
时间:2022-01-27 00:11:03

Is it at all possible to combine a mixture of keypress' to fire a single event?


    if (e.keyCode == 68 && e.keyCode == 69 && e.keyCode == 86) {
        alert('oh hai');

I've tried it in Chrome but the event doesn't fire.


Call me crazy but I am writing a Chrome extension and want to push D+E+V keys together to force it into a hidden developer mode.


12 个解决方案



If you want to detect that the d, e, and v keys were all down at the same time, you have to watch both keydown and keyup and keep a map of the ones that are down. When they're all down, fire your event.

如果你想要检测出d, e,和v的键都在同时下降,你必须同时观察按键和按键,并保存一个按键的地图。当他们都倒下的时候,启动你的事件。

For example: Live copy | source

例如:Live copy |源代码。

var map = {68: false, 69: false, 86: false};
$(document).keydown(function(e) {
    if (e.keyCode in map) {
        map[e.keyCode] = true;
        if (map[68] && map[69] && map[86]) {
            // FIRE EVENT
}).keyup(function(e) {
    if (e.keyCode in map) {
        map[e.keyCode] = false;

I assume you don't care what order they're pressed down in (as that would be a pain to reliably press) as long as they're all down at the same time at some point.




Similar to Vega's...but simpler


var down = {};
$(document).keydown(function(e) {
    down[e.keyCode] = true;
}).keyup(function(e) {
    if (down[68] && down[69] && down[86]) {
        alert('oh hai');
    down[e.keyCode] = false;



Perhaps a simpler key combination would be easier?


How about something like Shift + Alt + D? (You probably shouldn't use the Control key because most browsers already interpret Ctrl+D in one way or another)

比如平移+ Alt + D?(您可能不应该使用控制键,因为大多数浏览器已经以这样或那样的方式解释了Ctrl+D)

The code for this would be something like this:


if(e.shiftKey && e.altKey && e.keyCode == 68)



You would need to capture the three key events separately and fire your action only after the third one.


var keys = {
        d: { code: 100, pressed: false, next: 'e' },
        e: { code: 101, pressed: false, next: 'v' },
        v: { code: 118, pressed: false, next: 'd' }
    nextKey = 'd';

$(document).keypress(function(e) {
    if (e.keyCode === keys[nextKey].code) {
        keys[nextKey].pressed = true;
        nextKey = keys[nextKey].next;
    } else {
        keys.d.pressed = false;
        keys.e.pressed = false;
        keys.v.pressed = false;
        nextKey = 'd';

    if (keys.d.pressed && keys.e.pressed && keys.v.pressed) {
        alert('Entering dev mode...');

There's a number of ways to do this of course. This example doesn't require you to hold the keys down simultaneously, just that you type them in order: d e v.

当然有很多方法可以做到这一点。本例不要求您同时按住键,只需按d ev的顺序输入它们。

If you used this, you might want to augment it to clear the pressed flags after some time interval.


Here's a working example.


Disclaimer: I realize the original question said that the keys should be "pressed together". This is just an alternative as other answerers have already provided sufficient solutions for the keys being pressed together.




I tried the three top answers (as of this post), and none of them worked for me. They didn't reset the keys.


If it took 3 keys fire the script, after firing it once - pressing any one of the 3 keys would fire it again.


I just wrote this script and it's working very well. It uses Shift+S to fire, but you can easily change that. It resets after pressing the combination.


var saveArray = new Array();
saveArray[0] = false;
saveArray[1] = false;


    $(document).keydown(function (f){
        if (f.keyCode == 16) {
            saveArray[0] = true;

    $(document).keyup(function (g){
        if(g.which == 16){
            saveArray[0] = false;

    $(document).keydown(function (h){
        if (h.keyCode == 83) {
            saveArray[1] = true;
            if(saveArray[0] == true && saveArray[1] == true){
                saveArray[0] = false;
                saveArray[1] = false;

    $(document).keyup(function (i){
        if (i.which == 83) {
            saveArray[1] = false;

    function keypressSaveFunction(){
        alert("You pressed Shift+S");

Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/9m8yswwo/13/




A bit more modern solution, takes advantage of arrow functions and rest parameters:


const multipleKeypress = (function($document) {
  // Map of keys which are currently down.
  const keymap = {}
  // Update keymap on keydown and keyup events.
    "keydown keyup"
    // If the key is down, assign true to the corresponding
    // propery of keymap, otherwise assign false.
   ,event => keymap[event.keyCode] = event.type === "keydown"
  // The actual function.
  // Takes listener as the first argument,
  // rest of the arguments are key codes.
  return (listener, ...keys) =>
    $document.keydown(() => {
      // Check if every of the specified keys is down.
      if (keys.every(key => keymap[key]))
// Pass a jQuery document object to cache it.

// Example usage:
multipleKeypress(() => console.log("pressed"), 68, 69, 86)

// Automatically focus the snippet result
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<p>Try pressing <kbd>d</kbd>, <kbd>e</kbd> and <kbd>v</kbd> at once.</p>



I have answer from T.J. Crowder in plain javascript for someone who would want to avoid Jquery.

我从T.J. Crowder那里得到了一些简单的javascript答案,希望避开Jquery。

//A W S D simultaneously
var map = {65: false, 87: false, 83: false, 68: false};
document.body.addEventListener('keydown', function (e) {
    var e = e || event; //to deal with old IE
    if (e.keyCode in map) {
        map[e.keyCode] = true;
        if (map[65] && map[87]) {
            console.log('up left');
        }else if (map[83] && map[68]) {
            console.log('down right');
        }else if (map[87] && map[68]) {
            console.log('up right');
        }else if (map[83] && map[65]) {
            console.log('down left');
document.body.addEventListener('keyup', function (e) {
    if (e.keyCode in map) {
        map[e.keyCode] = false;



You should use the keydown and keyup events, to handle more then one key "at the same time".


input.on("keydown", function (e) {
                        if (e.which == 17) {
                            isCtrl = true; // Ctrl

                        /* Ctrl and "c" */
                        if (isCtrl && e.which == 67) {
                            //some code 
                    }).keyup(function (e) {
                        if (e.which == 17) {
                            isCtrl = false; // no Ctrl



if I well understood : example fiddle, http://jsfiddle.net/gAtTk/ (look at your js console)

如果我理解的很好:示例fiddle, http://jsfiddle.net/gAtTk/(查看您的js控制台)

this code will let you enter the word "dev" (and in this example, at the end the event keyup is removed)


(function(seq) {
    var tmp = seq.slice();
    $(document).on("keyup.entersequence", function(e){
        if (!(e.keyCode === tmp.pop())) {
           tmp = seq.slice();
        else {
            if (!tmp.length) {



Use this code to have an event triggered by multiple key presses + Timeout after 100ms to prevent mistypes. In this example : if A,Z,E are pressed within a time period of 100ms, the event will be triggered.

使用此代码使多个键按+ 100ms后超时触发事件,以防止出现错误。在本例中:如果按A、Z、E的时间间隔为100ms,则事件将被触发。

var map = {65:false,90:false,69:false}; //Modify keyCodes here
    map[e.keyCode] = e.keyCode in map ? true : map[e.keyCode] || false;
    var result = Object.keys(map).filter(function(key){
        return map[key];
    }).length === Object.keys(map).length ? true : false;
        //Your event here
            map[key] = false;
        map[e.keyCode] = false;



If you care about the order and also need to hold a key and tap another (ex: Shift + DEL, DEL, DEL...), without having to lift up on the first key to get the event to fire again... I've modified @BlakePlumm's [fiddle] comment which extended @lu1s' comment on @ParthThakkar's answer.

如果你关心订单,还需要拿一个钥匙和另一个(ex: Shift + DEL, DEL, DEL…),而不需要在第一把钥匙上举起来让事件再次发生……我修改了@BlakePlumm的[fiddle]注释,扩展了@lu1s对@ParthThakkar的回复的注释。

Also, using jQuery's .on() allows you to listen for the key sequence only on certain elements. Change 'body' to 'input.selector' or whatever else.


var map = [];
var down = [];
$(document).on('keydown','body', function(e) {
        if(down[0] === 68 && down[1] === 69 && down[2] === 86) {
            console.log('D + E + V');
        } else if(down[0] === 16 && down[1] === 46) {
            console.log('SHIFT + DEL');
        /* more conditions here */
    map[e.which] = true;
}).keyup(function(e) {
    map[e.which] = false;

    /* important for detecting repeat presses of
       last key while holding first key(s)
       (can be shortened. see fiddle) */
    var len = down.length;
    while (len--) {
        if(down[len] === e.which) down.splice(len,1); //removes only the keyup'd key

Additional thoughts: If you only kinda care about the order - that is, the first keys just need to be down, as long as your main event-firing key is pressed last (stuff like CTRL+SHIFT+TAB, TAB, TAB), add this condition:

附加的想法:如果你只关心顺序——也就是说,只要你的主事件触发键按在最后(比如CTRL+SHIFT+TAB, TAB, TAB),第一个键就需要按下,添加以下条件:

else if(down.length>2) {
    if($.inArray(68,down)!=-1 && $.inArray(69,down)!=-1 && down[2] === 86) {
        $('.alert').html('A hacky D+E+V was pressed');

fiddle with more glorious options and live demo: - http://jsfiddle.net/kstarr/4ftL1p3k/

更多精彩的选项和现场演示:- http://jsfiddle.net/kstarr/4ftL1p3k/





Check this out. You might be looking for this.


We can trigger a function on multiple key press. eg: p+t+k

我们可以在多个按键上触发一个函数。例如:p + t + k

 $(document).hotkeys('p', 't', 'k', function (){
        //show blurbox
            blur: 10, animateBlur: true, bgColor: 'rgba(255,255,0,0.2)'

maybe your looking for this.




If you want to detect that the d, e, and v keys were all down at the same time, you have to watch both keydown and keyup and keep a map of the ones that are down. When they're all down, fire your event.

如果你想要检测出d, e,和v的键都在同时下降,你必须同时观察按键和按键,并保存一个按键的地图。当他们都倒下的时候,启动你的事件。

For example: Live copy | source

例如:Live copy |源代码。

var map = {68: false, 69: false, 86: false};
$(document).keydown(function(e) {
    if (e.keyCode in map) {
        map[e.keyCode] = true;
        if (map[68] && map[69] && map[86]) {
            // FIRE EVENT
}).keyup(function(e) {
    if (e.keyCode in map) {
        map[e.keyCode] = false;

I assume you don't care what order they're pressed down in (as that would be a pain to reliably press) as long as they're all down at the same time at some point.




Similar to Vega's...but simpler


var down = {};
$(document).keydown(function(e) {
    down[e.keyCode] = true;
}).keyup(function(e) {
    if (down[68] && down[69] && down[86]) {
        alert('oh hai');
    down[e.keyCode] = false;



Perhaps a simpler key combination would be easier?


How about something like Shift + Alt + D? (You probably shouldn't use the Control key because most browsers already interpret Ctrl+D in one way or another)

比如平移+ Alt + D?(您可能不应该使用控制键,因为大多数浏览器已经以这样或那样的方式解释了Ctrl+D)

The code for this would be something like this:


if(e.shiftKey && e.altKey && e.keyCode == 68)



You would need to capture the three key events separately and fire your action only after the third one.


var keys = {
        d: { code: 100, pressed: false, next: 'e' },
        e: { code: 101, pressed: false, next: 'v' },
        v: { code: 118, pressed: false, next: 'd' }
    nextKey = 'd';

$(document).keypress(function(e) {
    if (e.keyCode === keys[nextKey].code) {
        keys[nextKey].pressed = true;
        nextKey = keys[nextKey].next;
    } else {
        keys.d.pressed = false;
        keys.e.pressed = false;
        keys.v.pressed = false;
        nextKey = 'd';

    if (keys.d.pressed && keys.e.pressed && keys.v.pressed) {
        alert('Entering dev mode...');

There's a number of ways to do this of course. This example doesn't require you to hold the keys down simultaneously, just that you type them in order: d e v.

当然有很多方法可以做到这一点。本例不要求您同时按住键,只需按d ev的顺序输入它们。

If you used this, you might want to augment it to clear the pressed flags after some time interval.


Here's a working example.


Disclaimer: I realize the original question said that the keys should be "pressed together". This is just an alternative as other answerers have already provided sufficient solutions for the keys being pressed together.




I tried the three top answers (as of this post), and none of them worked for me. They didn't reset the keys.


If it took 3 keys fire the script, after firing it once - pressing any one of the 3 keys would fire it again.


I just wrote this script and it's working very well. It uses Shift+S to fire, but you can easily change that. It resets after pressing the combination.


var saveArray = new Array();
saveArray[0] = false;
saveArray[1] = false;


    $(document).keydown(function (f){
        if (f.keyCode == 16) {
            saveArray[0] = true;

    $(document).keyup(function (g){
        if(g.which == 16){
            saveArray[0] = false;

    $(document).keydown(function (h){
        if (h.keyCode == 83) {
            saveArray[1] = true;
            if(saveArray[0] == true && saveArray[1] == true){
                saveArray[0] = false;
                saveArray[1] = false;

    $(document).keyup(function (i){
        if (i.which == 83) {
            saveArray[1] = false;

    function keypressSaveFunction(){
        alert("You pressed Shift+S");

Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/9m8yswwo/13/




A bit more modern solution, takes advantage of arrow functions and rest parameters:


const multipleKeypress = (function($document) {
  // Map of keys which are currently down.
  const keymap = {}
  // Update keymap on keydown and keyup events.
    "keydown keyup"
    // If the key is down, assign true to the corresponding
    // propery of keymap, otherwise assign false.
   ,event => keymap[event.keyCode] = event.type === "keydown"
  // The actual function.
  // Takes listener as the first argument,
  // rest of the arguments are key codes.
  return (listener, ...keys) =>
    $document.keydown(() => {
      // Check if every of the specified keys is down.
      if (keys.every(key => keymap[key]))
// Pass a jQuery document object to cache it.

// Example usage:
multipleKeypress(() => console.log("pressed"), 68, 69, 86)

// Automatically focus the snippet result
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<p>Try pressing <kbd>d</kbd>, <kbd>e</kbd> and <kbd>v</kbd> at once.</p>



I have answer from T.J. Crowder in plain javascript for someone who would want to avoid Jquery.

我从T.J. Crowder那里得到了一些简单的javascript答案,希望避开Jquery。

//A W S D simultaneously
var map = {65: false, 87: false, 83: false, 68: false};
document.body.addEventListener('keydown', function (e) {
    var e = e || event; //to deal with old IE
    if (e.keyCode in map) {
        map[e.keyCode] = true;
        if (map[65] && map[87]) {
            console.log('up left');
        }else if (map[83] && map[68]) {
            console.log('down right');
        }else if (map[87] && map[68]) {
            console.log('up right');
        }else if (map[83] && map[65]) {
            console.log('down left');
document.body.addEventListener('keyup', function (e) {
    if (e.keyCode in map) {
        map[e.keyCode] = false;



You should use the keydown and keyup events, to handle more then one key "at the same time".


input.on("keydown", function (e) {
                        if (e.which == 17) {
                            isCtrl = true; // Ctrl

                        /* Ctrl and "c" */
                        if (isCtrl && e.which == 67) {
                            //some code 
                    }).keyup(function (e) {
                        if (e.which == 17) {
                            isCtrl = false; // no Ctrl



if I well understood : example fiddle, http://jsfiddle.net/gAtTk/ (look at your js console)

如果我理解的很好:示例fiddle, http://jsfiddle.net/gAtTk/(查看您的js控制台)

this code will let you enter the word "dev" (and in this example, at the end the event keyup is removed)


(function(seq) {
    var tmp = seq.slice();
    $(document).on("keyup.entersequence", function(e){
        if (!(e.keyCode === tmp.pop())) {
           tmp = seq.slice();
        else {
            if (!tmp.length) {



Use this code to have an event triggered by multiple key presses + Timeout after 100ms to prevent mistypes. In this example : if A,Z,E are pressed within a time period of 100ms, the event will be triggered.

使用此代码使多个键按+ 100ms后超时触发事件,以防止出现错误。在本例中:如果按A、Z、E的时间间隔为100ms,则事件将被触发。

var map = {65:false,90:false,69:false}; //Modify keyCodes here
    map[e.keyCode] = e.keyCode in map ? true : map[e.keyCode] || false;
    var result = Object.keys(map).filter(function(key){
        return map[key];
    }).length === Object.keys(map).length ? true : false;
        //Your event here
            map[key] = false;
        map[e.keyCode] = false;



If you care about the order and also need to hold a key and tap another (ex: Shift + DEL, DEL, DEL...), without having to lift up on the first key to get the event to fire again... I've modified @BlakePlumm's [fiddle] comment which extended @lu1s' comment on @ParthThakkar's answer.

如果你关心订单,还需要拿一个钥匙和另一个(ex: Shift + DEL, DEL, DEL…),而不需要在第一把钥匙上举起来让事件再次发生……我修改了@BlakePlumm的[fiddle]注释,扩展了@lu1s对@ParthThakkar的回复的注释。

Also, using jQuery's .on() allows you to listen for the key sequence only on certain elements. Change 'body' to 'input.selector' or whatever else.


var map = [];
var down = [];
$(document).on('keydown','body', function(e) {
        if(down[0] === 68 && down[1] === 69 && down[2] === 86) {
            console.log('D + E + V');
        } else if(down[0] === 16 && down[1] === 46) {
            console.log('SHIFT + DEL');
        /* more conditions here */
    map[e.which] = true;
}).keyup(function(e) {
    map[e.which] = false;

    /* important for detecting repeat presses of
       last key while holding first key(s)
       (can be shortened. see fiddle) */
    var len = down.length;
    while (len--) {
        if(down[len] === e.which) down.splice(len,1); //removes only the keyup'd key

Additional thoughts: If you only kinda care about the order - that is, the first keys just need to be down, as long as your main event-firing key is pressed last (stuff like CTRL+SHIFT+TAB, TAB, TAB), add this condition:

附加的想法:如果你只关心顺序——也就是说,只要你的主事件触发键按在最后(比如CTRL+SHIFT+TAB, TAB, TAB),第一个键就需要按下,添加以下条件:

else if(down.length>2) {
    if($.inArray(68,down)!=-1 && $.inArray(69,down)!=-1 && down[2] === 86) {
        $('.alert').html('A hacky D+E+V was pressed');

fiddle with more glorious options and live demo: - http://jsfiddle.net/kstarr/4ftL1p3k/

更多精彩的选项和现场演示:- http://jsfiddle.net/kstarr/4ftL1p3k/





Check this out. You might be looking for this.


We can trigger a function on multiple key press. eg: p+t+k

我们可以在多个按键上触发一个函数。例如:p + t + k

 $(document).hotkeys('p', 't', 'k', function (){
        //show blurbox
            blur: 10, animateBlur: true, bgColor: 'rgba(255,255,0,0.2)'

maybe your looking for this.
