#抽象接口 === 抽象类
1 #python2
2 print("python2---抽象类".center(20,'#'))
3 import abc #需要在python2中测试,如果直接运行会报错
4 #因为没有调用send方法
5 class Alert(object):
6 '''报警基类'''
7 __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
8 @abc.abstractmethod
9 def send(self): #特指了 子类必须实现send方法
10 '''报警消息发送接口'''
11 pass
12 class MailAlert(Alert): #报错函数
13 pass
14 # class MailAlert(Alert): #正确函数
15 # def send(self,msg):
16 # print("-----right---",msg)
17 m = MailAlert()
18 m.send()
19 #m.send('hello')
22 print("python3---抽象类".center(20,'#'))
23 class Alert(object):
24 '''报警基类'''
26 def send(self): #特指了 子类必须实现send方法
27 '''报警消息发送接口'''
28 raise NotImplementedError #主动报错
29 # class MailAlert(Alert): #报错函数
30 # pass
31 class MailAlert(Alert): #正确函数
32 def send(self):
33 print("-----right---")
34 m = MailAlert()
35 m.send()
1 ):
2 def __init__(self,name):
3 self.name = name
4 def eat(self):
5 print("%s is eating...." % self.name)
6 p = person("alex")
7 p.eat()
9 print("转为静态方法".center(20,'#'))
10 #为了解决实例化占用内存,但是到时候会需要考虑一下是不是需要真的真么多实例
11 #静态方法就是不需要实例化
12 class person(object):
13 def __init__(self,name):
14 self.name = name
15 @staticmethod
16 def eat(name,food):#静态方法不能访问公有属性,也不能访问实例
17 print("%s is eating...." % name,food)
18 # p = person("alex") #不需要实例了
19 person.eat("alex","shit")
1 print("类方法".center(20,'#'))
2 class person(object):
3 name = "rain"
4 def __init__(self,name):
5 self.name = name
6 @classmethod #类方法
7 def walk(self): #类方法只能反问类的公有属性不能访问实力属性
8 print("%s is walking.." % self.name)
9 p = person("alex")
10 p.walk()
11 #所以打印出来的是rain在walk
1 print("属性方法".center(20,'#'))
2 class person(object):
3 name = "rain"
4 def __init__(self,name):
5 self.name = name
6 @property #属性方法的作用是把一个方法变成一个静态属性
7 def talk(self):
8 print("%s is talking.." % self.name)
10 @talk.setter
11 def talk(self,msg):
12 print("set msg:",msg)
14 @talk.deleter
15 def talk(self):
16 print("delet talk...")
18 p = person("alex")
19 p.talk #调用不需要加(),相当于你访问的变量其实是一个方法 读取值
20 p.talk = "hello" #这个赋值变量在调用方法 修改值
21 del p.talk #这个是删除 删除值
22 #作用可以参考航班实例
1 print("其他方法".center(20,'#'))
2 class person(object):
3 '''hahahahahah'''
4 def __init__(self,name):
5 self.name = name
6 def tell(self):
7 print("what do you say... %s" % self.name)
8 p = person("jack")
9 p.tell()
10 print(p.__doc__) #打印类的注释打印 hahahahah
11 print(p.__module__) #当前哪个模块 __main__表示当前的某块就在当前
12 print(p.__class__) #当前哪个类
14 #***当属性方法航班状态查询加个判断if __name__ == '__main__':
15 #这样的话在被调用的时候执行了以上的代码,而不被调用一下的调用
17 # print("字符串导入模块".center(20,'#'))
18 # from day import 属性方法航班状态查询
19 # mod = __import__('day8work.属性方法航班状态查询')
20 # print(mod.属性方法航班状态查询.Filght('ca980'))
1 print("meta".center(20,'#'))
2 #普通创建类的方法
3 class Foo(object):
4 def __init__(self, name):
5 self.name = name
6 f = Foo("alex")
7 print(type(f)) #f 由foo foo由 type 生成
8 print(type(Foo))
9 #特殊方法创建类
10 def talk(self,msg):
11 print("%s is talking:%s" % (self.name,msg)) #里面小括号续加上,不然调用不了
12 def __init__(self,name):
13 self.name = name
14 dog = type('dog',(object,),{"talk":talk,"__init__":__init__})
15 print(dog)
16 d = dog("alex")
17 d.talk("eat")
1 print("异常处理".center(20,'#'))
2 # while True:
3 # try:
4 # a1 = input('>>>')
5 # a2 = input('>>>')
6 # a1 = int(a1)
7 # a2 = int(a2)
8 # a3 = a1 + a2
9 # print(a3)
10 # except Exception as e:
11 # # print(e) #e 里面包括的错误信息
12 # print("你输入的错误")
13 #基本结构
14 # try:
15 # 代码块
16 # 代码块
17 # except Exception as e: e 其实就是exception的对象,可以使用其他名称代替
18 # 将错误信息写入日志文件
20 #复杂结构
21 # try:
22 # ...
23 # except:
24 # ...
25 # else: 没有错误的时候执行
26 # ...
27 # finally: 正确与否,代码肯定要执行的
28 # ...
30 #异常对象
31 try:
32 int('fdsfdsf')
33 except Exception as e:
34 print(e) #invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'fdsfdsf'
36 try:
37 li = [11,22]
38 li[3]
39 except Exception as e: #python内部将错误信息封装到e的对象中,就是exceptino
40 print(e) #list index out of range
42 #异常种类
43 #Exception #能将所有的异常都捕获
44 # ...
45 # 其他 只能处理某一种情况
46 # try:
47 # 代码块
48 # 代码块
49 # except ValueErroras e:
50 # 将错误信息写入日志文件
51 # except KeyError as e:
52 # 将错误信息写入日志文件
53 # except Exception as e:
54 # 将错误信息写入日志文件
55 # ValueError 可以替换Exception
56 # KeyError
57 # IOError
58 # IndexError
1 #主动触发异常 程序分层
2 try:
3 raise Exception('error') #主从触发将错误信息封装到e里面
4 except Exception as e:
5 print(e)
7 # try:
8 # result = fool() 拿到返回值来判断,就是没有异常,但是邮件没有发送成功
9 # if result:
10 # pass
11 # else:
12 # raise Exception('邮件发送失败')
13 # foo2()
14 # except Exception as e:
15 # 记录日志
1 print("断言".center(20,'#'))
2 #ios 去打开 安卓的app是不是直接就断开了
3 #所以在开始之前先判断,例如系统
4 # assert(关键字) 条件
5 print(1)
6 assert 1==1 # assert 1==2 只显示1并且抛出错误
7 print(2)
1 print("自定义异常".center(20,'#'))
2 #开发一个类,来继承exception 来实现满足你自己定义的异常
3 class lilierror(Exception):
4 def __init__(self,msg):
5 self.msg = msg
6 super(lilierror,self).__init__(msg)#执行父类的构造方法
7 try:#如果想要打印出来msg必须加上,不然父类不知道
8 name = 'alex'
9 if name != 'lili':
10 raise lilierror('哈哈哈 lili我错了')
11 except IndexError as e:
12 print(e)
13 except lilierror as e:
14 print(e,e.msg) #这个就是调用类方法来显示了
15 except Exception as e:
16 print(e,1111)
17 #重点 1 2 3 4 5 断言和自定义异常很少用 基本代码块+主动触发异常
1 #反射写法
2 # inp = input("请输入url") #account/login
3 # m,n = inp.split('/') #m account n login
4 # from dir import app
5 # action = input('>>') #可以用户输入
6 # # if(hasattr(app,action)):
7 # func =getattr(account,action)
8 # v = getattr(app,action)
9 # result = v()
10 # print(result)
12 #getattr() 专以字符串的形式去某个对象中获取指定的属性
13 #hasattr() 以字符串的形式去某个对象中是否含有指定的属性
14 #setattr(容器,名称,值) 以字符串的形式去某个对象中设置指定的属性
15 #delattr() 以字符串的形式去某个对象中删除指定的属性
17 # from dir import app
18 # action = input('>>') #可以用户输入
19 # if(hasattr(app,action)):
20 # func =getattr(account,action)
21 # result = func()
22 # else
23 # result = '404'
24 # print(result)
26 #反射最终版
27 #通过字符串导入模块,可以实现某块/函数 这样的话通过/分割,就可以实现直接调用
28 #module = __import__('dir.app',formlist=Ture) 这样的话相当于导入模块不加TRUE的话,前面是什么就是什么了
29 # while True:
30 # inp = input("请输入url")
31 # m,n = inp.split('/')
32 # try:
33 # module = __import__('dir.%s' % m,fromlist=True)
34 # if hasattr(module,n):
35 # func =getattr(module,n)
36 # result = func()
37 # else:
38 # result = 404
39 # except Exception as e:
40 # result = '500'
41 # print(result)
1 #socket osi 七层 tcp 三次握手
2 #服务器端
3 #socket.socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM) 先创建sock实例
4 #server.bind('',8000) 监听Ip端口
5 #server.listen(5) 可以多个并列
6 #server.accept() 接收请求
7 #conn(建立链接),client_addr(地址) = server.accept()
8 #conn.send() 发送消息
9 #conn.recv() 接收消息
10 #server.close()
11 #server.send()
13 #客户端
14 # socket.socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM)
15 # client.connect()
16 # client.send()
12.socket编程 c s架构
client 端的代码量

1 #!/usr/bin/env pythonView Code
2 #_*_coding:utf-8_*_
4 # import socket
5 # client = socket.socket()
6 # client.connect(("localhost",9998))
7 # while True:
8 # msg = input(">>:").strip()
9 # if len(msg) == 0: continue
10 # client.send(msg.encode("utf-8"))
11 # data = client.recv(1024)
12 # print("来自服务器:", data)
13 # client.close()
16 #基本结构
17 # import socket
18 # client = socket.socket()
19 # client.connect(('localhost',8000))
20 # client.send(b'hello')
21 # date = client.recv(1024)
22 # print(date)
24 #
25 # #循环收发
26 # import socket
27 # client = socket.socket()
28 # client.connect(('localhost',8000))
29 # while True:
30 # client.send(b'hello')
31 # date = client.recv(1024)
32 # print(date)
35 #单循环客户发送信息
36 # import socket
37 # client = socket.socket()
38 # client.connect(('localhost',8000))
39 # while True:
40 # msg = input('>>>:').strip()
41 # if len(msg) == 0: continue
42 # client.send(msg.encode())
43 # date = client.recv(1024)
44 # print('laizisever',date)
47 #排列链接
48 # import socket
49 # client = socket.socket()
50 # client.connect(('localhost',8000))
51 # while True:
52 # msg = input('>>>:').strip()
53 # if len(msg) == 0: continue
54 # client.send(msg.encode())
55 # date = client.recv(1024)
56 # print('laizisever',date)
57 #
59 #调用Linux系统命令实现ssh top -bn 1
60 # import socket
61 # client = socket.socket()
62 # client.connect(('',8002))
63 # while True:
64 # msg = input('>>>:').strip()
65 # if len(msg) == 0: continue
66 # print('to server', msg)
67 # client.send(msg.encode())
68 # date = client.recv(1024)
69 # print(date.decode())
72 #调用Linux系统命令实现ssh top -bn 1 将接收大文件数据
73 import socket
74 client = socket.socket()
75 client.connect(('',8002))
76 while True:
77 msg = input('>>>:').strip()
78 if len(msg) == 0: continue
79 print('to server', msg)
80 client.send(msg.encode())
81 date = client.recv(1024)
82 print("res:",date.decode())
83 total_size = int(date.decode())
84 recevied_size = 0
85 res = b''
86 while recevied_size < total_size:
87 d = client.recv(1024)
88 res += d
90 recevied_size += len(d)
91 print("rece done----")
92 print(res.decode())
server 端的代码量

1 #!/usr/bin/env pythonView Code
2 #_*_coding:utf-8_*_
5 # import socket
6 # server = socket.socket() #获得socket实例
7 #
8 # server.bind(("localhost",9998)) #绑定ip port
9 # server.listen() #开始监听
10 # print("等待客户端的连接...")
11 # conn,addr = server.accept() #接受并建立与客户端的连接,程序在此处开始阻塞,只到有客户端连接进来...
12 # print("新连接:",addr )
13 # while True:
14 # data = conn.recv(1024)
15 # print("收到消息:",data)
16 # conn.send(b"server")
17 # server.close()
20 #基本结构
21 # import socket
22 # server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)
23 # server.bind(('',8000))
24 # server.listen(5)
25 # # print("hahahahaha")
26 # conn,client_addr = server.accept()
27 # print(conn,client_addr)
28 # date = conn.recv(1024)
29 # conn.send(b'woshisever')
30 # print(date)
32 # #循环收发
33 # import socket
34 # server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)
35 # server.bind(('',8000))
36 # server.listen(5)
37 # conn,client_addr = server.accept()
38 #
39 # while True:
40 # date = conn.recv(1024)
41 # print('shoudao client',date)
42 # conn.send(b'woshisever')
46 #单循环收发客户端信息
47 # import socket
48 # server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)
49 # server.bind(('',8000))
50 # server.listen(5)
51 # conn,client_addr = server.accept()
52 #
53 # while True:
54 # date = conn.recv(1024)
55 # print('shoudao client',date)
56 # conn.send(b'woshisever')
59 #排列链接,当一个断块,另一个可以链接
60 # import socket
61 # server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)
62 # server.bind(('',8000))
63 # server.listen(5)
64 #
65 # while True:
66 # conn,client_addr = server.accept()
67 #
68 # while True:
69 # try:
70 # date = conn.recv(1024)
71 # print('shoudao client',date)
72 # conn.send(b'woshisever')
73 # except ConnectionResetError as e:
74 # print(e)
75 # break
78 #调用Linux系统命令实现ssh
79 # import socket
80 # import subprocess
81 # server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)
82 # server.bind(("",8002))
83 # server.listen(5)
84 # print("--------listen-----------")
85 #
86 # while True:
87 # conn,client_addr = server.accept()
88 # while True:
89 # date = conn.recv(1024)
90 # print("recv from cli:",date)
91 # res = subprocess.Popen(date,shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
92 # conn.send(res.stdout.read())
95 #调用Linux系统命令实现ssh 实现大数据返回消息
96 # import socket
97 # import subprocess
98 # server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)
99 # server.bind(("",8002))
100 # server.listen(5)
101 # print("--------listen-----------")
102 #
103 # while True:
104 # conn,client_addr = server.accept()
105 # while True:
106 # date = conn.recv(1024)
107 # print("recv from cli:",date)
108 # res_obj = subprocess.Popen(date,shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
109 # res = res_obj.stdout.read()
110 # conn.send(str(len(res)).encode())
111 # conn.send(res)