
时间:2021-09-16 00:29:27

I'd like to display static images from res/drawable-folder in a ReactNative-App. However, there's nothing displayed.


I have the following folder structure in the android-subfolder:

android-sub - folder我有以下文件夹结构:

macbook:CompanyApp hagen$ tree android/app/src/main/res/
├── drawable
│   ├── a1456.jpg
│   └── a1457.jpg
├── mipmap-hdpi
│   └── ic_launcher.png
├── mipmap-mdpi
│   └── ic_launcher.png
├── mipmap-xhdpi
│   └── ic_launcher.png
├── mipmap-xxhdpi
│   └── ic_launcher.png
└── values
    ├── strings.xml
    └── styles.xml

6 directories, 8 files

As mentioned in the documentation, i try to load the image-files from drawable-folder with the following code:


<Image source={{uri: 'a1456'}} style={{width: 140, height: 140}} />

I also tried the filename together with the extension:


<Image source={{uri: 'a1456.jpg'}} style={{width: 140, height: 140}} />

and also:


<Image source={require('image!a1456')} style={{width: 140, height: 140, backgroundColor: 'yellow'}} />

And i tried the subfolder:


<Image source={{uri: 'drawable/a1456.jpg'}} style={{width: 140, height: 140}} />

No image will be displayed. Using a require-statement within image source for a local image in my current folder for instance is working fine.


But i am looking for a solution to consume the drawable-images like within a real native android application.




I just published an example project on github: https://github.com/itinance/testdrawable


It is a standard RN-App with "react-native init" and just added an image to display in drawable-folder (android only).

它是一个标准的RN-App,带有“原始的init”,只是添加了一个显示在drawable-folder (android only)中的图像。

Can someone have a look at it and tell me what i am doing wrong?


6 个解决方案



Finally i got it: the <image> Tag needs concrete "width" and "height" arguments as attributes, not only as style-parameter.


With that in mind, both declarations will work perfectly:


  <Image width={200} height={267} source={{uri: 'img_3665'}} style={{width: 200, height: 267}} />
  <Image width={200} height={267} source={require('image!img_3665')} style={{width: 200, height: 267}} />



Sample project structure- my app name is MyProject


├── ios
├── android
├── resource  //folder for static content
    └── image.png

To use image residing in resource directory


<Image style={{width: 16, height: 16}} source={require('./resource/image.png') }  />

Hope it will help!




Save images in drawable folder then you can add this code. This works for me. <Image style={styles.imageStyle} source={ { uri: icon + `${Platform.OS === 'ios' ? '.jpg' : ''}` }} />

将图像保存到可绘制文件夹中,然后可以添加此代码。这适合我。 <图片风格= {风格。imageStyle} source="{{{uri:" icon + ' ${平台。ios操作系统="=" = ?“.jpg”:“}” />。



I am also trying to do this. Am using RN 0.47.1 - reason I want this, is because I want to have the "loading" screen and my landing page have an image in the exact same spot, so I want the image to load instantly.

我也在尝试这么做。我使用RN 0。47.1——我这么做的原因是,我想要有“加载”屏幕,我的着陆页面有一个图像在相同的位置,所以我想要图像立即加载。

Re instant loading: Adding the resource within the folder in my js bundled directories, is taking time to load it. So I thought that if I put it in "res/drawable" (for Android) it should already be loaded as it just used it for the splash. I have found this is true, however there is a blink, I am trying to avoid that blink.


However here is the official docs on how to load local images on Android and iOS - facebook.github.io :: React Native - Images From Hybrid App's Resources

不过,这里有一份官方文件,介绍如何在Android和iOS - facebook.github上加载本地图像。io:对来自混合应用资源的本地图片做出反应

If you are building a hybrid app (some UIs in React Native, some UIs in platform code) you can still use images that are already bundled into the app.

如果您正在构建一个混合应用程序(在React Native中有一些ui,在platform代码中有一些ui),您仍然可以使用已经绑定到应用程序中的图像。

For images included via Xcode asset catalogs or in the Android drawable folder, use the image name without the extension:

对于通过Xcode asset catalogs或Android drawable文件夹包含的图像,使用没有扩展名的图像名:

<Image source={{uri: 'app_icon'}} style={{width: 40, height: 40}} />

For images in the Android assets folder, use the asset:/ scheme:

对于Android assets文件夹中的图像,使用asset:/ scheme:

<Image source={{uri: 'asset:/app_icon.png'}} style={{width: 40, height: 40}} />

These approaches provide no safety checks. It's up to you to guarantee that those images are available in the application. Also you have to specify image dimensions manually.


So yes, your discovery of having to set the width/height is true. In latest RN though (i am using 0.47.1) we can't set props of width/height, it has to be done via style.




  1. Add Image Component in import block.


    import { Platform, StyleSheet, Text, View, Image } from 'react-native';

    从“response -native”导入{Platform, StyleSheet, Text, View, Image};

  2. Add Image tag in render’s return block. Source attribute in Image tag, where we are specifying the image location. Also we have added inline style to Image tag, that helps to set the image size as per the device width. For images in the Android assets folder, use the asset:/ scheme

    在渲染的返回块中添加图像标签。源属性在图像标记中,在这里我们指定图像位置。我们还为Image标签添加了内联样式,这有助于根据设备宽度设置图像大小。对于Android assets文件夹中的图像,使用asset:/ scheme



If you want to show images from drawable folder of android in react-native. Here is the solution:


First create the drawable folder in the desired location of android folder and paste the image in that folder.


Second set the path as done below, the image will perfectly set in your app as per your style.


<ImageBackground style = {{flex: 1, height: null, width: null}} 



Finally i got it: the <image> Tag needs concrete "width" and "height" arguments as attributes, not only as style-parameter.


With that in mind, both declarations will work perfectly:


  <Image width={200} height={267} source={{uri: 'img_3665'}} style={{width: 200, height: 267}} />
  <Image width={200} height={267} source={require('image!img_3665')} style={{width: 200, height: 267}} />



Sample project structure- my app name is MyProject


├── ios
├── android
├── resource  //folder for static content
    └── image.png

To use image residing in resource directory


<Image style={{width: 16, height: 16}} source={require('./resource/image.png') }  />

Hope it will help!




Save images in drawable folder then you can add this code. This works for me. <Image style={styles.imageStyle} source={ { uri: icon + `${Platform.OS === 'ios' ? '.jpg' : ''}` }} />

将图像保存到可绘制文件夹中,然后可以添加此代码。这适合我。 <图片风格= {风格。imageStyle} source="{{{uri:" icon + ' ${平台。ios操作系统="=" = ?“.jpg”:“}” />。



I am also trying to do this. Am using RN 0.47.1 - reason I want this, is because I want to have the "loading" screen and my landing page have an image in the exact same spot, so I want the image to load instantly.

我也在尝试这么做。我使用RN 0。47.1——我这么做的原因是,我想要有“加载”屏幕,我的着陆页面有一个图像在相同的位置,所以我想要图像立即加载。

Re instant loading: Adding the resource within the folder in my js bundled directories, is taking time to load it. So I thought that if I put it in "res/drawable" (for Android) it should already be loaded as it just used it for the splash. I have found this is true, however there is a blink, I am trying to avoid that blink.


However here is the official docs on how to load local images on Android and iOS - facebook.github.io :: React Native - Images From Hybrid App's Resources

不过,这里有一份官方文件,介绍如何在Android和iOS - facebook.github上加载本地图像。io:对来自混合应用资源的本地图片做出反应

If you are building a hybrid app (some UIs in React Native, some UIs in platform code) you can still use images that are already bundled into the app.

如果您正在构建一个混合应用程序(在React Native中有一些ui,在platform代码中有一些ui),您仍然可以使用已经绑定到应用程序中的图像。

For images included via Xcode asset catalogs or in the Android drawable folder, use the image name without the extension:

对于通过Xcode asset catalogs或Android drawable文件夹包含的图像,使用没有扩展名的图像名:

<Image source={{uri: 'app_icon'}} style={{width: 40, height: 40}} />

For images in the Android assets folder, use the asset:/ scheme:

对于Android assets文件夹中的图像,使用asset:/ scheme:

<Image source={{uri: 'asset:/app_icon.png'}} style={{width: 40, height: 40}} />

These approaches provide no safety checks. It's up to you to guarantee that those images are available in the application. Also you have to specify image dimensions manually.


So yes, your discovery of having to set the width/height is true. In latest RN though (i am using 0.47.1) we can't set props of width/height, it has to be done via style.




  1. Add Image Component in import block.


    import { Platform, StyleSheet, Text, View, Image } from 'react-native';

    从“response -native”导入{Platform, StyleSheet, Text, View, Image};

  2. Add Image tag in render’s return block. Source attribute in Image tag, where we are specifying the image location. Also we have added inline style to Image tag, that helps to set the image size as per the device width. For images in the Android assets folder, use the asset:/ scheme

    在渲染的返回块中添加图像标签。源属性在图像标记中,在这里我们指定图像位置。我们还为Image标签添加了内联样式,这有助于根据设备宽度设置图像大小。对于Android assets文件夹中的图像,使用asset:/ scheme



If you want to show images from drawable folder of android in react-native. Here is the solution:


First create the drawable folder in the desired location of android folder and paste the image in that folder.


Second set the path as done below, the image will perfectly set in your app as per your style.


<ImageBackground style = {{flex: 1, height: null, width: null}} 