
时间:2020-12-16 00:23:40

I am looking for a way to extract a filename and extension from a particular url using Python


lets say a URL looks as follows


picture_page = ""

How would I go about getting the following.


filename = "da4ca3509a7b11e19e4a12313813ffc0_7"
file_ext = ".jpg"

6 个解决方案



from urlparse import urlparse
from os.path import splitext, basename

picture_page = ""
disassembled = urlparse(picture_page)
filename, file_ext = splitext(basename(disassembled.path))

Only downside with this is that your filename will contain a preceding / which you can always remove yourself.




Try with urlparse.urlsplit to split url, and then os.path.splitext to retrieve filename and extension (use os.path.basename to keep only the last filename) :

与urlparse试试。urlsplit到split url,然后是os.path。检索文件名和扩展名的splitext(使用os.path)。basename只保留最后一个文件名):

import urlparse
import os.path

picture_page = ""

print os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(urlparse.urlsplit(picture_page).path))

>>> ('da4ca3509a7b11e19e4a12313813ffc0_7', '.jpg')



filename = picture_page.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
file_ext = '.'+picture_page.split('.')[-1]



# Here's your link:
picture_page = ""

#Here's your filename and ext:
filename, ext = (picture_page.split('/')[-1].split('.'))

When you do picture_page.split('/'), it will return a list of strings from your url split by a /. If you know python list indexing well, you'd know that -1 will give you the last element or the first element from the end of the list. In your case, it will be the filename: da4ca3509a7b11e19e4a12313813ffc0_7.jpg


Splitting that by delimeter ., you get two values: da4ca3509a7b11e19e4a12313813ffc0_7 and jpg, as expected, because they are separated by a period which you used as a delimeter in your split() call.

通过delimeter将其拆分,您可以得到两个值:da4ca3509a7b11e19e4a123 ffc0_7和jpg,因为它们是由您在split()调用中用作delimeter的期间分隔的。

Now, since the last split returns two values in the resulting list, you can tuplify it. Hence, basically, the result would be like:


filename,ext = ('da4ca3509a7b11e19e4a12313813ffc0_7', 'jpg')

文件名,ext =(“da4ca3509a7b11e19e4a12313813ffc0_7”、“jpg”)



os.path.splitext will help you extract the filename and extension once you have extracted the relevant string from the URL using urlparse:


   fName, ext = os.path.splitext('yourImage.jpg')



>>> import re
>>> s = 'picture_page = ""'
>>> re.findall(r'\/([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\.[a-zA-Z]*\"$',s)[0]
>>> re.findall(r'([a-zA-Z]*)\"$',s)[0]



from urlparse import urlparse
from os.path import splitext, basename

picture_page = ""
disassembled = urlparse(picture_page)
filename, file_ext = splitext(basename(disassembled.path))

Only downside with this is that your filename will contain a preceding / which you can always remove yourself.




Try with urlparse.urlsplit to split url, and then os.path.splitext to retrieve filename and extension (use os.path.basename to keep only the last filename) :

与urlparse试试。urlsplit到split url,然后是os.path。检索文件名和扩展名的splitext(使用os.path)。basename只保留最后一个文件名):

import urlparse
import os.path

picture_page = ""

print os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(urlparse.urlsplit(picture_page).path))

>>> ('da4ca3509a7b11e19e4a12313813ffc0_7', '.jpg')



filename = picture_page.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
file_ext = '.'+picture_page.split('.')[-1]



# Here's your link:
picture_page = ""

#Here's your filename and ext:
filename, ext = (picture_page.split('/')[-1].split('.'))

When you do picture_page.split('/'), it will return a list of strings from your url split by a /. If you know python list indexing well, you'd know that -1 will give you the last element or the first element from the end of the list. In your case, it will be the filename: da4ca3509a7b11e19e4a12313813ffc0_7.jpg


Splitting that by delimeter ., you get two values: da4ca3509a7b11e19e4a12313813ffc0_7 and jpg, as expected, because they are separated by a period which you used as a delimeter in your split() call.

通过delimeter将其拆分,您可以得到两个值:da4ca3509a7b11e19e4a123 ffc0_7和jpg,因为它们是由您在split()调用中用作delimeter的期间分隔的。

Now, since the last split returns two values in the resulting list, you can tuplify it. Hence, basically, the result would be like:


filename,ext = ('da4ca3509a7b11e19e4a12313813ffc0_7', 'jpg')

文件名,ext =(“da4ca3509a7b11e19e4a12313813ffc0_7”、“jpg”)



os.path.splitext will help you extract the filename and extension once you have extracted the relevant string from the URL using urlparse:


   fName, ext = os.path.splitext('yourImage.jpg')



>>> import re
>>> s = 'picture_page = ""'
>>> re.findall(r'\/([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\.[a-zA-Z]*\"$',s)[0]
>>> re.findall(r'([a-zA-Z]*)\"$',s)[0]