9 个解决方案
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
For i = 0 To 5
For j = 0 To 5
If a(i) = b(j) Then
ReDim Preserve c(SameIndex) As String
c(SameIndex) = a(i)
SameIndex = SameIndex + 1
GoTo ExitFor
End If
Debug.Print "数组a存在而数组b没有的数据:" & a(i)
ExitFor: Next
For i = 0 To UBound(c)
Print c(i)
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To 5
a(i) = Chr(65 + i)
' a(0) = "A" 'a数组
' a(1) = "B"
' a(2) = "C"
' a(3) = "D"
' a(4) = "E"
' a(5) = "F"
b(0) = "K"
b(1) = "D"
b(2) = "F"
b(3) = "A"
b(4) = "O"
b(5) = "Z"
End Sub
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
For i = 0 To 5
For j = 0 To 5
If a(i) = b(j) Then
ReDim Preserve c(SameIndex) As String
c(SameIndex) = a(i)
SameIndex = SameIndex + 1
GoTo ExitFor
End If
Debug.Print "数组a存在而数组b没有的数据:" & a(i)
ExitFor: Next
For i = 0 To UBound(c)
Print c(i)
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To 5
a(i) = Chr(65 + i)
' a(0) = "A" 'a数组
' a(1) = "B"
' a(2) = "C"
' a(3) = "D"
' a(4) = "E"
' a(5) = "F"
b(0) = "K"
b(1) = "D"
b(2) = "F"
b(3) = "A"
b(4) = "O"
b(5) = "Z"
End Sub
然后用B中的元素 去hashtable中查询 (这里的查询不是for 循环) 直接去取
查询到的 hashtable 移掉
然后用B中的元素 去hashtable中查询 (这里的查询不是for 循环) 直接去取
查询到的 hashtable 移掉
Option Explicit
Function FindSameString(ByVal sArray1 As Variant, ByVal sArray2 As Variant) As Variant
Dim sResult() As String, iResult As Integer
Dim iLoop1 As Integer, iLoop2 As Integer
iResult = 0
For iLoop1 = LBound(sArray1) To UBound(sArray1)
For iLoop2 = LBound(sArray2) To UBound(sArray2)
If sArray2(iLoop2) = sArray1(iLoop1) Then
ReDim Preserve sResult(iResult)
sResult(iResult) = sArray1(iLoop1)
iResult = iResult + 1
Exit For
End If
Next iLoop2
Next iLoop1
FindSameString = sResult
End Function
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim a(5) As String, b(3) As String
Dim c() As String, i As Integer
a(0) = "A"
a(1) = "BB"
a(2) = "CCC"
a(3) = "DDDD"
a(4) = "EEEEE"
a(5) = "FFFFFF"
b(0) = "BB"
b(1) = "AA"
b(2) = "CCC"
b(3) = "AAA"
c = FindSameString(a, b)
For i = LBound(c) To UBound(c)
Debug.Print c(i)
Next i
End Sub
Option Explicit
Function FindSameString(ByVal sArray1 As Variant, ByVal sArray2 As Variant) As Variant
Dim sResult() As String, iResult As Integer
Dim iLoop1 As Integer, iLoop2 As Integer
iResult = 0
For iLoop1 = LBound(sArray1) To UBound(sArray1)
For iLoop2 = LBound(sArray2) To UBound(sArray2)
If sArray2(iLoop2) = sArray1(iLoop1) Then
ReDim Preserve sResult(iResult)
sResult(iResult) = sArray1(iLoop1)
iResult = iResult + 1
Exit For
End If
Next iLoop2
Next iLoop1
FindSameString = sResult
End Function
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim a(5) As String, b(3) As String
Dim c() As String, i As Integer
a(0) = "A"
a(1) = "BB"
a(2) = "CCC"
a(3) = "DDDD"
a(4) = "EEEEE"
a(5) = "FFFFFF"
b(0) = "BB"
b(1) = "AA"
b(2) = "CCC"
b(3) = "AAA"
c = FindSameString(a, b)
For i = LBound(c) To UBound(c)
Debug.Print c(i)
Next i
End Sub
寻找A中存在而B中不存在的字符串, 或者寻找B中存在而A中不存在的字符串
Option Explicit
Function FindNotExistString(ByVal sArray1 As Variant, ByVal sArray2 As Variant) As Variant
Dim sResult() As String, iResult As Integer
Dim iLoop1 As Integer, iLoop2 As Integer
Dim bExist As Boolean
iResult = 0
For iLoop1 = LBound(sArray1) To UBound(sArray1)
bExist = False
For iLoop2 = LBound(sArray2) To UBound(sArray2)
If sArray2(iLoop2) = sArray1(iLoop1) Then
bExist = True
Exit For
End If
Next iLoop2
If Not bExist Then
ReDim Preserve sResult(iResult)
sResult(iResult) = sArray1(iLoop1)
iResult = iResult + 1
End If
Next iLoop1
FindNotExistString = sResult
End Function
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim a(5) As String, b(3) As String
Dim c() As String, i As Integer
a(0) = "A"
a(1) = "BB"
a(2) = "CCC"
a(3) = "DDDD"
a(4) = "EEEEE"
a(5) = "FFFFFF"
b(0) = "BB"
b(1) = "AA"
b(2) = "CCC"
b(3) = "AAA"
c = FindNotExistString(a, b)
For i = LBound(c) To UBound(c)
Debug.Print c(i)
Next i
c = FindNotExistString(b, a)
For i = LBound(c) To UBound(c)
Debug.Print c(i)
Next i
End Sub
Option Explicit
Function FindNotExistString(ByVal sArray1 As Variant, ByVal sArray2 As Variant) As Variant
Dim sResult() As String, iResult As Integer
Dim iLoop1 As Integer, iLoop2 As Integer
Dim bExist As Boolean
iResult = 0
For iLoop1 = LBound(sArray1) To UBound(sArray1)
bExist = False
For iLoop2 = LBound(sArray2) To UBound(sArray2)
If sArray2(iLoop2) = sArray1(iLoop1) Then
bExist = True
Exit For
End If
Next iLoop2
If Not bExist Then
ReDim Preserve sResult(iResult)
sResult(iResult) = sArray1(iLoop1)
iResult = iResult + 1
End If
Next iLoop1
FindNotExistString = sResult
End Function
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim a(5) As String, b(3) As String
Dim c() As String, i As Integer
a(0) = "A"
a(1) = "BB"
a(2) = "CCC"
a(3) = "DDDD"
a(4) = "EEEEE"
a(5) = "FFFFFF"
b(0) = "BB"
b(1) = "AA"
b(2) = "CCC"
b(3) = "AAA"
c = FindNotExistString(a, b)
For i = LBound(c) To UBound(c)
Debug.Print c(i)
Next i
c = FindNotExistString(b, a)
For i = LBound(c) To UBound(c)
Debug.Print c(i)
Next i
End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
For i = 0 To 5
For j = 0 To 5
If a(i) = b(j) Then
ReDim Preserve c(SameIndex) As String
c(SameIndex) = a(i)
SameIndex = SameIndex + 1
GoTo ExitFor
End If
Debug.Print "数组a存在而数组b没有的数据:" & a(i)
ExitFor: Next
For i = 0 To UBound(c)
Print c(i)
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To 5
a(i) = Chr(65 + i)
' a(0) = "A" 'a数组
' a(1) = "B"
' a(2) = "C"
' a(3) = "D"
' a(4) = "E"
' a(5) = "F"
b(0) = "K"
b(1) = "D"
b(2) = "F"
b(3) = "A"
b(4) = "O"
b(5) = "Z"
End Sub
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
For i = 0 To 5
For j = 0 To 5
If a(i) = b(j) Then
ReDim Preserve c(SameIndex) As String
c(SameIndex) = a(i)
SameIndex = SameIndex + 1
GoTo ExitFor
End If
Debug.Print "数组a存在而数组b没有的数据:" & a(i)
ExitFor: Next
For i = 0 To UBound(c)
Print c(i)
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To 5
a(i) = Chr(65 + i)
' a(0) = "A" 'a数组
' a(1) = "B"
' a(2) = "C"
' a(3) = "D"
' a(4) = "E"
' a(5) = "F"
b(0) = "K"
b(1) = "D"
b(2) = "F"
b(3) = "A"
b(4) = "O"
b(5) = "Z"
End Sub
然后用B中的元素 去hashtable中查询 (这里的查询不是for 循环) 直接去取
查询到的 hashtable 移掉
然后用B中的元素 去hashtable中查询 (这里的查询不是for 循环) 直接去取
查询到的 hashtable 移掉
Option Explicit
Function FindSameString(ByVal sArray1 As Variant, ByVal sArray2 As Variant) As Variant
Dim sResult() As String, iResult As Integer
Dim iLoop1 As Integer, iLoop2 As Integer
iResult = 0
For iLoop1 = LBound(sArray1) To UBound(sArray1)
For iLoop2 = LBound(sArray2) To UBound(sArray2)
If sArray2(iLoop2) = sArray1(iLoop1) Then
ReDim Preserve sResult(iResult)
sResult(iResult) = sArray1(iLoop1)
iResult = iResult + 1
Exit For
End If
Next iLoop2
Next iLoop1
FindSameString = sResult
End Function
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim a(5) As String, b(3) As String
Dim c() As String, i As Integer
a(0) = "A"
a(1) = "BB"
a(2) = "CCC"
a(3) = "DDDD"
a(4) = "EEEEE"
a(5) = "FFFFFF"
b(0) = "BB"
b(1) = "AA"
b(2) = "CCC"
b(3) = "AAA"
c = FindSameString(a, b)
For i = LBound(c) To UBound(c)
Debug.Print c(i)
Next i
End Sub
Option Explicit
Function FindSameString(ByVal sArray1 As Variant, ByVal sArray2 As Variant) As Variant
Dim sResult() As String, iResult As Integer
Dim iLoop1 As Integer, iLoop2 As Integer
iResult = 0
For iLoop1 = LBound(sArray1) To UBound(sArray1)
For iLoop2 = LBound(sArray2) To UBound(sArray2)
If sArray2(iLoop2) = sArray1(iLoop1) Then
ReDim Preserve sResult(iResult)
sResult(iResult) = sArray1(iLoop1)
iResult = iResult + 1
Exit For
End If
Next iLoop2
Next iLoop1
FindSameString = sResult
End Function
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim a(5) As String, b(3) As String
Dim c() As String, i As Integer
a(0) = "A"
a(1) = "BB"
a(2) = "CCC"
a(3) = "DDDD"
a(4) = "EEEEE"
a(5) = "FFFFFF"
b(0) = "BB"
b(1) = "AA"
b(2) = "CCC"
b(3) = "AAA"
c = FindSameString(a, b)
For i = LBound(c) To UBound(c)
Debug.Print c(i)
Next i
End Sub
寻找A中存在而B中不存在的字符串, 或者寻找B中存在而A中不存在的字符串
Option Explicit
Function FindNotExistString(ByVal sArray1 As Variant, ByVal sArray2 As Variant) As Variant
Dim sResult() As String, iResult As Integer
Dim iLoop1 As Integer, iLoop2 As Integer
Dim bExist As Boolean
iResult = 0
For iLoop1 = LBound(sArray1) To UBound(sArray1)
bExist = False
For iLoop2 = LBound(sArray2) To UBound(sArray2)
If sArray2(iLoop2) = sArray1(iLoop1) Then
bExist = True
Exit For
End If
Next iLoop2
If Not bExist Then
ReDim Preserve sResult(iResult)
sResult(iResult) = sArray1(iLoop1)
iResult = iResult + 1
End If
Next iLoop1
FindNotExistString = sResult
End Function
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim a(5) As String, b(3) As String
Dim c() As String, i As Integer
a(0) = "A"
a(1) = "BB"
a(2) = "CCC"
a(3) = "DDDD"
a(4) = "EEEEE"
a(5) = "FFFFFF"
b(0) = "BB"
b(1) = "AA"
b(2) = "CCC"
b(3) = "AAA"
c = FindNotExistString(a, b)
For i = LBound(c) To UBound(c)
Debug.Print c(i)
Next i
c = FindNotExistString(b, a)
For i = LBound(c) To UBound(c)
Debug.Print c(i)
Next i
End Sub
Option Explicit
Function FindNotExistString(ByVal sArray1 As Variant, ByVal sArray2 As Variant) As Variant
Dim sResult() As String, iResult As Integer
Dim iLoop1 As Integer, iLoop2 As Integer
Dim bExist As Boolean
iResult = 0
For iLoop1 = LBound(sArray1) To UBound(sArray1)
bExist = False
For iLoop2 = LBound(sArray2) To UBound(sArray2)
If sArray2(iLoop2) = sArray1(iLoop1) Then
bExist = True
Exit For
End If
Next iLoop2
If Not bExist Then
ReDim Preserve sResult(iResult)
sResult(iResult) = sArray1(iLoop1)
iResult = iResult + 1
End If
Next iLoop1
FindNotExistString = sResult
End Function
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim a(5) As String, b(3) As String
Dim c() As String, i As Integer
a(0) = "A"
a(1) = "BB"
a(2) = "CCC"
a(3) = "DDDD"
a(4) = "EEEEE"
a(5) = "FFFFFF"
b(0) = "BB"
b(1) = "AA"
b(2) = "CCC"
b(3) = "AAA"
c = FindNotExistString(a, b)
For i = LBound(c) To UBound(c)
Debug.Print c(i)
Next i
c = FindNotExistString(b, a)
For i = LBound(c) To UBound(c)
Debug.Print c(i)
Next i
End Sub