
时间:2021-12-24 00:20:47

I can't figure how to make a decent website without using the asp.net builtin data controls like SqlDataSource and DataGrid. Is there a cleaner way to do this?


1 个解决方案



Yes there is, you don't really need an SqlDataSource, theres a reason for web.config files and stored procedures. You're going to have to read about how to use ASP.net to connect to a database and how to pull data using parameterized stored procedures. Look up web.config file, connection strings, and system.data.sql.




Yes there is, you don't really need an SqlDataSource, theres a reason for web.config files and stored procedures. You're going to have to read about how to use ASP.net to connect to a database and how to pull data using parameterized stored procedures. Look up web.config file, connection strings, and system.data.sql.
