | Any, b -> b
    | a, Any -> a
    | _ -> raise Not_found

let intersect pa pb =
    try Some (inter_exc pa pb) with Not_found -> None

let intersectn ps =
    (* Intersect a list of patterns.
    match ps with
    | [] -> None
    | head :: tail ->
            (fun a b -> match a with None -> None | Some x -> intersect x b)
            (Some head) tail

As a simple test, intersect the pattern [_, []] against the pattern [[], _]. The former is the same as _ :: [] :: [], and so is Cons (Any, Cons (Nil, Nil)). The latter is the same as [] :: _ :: [], and so is Cons (Nil, (Cons (Any, Nil)).

作为一个简单的测试,将模式[_,[]]与模式相关联[[],_]。前者与_:[]:[]:[]:[]:[][],所以是反对(任何,反对(Nil, Nil))。后者与[]::[]:[],以及Cons (Nil, (Any, Nil))相同。

# intersect (Cons (Any, Cons (Nil, Nil))) (Cons (Nil, Cons (Any, Nil)));;
- : p option = Some (Cons (Nil, Cons (Nil, Nil)))

The result looks pretty right: [[], []].


It seems like this is enough to answer the question about overlapping patterns. Two patterns overlap if their intersection is not None.


For exhaustiveness you need to work with a list of patterns. Here is a function exhaust that tests whether a given list of patterns is exhaustive:


let twoparts l =
    (* All ways of partitioning l into two sets.
        (fun accum x ->
            let absent = List.map (fun (a, b) -> (a, x :: b)) accum
                List.fold_left (fun accum (a, b) -> (x :: a, b) :: accum)
                    absent accum)
        [([], [])] l

let unique l =
   (* Eliminate duplicates from the list.  Makes things
    * faster.
   let rec u sl=
        match sl with
        | [] -> []
        | [_] -> sl
        | h1 :: ((h2 :: _) as tail) ->
            if h1 = h2 then u tail else h1 :: u tail
        u (List.sort compare l)

let mkpairs ps =
        (fun p a -> match p with Cons (x, y) -> (x, y) :: a | _ -> a) ps []

let rec submatches pairs =
    (* For each matchable subset of fsts, return a list of the
     * associated snds.  A matchable subset has a non-empty
     * intersection, and the intersection is not covered by the rest of
     * the patterns.  I.e., there is at least one thing that matches the
     * intersection without matching any of the other patterns.
    let noncovint (prs, rest) =
        let prs_firsts = List.map fst prs in
        let rest_firsts = unique (List.map fst rest) in
        match intersectn prs_firsts with
        | None -> false
        | Some i -> not (cover i rest_firsts)
    in let pairparts = List.filter noncovint (twoparts pairs)
        unique (List.map (fun (a, b) -> List.map snd a) pairparts)

and cover_pairs basepr pairs =
    cover (fst basepr) (unique (List.map fst pairs)) &&
        List.for_all (cover (snd basepr)) (submatches pairs)

and cover_cons basepr ps =
    let pairs = mkpairs ps
    in let revpair (a, b) = (b, a)
        pairs <> [] &&
        cover_pairs basepr pairs &&
        cover_pairs (revpair basepr) (List.map revpair pairs)

and cover basep ps =
    List.mem Any ps ||
        match basep with
        | Nil -> List.mem Nil ps
        | Any -> List.mem Nil ps && cover_cons (Any, Any) ps
        | Cons (a, b) -> cover_cons (a, b) ps

let exhaust ps =
    cover Any ps

A pattern is like a tree with Cons in the internal nodes and Nil or Any at the leaves. The basic idea is that a set of patterns is exhaustive if you always reach Any in at least one of the patterns (no matter what the input looks like). And along the way, you need to see both Nil and Cons at each point. If you reach Nil at the same spot in all the patterns, it means there's a longer input that won't be matched by any of them. On the other hand, if you see just Cons at the same spot in all the patterns, there's an input that ends at that point that won't be matched.


The difficult part is checking for exhaustiveness of the two subpatterns of a Cons. This code works the way I do when I check by hand: it finds all the different subsets that could match at the left, then makes sure that the corresponding right subpatterns are exhaustive in each case. Then the same with left and right reversed. Since I'm a nonexpert (more obvious to me all the time), there are probably better ways to do this.


Here is a session with this function:


# exhaust [Nil];;
- : bool = false
# exhaust [Any];;
- : bool = true
# exhaust [Nil; Cons (Nil, Any); Cons (Any, Nil)];;
- : bool = false
# exhaust [Nil; Cons (Any, Any)];;
- : bool = true
# exhaust [Nil; Cons (Any, Nil); Cons (Any, (Cons (Any, Any)))];;
- : bool = true

I checked this code against 30,000 randomly generated patterns, and so I have some confidence that it's right. I hope these humble observations may prove to be of some use.




I believe the pattern sub-language is simple enough that it's easy to analyze. This is the reason for requiring patterns to be "linear" (each variable can appear only once), and so on. With these restrictions, every pattern is a projection from a kind of nested tuple space to a restricted set of tuples. I don't think it's too difficult to check for exhaustiveness and overlap in this model.




Here's a sketch of an algorithm. It's also the basis of Lennart Augustsson's celebrated technique for compiling pattern matching efficiently. (The paper is in that incredible FPCA proceedings (LNCS 201) with oh so many hits.) The idea is to reconstruct an exhaustive, non-redundant analysis by repeatedly splitting the most general pattern into constructor cases.

这是一个算法的草图。这也是Lennart Augustsson著名的高效编译模式匹配技术的基础。(这篇论文是在令人难以置信的FPCA进程中(lncs201),有这么多的点击。)这个想法是通过反复将最一般的模式分解成构造函数的例子来重构一个详尽的、非冗余的分析。

In general, the problem is that your program has a possibly empty bunch of ‘actual’ patterns {p1, .., pn}, and you want to know if they cover a given ‘ideal’ pattern q. To kick off, take q to be a variable x. The invariant, initially satisfied and subsequently maintained, is that each pi is σiq for some substitution σi mapping variables to patterns.

一般来说,问题是您的程序可能有一堆“实际”模式{p1, .. ..pn },你想知道他们是否覆盖给定的‘理想’模式。开始,问一个变量x。不变,随后保持最初满意,是每一个πσiq替换σi变量映射到模式。

How to proceed. If n=0, the bunch is empty, so you have a possible case q that isn't covered by a pattern. Complain that the ps are not exhaustive. If σ1 is an injective renaming of variables, then p1 catches every case that matches q, so we're warm: if n=1, we win; if n>1 then oops, there's no way p2 can ever be needed. Otherwise, we have that for some variable x, σ1x is a constructor pattern. In that case split the problem into multiple subproblems, one for each constructor cj of x's type. That is, split the original q into multiple ideal patterns qj = [x:=cj y1 .. yarity(cj)]q, and refine the patterns accordingly for each qj to maintain the invariant, dropping those that don't match.

如何进行。如果n=0,那么这一串是空的,所以你有一个可能的情况q没有被一个模式覆盖。抱怨ps不够详尽。如果σ1单射重命名变量,然后p1捕获每一个相匹配的情况下q,所以我们温暖:如果n = 1,我们赢了;如果n>1,那么,就不需要p2了。否则,对于某个变量x, 1x是一个构造函数模式。在这种情况下,将问题分解为多个子问题,每个子问题对应一个构造函数cj (x的类型)。也就是说,将原来的q分解为多个理想模式qj = [x:=cj y1 ..yarity(cj)]q,并对每个qj进行相应的优化,以保持不变,删除不匹配的。

Let's take the example with {[], x :: y :: zs} (using :: for cons). We start with

让我们以{[],x:: y:: zs}(使用::for cons)为例。我们开始

  xs covering  {[], x :: y :: zs}

and we have [xs := []] making the first pattern an instance of the ideal. So we split xs, getting


  [] covering {[]}
  x :: ys covering {x :: y :: zs}

The first of these is justified by the empty injective renaming, so is ok. The second takes [x := x, ys := y :: zs], so we're away again, splitting ys, getting.

第一个是由空的注入重命名来证明的,所以是可以的。第二步是(x:= x, y = y:: zs),所以我们又离开了,分开了,得到了。

  x :: [] covering {}
  x :: y :: zs covering {x :: y :: zs}

and we can see from the first subproblem that we're banjaxed.


The overlap case is more subtle and allows for variations, depending on whether you want to flag up any overlap, or just patterns which are completely redundant in a top-to-bottom priority order. Your basic rock'n'roll is the same. E.g., start with


  xs covering {[], ys}

with [xs := []] justifying the first of those, so split. Note that we have to refine ys with constructor cases to maintain the invariant.


  [] covering {[], []}
  x :: xs covering {y :: ys}

Clearly, the first case is strictly an overlap. On the other hand, when we notice that refining an actual program pattern is needed to maintain the invariant, we can filter out those strict refinements that become redundant and check that at least one survives (as happens in the :: case here).


So, the algorithm builds a set of ideal exhaustive overlapping patterns q in a way that's motivated by the actual program patterns p. You split the ideal patterns into constructor cases whenever the actual patterns demand more detail of a particular variable. If you're lucky, each actual pattern is covered by disjoint nonempty sets of ideal patterns and each ideal pattern is covered by just one actual pattern. The tree of case splits which yield the ideal patterns gives you the efficient jump-table driven compilation of the actual patterns.


The algorithm I've presented is clearly terminating, but if there are datatypes with no constructors, it can fail to accept that the empty set of patterns is exhaustive. This is a serious issue in dependently typed languages, where exhaustiveness of conventional patterns is undecidable: the sensible approach is to allow "refutations" as well as equations. In Agda, you can write (), pronounced "my Aunt Fanny", in any place where no constructor refinement is possible, and that absolves you from the requirement to complete the equation with a return value. Every exhaustive set of patterns can be made recognizably exhaustive by adding in enough refutations.

我给出的算法显然是终止的,但是如果有没有构造函数的数据类型,那么它就不能接受空的模式集是详尽的。这是一个严重的问题,在依赖类型的语言中,传统模式的穷尽性是不可决定的:明智的方法是允许“反驳”和方程式。在Agda中,您可以编写()、读“my Aunt Fanny”,在任何不可能进行构造函数优化的地方,这将使您免除完成具有返回值的等式的要求。每一套完整的模式都可以通过添加足够的批驳来实现。

Anyhow, that's the basic picture.




Here is some code from a non-expert. It shows what the problem looks like if you restrict your patterns to list constructors. In other words, the patterns can only be used with lists that contain lists. Here are some lists like that: [], [[]], [[];[]].


If you enable -rectypes in your OCaml interpreter, this set of lists has a single type: ('a list) as 'a.

如果您在OCaml解释器中启用-rectypes,那么这组列表有一个类型:('a list)为'a。

type reclist = ('a list) as 'a

Here's a type for representing patterns that match against the reclist type:


type p = Nil | Any | Cons of p * p

To translate an OCaml pattern into this form, first rewrite using (::). Then replace [] with Nil, _ with Any, and (::) with Cons. So the pattern [] :: _ translates to Cons (Nil, Any)

要将OCaml模式转换为这种形式,请首先使用(:):然后用Nil替换[],用Any,和(::)with Cons。所以模式[]:_转换为Cons (Nil, Any)

Here is a function that matches a pattern against a reclist:


let rec pmatch (p: p) (l: reclist) =
    match p, l with
    | Any, _ -> true
    | Nil, [] -> true
    | Cons (p', q'), h :: t -> pmatch p' h && pmatch q' t
    | _ -> false

Here's how it looks in use. Note the use of -rectypes:


$ ocaml312 -rectypes
        Objective Caml version 3.12.0

# #use "pat.ml";;
type p = Nil | Any | Cons of p * p
type reclist = 'a list as 'a
val pmatch : p -> reclist -> bool = <fun>
# pmatch (Cons(Any, Nil)) [];;
- : bool = false
# pmatch (Cons(Any, Nil)) [[]];;
- : bool = true
# pmatch (Cons(Any, Nil)) [[]; []];;
- : bool = false
# pmatch (Cons (Any, Nil)) [ [[]; []] ];;
- : bool = true

The pattern Cons (Any, Nil) should match any list of length 1, and it definitely seems to be working.

模式错误(Any, Nil)应该匹配任何长度为1的列表,而且它显然是有效的。

So then it seems fairly straightforward to write a function intersect that takes two patterns and returns a pattern that matches the intersection of what is matched by the two patterns. Since the patterns might not intersect at all, it returns None when there's no intersection and Some p otherwise.


let rec inter_exc pa pb =
    match pa, pb with
    | Nil, Nil -> Nil
    | Cons (a, b), Cons (c, d) -> Cons (inter_exc a c, inter_exc b d)
    | Any, b -> b
    | a, Any -> a
    | _ -> raise Not_found

let intersect pa pb =
    try Some (inter_exc pa pb) with Not_found -> None

let intersectn ps =
    (* Intersect a list of patterns.
    match ps with
    | [] -> None
    | head :: tail ->
            (fun a b -> match a with None -> None | Some x -> intersect x b)
            (Some head) tail

As a simple test, intersect the pattern [_, []] against the pattern [[], _]. The former is the same as _ :: [] :: [], and so is Cons (Any, Cons (Nil, Nil)). The latter is the same as [] :: _ :: [], and so is Cons (Nil, (Cons (Any, Nil)).

作为一个简单的测试,将模式[_,[]]与模式相关联[[],_]。前者与_:[]:[]:[]:[]:[][],所以是反对(任何,反对(Nil, Nil))。后者与[]::[]:[],以及Cons (Nil, (Any, Nil))相同。

# intersect (Cons (Any, Cons (Nil, Nil))) (Cons (Nil, Cons (Any, Nil)));;
- : p option = Some (Cons (Nil, Cons (Nil, Nil)))

The result looks pretty right: [[], []].


It seems like this is enough to answer the question about overlapping patterns. Two patterns overlap if their intersection is not None.


For exhaustiveness you need to work with a list of patterns. Here is a function exhaust that tests whether a given list of patterns is exhaustive:


let twoparts l =
    (* All ways of partitioning l into two sets.
        (fun accum x ->
            let absent = List.map (fun (a, b) -> (a, x :: b)) accum
                List.fold_left (fun accum (a, b) -> (x :: a, b) :: accum)
                    absent accum)
        [([], [])] l

let unique l =
   (* Eliminate duplicates from the list.  Makes things
    * faster.
   let rec u sl=
        match sl with
        | [] -> []
        | [_] -> sl
        | h1 :: ((h2 :: _) as tail) ->
            if h1 = h2 then u tail else h1 :: u tail
        u (List.sort compare l)

let mkpairs ps =
        (fun p a -> match p with Cons (x, y) -> (x, y) :: a | _ -> a) ps []

let rec submatches pairs =
    (* For each matchable subset of fsts, return a list of the
     * associated snds.  A matchable subset has a non-empty
     * intersection, and the intersection is not covered by the rest of
     * the patterns.  I.e., there is at least one thing that matches the
     * intersection without matching any of the other patterns.
    let noncovint (prs, rest) =
        let prs_firsts = List.map fst prs in
        let rest_firsts = unique (List.map fst rest) in
        match intersectn prs_firsts with
        | None -> false
        | Some i -> not (cover i rest_firsts)
    in let pairparts = List.filter noncovint (twoparts pairs)
        unique (List.map (fun (a, b) -> List.map snd a) pairparts)

and cover_pairs basepr pairs =
    cover (fst basepr) (unique (List.map fst pairs)) &&
        List.for_all (cover (snd basepr)) (submatches pairs)

and cover_cons basepr ps =
    let pairs = mkpairs ps
    in let revpair (a, b) = (b, a)
        pairs <> [] &&
        cover_pairs basepr pairs &&
        cover_pairs (revpair basepr) (List.map revpair pairs)

and cover basep ps =
    List.mem Any ps ||
        match basep with
        | Nil -> List.mem Nil ps
        | Any -> List.mem Nil ps && cover_cons (Any, Any) ps
        | Cons (a, b) -> cover_cons (a, b) ps

let exhaust ps =
    cover Any ps

A pattern is like a tree with Cons in the internal nodes and Nil or Any at the leaves. The basic idea is that a set of patterns is exhaustive if you always reach Any in at least one of the patterns (no matter what the input looks like). And along the way, you need to see both Nil and Cons at each point. If you reach Nil at the same spot in all the patterns, it means there's a longer input that won't be matched by any of them. On the other hand, if you see just Cons at the same spot in all the patterns, there's an input that ends at that point that won't be matched.


The difficult part is checking for exhaustiveness of the two subpatterns of a Cons. This code works the way I do when I check by hand: it finds all the different subsets that could match at the left, then makes sure that the corresponding right subpatterns are exhaustive in each case. Then the same with left and right reversed. Since I'm a nonexpert (more obvious to me all the time), there are probably better ways to do this.


Here is a session with this function:


# exhaust [Nil];;
- : bool = false
# exhaust [Any];;
- : bool = true
# exhaust [Nil; Cons (Nil, Any); Cons (Any, Nil)];;
- : bool = false
# exhaust [Nil; Cons (Any, Any)];;
- : bool = true
# exhaust [Nil; Cons (Any, Nil); Cons (Any, (Cons (Any, Any)))];;
- : bool = true

I checked this code against 30,000 randomly generated patterns, and so I have some confidence that it's right. I hope these humble observations may prove to be of some use.




I believe the pattern sub-language is simple enough that it's easy to analyze. This is the reason for requiring patterns to be "linear" (each variable can appear only once), and so on. With these restrictions, every pattern is a projection from a kind of nested tuple space to a restricted set of tuples. I don't think it's too difficult to check for exhaustiveness and overlap in this model.
