> By joey周琦
- 线性模型一般variance小,bias大;而树模型一般variance大,bias小
- 决策树的优点:具有可读性,分类速度快
- 一般包含三个步骤:
- 特征选择
- 决策树生成
- 剪枝
- 决策树定义:分类决策树模型是一种描述对实例进行分类的树形结构。决策树由结点(node)和有向边(directed edge)组成。结点分为内部结点和叶结点,内部结点表示一个特征(feature),外部结点表示一个类。
- 决策树可以看为一个if-then规则集合,具有“互斥完备”性质
特征选择是选取对训练数据具有分类能力的特征,将最有分类能力的特征放在前面判断。那么如何量化特征的分类能力呢?这里引入一个“信息增益(information gain“的概念
信息理论Information Theory
- 考虑随机变量
x , 若获取x 的确切值,我们可以获取多少信息量? - 知道了一件可能性很小事情的发生,相对于知道一件可能性很大事情的发生,前者的信息量要大很多。如果我们知道一件必然事情要发生,即没有信息量。
- 如何衡量?利用“信息熵(entropy)”,
- 若
x 离散随机变量则熵表示为:H[x]=−∑ip(xi)log2p(xi) - 若
x 连续随机变量则熵表示为:H[x]=−∫p(x)log2p(x)dx - 若
D 为一个数据集,则信息熵表示为:H(D)=−∑x∈Xp(x)log2p(x)
其中- X - 数据集D中所有的类
- p(x) - 每个类所占的比例
- 若
信息增益Information gain
* H(D) - 数据集D的熵
* T - 数据集D在被变量A分割之后所产生的数据子集 D =
* p(t) - 子数据集t所占比例
* H(t) - 子数据集t的熵
使用信息增益作为选择特征依据的算法,叫作ID3算法。如果使用特征增益比作为选择特征的依据,算法为ID4.5, 特征增益比表达式如下:
伪代码为(ID3 wiki):
ID3 (Examples, Target_Attribute, Attributes)
Create a root node for the tree
If all examples are positive, Return the single-node tree Root, with label = +.
If all examples are negative, Return the single-node tree Root, with label = -.
If number of predicting attributes is empty, then Return the single node tree Root,
with label = most common value of the target attribute in the examples.
Otherwise Begin
A ← The Attribute that best classifies examples.
Decision Tree attribute for Root = A.
For each possible value, vi, of A,
Add a new tree branch below Root, corresponding to the test A = vi.
Let Examples(vi) be the subset of examples that have the value vi for A
If Examples(vi) is empty
Then below this new branch add a leaf node with label = most common target value in the examples
Else below this new branch add the subtree ID3 (Examples(vi), Target_Attribute, Attributes – {A})
Return Root
1. 获取数据并且预处理
2. 建立决策树
3. 测试决策树效果
而实验数据来自常用的数据集,”adults”, 链接: http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Adult。 该数据有14个特征,连续或离散,预测目标是离散的二类特征。数据分为训练数据和测试数据。
因为特征包含连续、离散特征,而ID3决策树只支持离散特征,那么首先要解决的问题就是连续数据的离线化。这里主要用了panda库中的一个函数cut, 即在下面的程序中“pd.cut(data_of_feature,bin_num)”这一句。data_of_feature表示某一个特征的数据集,是一列数据,而bin_num就是一个数字,表示将个列连续数据分为多少个离散组。利用这两个参数panda.cut可以自动离散化数据,并且进行合适的分割。 值得一提的是,这里需要将训练数据和测试数据放在一起离散化,因为如果分开离散化,训练数据、测试数据的分割点不同。
代码有些部分是根据adult数据集写死的,比如哪些列是连续的,离散化时需要分割为多少个bin, 如果更换数据集则要相应变动。经过预处理,最终可以得到一个两维的np.ndarray数据,作为生成决策树的输入数据。整体的数据预处理代码如下:
def prepareData(training_data_file_path,testing_data_file_path):
print "prepare adult data"
#To split continues data and have the same split standard, we have to discretize the
#training data and testing data in one batch. And use the panda.cut to discretize .
continue_feature_list = [0,2,4,10,11,12] #The index of continues feature
bins = [10,12,8,12,12,12] #The bins of each continues feature
data = []
training_size = 0
with open(training_data_file_path) as f:
dataList = f.read().splitlines()
for datai in dataList:
training_size += 1
datai_feature_list = datai.split(", ")
with open(testing_data_file_path) as f:
dataList = f.read().splitlines()
for datai in dataList:
datai_feature_list = datai.split(", ")
data = np.array(data)
discretizedData = discretizeData(data, continue_feature_list, bins)
#return training data and testing data
print "training_size: ", training_size
return discretizedData[0:training_size,:],discretizedData[training_size:,:]
#data_of_feature:np.array, the data of a feature
#bin_num: to discretize to how many bins
def discretizeFeature(data_of_feature,bin_num):
return pd.cut(data_of_feature,bin_num)
#data: np.ndarray, the training data
#continue_attr: list
#bins: the length of each discretized feature
#To discretize the continues attribute/feature of data
def discretizeData(data,continue_feature_list,bins):
for feature_i_index in range(len(continue_feature_list)):
feature = continue_feature_list[feature_i_index]
data_of_feature_i = np.array( [float(rowi) for rowi in data[:,feature] ] )#str to float
discretized_feature_i = discretizeFeature(data_of_feature_i,bins[feature_i_index])
print discretized_feature_i
data[:,feature] = np.array(discretized_feature_i) #Use the discretized feature replace the continues feature
return data
def makeTree(data,attributes,target,depth):#构建决策数
#data 训练数据
#attributes 特征和预测目标名字的集合
#target 预测目标
#depth 树的深度(可以为剪枝使用)
#返回的树保存为一个“字典格式”. key:是根部最优的分割特征
#value两种可能。 1 就是预测的label. 2 就是一个字典。字典的key为分割特征的某个值,value就是一个子树
def majority(data,attributes,target): #获取该数据集下,预测值占大多数的那一个
def get_entropy_data(data,attributes,target,rows):#获取熵
def get_expected_entropy_data(data,attributes,attri,target):#获取条件期望熵
def infoGain(data,attributes,attri,target):#获取信息增益
def best_split(data,attributes,target):#获取最优的分割特征
def getValue(data,attributes,best_attri):#获取最优特征的所有值的集合
def getExample(data,attributes,best_attri,val):#获取满足“最优特征==val”的子数据集
''' Created on 2015.10 @author: joeyqzhou '''
import numpy as np
import copy
from matplotlib.mlab import entropy
#return the majority of the label
def majority(data,attributes,target):
target_index = attributes.index(target)
valFreq = {}
for i in range(data.shape[0]):
if valFreq.has_key(data[i,target_index]):
valFreq[ data[i,target_index] ] += 1
valFreq[ data[i,target_index] ] = 1
maxLabel = 0
major = ""
for label in valFreq.keys():
if valFreq[label] > maxLabel:
major = label
max = valFreq[label]
return major
def get_entropy_data(data,attributes,target,rows):
data_len = data.shape[0]
target_index = attributes.index(target)
target_list = list( [ data[i,target_index] for i in range(data_len) if rows[i]==1 ] )
target_set = set(target_list)
len_of_each_target_val = []
for target_val in target_set:
len_of_each_target_val.append( target_list.count(target_val) )
entropy_data = 0.0
for target_count in len_of_each_target_val:
entropy_data += -target_count*1.0/sum(len_of_each_target_val) * np.log(target_count*1.0/sum(len_of_each_target_val) )
return entropy_data*sum(rows)*1.0/len(rows)
def get_expected_entropy_data(data,attributes,attri,target):
attri_index = attributes.index(attri)
attri_value_set = set( data[:,attri_index] )
data_len = data.shape[0]
sum_expected_entropy = 0.0
for attri_value in attri_value_set:
attri_selected_rows = np.zeros(data_len)
for i in range(data_len):
if data[i,attri_index] == attri_value:
attri_selected_rows[i] = 1
sum_expected_entropy += get_entropy_data(data,attributes,target,attri_selected_rows)
return sum_expected_entropy
def infoGain(data,attributes,attri,target):
entropy_data = get_entropy_data(data,attributes,target,np.ones(data.shape[0]))
expected_entropy_data = get_expected_entropy_data(data,attributes,attri,target)
return entropy_data - expected_entropy_data
def best_split(data,attributes,target):
max_info = 0.000001 #Also can be seen as a threshold
best_attri = ""
print "best_split attributes: ",attributes
print "data_len: ", data.shape[0]
for attri in attributes:
if attri != target:
attri_infoGain = infoGain(data,attributes,attri,target)
if attri_infoGain > max_info :
max_info = attri_infoGain
best_attri = attri
print "max_info_gain: ",attri_infoGain
print "best_attri: ", best_attri
return best_attri
#get the possible value of best_attri in the data
def getValue(data,attributes,best_attri):
best_attri_index = attributes.index(best_attri)
return set(data[:,best_attri_index])
#get the data that best_attri==val from parent-data
def getExample(data,attributes,best_attri,val):
best_attri_index = attributes.index(best_attri)
data_len = data.shape[0]
subset_data = [ ]
for i in range(data_len):
if data[i,best_attri_index] == val:
subset_data.append( np.concatenate([data[i,0:best_attri_index],data[i,(best_attri_index+1):]]) )
return np.array(subset_data)
#data: np.ndarray, training data, each row is a piece of data, each column is a feature
#attributes: list , feature name list
#target: target name
def makeTree(data,attributes,target,depth):
print "depth: ", depth
depth += 1
val = [ record[attributes.index(target)] for record in data] #val is the value of target
label_prediction = majority(data,attributes,target)
#if data is empty or attributes is empty
# len(attributes) <= 1, 1 is from the target
if len(attributes) <= 1:
return label_prediction
elif val.count(val[0]) == len(val):
return val[0]
best_attri = best_split(data,attributes,target)
print "best_attri: ", best_attri
if best_attri == "":
return label_prediction
#create a new decision tree
tree = {best_attri:{}}
for val in getValue(data,attributes,best_attri):
examples = getExample(data,attributes,best_attri,val)
if examples.shape[0] == 0: #if the data_len ==0, then this is leaf node whose value is the majority
tree[best_attri][val] = label_prediction
newAttr = copy.copy(attributes)
subTree = makeTree(examples,newAttr,target,depth)
tree[best_attri][val] = subTree
return tree
1. 连续数据的离散化程度,可以影响到最终的准确率。比如,你把年龄这个连续特征分为几段,我一开始分为了4段,准确率就不高,后面试了10段,就提高了不少。所以可以通过调节每个连续特征的分割数目(bin_num),来优化最终的结果
2. 对于决策树无法分辨的情况,可以给出其父树中,大多数的label作为测试结果
经过测试adult.test, 准确率可以达到78.3%左右,但是这个远远没有达到 85%左右的准确率,原因可以有如下
1. 连续特征的离散化有优化空间
2. 没有进行剪枝
- 完整的代码在http://download.csdn.net/detail/u011467621/9211651可以下载。直接运行main.py即可
- 另外,写博客的确经验不是很多,希望可以越来越好吧。如果有任何问题、建议,可以留言或联系我的邮箱dzhouqi@qq.com,一起讨论进步
1 统计学习方法
3 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ID3_algorithm
4 https://github.com/NinjaSteph/DecisionTree (代码参考)