
时间:2021-09-01 00:05:45

How can I separate the lines which are coming from a pipe. In the pipe there is this text:



I want to separate the lines from the pipe because i want to save the values in variables.


Here is my c code:


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define BUFFERSIZE    1

int main(int argc, char **argv){
    unsigned char     buffer[BUFFERSIZE];
    FILE                         *instream;
    int                            bytes_read=0;
    int                            buffer_size=0;

    buffer_size=sizeof(unsigned char)*BUFFERSIZE;
    /* open stdin for reading */

    /* did it open? */
        /* read from stdin until it's end */
        while((bytes_read=fread(&buffer, buffer_size, 1, instream))==buffer_size){
            fprintf(stdout, "%c", buffer[0]);
    /* if any error occured, exit with an error message */
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR opening stdin. aborting.\n");


Is this the right way to read from pipe for the best line by line?


2 个解决方案



This is usually just called reading from stdin. The program shouldn't care whether the input is a pipe, a redirected file, or a keyboard.


fread will just read until the buffer is full. Use fgets to read a line.


Also the buffer size should be big enough to hold the line. For little one-off programs, you can just pick a number. Or there's a standard name BUFSIZ which gives you a pretty-big buffer. How big? Big enough. Really? Probably.


fgets will copy the newline character in the string unless the string fills up first. So you can test the last character to tell if the line was truncated or not. With reasonable inputs, that's not going to happen. But a more robust approach would allocate a larger buffer, copy the partial line, and call fgets again tp keep trying to get a complete line.

fgets将复制字符串中的换行符,除非字符串先填满。因此,您可以测试最后一个字符,以判断该行是否被截断。有了合理的投入,这是不会发生的。但是更强大的方法是分配更大的缓冲区,复制局部线,再次调用fgets tp继续尝试获得完整的线。

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    char buf[BUFSIZ];
    fgets(buf, sizeof buf, stdin);
    if (buf[strlen(buf)-1] == '\n') {
        // read full line
    } else {
        // line was truncated
    return 0;

This gets you halfway to being protected from the dreaded buffer overflow problem. fgets will not write more than the size passed to it. The other half, as mentioned above, is doing something sensible with the possible partial lines that may result from unexpectedly long input lines.

这可以帮助您免受可怕的缓冲区溢出问题的影响。 fgets的写入次数不会超过传递给它的大小。如上所述,另一半是对可能由于意外长输入线可能导致的部分线做了一些明智的事情。



Here's another option (I am not totally sure it is a 'proper' way)- use the number of bytes read by the read function. In this example I was reading from stdin although a redirection was made so the fd in 0 is a file/pipe/whatever you need it to be.

这是另一个选项(我不完全确定它是'正确'的方式) - 使用read函数读取的字节数。在这个例子中,我是从stdin读取的,虽然进行了重定向,因此0中的fd是文件/管道/无论你需要它。

  while ((nbytes=read(STDIN_FILENO, buffer, MAX_PIPE_SIZE)) > 0) {
    write(STDOUT_FILENO, buffer, nbytes);



This is usually just called reading from stdin. The program shouldn't care whether the input is a pipe, a redirected file, or a keyboard.


fread will just read until the buffer is full. Use fgets to read a line.


Also the buffer size should be big enough to hold the line. For little one-off programs, you can just pick a number. Or there's a standard name BUFSIZ which gives you a pretty-big buffer. How big? Big enough. Really? Probably.


fgets will copy the newline character in the string unless the string fills up first. So you can test the last character to tell if the line was truncated or not. With reasonable inputs, that's not going to happen. But a more robust approach would allocate a larger buffer, copy the partial line, and call fgets again tp keep trying to get a complete line.

fgets将复制字符串中的换行符,除非字符串先填满。因此,您可以测试最后一个字符,以判断该行是否被截断。有了合理的投入,这是不会发生的。但是更强大的方法是分配更大的缓冲区,复制局部线,再次调用fgets tp继续尝试获得完整的线。

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    char buf[BUFSIZ];
    fgets(buf, sizeof buf, stdin);
    if (buf[strlen(buf)-1] == '\n') {
        // read full line
    } else {
        // line was truncated
    return 0;

This gets you halfway to being protected from the dreaded buffer overflow problem. fgets will not write more than the size passed to it. The other half, as mentioned above, is doing something sensible with the possible partial lines that may result from unexpectedly long input lines.

这可以帮助您免受可怕的缓冲区溢出问题的影响。 fgets的写入次数不会超过传递给它的大小。如上所述,另一半是对可能由于意外长输入线可能导致的部分线做了一些明智的事情。



Here's another option (I am not totally sure it is a 'proper' way)- use the number of bytes read by the read function. In this example I was reading from stdin although a redirection was made so the fd in 0 is a file/pipe/whatever you need it to be.

这是另一个选项(我不完全确定它是'正确'的方式) - 使用read函数读取的字节数。在这个例子中,我是从stdin读取的,虽然进行了重定向,因此0中的fd是文件/管道/无论你需要它。

  while ((nbytes=read(STDIN_FILENO, buffer, MAX_PIPE_SIZE)) > 0) {
    write(STDOUT_FILENO, buffer, nbytes);