
时间:2022-12-20 23:22:08

I have two classes like this (in the actual project):


namespace app {
    internal class A {

    internal class B {
        private List<A> list;
        private void SomeMethodToTest() {
            list = new List<A>() { new A() };

The I have my Unit test looking something like


public class ATest {
    public void TestSomeMethod() {
        B_Accessor b = new B_Accessor();
        Assert.AreEqual(1, b.list.Count); // ERROR ON THIS LINE

On the marked line I get an InvalidCastException saying something like "unable to cast object of type System.Collections.Generic.List'1[app.A] to type System.Collections.Generic.List'1[app.A_Accessor]

在标记的行上,我得到一个InvalidCastException,说“无法将类型为System.Collections.Generic.List'1 [app.A]的对象强制转换为类型System.Collections.Generic.List'1 [app.A_Accessor]

The problem is that, because A is internal, the auto-generated class B_Accessor looks like


public class B_Accessor : BaseShadow {
    ... stuff ...

    public List<A_Accessor> list { get; set; }

    ... stuff ...

Note that, in the Accessor class, the list is of type List<A_Accessor> and not List<A>. I have specified the InternalsVisibleTo attribute on the application, so the test project can access the type A, but for some reason VS replaces it with the accessor type, which makes the type incompatible with the wrapped type.

请注意,在Accessor类中,列表的类型为List ,而不是List 。我在应用程序上指定了InternalsVisibleTo属性,因此测试项目可以访问类型A,但由于某种原因,VS将其替换为访问者类型,这使得该类型与包装类型不兼容。

How can I work around this other than making A public?


2 个解决方案


I've deleted my previous answer because I hadn't noticed that you were already using InternalsVisibleToAttribute.


What's generating these "accessor" classes? When you say "VS replaces it with the accessor type" do you mean it changes your source code? That sounds very odd - what happens if you put it back to just use A and B instead of A_Accessor and B_Accessor?

是什么产生了这些“访问者”类?当你说“VS用访问者类型替换它”时,你的意思是它改变了你的源代码吗?这听起来很奇怪 - 如果你把它放回去使用A和B而不是A_Accessor和B_Accessor会发生什么?

If you can possibly get rid of autogenerated classes which are meant to look like the real ones, but don't quite, then do get rid of them. I suspect this is just one situation where they'll cause problems.


I've never had any problems just using InternalsVisibleTo and testing internal members directly. (Well, R# sometimes got confused in a previous version, but apart from that...)

我使用InternalsVisibleTo并直接测试内部成员时从未遇到任何问题。 (好吧,R#有时会在以前的版本中混淆,但除此之外......)


It is possible to replace the test project with something like


internal static class AccessorExtensionMethods {
    internal static List<A> Get_list(this PrivateObject po) {
        return (List<A>)po.GetField("list");

public class ATest {
    public void TestSomeMethod() {
        PrivateObject bpo = new PrivateObject(new B());
        B_Accessor b = new B_Accessor(bpo);
        Assert.AreEqual(1, bpo.Get_list().Count);


I've deleted my previous answer because I hadn't noticed that you were already using InternalsVisibleToAttribute.


What's generating these "accessor" classes? When you say "VS replaces it with the accessor type" do you mean it changes your source code? That sounds very odd - what happens if you put it back to just use A and B instead of A_Accessor and B_Accessor?

是什么产生了这些“访问者”类?当你说“VS用访问者类型替换它”时,你的意思是它改变了你的源代码吗?这听起来很奇怪 - 如果你把它放回去使用A和B而不是A_Accessor和B_Accessor会发生什么?

If you can possibly get rid of autogenerated classes which are meant to look like the real ones, but don't quite, then do get rid of them. I suspect this is just one situation where they'll cause problems.


I've never had any problems just using InternalsVisibleTo and testing internal members directly. (Well, R# sometimes got confused in a previous version, but apart from that...)

我使用InternalsVisibleTo并直接测试内部成员时从未遇到任何问题。 (好吧,R#有时会在以前的版本中混淆,但除此之外......)


It is possible to replace the test project with something like


internal static class AccessorExtensionMethods {
    internal static List<A> Get_list(this PrivateObject po) {
        return (List<A>)po.GetField("list");

public class ATest {
    public void TestSomeMethod() {
        PrivateObject bpo = new PrivateObject(new B());
        B_Accessor b = new B_Accessor(bpo);
        Assert.AreEqual(1, bpo.Get_list().Count);