
时间:2021-10-14 00:30:56

I have some data either in a list of lists or a list of tuples, like this:


data = [[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9]]data = [(1,2,3), (4,5,6), (7,8,9)]

And I want to sort by the 2nd element in the subset. Meaning, sorting by 2,5,8 where 2 is from (1,2,3), 5 is from (4,5,6). What is the common way to do this? Should I store tuples or lists in my list?


10 个解决方案


sorted_by_second = sorted(data, key=lambda tup: tup[1])


data.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[1])  # sorts in place


from operator import itemgetterdata.sort(key=itemgetter(1))


I just want to add to Stephen's answer if you want to sort the array from high to low, another way other than in the comments above is just to add this to the line:


reverse = True

and the result will be as follows:


data.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[1], reverse=True)


For sorting by multiple criteria, namely for instance by the second and third elements in a tuple, let


data = [(1,2,3),(1,2,1),(1,1,4)]

and so define a lambda that returns a tuple that describes priority, for instance


sorted(data, key=lambda tup: (tup[1],tup[2]) )[(1, 1, 4), (1, 2, 1), (1, 2, 3)]


Stephen's answer is the one I'd use. For completeness, here's the DSU (decorate-sort-undecorate) pattern with list comprehensions:


decorated = [(tup[1], tup) for tup in data]decorated.sort()undecorated = [tup for second, tup in decorated]

Or, more tersely:


[b for a,b in sorted((tup[1], tup) for tup in data)]

As noted in the Python Sorting HowTo, this has been unnecessary since Python 2.4, when key functions became available.

正如Python Sorting HowTo所述,自从Python 2.4开始提供关键功能以来,这是不必要的。


In order to sort a list of tuples (<word>, <count>), for count in descending order and word in alphabetical order:

为了对元组列表( , )进行排序,按降序排序,按字母顺序排序:

data = [('betty', 1),('bought', 1),('a', 1),('bit', 1),('of', 1),('butter', 2),('but', 1),('the', 1),('was', 1),('bitter', 1)]

I use this method:


sorted(data, key=lambda tup:(-tup[1], tup[0]))

and it gives me the result:


[('butter', 2),('a', 1),('betty', 1),('bit', 1),('bitter', 1),('bought', 1),('but', 1),('of', 1),('the', 1),('was', 1)]


Without lambda:

def sec_elem(s):    return s[1] 
sorted(data, key=sec_elem) 


@Stephen 's answer is to the point! Here is an example for better visualization,


Shout out for the Ready Player One fans! =)

为Ready Player One粉丝大喊大叫! =)

>>> gunters = [('2044-04-05', 'parzival'), ('2044-04-07', 'aech'), ('2044-04-06', 'art3mis')]>>> gunters.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[0])>>> print gunters[('2044-04-05', 'parzival'), ('2044-04-06', 'art3mis'), ('2044-04-07', 'aech')]

key is a function that will be called to transform the collection's items for comparison.. like compareTo method in Java.


The parameter passed to key must be something that is callable. Here, the use of lambda creates an anonymous function (which is a callable).
The syntax of lambda is the word lambda followed by a iterable name then a single block of code.

传递给key的参数必须是可调用的。这里,lambda的使用创建了一个匿名函数(可以调用)。 lambda的语法是单词lambda,后跟可迭代的名称,然后是单个代码块。

Below example, we are sorting a list of tuple that holds the info abt time of certain event and actor name.


We are sorting this list by time of event occurrence - which is the 0th element of a tuple.

我们按事件发生的时间对此列表进行排序 - 这是元组的第0个元素。

Note - s.sort([cmp[, key[, reverse]]]) sorts the items of s in place

注 - s.sort([cmp [,key [,reverse]]])对s的项目进行排序


itemgetter() is somewhat faster than lambda tup: tup[1], but the increase is relatively modest (around 10 to 25 percent).

itemgetter()比lambda tup:tup [1]快一些,但增长相对适中(约10%到25%)。

(IPython session)

>>> from operator import itemgetter>>> from numpy.random import randint>>> values = randint(0, 9, 30000).reshape((10000,3))>>> tpls = [tuple(values[i,:]) for i in range(len(values))]>>> tpls[:5]    # display sample from list[(1, 0, 0),  (8, 5, 5),  (5, 4, 0),  (5, 7, 7),  (4, 2, 1)]>>> sorted(tpls[:5], key=itemgetter(1))    # example sort[(1, 0, 0),  (4, 2, 1),  (5, 4, 0),  (8, 5, 5),  (5, 7, 7)]>>> %timeit sorted(tpls, key=itemgetter(1))100 loops, best of 3: 4.89 ms per loop>>> %timeit sorted(tpls, key=lambda tup: tup[1])100 loops, best of 3: 6.39 ms per loop>>> %timeit sorted(tpls, key=(itemgetter(1,0)))100 loops, best of 3: 16.1 ms per loop>>> %timeit sorted(tpls, key=lambda tup: (tup[1], tup[0]))100 loops, best of 3: 17.1 ms per loop


Sorting a tuple is quite simple:




sorted_by_second = sorted(data, key=lambda tup: tup[1])


data.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[1])  # sorts in place


from operator import itemgetterdata.sort(key=itemgetter(1))


I just want to add to Stephen's answer if you want to sort the array from high to low, another way other than in the comments above is just to add this to the line:


reverse = True

and the result will be as follows:


data.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[1], reverse=True)


For sorting by multiple criteria, namely for instance by the second and third elements in a tuple, let


data = [(1,2,3),(1,2,1),(1,1,4)]

and so define a lambda that returns a tuple that describes priority, for instance


sorted(data, key=lambda tup: (tup[1],tup[2]) )[(1, 1, 4), (1, 2, 1), (1, 2, 3)]


Stephen's answer is the one I'd use. For completeness, here's the DSU (decorate-sort-undecorate) pattern with list comprehensions:


decorated = [(tup[1], tup) for tup in data]decorated.sort()undecorated = [tup for second, tup in decorated]

Or, more tersely:


[b for a,b in sorted((tup[1], tup) for tup in data)]

As noted in the Python Sorting HowTo, this has been unnecessary since Python 2.4, when key functions became available.

正如Python Sorting HowTo所述,自从Python 2.4开始提供关键功能以来,这是不必要的。


In order to sort a list of tuples (<word>, <count>), for count in descending order and word in alphabetical order:

为了对元组列表( , )进行排序,按降序排序,按字母顺序排序:

data = [('betty', 1),('bought', 1),('a', 1),('bit', 1),('of', 1),('butter', 2),('but', 1),('the', 1),('was', 1),('bitter', 1)]

I use this method:


sorted(data, key=lambda tup:(-tup[1], tup[0]))

and it gives me the result:


[('butter', 2),('a', 1),('betty', 1),('bit', 1),('bitter', 1),('bought', 1),('but', 1),('of', 1),('the', 1),('was', 1)]


Without lambda:

def sec_elem(s):    return s[1] 
sorted(data, key=sec_elem) 


@Stephen 's answer is to the point! Here is an example for better visualization,


Shout out for the Ready Player One fans! =)

为Ready Player One粉丝大喊大叫! =)

>>> gunters = [('2044-04-05', 'parzival'), ('2044-04-07', 'aech'), ('2044-04-06', 'art3mis')]>>> gunters.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[0])>>> print gunters[('2044-04-05', 'parzival'), ('2044-04-06', 'art3mis'), ('2044-04-07', 'aech')]

key is a function that will be called to transform the collection's items for comparison.. like compareTo method in Java.


The parameter passed to key must be something that is callable. Here, the use of lambda creates an anonymous function (which is a callable).
The syntax of lambda is the word lambda followed by a iterable name then a single block of code.

传递给key的参数必须是可调用的。这里,lambda的使用创建了一个匿名函数(可以调用)。 lambda的语法是单词lambda,后跟可迭代的名称,然后是单个代码块。

Below example, we are sorting a list of tuple that holds the info abt time of certain event and actor name.


We are sorting this list by time of event occurrence - which is the 0th element of a tuple.

我们按事件发生的时间对此列表进行排序 - 这是元组的第0个元素。

Note - s.sort([cmp[, key[, reverse]]]) sorts the items of s in place

注 - s.sort([cmp [,key [,reverse]]])对s的项目进行排序


itemgetter() is somewhat faster than lambda tup: tup[1], but the increase is relatively modest (around 10 to 25 percent).

itemgetter()比lambda tup:tup [1]快一些,但增长相对适中(约10%到25%)。

(IPython session)

>>> from operator import itemgetter>>> from numpy.random import randint>>> values = randint(0, 9, 30000).reshape((10000,3))>>> tpls = [tuple(values[i,:]) for i in range(len(values))]>>> tpls[:5]    # display sample from list[(1, 0, 0),  (8, 5, 5),  (5, 4, 0),  (5, 7, 7),  (4, 2, 1)]>>> sorted(tpls[:5], key=itemgetter(1))    # example sort[(1, 0, 0),  (4, 2, 1),  (5, 4, 0),  (8, 5, 5),  (5, 7, 7)]>>> %timeit sorted(tpls, key=itemgetter(1))100 loops, best of 3: 4.89 ms per loop>>> %timeit sorted(tpls, key=lambda tup: tup[1])100 loops, best of 3: 6.39 ms per loop>>> %timeit sorted(tpls, key=(itemgetter(1,0)))100 loops, best of 3: 16.1 ms per loop>>> %timeit sorted(tpls, key=lambda tup: (tup[1], tup[0]))100 loops, best of 3: 17.1 ms per loop


Sorting a tuple is quite simple:

