
时间:2022-05-12 23:00:00

I have six string variables say str11, str12, str13, str21, str21 and str23.


I need to compare combination of these variables.


The combinations I have to check is str11 -- str12 -- str13 as one group and str21 -- str22 -- str23 as other group. I have to compare these two groups.

我必须检查的组合是str11 - str12 - str13作为一组,str21 - str22 - str23作为其他组。我必须比较这两组。

Now I'm in confusion which method should I use for comparison?


Can I append strings of same group and compare, which is only one comparison say ( str11 append str12 append str13 ) eqauls ( str21 append str22 append str23 )



Should I go for individual 3 comparisons?


if( str11 equals str21 ) {

    if( str12 equals str22 ) {

        if( str13 equals str23 ) {




What is performance factor which costs me because of string length when I do string comparison? Lets us assume all strings are of same( approx ) length.


8 个解决方案


I’d test individually.


Is “AB” “CD” “EF” equal to “ABC” “DE” “F”?


Me thinks not.


P.S. If it is, then it’s a VERY special case, and if you decide to code it that way (as a concatenated comparison) then comment the hell out of it.



Splitting the comparison into three if statements is definitely not necessary. You could also simply do an AND with your comparisons, eg


if (  str11 equals str21
   && str12 equals str22
   && str13 equals str23) ...


Your variable names indicate a major code smell. It sounds like instead of having six variables, you should instead have two arrays, each containing three strings. In other words, something like this initially would have been much better:


String[][] strs = new String[2][3];
strs[0][0] = str11;
strs[0][1] = str12;

Chances are that depending where you obtained the six strings from, you will not need to do this manually immediately before the comparison, but can likely pass in your arguments in a format that is more friendly.


If you do wish to do this by comparing arrays of the string objects, and you are using Java 1.5 or above, remember that you have access to the java.util.Arrays.equals() methods for array equality. Using library methods as much as possible is a great way to avoid extra effort reinventing the wheel, and possible implementation mistakes (both submitted implementations so far have bugs, for example).

如果您希望通过比较字符串对象的数组来实现此目的,并且您使用的是Java 1.5或更高版本,请记住您可以访问java.util.Arrays.equals()方法以获得数组相等性。尽可能使用库方法是避免额外工作重新发明*的好方法,以及可能的实现错误(例如,目前提交的实现都有错误)。

The exact route you take probably depends on the domain you are writing for - if your particular problem requires you to always compare 3-tuples, then writing the code to explictly compare groups of three strings would not be such a good idea, as it would probably be more immediately understandable than code that compared arrays of arbitrary length. (If you are going this route, then by all means us a single if() conditional with && instead of nested if blocks, as Adam Bellaire demonstrated).

您采取的确切路线可能取决于您所写的域 - 如果您的特定问题要求您始终比较3元组,那么编写代码以明确比较三个字符串的组将不是一个好主意,因为它会可能比比较任意长度的数组的代码更容易理解。 (如果你要走这条路线,那么无论如何我们用一个if()条件用&&而不是嵌套if块,如Adam Bellaire所示)。

In general though, you'll have a much more reuable block of code if you set it up to work with arrays of arbitrary length.



Appending the strings together and comparing will not work. For instance, strings 1 and 2 could be empty and string 3 could contain "gorps", while string 4 contains "gorps" and 5 and 6 are empty. A comparison of the appended results would return true, though that would be a false positive. You would have to come up with a delimiter you guarantee would not be contained in any string to get this to work, and that could get messy.


I would just do the comparison the way you are doing it. It's readable and straightforward.



The iteration over over one large char[] is probably faster than iteration over n separate string of a total equal length. This is because data is very local and the CPU has an easy time to prefetch data.

在一个大的char []上的迭代可能比在相等长度的n个单独的字符串上的迭代更快。这是因为数据非常本地化,CPU很容易预取数据。

However, when you concatenate multiple strings in Java you will use StringBuilder/Buffer and then convert i back to a String in several cases. This will cause increased memory allocation due to how SB.append() works and Java String being immutable, which in turn can create a memory bottleneck and slow down your application significantly.

但是,当您在Java中连接多个字符串时,您将使用StringBuilder / Buffer,然后在几种情况下将i转换回String。由于SB.append()的工作方式和Java String是不可变的,这将导致内存分配增加,这反过来可能会造成内存瓶颈并显着降低应用程序的速度。

I would recommend keeping the Strings as is and do separate comparison. The gain in performance due to a longer char[] most likely is far less than the problems you can run in to with the higher allocation rate.

我建议保持字符串不变并进行单独比较。由于较长的char []而导致的性能提升最有可能远远低于您可以在更高的分配率下运行的问题。


With all respect: I think your code and question not only smells a bit, but almost stinks (big smiley here).


1) the variable names indicate actually having string-vectors around; as already mentioned
2) the question of individual compares vs. a concatenated compare raises the question of how you define equality of your string-tuples; also already mentioned.


But what strikes me most:


3) To me that looks like a typical case of "premature optimization" and counting CPU cycles at the wrong place.


If you really care for the performance, forget about the cost of 3 individual compares against a single compare. Instead:


How about the added overhead of creating two concatenated strings ?


  (str11 + str12 + str13) = (str21 + str22 + str23)

Lets analyze that w.r.t. to the memory manager and operations to be done. On the low level, that translates is 4 additional memory allocations, 2 additional strcpy's, and either another 4 additional strcat or strcpy (depending on how the VM does it; but most would use another strcpy) operations. Then a single compare is called for, which does not first count the characters using strlen; instead it either knows the size in advance (if the object header also includes the number of chars, which is likely) or it simply runs up to a 0-byte. That is called once vs. 3 times. The actual number of chars to compare is roughly the same (forget about the extra 0-bytes). That leaves us with 2 additional calls to strcmp (a few nS), vs. the overhead I described above (a few uS). If we add up the GC reclamation overhead (0 allocations vs. 4), I'd say that your "optimized" solution can easily be a 100 to 1000 times slower than the 3 strcmps !


Additional Notice:
Theroretically, the JITter could optimize it or some of it, and actually generate code as suggested by Adam Bellaire, but I doubt that any JIT-developer cares to optimize such code. By the way, the system's string routines (aka String operations) are usually MUCH faster than handcoding, so do not start to loop over individual characters yourself.

附加说明:从理论上讲,JITter可以优化它或其中的一些,并实际生成Adam Bellire建议的代码,但我怀疑任何JIT开发人员都关心优化这些代码。顺便说一下,系统的字符串例程(也就是字符串操作)通常比手动编码快很多,因此不要自己开始遍历单个字符。


I would add the two groups in two arrays, and then loop over the arrays to compare the individual strings in that array. A good example is already in the ansewers, given by Markus Lausberg.

我会在两个数组中添加两个组,然后遍历数组以比较该数组中的各个字符串。马库斯·劳斯伯格(Markus Lausberg)给出了一个很好的例子。

I would not be concerned about performance costs. Just write it in the most readable way possible. The Java compiler is very good in performance optimizations.

我不会担心性能成本。只需以最易读的方式编写它。 Java编译器在性能优化方面非常出色。

Example method:

    public boolean compareGroups(String[] group1, String[] group2){
    if (group1.length != group2.length ){
        return false;

    for (int i = 0; i < group1.length; i++) {
        if (!group1[i].equals(group2[i])){
            return false;

    return true;

And calling the method is ofcourse simple:


        String[] group1 = new String[]{"String 1", "String 2", "String 3"};
    String[] group2 = new String[]{"String 1", "String 2", "String 3"};

    boolean result = compareGroups(group1, group2);


i would use the simple way


dynamic run over all array elements of both arrays.


            boolean isEqual = true;
            for(int n = 0;n<str1.length;++n){
                isEqual &= str1[n].equals(str2[n]);

            return isEqual;


I’d test individually.


Is “AB” “CD” “EF” equal to “ABC” “DE” “F”?


Me thinks not.


P.S. If it is, then it’s a VERY special case, and if you decide to code it that way (as a concatenated comparison) then comment the hell out of it.



Splitting the comparison into three if statements is definitely not necessary. You could also simply do an AND with your comparisons, eg


if (  str11 equals str21
   && str12 equals str22
   && str13 equals str23) ...


Your variable names indicate a major code smell. It sounds like instead of having six variables, you should instead have two arrays, each containing three strings. In other words, something like this initially would have been much better:


String[][] strs = new String[2][3];
strs[0][0] = str11;
strs[0][1] = str12;

Chances are that depending where you obtained the six strings from, you will not need to do this manually immediately before the comparison, but can likely pass in your arguments in a format that is more friendly.


If you do wish to do this by comparing arrays of the string objects, and you are using Java 1.5 or above, remember that you have access to the java.util.Arrays.equals() methods for array equality. Using library methods as much as possible is a great way to avoid extra effort reinventing the wheel, and possible implementation mistakes (both submitted implementations so far have bugs, for example).

如果您希望通过比较字符串对象的数组来实现此目的,并且您使用的是Java 1.5或更高版本,请记住您可以访问java.util.Arrays.equals()方法以获得数组相等性。尽可能使用库方法是避免额外工作重新发明*的好方法,以及可能的实现错误(例如,目前提交的实现都有错误)。

The exact route you take probably depends on the domain you are writing for - if your particular problem requires you to always compare 3-tuples, then writing the code to explictly compare groups of three strings would not be such a good idea, as it would probably be more immediately understandable than code that compared arrays of arbitrary length. (If you are going this route, then by all means us a single if() conditional with && instead of nested if blocks, as Adam Bellaire demonstrated).

您采取的确切路线可能取决于您所写的域 - 如果您的特定问题要求您始终比较3元组,那么编写代码以明确比较三个字符串的组将不是一个好主意,因为它会可能比比较任意长度的数组的代码更容易理解。 (如果你要走这条路线,那么无论如何我们用一个if()条件用&&而不是嵌套if块,如Adam Bellaire所示)。

In general though, you'll have a much more reuable block of code if you set it up to work with arrays of arbitrary length.



Appending the strings together and comparing will not work. For instance, strings 1 and 2 could be empty and string 3 could contain "gorps", while string 4 contains "gorps" and 5 and 6 are empty. A comparison of the appended results would return true, though that would be a false positive. You would have to come up with a delimiter you guarantee would not be contained in any string to get this to work, and that could get messy.


I would just do the comparison the way you are doing it. It's readable and straightforward.



The iteration over over one large char[] is probably faster than iteration over n separate string of a total equal length. This is because data is very local and the CPU has an easy time to prefetch data.

在一个大的char []上的迭代可能比在相等长度的n个单独的字符串上的迭代更快。这是因为数据非常本地化,CPU很容易预取数据。

However, when you concatenate multiple strings in Java you will use StringBuilder/Buffer and then convert i back to a String in several cases. This will cause increased memory allocation due to how SB.append() works and Java String being immutable, which in turn can create a memory bottleneck and slow down your application significantly.

但是,当您在Java中连接多个字符串时,您将使用StringBuilder / Buffer,然后在几种情况下将i转换回String。由于SB.append()的工作方式和Java String是不可变的,这将导致内存分配增加,这反过来可能会造成内存瓶颈并显着降低应用程序的速度。

I would recommend keeping the Strings as is and do separate comparison. The gain in performance due to a longer char[] most likely is far less than the problems you can run in to with the higher allocation rate.

我建议保持字符串不变并进行单独比较。由于较长的char []而导致的性能提升最有可能远远低于您可以在更高的分配率下运行的问题。


With all respect: I think your code and question not only smells a bit, but almost stinks (big smiley here).


1) the variable names indicate actually having string-vectors around; as already mentioned
2) the question of individual compares vs. a concatenated compare raises the question of how you define equality of your string-tuples; also already mentioned.


But what strikes me most:


3) To me that looks like a typical case of "premature optimization" and counting CPU cycles at the wrong place.


If you really care for the performance, forget about the cost of 3 individual compares against a single compare. Instead:


How about the added overhead of creating two concatenated strings ?


  (str11 + str12 + str13) = (str21 + str22 + str23)

Lets analyze that w.r.t. to the memory manager and operations to be done. On the low level, that translates is 4 additional memory allocations, 2 additional strcpy's, and either another 4 additional strcat or strcpy (depending on how the VM does it; but most would use another strcpy) operations. Then a single compare is called for, which does not first count the characters using strlen; instead it either knows the size in advance (if the object header also includes the number of chars, which is likely) or it simply runs up to a 0-byte. That is called once vs. 3 times. The actual number of chars to compare is roughly the same (forget about the extra 0-bytes). That leaves us with 2 additional calls to strcmp (a few nS), vs. the overhead I described above (a few uS). If we add up the GC reclamation overhead (0 allocations vs. 4), I'd say that your "optimized" solution can easily be a 100 to 1000 times slower than the 3 strcmps !


Additional Notice:
Theroretically, the JITter could optimize it or some of it, and actually generate code as suggested by Adam Bellaire, but I doubt that any JIT-developer cares to optimize such code. By the way, the system's string routines (aka String operations) are usually MUCH faster than handcoding, so do not start to loop over individual characters yourself.

附加说明:从理论上讲,JITter可以优化它或其中的一些,并实际生成Adam Bellire建议的代码,但我怀疑任何JIT开发人员都关心优化这些代码。顺便说一下,系统的字符串例程(也就是字符串操作)通常比手动编码快很多,因此不要自己开始遍历单个字符。


I would add the two groups in two arrays, and then loop over the arrays to compare the individual strings in that array. A good example is already in the ansewers, given by Markus Lausberg.

我会在两个数组中添加两个组,然后遍历数组以比较该数组中的各个字符串。马库斯·劳斯伯格(Markus Lausberg)给出了一个很好的例子。

I would not be concerned about performance costs. Just write it in the most readable way possible. The Java compiler is very good in performance optimizations.

我不会担心性能成本。只需以最易读的方式编写它。 Java编译器在性能优化方面非常出色。

Example method:

    public boolean compareGroups(String[] group1, String[] group2){
    if (group1.length != group2.length ){
        return false;

    for (int i = 0; i < group1.length; i++) {
        if (!group1[i].equals(group2[i])){
            return false;

    return true;

And calling the method is ofcourse simple:


        String[] group1 = new String[]{"String 1", "String 2", "String 3"};
    String[] group2 = new String[]{"String 1", "String 2", "String 3"};

    boolean result = compareGroups(group1, group2);


i would use the simple way


dynamic run over all array elements of both arrays.


            boolean isEqual = true;
            for(int n = 0;n<str1.length;++n){
                isEqual &= str1[n].equals(str2[n]);

            return isEqual;