I have the following
id eventid startdate enddate
1 1 2009-01-03 2009-01-05
1 2 2009-01-05 2009-01-09
1 3 2009-01-12 2009-01-15
How to generate the missing dates pertaining to every eventid?
Edit: The missing gaps are to be find out based on the eventid's. e.g. for eventid 1 the output should be 1/3/2009,1/4/2009,1/5/2009.. for eventtype id 2 it will be 1/5/2009, 1/6/2009... to 1/9/2009 etc
编辑:缺失的空白将根据eventid找到。例如eventid 1的输出应是1/3/2009,1/4/2009,1/5/2009。对于eventtype id 2将是1/5/2009,1/6/2009…1/9/2009等
My task is to find out the missing dates between two given dates.
Here is the whole thing which i have done so far
declare @tblRegistration table(id int primary key,startdate date,enddate date)
insert into @tblRegistration
select 1,'1/1/2009','1/15/2009'
declare @tblEvent table(id int,eventid int primary key,startdate date,enddate date)
insert into @tblEvent
select 1,1,'1/3/2009','1/5/2009' union all
select 1,2,'1/5/2009','1/9/2009' union all
select 1,3,'1/12/2009','1/15/2009'
;with generateCalender_cte as
select cast((select startdate from @tblRegistration where id = 1 )as datetime) DateValue
union all
select DateValue + 1
from generateCalender_cte
where DateValue + 1 <= (select enddate from @tblRegistration where id = 1)
select DateValue as missingdates from generateCalender_cte
where DateValue not between '1/3/2009' and '1/5/2009'
and DateValue not between '1/5/2009' and '1/9/2009'
and DateValue not between '1/12/2009'and'1/15/2009'
Actually what I am trying to do is that, I have generated a calender table and from there I am trying to find out the missing dates based on the id's
The ideal output will be
eventid missingdates
1 2009-01-01 00:00:00.000
1 2009-01-02 00:00:00.000
3 2009-01-10 00:00:00.000
3 2009-01-11 00:00:00.000
and also it has to be in SET BASED and the start and end dates should not be hardcoded
Thanks in adavnce
2 个解决方案
The following uses a recursive CTE (SQL Server 2005+):
以下使用递归CTE (SQL Server 2005+):
WITH dates AS (
SELECT CAST('2009-01-01' AS DATETIME) 'date'
SELECT DATEADD(dd, 1, t.date)
FROM dates t
WHERE DATEADD(dd, 1, t.date) <= '2009-02-01')
SELECT t.eventid, d.date
FROM dates d
JOIN TABLE t ON d.date BETWEEN t.startdate AND t.enddate
It generates dates using the DATEADD function. It can be altered to take a start & end date as parameters. According to KM's comments, it's faster than using the numbers table trick.
Like rexem - I made a function that contains a similar CTE to generate any series of datetime intervals you need. Very handy for summarizing data by datetime intervals like you are doing. A more detailed post and the function source code are here:
Insert Dates in the return from a query where there is none
Once you have the "counts of events by date" ... your missing dates would be the ones with a count of 0.
The following uses a recursive CTE (SQL Server 2005+):
以下使用递归CTE (SQL Server 2005+):
WITH dates AS (
SELECT CAST('2009-01-01' AS DATETIME) 'date'
SELECT DATEADD(dd, 1, t.date)
FROM dates t
WHERE DATEADD(dd, 1, t.date) <= '2009-02-01')
SELECT t.eventid, d.date
FROM dates d
JOIN TABLE t ON d.date BETWEEN t.startdate AND t.enddate
It generates dates using the DATEADD function. It can be altered to take a start & end date as parameters. According to KM's comments, it's faster than using the numbers table trick.
Like rexem - I made a function that contains a similar CTE to generate any series of datetime intervals you need. Very handy for summarizing data by datetime intervals like you are doing. A more detailed post and the function source code are here:
Insert Dates in the return from a query where there is none
Once you have the "counts of events by date" ... your missing dates would be the ones with a count of 0.