
时间:2022-12-20 23:22:14

How can I prevent a method from getting overridden in a subclass, missing a call to its superclass' implementation within?.
I know calling [super methodName]; will solve my problem sometimes.
But if somebody else was to use my parent class and overrode my method, accidentally missing to call super, what can I do?

如何防止方法在子类中被重写,从而丢失对其超类实现的调用?我知道调用[super methodName];有时会解决我的问题。但是如果其他人使用我的父类,并且重写了我的方法,不小心错过了调用super,我能做什么呢?

Some more explanations:


I create a viewcontroller VC1 which has a method -(void)indexDidChange:(int)index { }. I write some actions there which I need to perform every time. and I subclass this viewcontroller named as SVC1 in it I need -(void)indexDidChange:(int)index { } for doing some other actions but at the same time the VC1 -(void)indexDidChange:(int)index { } action also need to perform. So I need to call like,

我创建了一个viewcontroller VC1,它有一个方法-(void)indexDidChange:(int)索引{}。我在那里写了一些我每次都需要执行的动作。我将这个名为SVC1的视图控制器子类化我需要-(void)indexDidChange:(int)index{}用于执行其他操作,但同时VC1 -(void)indexDidChange:(int)index{}操作也需要执行。我需要像,

 -(void)indexDidChange:(int)index { 
[super indexDidChange:index];

So I decide to change VC1 function like,


  -(void)indexDidChange:(int)index {
     [self currentIndexDidChange:(int)index];

-(void)currentIndexDidChange:(int)index { }

And I need -(void)currentIndexDidChange:(int)index { } to override and prevent -(void)indexDidChange:(int)index { } from overriding.


Is it possible?


3 个解决方案



Edit: After OP rephrased the question it is clear that OP is actually NOT looking for final methods, despite the questions initial phrasing, which implied just this.


New (updated) answer to OP's question on method overriding safety:

According to your rephrased question you are not looking for protecting a method from being overridden at all, but rather worried about one of your subclasses overriding a method and accidently missing to include a call to super in its new implementation.


This however is a fairly common and widespread issue and something you're dealing with on a daily basis, without paying much attention to it.


Every Objective-C programmer is familiar with the following method, right?


- (void)dealloc {
    [iVar release], iVar = nil;
    [super dealloc]; //skipping this call to super is fatal!

And we al know that skipping the [super dealloc]; makes things get uncomfortable. (afaik the clang compiler issues a warning if dealloc lacks the call to super, …pretty handy.)

我们都知道跳过[super dealloc];让事情变得不舒服。(如果dealloc没有调用super,那么clang编译器会发出警告……非常方便。)

Despite the fact that a bad overriding of this method can have fatal consequences Apple did not choose to put any kind of security system in place here.


Instead Apple did this (as done with any other method requiring calls to super):


  • Add a note to the method's documentation:
  • 在方法的文档中添加说明:

After performing the class-specific deallocation, the subclass method should incorporate superclass versions of dealloc through a message to super


  • Expect you, the programmer, to be a grown-up and responsible for what you do. And for playing by the rules (as defined by the documentation).
  • 期待你,程序员,成为一个成年人,对你所做的事情负责。并按规则进行操作(由文档定义)。

Keep in mind that - (void)dealloc is by no means an exception. There are dozens and dozens of methods of this type in Cocoa. (Take just about any derivative of - (id)init, most of the KVO observing methods, etc. just to name a few.)

记住- (void)dealloc绝不是例外。在Cocoa中有几十种这种类型的方法。(取- (id)init的任何导数,大多数KVO观察方法,等等,仅举几个例子。)

So what you should do is:


  1. Write a good documentation for your method. (better for your entire project, actually)
  2. 为您的方法编写一个好的文档。(实际上对你的整个项目来说更好)
  3. Add a big loud note to your method's documentation, explaining its rules.
  4. 在方法的文档中添加一个大的注释,解释它的规则。
  5. Add a note to each of your subclasses' overridden method implementations, right above the line that's calling super, telling the reader/dev to look up documentation, when in doubt of the rules. (optional)
  6. 在每个子类的覆盖方法实现中添加一个注释,在调用super的行之上,告诉读者/dev在不确定规则的情况下查找文档。(可选)
  7. Code responsibly. Otherwise, you shouldn't be coding in first place. It's your customers who will suffer from it, eventually.
  8. 代码负责。否则,您不应该首先编写代码。最终,你的客户将受到影响。

Old (pre-rephrasing) answer on archieving pseudo-final methods:

What you are asking for is the equivalent of a final function, as known from Java or C++. Unlike Java or C++, however there are no final methods in Objective-C.


Depending on your situation there are solutions that might bring your at least near to what you're aiming for. All you'll get though is slightly better separation. You won't get any significant security from them. In Objective-C you cannot even be sure about the origin of your methods. Method swizzling allows you to exchange methods at will. With code injection you an even inject code into processes at runtime. All this is by design of Objective-C. Objective-C allows you to saw off the branch you're sitting on. Thus it demands you to act like a grown-up. As such there are no private methods either. If a method is proclaim private you as a dev are expected to behave accordingly.


Now to possible "solutions":


If only your super class if supposed to call the given (final) method anyway:


  1. Then Macmade's solution of making your method a pseudo-private method would work quite well. The downside of hiding method declarations though is, that calling your hidden method from subclasses will give you a compiler warning, basically preventing*(sic!)* you from calling it. (It will not prevent you from calling the method though. It will only avoid you from doing so, by throwing compiler warnings.)
  2. 然后Macmade的解决方案,使您的方法一个伪私有方法将会很好地工作。但是隐藏方法声明的缺点是,从子类调用隐藏方法会给您一个编译器警告,基本上会阻止您调用它。(但它不会阻止您调用该方法。它只会通过抛出编译器警告来避免您这样做)。

If subclasses however are expected to call the given (final) method:


  1. Use a delegation pattern and by this only make those methods public that are allowed to be overridden.
  2. 使用委托模式,通过这种方式只公开允许重写的那些方法。
  3. To prevent overriding at all you could use the class cluster & abstract factory patterns, which hides your implementation classes and thus preventing overriding entirely. (Apple's NSArray, NSDictionary, NSSet classes do this)
  4. 为了避免重写,您可以使用类集群和抽象工厂模式,它们隐藏了实现类,从而完全避免重写。(苹果的NSArray, NSDictionary, NSSet类做这个)

However you might notice that with Objective-C lack of protection one usually can only choose between the two: openness, protectedness, not intermix them.




You can use categories in the implementation, so your methods aren't exposed in your header file.




@interface MyClass( Private )

- ( void )myMethod;


@implementation MyClass( Private )

- ( void )myMethod


@implementation MyClass

/* ... */




If you don't declare your function in the ".h file" then its not listed, I think.




Edit: After OP rephrased the question it is clear that OP is actually NOT looking for final methods, despite the questions initial phrasing, which implied just this.


New (updated) answer to OP's question on method overriding safety:

According to your rephrased question you are not looking for protecting a method from being overridden at all, but rather worried about one of your subclasses overriding a method and accidently missing to include a call to super in its new implementation.


This however is a fairly common and widespread issue and something you're dealing with on a daily basis, without paying much attention to it.


Every Objective-C programmer is familiar with the following method, right?


- (void)dealloc {
    [iVar release], iVar = nil;
    [super dealloc]; //skipping this call to super is fatal!

And we al know that skipping the [super dealloc]; makes things get uncomfortable. (afaik the clang compiler issues a warning if dealloc lacks the call to super, …pretty handy.)

我们都知道跳过[super dealloc];让事情变得不舒服。(如果dealloc没有调用super,那么clang编译器会发出警告……非常方便。)

Despite the fact that a bad overriding of this method can have fatal consequences Apple did not choose to put any kind of security system in place here.


Instead Apple did this (as done with any other method requiring calls to super):


  • Add a note to the method's documentation:
  • 在方法的文档中添加说明:

After performing the class-specific deallocation, the subclass method should incorporate superclass versions of dealloc through a message to super


  • Expect you, the programmer, to be a grown-up and responsible for what you do. And for playing by the rules (as defined by the documentation).
  • 期待你,程序员,成为一个成年人,对你所做的事情负责。并按规则进行操作(由文档定义)。

Keep in mind that - (void)dealloc is by no means an exception. There are dozens and dozens of methods of this type in Cocoa. (Take just about any derivative of - (id)init, most of the KVO observing methods, etc. just to name a few.)

记住- (void)dealloc绝不是例外。在Cocoa中有几十种这种类型的方法。(取- (id)init的任何导数,大多数KVO观察方法,等等,仅举几个例子。)

So what you should do is:


  1. Write a good documentation for your method. (better for your entire project, actually)
  2. 为您的方法编写一个好的文档。(实际上对你的整个项目来说更好)
  3. Add a big loud note to your method's documentation, explaining its rules.
  4. 在方法的文档中添加一个大的注释,解释它的规则。
  5. Add a note to each of your subclasses' overridden method implementations, right above the line that's calling super, telling the reader/dev to look up documentation, when in doubt of the rules. (optional)
  6. 在每个子类的覆盖方法实现中添加一个注释,在调用super的行之上,告诉读者/dev在不确定规则的情况下查找文档。(可选)
  7. Code responsibly. Otherwise, you shouldn't be coding in first place. It's your customers who will suffer from it, eventually.
  8. 代码负责。否则,您不应该首先编写代码。最终,你的客户将受到影响。

Old (pre-rephrasing) answer on archieving pseudo-final methods:

What you are asking for is the equivalent of a final function, as known from Java or C++. Unlike Java or C++, however there are no final methods in Objective-C.


Depending on your situation there are solutions that might bring your at least near to what you're aiming for. All you'll get though is slightly better separation. You won't get any significant security from them. In Objective-C you cannot even be sure about the origin of your methods. Method swizzling allows you to exchange methods at will. With code injection you an even inject code into processes at runtime. All this is by design of Objective-C. Objective-C allows you to saw off the branch you're sitting on. Thus it demands you to act like a grown-up. As such there are no private methods either. If a method is proclaim private you as a dev are expected to behave accordingly.


Now to possible "solutions":


If only your super class if supposed to call the given (final) method anyway:


  1. Then Macmade's solution of making your method a pseudo-private method would work quite well. The downside of hiding method declarations though is, that calling your hidden method from subclasses will give you a compiler warning, basically preventing*(sic!)* you from calling it. (It will not prevent you from calling the method though. It will only avoid you from doing so, by throwing compiler warnings.)
  2. 然后Macmade的解决方案,使您的方法一个伪私有方法将会很好地工作。但是隐藏方法声明的缺点是,从子类调用隐藏方法会给您一个编译器警告,基本上会阻止您调用它。(但它不会阻止您调用该方法。它只会通过抛出编译器警告来避免您这样做)。

If subclasses however are expected to call the given (final) method:


  1. Use a delegation pattern and by this only make those methods public that are allowed to be overridden.
  2. 使用委托模式,通过这种方式只公开允许重写的那些方法。
  3. To prevent overriding at all you could use the class cluster & abstract factory patterns, which hides your implementation classes and thus preventing overriding entirely. (Apple's NSArray, NSDictionary, NSSet classes do this)
  4. 为了避免重写,您可以使用类集群和抽象工厂模式,它们隐藏了实现类,从而完全避免重写。(苹果的NSArray, NSDictionary, NSSet类做这个)

However you might notice that with Objective-C lack of protection one usually can only choose between the two: openness, protectedness, not intermix them.




You can use categories in the implementation, so your methods aren't exposed in your header file.




@interface MyClass( Private )

- ( void )myMethod;


@implementation MyClass( Private )

- ( void )myMethod


@implementation MyClass

/* ... */




If you don't declare your function in the ".h file" then its not listed, I think.
