
时间:2021-07-26 00:32:00

I've been tackling this for 2 days now without success. Yesterday I posted a question here to which I received a couple of suggestions which I didn't really understand.


I asked for clarification and have had no response yet.



  1. I'm not explaining myself very well.
  2. 我不是很好地解释自己。

  3. The solution can't be found
  4. 找不到解决方案

  5. Anybody who may be able to help has not yet seen it.
  6. 任何可能提供帮助的人还没有看到它。

OK - here goes - nice 'n' simple....

好的 - 在这里 - 很好'n'简单....

I'm using a XAMPP server on WIN7 with FireFox.


  1. At my browser address bar I can type : file:///C:/xampp/htdocs/folder1/subfolder1/, which is sort of OK

    在我的浏览器地址栏中,我可以输入:file:/// C:/ xampp / htdocs / folder1 / subfolder1 /,这有点好

  2. I put the following code inside an anchor in a page and run it from XAMPP/htdocs folder : href="folder1/subfolder1/">Go to subfolder1, yields similar sort of result

    我将以下代码放在页面中的一个锚点中并从XAMPP / htdocs文件夹运行它:href =“folder1 / subfolder1 /”>转到子文件夹1,产生类似的结果

  3. At my browser again I type : file:///C:/folder2/subfolder2/ and have the same sort of result as 1.

    再次在我的浏览器中输入:file:/// C:/ folder2 / subfolder2 /,结果与1相同。

My question is what should my anchor look like to get to C:/folder2/subfolder2/

我的问题是我的锚看起来应该是什么样的C:/ folder2 / subfolder2 /

Is there something I am not understanding?


If someone out there can post a 'fiddle' or show me an example I'm sure I could work through this


2 个解决方案


This doesn't work by default because allowing someone to access the local file system that the server is running on from outside the computer would be a security breach. You can type it in the URL field because your browser is running on the same machine and has access to the drive.


If you want to open it from a link inside of an HTML file from a client, you'll need to write a program that runs on the server (PHP is a good language to use) that would receive the request and display the folder contents. Of course this wouldn't a very safe thing to do, but the URL might look like this:



Then you just need to write showfolder.php and have it use the parameter dir and respond with html to display the folder contents. Again, though it's possible to do this, you should think hard about why you want to and what information you're making available outside of the machine that others should not see.


I think the thing you're not understanding is what program is interpretting the url in each case. Whey you type file://... into the browser, it's the browser doing the work of finding the content on disk and showing it to you. When you use a url, that's an http request which asks your server to do the work.

我认为你不理解的是在每种情况下程序正在解释url。当你在浏览器中输入file:// ...时,浏览器会在磁盘上查找内容并向你显示内容。当您使用网址时,这是一个http请求,要求您的服务器完成工作。


Your question is meant mainly by Apache Creating alias and directory listings. In your Apache conf at C:\xampp\apache\conf\httpd.conf add new alias like the following:

您的问题主要是由Apache Creating别名和目录列表。在您的Apache conf:C:\ xampp \ apache \ conf \ httpd.conf中添加如下所示的新别名:

Alias /subfolder2 C:/folder2/subfolder2
<Directory "C:/folder2/subfolder2">
  Options FollowSymLinks +Indexes
  Order Allow,Deny
  Allow from All
  AllowOverride All Indexes Options

By this way you can get listing the contents of C:/folder2/subfolder2/ just as simple as

通过这种方式,你可以列出C:/ folder2 / subfolder2 /的内容就像这样简单

<a href=http://localhost/subfolder2">Subfolder2 Contents</a>


This doesn't work by default because allowing someone to access the local file system that the server is running on from outside the computer would be a security breach. You can type it in the URL field because your browser is running on the same machine and has access to the drive.


If you want to open it from a link inside of an HTML file from a client, you'll need to write a program that runs on the server (PHP is a good language to use) that would receive the request and display the folder contents. Of course this wouldn't a very safe thing to do, but the URL might look like this:



Then you just need to write showfolder.php and have it use the parameter dir and respond with html to display the folder contents. Again, though it's possible to do this, you should think hard about why you want to and what information you're making available outside of the machine that others should not see.


I think the thing you're not understanding is what program is interpretting the url in each case. Whey you type file://... into the browser, it's the browser doing the work of finding the content on disk and showing it to you. When you use a url, that's an http request which asks your server to do the work.

我认为你不理解的是在每种情况下程序正在解释url。当你在浏览器中输入file:// ...时,浏览器会在磁盘上查找内容并向你显示内容。当您使用网址时,这是一个http请求,要求您的服务器完成工作。


Your question is meant mainly by Apache Creating alias and directory listings. In your Apache conf at C:\xampp\apache\conf\httpd.conf add new alias like the following:

您的问题主要是由Apache Creating别名和目录列表。在您的Apache conf:C:\ xampp \ apache \ conf \ httpd.conf中添加如下所示的新别名:

Alias /subfolder2 C:/folder2/subfolder2
<Directory "C:/folder2/subfolder2">
  Options FollowSymLinks +Indexes
  Order Allow,Deny
  Allow from All
  AllowOverride All Indexes Options

By this way you can get listing the contents of C:/folder2/subfolder2/ just as simple as

通过这种方式,你可以列出C:/ folder2 / subfolder2 /的内容就像这样简单

<a href=http://localhost/subfolder2">Subfolder2 Contents</a>